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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. is the radar texture (called out in the avionics ini), and in the /cockpit folder a bmp or tga? There were issues with tgas being used that caused that. Switching to a bmp made it go away (if this is the same issue, that is) or, change the pointer to a stock bmp, and see what happens (ie: F-4E_Radar.bmp) wrench kevin stein
  2. that's why having good templates is a MUST! Unfortunately, there aren't any (stock) templates available for the Red Air birds for SF2, so one may need to create their own. wrench kevin stein
  3. you won't get ctds ... but you may be attacking the same 'class' of cargo ship over and over and over and over...etc. So, I've not experienced that in any SF2 install (KAW, Iran/Iarg, Indo-Pak, etc) I never had a problem durning testing wrench kevin stein
  4. Skins and ini edits are ALWAYS allowed. Full aircraft mods are allowed; proviso: IF the creator if the aircraft is a Freeware signatory, all you need is making sure you spell his name right. IF not (like TMF), get permission from a rep of that team, and make sure that's stated in the readme. IF said aircraft is NOT readily available (DAT), don't include the LOD. Give information on where/how to get it. For example, on my recent F-4D LORAN mod, using all mppd's decals, the LORAN rack, and the stock 3W F-4D_67. Even though the -4D LORAN is in the SF2V War Expansion pak (albeit with a different skin) The 117 is a special case, and I don't think it's allowed as a seperate release, only in ODS If one want's to go through the whole process of building a complete new aircraft form teh groun up, no one's stopping anyone. OTH, if it's mod of something stock, that's only availabe in one version of the sim (example: Mirage III only in SF2E), it'll only be usable in a Full-4 Merged install, that MUST be stated. Look at some of my reads, in the 2nd or third line form the top. An example would be my MirageIIIO, for the RAAF -- you need a Full-4 merged for the lod (SF2E) and for the cockpit (Shahak from SF2I) (these havn't been released, btw, as TMF is working on the correct physical model for both versions) To put it another way: the onus is NOT on the modder to make sure the End User has all the parts necessary for the add-on. We ran into this very same (non)issue for KAW and Indo-Pak. KAW will require at the very least, a Full-4 merged install, WITH Expansion Pak 1, as that's where the MiG-15 comes from (unless the aircraft is replaced by a new-build). Same for India-Pakistan -- full-4 merged with exp1, as the Mystres come from SF2E(/I?), the Vampires from Exp1. bottom line: if people don't have the needed bits to run the mod, its on THEM to have the proper game installs to do so. That's my opinion as modd builder, NOT a CA Rep. We build for what we have, and let other catch up wrench kevin stein
  5. If it's kesselbruts cockpit (and it is), he's given permission =iirc= for his stuff to be freely used (check the Freeware Thread in the 1stGen forums) It should be availabe in a couple of mods lying around .. I just don't remember where they are! wrench kevin stein
  6. afaik, 86 and later. (the story in the book take place sometime between 90-91 as Dave & I extrapolated) wrench kevin stein
  7. the eaw WW2 map covers that entire region. Unfortunately, it's ....well....in need of major reworking (ie: read retililng to modern standards with GermnayCE tiles, and complete reoganization of the targets.) but, that's all we got. (unless someone feels the need -and has the talent/time- to rebuild the stock WoE GermanyCE to late 1944 era. cities tend not to move too much from the original locations.....) wrench kevin stein
  8. about the colors used on the fin stripe. I know we have red, yellow and blue, but WHICH one is used on WHAT squadron in the Wing? Meaning: 1st Sqdn, red? 2nd Sqdn, yellow? 3rd Sqdn, blue? or what order?? TIA! wrench kevin stein
  9. mike, is this what you wanted?? if, so I'll PM the item over. wrench kevin stein
  10. Yes, I know I've posted this before. This one is for LouG. My way of saying "Thank You" wrench kevin stein
  11. USMC Korean Air War Night Fighters

    Oh, definately usable ... this'll help us on the Korea Mod!! Many Thanks! wrench kevin stein
  12. also, forgot to mention ... add these 2 lines to the AircraftData section; this'll create the 'crashed and burning' article on the ground DestroyedModel=IL-28_Destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect while not an exact shape match, it IS a wreck! wrench kevin stein
  13. Gooney Birds rule!! Thanks Paulo!! wrench kevin stein
  14. those data sn loadout inis a couple posts back ARE the arinies!! (also usable on all Es) wrench kevin stein
  15. IIRC, it's also in the old "Editing Bunyap's Weapons Pak" thread in the 1stGen KB, and somewhere in the downlods section ("3 Sparrows & a Jammer") --- it's a really old trick; but works on ALL Rhinos. One just needs to double check the GropeIDs for the sparrow stations. And, historicality too. wrench kevin stein
  16. what, for the regouped Sparrows?? Shhoottt man, I been doing that since 2003!! for the 86: and loadout ini: (ie: the warbirds loadout ini. adjus STRIKE as needed) Ini dancing ain't nothing! (unless it's FMs!!!) wrench kevin stein
  17. There wasn't a 'readme.txt' included?? I'm sure there is... Yes, you need to create a /Terrains folder then, create an /IsrealME folder then drop all Stary's goodied in there. You WILL see a visual difference, once in game. Startlingly different!! wrench kevin stein
  18. after hours of experimentating, chose to throw the 'written word' out the window. setteled on this scheme... although a glossy black would be pretty evil looking... wrench kevin stein
  19. "if we want's 'em"??? oh, twist my arm!!! wrench kevin stein
  20. there may be a HFD/TFD and targets upgrade in the near future. PauloPanz sent me some very detailed OrBats and maps, so I may be "forced" to add a few more bases west of Basra. It all depends on what (and who) is building the new campaigns for it. Obvioulsy, some stuff will be impossible to add, due to HFD issues, and the proximity of The Wall (meaning, really nothing further north than Kirkuk or further west than the lake near Najef) don't even want to think of the Saudi airbases along the Iraqi/Saudi border.... and I did forget the border post/bridge at the Iraqi/Kuwaiti border. wrench kevin stein
  21. You need to extract the HUDData.ini, place it in the /Flight folder. Then, you need to edit the top section (this IS in the KB, btw, in my Tutorial on placing targets) thusly: [Debug] //DisplayDebug=FALSE DisplayDebug=TRUE ---------------- you see the whole thing, because you're beyond the visual limit of things that sink Flatten the airfield, that'll fix the unevenness of the ground ---- your airbase 'region' is far too large .. runways 1,5,6 only require 6 tiles (at most) Runway4 however .. another story. *(runways 2 & 3 can also get away with 6) As you can see in the screenie, Shayka Mazar used 4 farm2airfield75 (corners) and 2 farm2airfield50 (sides) tiles. Rasheed uses 4 75s and 4 50s due to the RepGuard base to the south. Baghdad Int'l being a runway4, uses 4 airfiled tiles (****AB) in the center, and 4 75s at the corners, and 8 50s around the top/bottom/sides. It makes the 'clear zone slighter larger than it should, but these are terrain engine/tile limitation and cannot be worked around. wrench kevin stein
  22. as promised, here's the first Air Pirate aircraft for the Wing-fans havin' a hell of a time for The Stuka's Huns......uuuuuuuuuuuggg wrench kevin stein
  23. DA: who needs decals, when you can put the text right on the template??* Dosent' GIMP do that?? wrench kevin stein *something I rarely do, but in this case ... used for 3 squadrons ... it's ok
  24. Welcome to my frakking world!! What, you can't extract the bmp, and repaint it? COMPLETLY extract the deset terrain cat, and you'll find all the textures needed to "fix" the issue. And, if you're cleaver enough, you can actually create NEW runways that are specificaly 90/270 (although, plotting the parking slots, taxi positions, landing and take-off positions, let alone all the structures, will be a nightmare beyond belief.) Hence, the reason we don't mess with those things, and just ignore the painted one compass heading. MUCH easier to just rotate the runway to the desired heading. wrench kevin stein
  25. well, DA, we have it Euro1... wrench kevin stein

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