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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. got it all converted; but with one problem ... the pilot name tags aren't changing. They're set as Level=2, but it always seems to have the same one. Other than that, the SF2 conversion is just about done. I've some ideas...and will test them out over the weekend. Before uploading, I want to make sure everything works!! wrench kevin stein
  2. look around somewhere in the 1stGen skin section ... iirc, AllenJB did the IDF skin. Also, iirc, they added the waist guns and the tail guns. the Top turret and later a chin turret was added, but after the 48 war. Rmember, too, they only had 3 Forts. Just used standard or garden variety M2 50 cals; just like in WW2. Remember when you upload them, do NOT include the aircraft LODs (but, you probably knew that already) However, since I DID get a special permission/dispensation for Mc-205, I'd tell folks to get the one off my site, they add YOUR data ini. Might work around the issue.??? wrench kevin stein
  3. got the new, revamped skin from Dave; expect the 45th skin/decal pak in a day or so. All 3 squadrons covered (well, they use different fincolor decals at least!) The mapping on the ARN is a bit different than the stock Es, so that's where I was messing up. All is good now! wrench kevin stein
  4. I recognize that signature! Been gone a while, man. Yes, SF2 really is the way to go. 90%+ of all the "Big Name" modders have moved on to it. Things ARE a little different, but the basic folder structure is the same; it's just in a differnt place now. When you do get it, read over the SF2 Knowledge Base, and it'll help get you up to speed. Then, you can ask Dave wrench kevin stein
  5. 2nd round on my, brother!! That is, if you don't mind Diet Pepsi!! wrench kevin stein
  6. that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!!!! WOOT!! Maybe I should just stick to terrains....
  7. as per Dave & my PM and phone conversations, trying to get the skin on the correct aircrft (ie: TMF F-4E ARN) Having some SERIOUS issues with slimers showing up that are't even on skin....it is REALLY pissing me off!! Even painted on the tail codes (and have an alternate _4.bmp with the SW code) ggggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....driving me bats**t crazy; wanting to use the time-frame correct aircraft, as opposed to the F-4E_78 (which is ssoooo much easier!) wrench kevin stein
  8. Here's an Idea!! Obviously, you must be on Vista or Win7, yes? You can ... a) move the ENTIRE WoE folder OFF the desktop, to the root of the C/ drive (ie-- C:/Wings Over Europe (don't forget to either edit or delete the shortcut, or create a NEW shortcut that points to the install), Or b) delete the install and REinstall it to the Root of C (see above) then, c) put the patch exe INTO the /Wings Over Europe folder, where the games main exe is and, d) try running the patch from there And DO try to use punctuation in your posts/responses. We're taking a lot of time to try and help you, so give us a little in return, please. wrench kevin stein
  9. malibu: I take you've never flown any of the WW2 stuff that some of us have been/had busted their balls on for SF/Wo* since 2003??? All the aircraft, skins, terrain mods and so forth??? (mind you, a LOT of the stuff is VERY long in the tooth, and in dire need of new models, let alone FMs that wrok in 08/SF2) Does IL2 look better? Sure do! Does IL2 have the moddability the SF/Wo* series has? No that I've ever heard. Is RS an alternavie? Could be; not having any money to spend (or, at all actually!), I really can't spead to it. As to the rest, it's a long, dirty story and I ain't going there (and yes, I've also heard that my ring-and-bead gunsight, that I made for Wolf's Tomahawk/P-40B/P-36 somehow made it's way there too. I'm beyond caring) wrench kevin stein
  10. 'Rising Sun' It'll be the same as YAP, meaning packages of item, missions, terrains, aircrft/ground objects. Supposed to cover the war from Pearl Harbor to The Surrender. They been advertising it for nearly a year over at SHQ wrench kevin stein
  11. ok, about 10 minutes work ... took Mike's F-4D Loran V.3, did a little tweeking the decals ini, converted the towel rack to a pilot seat, used the stock F-4D_67, and it's skins, Mike's decals, etc (btw, I DID create it as a new plane, F-4D_LORAN, just to be safe as I'm a great believer in CYA!!) Love the decals! The pilot tags on the canopy, aircraft number INSIDE the gear door!! WOOT!! .. too cool!! No issues that I can see! Left the loadouts stock The only thing I'd really do, is resking it, and add the slimers tothe skin template, and remove those as decals. But it works PERFECT just like this! wrench kevin stein
  12. A question about the engines.

    well, control/I will it shut it off, and resart. AFAIK, there's no plans for TK in implement the 'blip switch' wrench kevin stein
  13. that can be a problem if the code letters are part of the stripe (like how TK does them - one right, one left) wrench kevin stein
  14. I thinks I like the grays better meself!!! wrench kevin stein
  15. is that MAX render, Mike?? Looks AWESOME! If they're seperate aircraft (ie: newish), they should drop it with minimal muss and fuss! wrench kevin stein
  16. Excuse me ... but when I went to school, the next number in sequence after 2099 was 2100, NOT 3000. IIRC, FastCargo might have mentioned that in YOUR other thread?? wrench kevin stein
  17. <cought> Fake Pilot <cough> use the F-4D_67, add the rack via aforementioned method. You'll have to extract the skins from the ObjectData006 (don't forget the drop tanks!) Do the decals ini dance, etc. Shouldn't be too hard ... I'll give it alook when I have a chance ... in "2 weeks" wrench kevin stein
  18. allen: My paperback is the REEEELLLLLY old one, with the embosed Phantom. My hardback has just the title words. I don't recall if they never really said. Somewhere I do remember it mentioning camo -- can't remember if it was while at RAF Stonewood, or Rat A$$; although the 3-tone would be fairly good fit for the Gulf. Wouldn't be too difficult to redo in Gray. (which would match the Weasels when CJ Conlin shows up) Opinions needed ... given the time frame of late 80/early 90s ... maybe gray WOULD be better. Speaking of RAF Stonewood...fixed the decal issue. Dopey me has the right and left decals switched, so left is right and right is left and "Wrong Is Right" (if it dosen't happen on TV, it dosen't happen" wrench kevin stein
  19. I'd thought about that, too. Orignally based at Alexandria West; what Code? AW? AX? Made the "ST" for those players that want them on the Germany/Europe map (can't use SW as that's Shaw) for RAF Stonewood, but they're not showing up for some reason. I may have the lettering backwards -- meaning left decals is actually the right side. Sill experimentating. The switch SHOULD be a simple edit of the decals to "name" the other taill/tailr decals (named TailL2, TailR2) summat like this: Although, on mine I use Level=0, since it's a dedicated skin, and the squadrons aren't listed in the SquadronList.ini Should be the same positioning for any other E as well. I'm using the _78, as the book describes the long-barreled version (after the Libyan Mig kill, when Locke's aircraft is being inspected .. the shot-off section of the housing, for the round exploding in the muzzle) wrench kevin stein
  20. I'd say that worked .... now, just need to do up a read me, and the tail badges for Stonewood...(just in case someone wants to fly in Europe, you know?) wrench kevin stein
  21. thanks guys!! GREAT news for the Triple Nickel!!! wrench kevin stein
  22. I want to get the guys to start releasing aircraft for Indo-Pak soon; the terrain is complete Iran/Iraq??? "2 weeks" KAW? who knows ... major progress in being made on new birds, now that the prop issue has been fixed. wrench kevin stein EDIT: forgot the data ini!! Back up original, then just drop this in
  23. Happy Birthday ST0RM

    sorry to be late Jeff!! Happy Burpday!! wrench kevin stein
  24. The Warbirds.... (gotta LOVE Ant's templates!!)
  25. Air Force that's looks pretty much what I'm looking for!!! Thanks Raven! Now, it's a simple repaint of the fin tga .... and a full wing will soon be done. (seen screenshot thread for sample) btw, anyone know the mesh name for the RHAW bump on the aft edge of fin? Decals don' seem to want to appear on it looked at stock decals ini, and the LOD with my handy-dandy hex editor....or is it NOT supposed to be painted? wrench kevin stein

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