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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I'll post that skin in the d/l section, with a quicky explination. That way, I don't have to ... a) reupload the whole package and b) folks don't have the re-download the whole package! again, MANY thanks Dave!! wrench kevin stein
  2. That's just wwrrrrooooooonnnnng, on soooooooooooo many levels. wrench kevin stein
  3. that's why one runs EACH games exe, thereby creating individual mods folder for EACH game. Then, you can change the menus as will, and it won't f*** up the main merged SF2 install. wrench kevin stein
  4. EDIT: I'd forgetten this was the SF/Wo*, 1stGen forums... In your case, it's a stock item in WoV (well, its in SF2V as well!) wrench kevin stein
  5. was pretty sure that would fix it (after all, I went through the same thing myself!!) wrench kevin stein
  6. that's a damn weird effect, for sure! do you have an 3rd Party effect package installed? If so, remove/delete (ie: just rename the /Effects folder) it. Test again with the stock effects, and see what it looks like. Might be something incompatable hiding in there, or a video driver issue (hopefull not) wrench kevin stein
  7. ah, sure, right after I upload the frakking thing!!! oh well...after all we don't want to piss of the "pitot tube pirate", do we?? wrench kevin stein
  8. don't use unlimited shadowsn, drop down one notch (btw, Korea and Ira/Irag have the same issues on Unlimited) wrench kevin stein
  9. yup, the _HM.bmps are ONLY requreies on sea or sea/land transition tiles (or rivers). Basically, anywhre there's water wrench kevin stein
  10. like me, you'll enjoy this link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft_in_fiction#F-4_Phantom_II stumbled across it complety by accident, while researching "something completly different". There are a few mistakes, and ommissions, but over all it pretty damn cool!! wrench kevin stein
  11. If You're an Aviation Movie & Novel Buff...

    Yes they did; first as the Vindicator's escorts, then when ordered to, trying to intercept and shoot them down wrench kevin stein
  12. Version


    F-4E (86) Phantom II Skin Set - 45th TFW "The Warbirds" -- For SF2 (any/all) -- This skin/decal set is designed for use =ONLY= on the TMF F-4E ARN-101, as this is the proper airframe for the time period depicted. You can find/download the aircraft at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/9268-mirage-factory-f-4e-phantom-arn-101-for-sf2 -series/ You MUST install this aircraft first, before applying this skinpak. This is a fictional skin, representing the 45th TFW's 3 squadrons, as seen in the Richard Herman novel "The Warbirds". The novel tells the story of a fictional Persian Gulf war, wherein the 45th are (basically) the only US Air Power ™ in the region. I won't go into the storyline, but since it all revolves around a Phantom unit (the book says it's the last USAF Phantom unit, btw), and EVERYONE love Phantoms ... it's a no brainer, eh? The 3 Squadrons of the Wing are represented. They are: 377th TFS 378th TFS 379th TFS They carry the tail badges as when assigned to RAF Stonewood. After much discussion with the Resident Experts ™, it was decieded that the 45th's deployment to Ras Assanya was just that -a deployment-, and they would still carry the codes from their parent unit or base. Each squdron also has it's own tailfin color flash. A slightly modified Loadout ini is included, with some weapons changes (back to Iron Bombs ™ ). In reality, these late-model aircraft were used more on PGM delivery (ie: laser guided bombs) than 'dumb-bombs'. The Dumb Bombs fit more with the descriptions in the book. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). Don't forget to read the "Notes & Other Nonsense" for various and sundry ramblings of a madman, and Full Credits. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  13. further down in the avionics ini .... it'll be come apparent (look for TRACK) wrench kevin stein
  14. "Breaking" News: Farting to be banned in Malawi.

    and all the methane is contributing to Global Warming!!! wrench kevin stein
  15. NOT on any of my terrains! Even if I have to reuild the list from scratch wrench kevin stein
  16. rename or delete the AircrafObjects.ini. Known issue (there's a post in KB about it somewhere taht I forget) wrench kevin stein
  17. great looking 109 skins, kulbit. now, we just need some sf2 opponents... that recce pod is RIGHTEOUS!! wrench kevin stein
  18. "Toys and Videos" I heard they were trying to negotiate a 100 year contract with FedEx. ======= Sidd, you HAVE to texture the region first, setting up the airbase tiles (if available/used -depending on which tileset. VietnamSEA nd GermnayCE have AB tiles. Desert does not) Place runway via targets ini, check in game THEN flatten. Trust me on this; it's what I do every damn day!! (me every day ----> what I could use sometimes ---> (meaning, Divine Help!!) wrench kevin stein
  19. true, but not everyone wants to download multi-hundred meg things for a singe aircraft. (me being one of them!! ) wrench kevin stein
  20. don't forget this stickied Thread in the 1stGen forums: http://combatace.com/topic/25990-woi-historic-mods-thread/ wrench kevin stein
  21. NICE! The last time I say one, was at the Castle AFB museaum .. minus it's wing and sitting on the ground! (wings were lying next to it) wrench kevin stein
  22. Stock 3rdWire ground object, that comes with SF2:V. It even comes with the hull numbers (again, stock) for KittyHawk class CVs wrench kevin stein
  23. actually, I'd use 5; seems to work a little better. The Level Airfield function can REALY f*** thing things up fast, expeically when near coastllines and in mountainous regions. Rule of Thumb that I've found -- one tile inland from the sea/land transitions for airports. Lessens the chance for "water humping" (i'm sure you Navy guys are familiar with that! ) typical citylist.ini entry, for an airport: [City00**] Name=Slavens International PornPort TextureType=3 Randomness=0 PositionX=123.000000 PositionY=456.000000 Width=5.000000 Height=5.000000 HasAirfield=TRUE wrench kevin stein
  24. just cruising over the jungle, tolling for MiGs... wrench kevin stein

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