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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. open the LOD with a hex editor (if no OUT file is available), and search for the mesh names you're using. Then, I guess it's experiment with different positioning? (fore/aft, up/down) wrench kevin stein
  2. some shots from the Iran/Iraq map rebuild... 1) near Nasriyah 2) near Basra, with Al Faw in the background, and the Shatt-al-Arab (Basra airport below) wrench kevin stein
  3. EVERYTHING is easily importable ... although terrains require about 5 minutes (or Less) of work to convert the shader statements to those used by SF2. A very neat tutorial was written by one of the Terrain Guru's in the SF2 KB on 'how to'. Ships, vheicles are just drag/drop into the /GroundObjects folder. Aircraft are nearly as easy, just the decals need moving to the /Decals folder wrench kevin stein
  4. or, the 2 LODs share completly different mesh names??? wrench kevin stein
  5. Could you possibly enlighten us as to WHICH patch level for WHICH weapons editor? Meaning: 06 patch levels and lower require the original weapons editor 08 patch levels REQUIRE the 08 level editor. That's all there is too it. wrench kevin stein
  6. My pleasure! Glad its working out! wrench kevin stein
  7. maybe because they're 08 and above level FMs?? Without 'downgrading' them, or having someone rebuild them to 2 generations-ago patch levels ... you might not be able to fix it. Or, just patch to 08 level (create a new install, patch, and re-test). another reason the 'big birds' are best left as AI (bombers, transports, etc). wrench kevin stein
  8. yup; that's how I use them! (and they're a 1st Class Bitch to shoot down!) lots of ECM and CMs, and very pissed off gunners!!! wrench kevin stein
  9. Nice!!! good to see an updated version! wrench kevin stein
  10. see above, from the Dev A-Teams site. http://cplengineerin...d69516a4ece53ec you'll see a forum thingy called "Boards & File Policies" . Info to register is in there; you'll need to register twice, once for the message boards, another for the file downloads wrench Kevin stein
  11. they should be in the SF/Wo* downloads section, either under Transport/Multi-Engine or Soviet (can't remember whick!) wrench kevin stein
  12. for 3rd Party tanks and missles and bombs and etc, you may have to edit the items main ini, adding the lod pointer and shadow lines example: as to WHY nothing shows up, that's usually an install fault. Here's a test: rename the /Weapons folder to /xWeapons folder, and see if all the stock stuff comes back. Another thing to double/triple check are the AttachtmentType= line in the each and every one of the data inis for the aircraft in question. wrench kevin stein
  13. don't forget to add the IsraelME_Targets.ini and IsrealME_Types. ini from the 48/56 pak. They 'store' the new items, and if they're not there, you'll probably crash/lock up EDIT: you'll also need the _Nations.ini, which is expaned to include RAF/RN/FN/ADA You may also want to add the other arab nations BACK to it (jordan, etc) EDIT: yet again! Ok, just tested it, started a mission editatated it to move my flight to Akrotiri, and no issues, even with stock tiles. The screenie below is the folder. The planning maps (well, pm3 at least) is Kulbrits with the additon of the Cypriot ABs. Here's the mission I generate/editated. Unfortunatly, due to a dead control stick I can't actually fly it...so you can test it. Must have flyable Hunter 5s copy/paste, and "save as..." Hunter5CAP.msn wrench kevin stein
  14. Fubars tweeks to the Zipper are NICE!!! Live up to it's billing as the 'missile with a man in it' You should upload it, Ed. I think the other Zipper-heads would like it! wrench kevin stein
  15. I forgot to mention, you'll also need the _targets and _types inis, although if you want the 'red' side to annoy the Cypriot bases, you'll have to change ALL the items at Phaphos and Akrotiri (they use a "special" cloned item, set with a 0 target value. That's to keep the EAF/SyAF/whoever from trying to fly there in there in them short legged Migs. They'd never make it!!) EricJ: aren't you happy with the Afghanistan tweeks I made? Was actually thinking about releaseing that as an "Modern Era" upgrade pack. What other maps are you thinking about??? I still have the Central America to finish, along with Iran/Iraq. (nearly done, btw) wrench kevin stein
  16. why not just use that, that's already done??? (meaning do you reeeeeeealllllllllyyyyyyyyy want to start learing the Terrain Editor?? :suicide2: <--me every day!!) From the Suez'56 campaign mod ... included are the needed TFD, HFD and tile set (albeit Stary's IsraelME - which looks better than the stock ones) IIRC, the way I built it, even withOUT stary's tile set, it'll revert to the stock airbase tile for the 2 on Cyprus. Linky ..... http://combatace.com/files/file/11024-1948-war-for-independence1956-suez-crisis/ wrench kevin stein
  17. Isn't there a listing of the needed bmps and/or tgas in the SF2 Knowledge Base, under "Cockpit Fixes for SF2" or word to that effect ... possibly on Page 2 of the SF2 KB.... wrench kevin stein
  18. Version


    Junkers Ju-87R Stuka, for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE MTO Style Installs -06 Patch Level Installs ONLY This is a mod of Pasko's Ju-87B Stuka into the slightly later, long range version, the Ju-87R. The main difference is the 'duplication' of 2 of the under-wing hardpoints for the use of 2 300 ltr drop tanks. The 'stock' stations for the 4 small bombs are still intact for short-ranged use for CAS type mission. No other changes in the flight model or other data have been effected. A completly new skin, from home-made templates based off the original skins, represents 4/StG.2 in North Africa in the approximate 1941-43 time frame. The aircraft carries a MTO/Desert finish (see Notes below for more info.) All new decals are included for individual aircraft, however research has shown that some letters were NOT used on the call sign/ID, so there's only 23. No number list is included; this will force the Game Engine ™ to cycle back to the beginning of the number set, when the last number is reached, allowing all aircraft to have -something- on their fuselage. Data ini and loadout edits included all the lights being dialed in to their (more or less) proper positions, and the landing light now works. (see Notes below for just how). As stated above, 2 of the wing stations now carry drop tanks, but all are usable for bombs on shorter ranged missions. This is handled via the Loadout.ini. I took a 'SWAG' as to the STRIKE and Anti-Ship loadouts, and used the heavier 1000kg bomb. My research has been unable to determine if this is historically correct, but switching back to the 500kg is a simple text edit. A new WoE-style Hangar Screen is included, as are the damage tgas I did some years back. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, at the 06 patch level -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI. It has also NOT been tested in the NextGen, SF2 series. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk. = =This mod is designed for use with the WW2 Weapons Pak by me, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, guns, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read it all the way through, so as to be familarized with the procedures, and whatever issues I've encountered. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  19. why not just scan the entire book, and convert to PDF??? It isn't that hard! (and if had any money, I'd PAY for a copy of it!!) wrench kevin stein
  20. Thanks! Yea,looks like the 0,0,0 point of bomb's lod is off a bit. Like you said, I wouldn't mess with the data ini; just leave it as is wrench kevin stein
  21. how 'bout a screenshot of the see-through skin??? More than likely, and just guessing without a visual of the anomoly, too many decals on a single mesh. Edit decals ini, and see what happens wrench kevin stein
  22. Version


    SBD-5 Dauntless, VB-10 USS Enterprise, Battle of the Marianas - For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO Installs- This is a semi-complete aircraft pak, based on Wolf257's SBD creating the later, and most produced version, the SBD-5. I say "semi-complete", as the aircraft LOD and the "new" cockpit folder are NOT included. Modifications include the use of the cockpit (not included) from Geo's Hellcat, as it has the requisite look for a Navy aircraft, and the required reflector gunsight. Data ini mods include a slight upgrade in engine HP, and the 'fixing' of the rear gunners twin 30 mount. (see 'Note and Other Ramblings below for a full list of stuff), and some location tweeks to the 3 weapons stations (ie: raised them up a tad). Adjusted loadouts include the 58 gallon drop tank from Pasko's F4F Wildcat; these are identical in shape to those used on the -5 and -6 Dauntless. A new skin, from my enhanced template, is done up in the "Tri-Color" of mid-1943 to early/mid 1944. It represents aircraft from VB-10 aboard USS Enterprise and/or VB-16 from USS Lexington II at the time of the Invasion of the Maraina Islands. In this respect, it may also be considered a rather "generic" Tri-Colored Dauntless for the time period (albeit with some differences for some ships in how the parting line between the lower white-gray and 'intermediate blue' was done). As this was just before the "G System" of marking came into effect, it can be used for either squadron. Individual modex and BuNums for 38 aircraft are included. The BuNums are correct as they ARE for the -5 Dauntless, but I claim no historical accuracy as to if these particular aircraft were assigned to the squadrons in question. The 'holes" in the dive brakes have also been repainted, to clean up their lines. "Simulated" fabric texture covering the control surfaces has also been painted on. A new -only available in this mod!!- WoE style carrier deck Hangar screen is included, as is the damage tga. My original early model loading screen, R.G. Smiths painting of the "Famous Five Minutes" is also enclosed. It's such a great piece of artwork, how could I resist?? -= NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =- -== This aircraft has been tested in SF/WoV/WoE and post-patch WoI (8/08) as well as post 9/08 & 10/08 SF/WoV/WoE. There still are some 'issues' with prop-plane flight models, but there has been a MARKED improvement!! You use it in these Post Patch Environments at YOUR own risk. It's reccomended usage is for versions of the game at the 2006 level ONLY. ==- -=NOTE: You MUST have Geo's F6F-3 Hellcat for the cockpit!!! If you don't, you can get it from his site: Geo's Aircraft: http://www.geos-aircraft.com/SFAircraft.htm As expected, there's a detailed readme with all the instructions needed for installation, and the usual Notes and Other Nonsense section Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  23. Took less than 3 minutes (including unzipping TE's pak) try this .. I can't test it 'cause half the buttons on my 568 are dead (need a new stick ...NOW!!!) dates are probably wrong, so they'll need double checking.... Please post screenies, so I can it see it worked!! wrench kevin stein
  24. You sure do like that map EricJ!! wrench kevin stein
  25. Unfortunately, I'm not an ex-serviceman. Never got my opportunity to serve (for a lot of reasons). Just well edumacated on such things. I was talking about terrain & object mods (my speciality). In fact, I was just working on your home town for the Iran/Iraq map rebuild. Was adding roads from Baghdad to Tikrit to Mosul and back to Kirkuk. Tiling sucks! I'll post some pics of batteries, so you get an idea of what they look like in game. (hopefully shooting) wrench kevin stein

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