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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. or 'Duke Nukem Forever'!!!!!! wrench kevin stein
  2. Some more, basic information is included in the pdf file in the, oddly enough, folder named "Manual". Give 99.9% of the basic information you'll need to get started Of course, spending some time in our Knowledge Base is reccomended, too! wrench kevin stein
  3. THAT is where you went wrong. ALL the SF2 series aircraft have the drop tank 'built in' to the aircraft lod. You cannot use 'aftermarket' tanks without deleting or rewriting the entries in the aircraft data ini AND the loadout ini. Best thing to do ... --get rid of the aftermarket Hunters-- (assuming you're using AD's Hunter from 6 years ago), and you might have to uninstall the game, REinstall the game and start fresh. They work just right out of the box. Most, if not all, the other HUnter mods for SF2 are skin/decal paks, and reference STOCK lods wrench kevin stein
  4. have you looked in the terrains' _targets.ini? Or the planning maps?? Planning Maps show all the airbases. Also, if I;ve read the opening statement right, you ONLY have WoV? Without WoE (and the associated GErmanyCE terrain) ... well.... that's gonna cause some serious difficulties. wrench kevin stein
  5. it'll automatically 'merge' with SF2. IF you want a seperate SF2E mods folder, run the sf2e.exe, and it'll create one. Don't forget to create a new shortcut to the SF2e.exe. In essence, you create 2 sepeate game installs. The REAL Beauty of the SF2 Series wrench kevin stein
  6. (screenshot of open nose bay) is that where Joe Snuffy hides his stash??? looking GREAT!! wrench kevin stein
  7. if you look around in the downloads section --and I cant remembe exactly where (terrain mods? Object mods??)-- you'll find a GermanyCE _targets and _types ini already set up with HISTORICALLY correct HAWK placements. Was done by "NBell" (Nick Bell), who ran a HAWK battery in Europe, so he knew what he was doing. Try a search for 'files by NBell' wrench kevin stein
  8. Any map that I've worked on WILL have Blue Side SAMS. Don't forget, YOU must have the necessary items in your /GroundObjects folder, and the various missiles in your /Weapons folder. I've had multiple working SA-5s ... having caught many a one right the teeth. wrench kevin stein
  9. File Name: Libya - Ver 3.75 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 June 2010 File Category: Full Terrains Lybia Terrain; Updates, Fixes and Clean-Up For SF2 Series (& SF/Wo*, too!) What started out as a simple, quick "Limited Nations" fix, turned into a semi-major overhaul. This includes some retiling, and some fairly major targeting fixes. It has NOT been completly rebuilt; there might still be a few cities in Libya that might need re-working, but I just didn't want to futz around with them. Also, several of the NATO side targets have been vastly improved upon and expanded. Since I totally lost track of WHAT I added, I've chosen to re-release this as a FULL terrain. It is designed to replace any and all other originals or mods, as everything has been incoporated to this version, plus some additiional stuff and thingys, including some GroundObject tweeks. As stated above, this is the FULL terrain, with all internal objects needed. You simply need to unzip and install. This terrain mod, while designed for SF2 merged installs, is easily back-dated for use in all 1st Gen SF/SFG/Wo* game installs at the 08 Patch Level. You'll just need to change the shader statments; instructions are below. Information on the GroundObjects are in the "Notes" section. Also added are several new tiles, updating of some other tiles (to make them fit and look better), and LOTS of custom TODs for buildings and trees and such. For those that expect them, the 'Easter Eggs' on this terrian a the same as before, with the addition of a new billboard or 2..... It is also reccomened you have the Pasko's Ground Objects, Kesselbrut's Vehicles Pak, Fast Cargo's SA-5s; in short any and all add-on SAMs, AAA, vehicles, ships, and whatnot from any and all other terrain mods. They are NOT all included. See "Notes" below for information about Stock & 3rd Party Ships. However, some modified data inis for stock and 3rd party AAA units are included, as they are now networked to a search/track/fire control radar. Be advised, however, of the use of the "LimitedNations=TRUE" statement, thereby limiting WHO gets to play in this sandbox. It is ALSO highly reccomended you READ this entire document through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, we WILL clown on you. Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  10. I'm tring to determine if the Cavalier (C class DD) is fully yours, in this form, and NOT a full DAT product as I'd first believed (in the screenie below, of the /Cavalier folder). All the 'style' of the texture naming conventions matches all your other ships, and below is a copy of the ReadMe: (email addy editing for internet security reasons) This txt is dated 1/20/2005, and is attached for those of a more legal-mind to examine. If this IS totally yours, as can be infered from the above, I don't see any reason why it cant be uploaded as is, giving us another small destroyer for use. Unfortunately, I don't see your name in the Freeware Listing, so am requesting permissions, etc. (on a side note, I need to modify it to 'stand in' for the USCG HEC -it's passably close enough! Hence, this request for confirmation). I know there hasn't been a problem before with making mods of you ships, but just want to make sure (as I am the High Priest of the Temple of CYA) TIA!!! wrench kevin stein
  11. Christchurch Earthquake

    Living in Earthquake Country, USA, I can totaly sympathize. My thoughts go out to all in NZ. Been though several major quakes, and I know how it feels. Very disconcerting to feel the solid ground roll like the ocean wrench kevin stein
  12. Cranberries??? The Ninja Fruit!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2tL_DLZyRA&feature=related wrench kevin stein
  13. just change the GroundObjectType= to HAWK_ECCM_L tha'll fix that wrench kevin stein
  14. Might be a fault in the missle itself (I don't actually have it installed, so...) what about the Greek & Turkish NIKEs?? (btw, they'll need new userlists .. never got around to that yet, and updated statement in all the radar's data inis -- or "liberate" them from NF4) wrench kevin stein
  15. Might be a (main) nations ini problem, as both Greece and Turkey are classed in FRIENDLY in the games Nations.ini. This was a question I/we need to pose to TK ... which takes precedence: the game's NATIONS.INI or the Terrain Nations.ini????? (with regards to a possible "The Warbirds" mod, where Iraq is friendly, and Iran is enemy) I know that enemy aircrft can carry 'friendly' weapons -- it's done all the time (Iraqi/Syrian/Indian Hunters carrying UK bombs and rockets). I don't see any real reason why it should be different for GOs (it also dosen't seem to care about guns, ala ships) Just for S&Gs, I'd create a Greek missile, edit the launcher's data ini, and see if you get shot at! (good thing it's a game, huh??!) wrench kevin stein
  16. EXPORTED=TRUE??? and a FULL user list, or Nationailze them as "S-300_G" with non-exported, Greek only missiles and ground bits (did the same for the HQ-2s the Pakis use in the Indo-Pak mod) wrench kevin stein
  17. View File MiG-21MF Fishbed-J "Global Sedition" "Global Sedition" MiG-21MF Fishbed Skin/Decal Pak -- For SF2, any and all that have the 21MF -- Yet another in the Series of "Things I'd Forgotten I'd Done, and Found On My Hard Drive"... This is, basically, a redecalling of the stock MiG-21MF, but with new insignia decal for the 'Global Sedition' (an Evil Force ™, bent of World Domination (etc, and so forth). It's just another skin that can be used in the "What If..." world of the GS vs the North American Alliance. Just for fun! As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). enjoy! Wrench kevin stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 02/21/2011 Category What If Skins  
  18. Version


    "Global Sedition" MiG-21MF Fishbed Skin/Decal Pak -- For SF2, any and all that have the 21MF -- Yet another in the Series of "Things I'd Forgotten I'd Done, and Found On My Hard Drive"... This is, basically, a redecalling of the stock MiG-21MF, but with new insignia decal for the 'Global Sedition' (an Evil Force ™, bent of World Domination (etc, and so forth). It's just another skin that can be used in the "What If..." world of the GS vs the North American Alliance. Just for fun! As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  19. Yes, it's stock 3rd Wire; first appeard (along with the SCB-125 Essex) in WoV wrench kevin stein
  20. got these the other day, and was just now looking at them. great work! There are things in there I can use right now! and THANK YOU very much for the html describing the objects! you have NO idea the worth of something like that!! wrench kevin stein
  21. Becasue the IsraelME and VietnamSEA terrain are YEAR limited. They aren't designed for use past cetain dates' that TK want to 'focus' on To fix this: You'll need to edit the terrains MAIN ini (after extraction from each of the terrain cats) As seen below, for the IsraelME.ini: you'll need to do the same for V-SEA, since the date TK used in the end of the war. NOTE VERY IMPORTANT NOTE!!! Move the inis INTO the /Terrains/*nameofterrainfolder* BEFORE editing!! To answer the next question, you'll have to create a new /IsraelME and /VietnamSEA terrain sub-folders in your games /Terrains, since they don't exist in the stock form wrench kevin stein
  22. Moved to the (I hope!) appropriate Forum ========================================== Could you be a little more specific, please? Which Game? What Patch Level? (determines which WepEd -cause there's 2) What Operating System? (on your machine) Have you read/looked over the Tutorials in the Knowledge Base (link to main "Adding Weapons" sub-forum) http://combatace.com/forum/189-adding-weapons/ wrench kevin stein
  23. Saw this while flying outta Kalamazoo ... this one's for you Ken!! wrench kevin stein
  24. Why would you cripple the other flights by removing their gun ammo?? They might need it to protect YOU!! They're not always hotdog stands ... they could be BBQ Rib joints, 'Borscht Bowls' or Kwik-E-Marts!! anybody want a Squishie??? wrench kevin stein

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