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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. From the man that flys them!!! Good enough for me!! Thanks Dels!!
  2. Care and Feeding of the Wingmen 101: Beer, Burgers and Babes?? Just a thought! wrench kevin stein
  3. Departing Fort William & Thunder Bay wrench kevin stein
  4. You'll loose a LOT of bug fixes!!! Also, you can't 'go backwards' in patching. YOu'll have to uninstall the entire game, reinstall, and THEN patch. Not worth the effort. Just live with it like the rest of us, untill TK fixes the zBuffer issues (again) wrench kevin stein
  5. I rarely, if every, use PS for interting the text .. I just don't like the way it handles text; sometime hard to get the font size I want What I've been using in IrfanView ... it' free and really easy to use, and access ALL fonts available on your machine. On the down side, it adds a few extra steps. (but still, I can make 24 serials in well less than an hour) 1st Extra Steps: In PS, create a black bmp ... 128x128, white background Save As ... (in my case) SNum (for SerialNumber) Put that in your 'working decals' folder Open that bmp with IrFan, select the font and size (about 28pt works good for 5-6 digit numbers) type numbers, insert text, "save as..." SNum***.bmp -where *** is 000 - whatever. Do up all numbers needed. When done, NOW open PS, and create the decals those bmps. This is where some of the other steps come in... The numbers in the bmps will most likely NOT be centered in the image, so you'll need to outllne them with the rectangular marquee tool, CUT and PASTE them, which will center them. Now, this has a nice side effect, for now you can adjust the opacity of the numbers -I usually use between 90-85%. Gives a slightly faded, painted-on look. Merge the layer down. Outline the ENTIRE image, COPY. In the channels, "Add New Channel" (it'll be the Alpha) PASTE the image in, then INVERT. That'll switch and leave the open section over the numbers. "Save As..." SNum***.tga w/alpha (image with the black decal, with the 'whiteish 12') as you can see in the screenies, for the MirageIII0, I used 2 different fonts ... AmarilloUSAF for the serials, and the RAF font for the ID number. A-USAF looked closest to my eyes, from the photos. Also, the RAF font dosen't have a dash ( - ), so you'd have to paint EACH one in using a 1 or 2 pixel square brush. Too much frakking work! Like I said, it's a few more steps, but once you do it 8 or 900 times ... it become really easy! I'm sure you already know about adfserials.com, of course!! <grin> wrench kevin stein
  6. i've been using 0.55 for years ... they should come on just before dusk with that (it's an old Moonjumper fix from 6-7 years ago) wrench kevin stein
  7. isn't the kn-23 the laser designator or some such thing??? (this was lindr's mod, iirc) wrench kevin stein
  8. whacha think I've been bitching about the 12-18 months!!! ????? I got over 6 years of WW2 modding that's basicallly, shot-to-s**t, cause they're all too old. Makes me weep. wrench kevin stein
  9. I'm a High Priest of the Temple of CYA wrench kevin stein
  10. Re-read the readme ... you've either missed a step in installation, or are missing a 'weapon/seat/other device' that the FakePilot is being used for. Thus, again, stressing the importance of proper, detailed readme, and the End User™ following said instructions! (of course, you can always consider him the new 'nose gear', ala "The Flintstones", to prevent scrapping the belly, or a FOD protection device --should be holding a broom!!) wrench kevin stein
  11. These instructions are valid for ALL SF2 and FE2 series sims (as well as SF/Wo*, and FE/FEG, 1stGens) 1) download gerwin's extractor, for the link provided above 2) Unzip and install the cat extractor to a SEPERATE, stand alone folder at the root of your C/ drive (call it 'Cat Extractor' 3) Find the cat to be extracted in your ProgramFiles(x86)/ThirdWire *name of game* folder 4) COPY/PASTE the cat in question INTO the CatExtracor's folder. It leave the game's core files completly intact, harming nothing 5) after moving to the CatExtractor folder, drag/drop the cat in question OVER the CatPak.exe. It will automatically create a folder with the same name as the cat, and extract all files from said cat, placing them in the new folder. 6) now, you can delete the cat from the /CatExtractor folder This procedure will have to be followed after every round of patching, or installation of Expansion Paks, as ALL internal files seem to be updated. simple, straightforward, and easy! wrench kevin stein
  12. Sorry!!! (I had a girlfriend from Fon du Lac, and I'm sure Joy would've slapped the s**t outta me!!) I'll double check the spellling in the Nations.ini, too ... just to be safe!! wrench kevin stein EDIT: I'd forgotten The Great & Powerful Zur lives there ... looks like I'll have to add the "Hall of Zur" to Milwaukee...good thing I haven't gotten to that city yet!)
  13. Good thing I've given them a home fly from ... any from Wisconson? wrench kevin stein
  14. yes, things NOT in the area to be flow over, will not be added. HOWEVER..this is a small caveat: terrain objects (as opposed to ground objects) will always be there, as they're automatically pulled from the terrain cat. Terrain objects are defined as, for the most part, buildings and such. (the various city buildings, generators, evil-damn-commbuildings, warehouses, etc. Anything that is NOT in the GroundObject folder, but in the terrain folder or pulled for a cat). Ground objects have a 50km radius at which they spawn/despawn. So, no real worries with them (I've actually watched it happen!) Overall, it's simply not worth any extra effort to remove target areas; the drain on system rescources from the terrain objects is minimal. wrench kevin stein
  15. opps..forgot... no worries about Kesselbrut's 109 pit either ... just include it and spell his right!! (btw, we've got some pretty nice, correct Revi sight tgas' laying around, too - don't know if the thread/attachments are still intact, but check the 1sGen Prop Heads forum. If you can't find them ... I'll look around and see if I archived them) wrench kevin stein
  16. what about finding the mesh name for trim tab, and just using a red decal for whichever side it goes on? I've done that before of other aircraft (example: DATs Spitfires, on the radio mast, to cover the flipped mesh faces -works a charm!) BEAUTY skins ndicki!!! now, we just need some better FM for the others...and SF2-WW2 can really start taking off! wrench kevin stein
  17. It appears, that I might actually be needing this... if possible.... TIA wrench kevin stein
  18. welll....hard to say HF. The terrain uses the IsraelME tileset (which was a SERIOUS mistake on my part -shoulda used Germany, as then you could have all 4 seasons ala Stary's tiles -to far along to redo everything now!) The terrain really isn't an issue, as it'll be "complete". For anyother objects....????? I'd say Full-4 Merged to be safe; at very minimum, SF2/2V/2E as it is right now, it's JUST a terrain ... all those 'other objects' I've been releaseing are just to get them off my HD!! wrench kevin stein
  19. More BIrthday's

    WOOT! have a good one! wrench kevin stein
  20. Happy Birthday to......

    Happy Birthday Guys!! wrench kevin stein
  21. which is kinda funny, as my cousin's husband was in an FDC in Vietnam!! (155s), and I was just talking to her about it last week! wrench kevin stein
  22. is that my name on the sign!!???? Dude, that is rightously funny!! thanks! wrench kevin stein
  23. or, if it's a decal, Reverse=TRUE having done literaly HUNDREDS of nose art decals.... wrench kevin stein
  24. that's kinda neat!!! Be a cool addition! wrench kevin stein
  25. and the real bitch is.... since I can access the northern sections of map too (I'd left them blank before) I now have to populate Wisconson and points West!!! oy vey!!! Just added 25-45% more work!! what I did wrong, however, is have the western sections "occupied territory" (ala Red Dawn), and the Eastern sections (draw a line from Linclon, Nebraska to Topeka and head east) as friendly. Oh, well!!! whatever!! but for 'those in the know', yes, the nuclear reactor and castle ARE there wrench kevin stein

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