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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. you're talking to the guy that lays out arty batteries in his sleep. I was the one that 'invented' working artillery, waaaaaaaaaaaay back around 2003!! I'm not exactly sure how you change the 'life' of the projectile. Below is from the 13.5 in battleship gun: [GunData001] TypeName=13.5IN_MKV FullName=Vickers 13.5" Mk V Caliber=343.000000 ROF=2.000000 MuzzleVel=759.000000 AmmoWt=635.000000 WarheadWt=20.200001 Reliability=98.000000 Accuracy=90.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=4000.000000 FireColor=0.400000,0.360000,0.256000 GunFireEffect=ArtilleryFireEffect GunFireSound=TankGun EffectClassName=ArtilleryEffects EffectTime=1.500000 TracerTexture= TracerSize=0.000000 TracerDistFactor=0.000000 TracerLength=0.000000 MaxVisibleDist=0.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=0.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE you could try increasing the MaxVisibleDist and MaxStreakVisibleDist, but I really don't know if that'll work. Might be someting in the particlesystem ini that would need adjusting; I'm just not 'up' on that stuff. I do know the EffectTime would be the muzzle flash. Again, it's something that, IMHO, it's worth messing with. Even then, you have to bring either the tubes or the targets within range of each other, either via terrains targets ini placement or it's movement ini; to bring attacking AFVs with range of the defending arty. And since arty is "fixed" (even SPGs), you have to bring the attackers TO the defenders, either way, most arty only will reach about 1 tile's width (~5km), anything else is out of range (excepting rocket artillery ala BM-14-16s -which we do have as working. They go about 10-15km, but it's a rocket, not a shell, and has a built in guidence sytems -it's a cheat, but it works) The other thing would be surface-2-surface missiles (FROGs and SCUDs). wrench kevin stein
  2. the 2nd one .... that was the first one I got, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the 60s. I have a fairly hi-rez scan of it on one or all my externals and someplace on CD ... just have to find it!! (to say nothing of lots of avart paintings too! Trudigan, Taylor, etc) I built that model so many times, I didn't need to look at the directions!!!! (and, converted it to a D, for the "Mary Ann" from the movie 'Air Force' -- one of my all time favs!!) looks like we'll also be needing the Osprey 8th AF B-17 units book too! (the P-61 book is where I got all the nose arts from that I made the decals with) remember too, on the Belle, the swimsuit was red on the right, and blue on left! wrench kevin stein
  3. Correct order of installation of the SF2 Series games: (directly from the 3rdWire site -- linky ---> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=6582 SF2 SF2:V SF2:E SF2:I Exp 1 Exp 2 They will automatically merge with SF2; if you want seperate 'versions' of the others, you MUST run each ***.exe (sf2e.exe, for example), which will create, in essence 6 completly seperate game installs (ie: 'the mods folders') You cannot merge 1stGens (SF/Wo*) with NextGen (SF2s) series games. Please make sure you're using the right phraseolgy; it'll eliminate confusion!!! why would you want a bullet visible for 15km??? Even arty shell don't 'live' that long in game (due to gun range issues). It can be changed, however, by editing the gun's data ini. But really isn't worth the effort involved. Can cause slow-downs in other items to be rendered. wrench kevin stein
  4. must find classic revell boxart for loading screen.... (you all know which one I'm talking about...) wrench kevin stein
  5. FYI don't hold your breath

    not knowing too much about OFF (and 3D work in general)... I'm making some rather large assumptions here, so bear with. IF they are creating new aircraft (and I assume this is correct), they're probably being built in 3dMAX. Now, Max don't care what the origination is ... it's the end product, when exported, that creates the physicaly usable model for the game. (what 3W calls the LOD). Now, if they were so inclinded, and interested, (since it's payware...that being a slightly different story -more later), all they'd need would be the lates 3rdWire Exporter, and VIOLA!!! New model for FE. Mind you, this dosen't take into account all the ini & other work necessary for the flight model, cockpits, skins and etc. Since OFF is a payware product, would they even be interested in producing a PW mod for FE? And how many would actually buy it? I personally have no issue whatsoever with payware -- I've got RazBams birds for SF, and they're beautiful! or, would a 3D guy purchase the 3ds (max file) from them, and either freeware it or release as payware? Interestering possibilities here, but who knows?? wrench kevin stein
  6. Please!!! People!!! They are no longer to be called 'retarded'. The new politicaly correct name is "forward motion challenged" 1000 # bomb. thank you for your attention to this matter wrench kevin stein
  7. you need Gerwin's extractor; it works for 1st and NextGens. http://combatace.com/files/file/7933-catpack-archiving-utility/ wrench kevin stein
  8. your terrain's nations ini is not quite right ... it looks like the stock one. For a limited nations statement, you don't need to have the numbered nations sections, just the theatre/locations lising, and the limited nations listings Should read like this: take a look at the Libya or DBS, Formosa, Himilaya nations inis for examples Odd, that it didn't reach-around to the proper Cat to automatically 'fix' the menu, and that you had to put the ini IN the /Menu folder wrench kevin stein
  9. 1980 - recon run over Khorramshar wrench kevin stein
  10. extract the bis' data ini and comment out the statements for the 'built-in' fuel tank nodes. or, simply use the newest data & loadout inis, placed in the aircraft's main folder wrench kevin stein
  11. A how to question

    and can you post some screenshot of the offending effect? Easier to diagnose if we have a visual on the anomoly wrench kevin stein
  12. Concern

    like WK said, the game may still think its 'there' due to entries in the aircraft data ini you may have to pull the data ini from whichever objectdata cat it's stored in, and change the DamageRating= to DESTROYED that may, with luck, cause the aircraft to stop flying when the upper wing is shot off. Experimetation is the only way to really findout (not having it extrated myself, I don't know) wrench kevin stein
  13. Crowded Airfields in Palestine

    Actually, the airfield ini may have been MY fault ... I'd assumed, obviously incorrectly, that FE2 was like SF2 in regards that the various inis stored in the cat files ... all those airfield ini are still in ANSI (of course, running as I am Win7, my damn machine don't care which is which)! Here's what you can do the switch back to 1stGEns on the Palestine data ini: (oh first, BACK UP THE DATA INI BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!!!!! If you screw it up, yo can always pull it back out fo the original zip file) These are the sections in question: That should back date it to 08/FEG level (with luck!) Drop that over the existing sections. I always like hearing about how someone's family relates to something in the game ... which I why I spent more time than usual on the WW2 PTO mods than the ETO/MTO mods - as my father was there in the Phillipines 44-46. take some screenies, and post them if works!!! wrench kevin stein
  14. DO NOT patch beyond the 06 level!!! It'll turn ALL your aircraft in uncontrolable spinning tops. Also, don't forget you'll need ALL the RAF & LW bombers aircraft from the DAT site, the BoB terrain from here, etc. the game WILL crash or lock up if it missing something its looking for/needs to run to mod. Which, unfortunately you'll have to get first. remember, too, this is desinged for a stand-alone WW2 ETO game install. You can find out how to create one here: http://combatace.com/topic/19630-how-to-create-a-seperate-era-specific-install/ wrench kevin stein
  15. I've been wrong before! I could be wrong now!! I've found that vBridge3 (and the vBridge3End) fits quite nicely across almost all river tiles. The main span is ~100 meters in length, and the ends ~50. But like all the other, needs a flat region. As do the vBridge 1 and 2. They're all the same size wrench kevin stein
  16. GREAT!! B-17s rule! (for bombers that is!) just think of allllll those decals that are gonna be needed ....code letters, serials, air divivion tags, nose arts (!!!). wrench kevin stein
  17. NP!! can you post the link to the d/l???. Shouldn't be any 'code', maybe some inis, maybe a terrain; it'll definately be zipped up to compress it. Also, if it needs a Spitfire (since I'm the HeadPropHead here, I know pretty much where everything is), you'll need to sign up with the Dev A-Team, as they have 85+% of the WW2 aircraft (allied AND axis). Other than those in Wolf's WW2 plane pak, or even some by me don't have the LOD in it them, due to "regulations". http://cplengineeringllc_bb.cplengineeringllc.com/Forum/index.php?sid=d13c8446379546f32d69516a4ece53ec Follow the instructions in the Files and Boards Policies on that 1st page. You'll need 2 passwords; 1 for the board, ther other for d/ls. and the other VERY important thing ... 99.99999999% of the WW2 mods are designed for the 06 patch level. They get all kinds of f***ed up in te 08/SF2 due to all sorts of stuff and things. Also, a LOT of teh models are very old (2003-05) and have some 'visual diffincies' on more modern installs. We're working on it, but it's a long road... Don't forget, we've got a PropHead forum down below too! wrench kevin stein
  18. Put the whole thing in a folder on you desk top; the exe, inis, whatever ... that's what I did with Winge7, and have no issues using the (assuming the 08 level weapons editor.) May still need to run in compatability mode -can't remember now-
  19. Some glitches I found: Bandar Abbas Int'l needs flattinging on cities that use the 'large urban module', items ~312 to 320 are missing their Heading= line (ran into this MANY times, before I stoppped using it .. prefer to use buildings in TODs I DO like where this terrain is going!! (love the snow capped mountains in the Zagros!) You'e given me a lot of ideas for the Iran/Iraq map rebuild. Now, the only question is -- am I too lazy to create 60-70 new road tiles for it??? (and thereby have to plot the actual paths for truck along said roads for the truck routes for the Movement.ini?? Did that for Korea, and it's a PITA!!!! :suicide2: ) wrench kevin stein
  20. Did it come with a readme file??? Unfortunately, to access it (assuming there is one -and there more than likely IS) you'll have to d/l it first Then unzip the thing into a temp folder (is best), read the readme, and follow the install instructions therein. If it's not to you liking for whatever reason, delete it. The 'readme' is the single most important, and most heavily OVERLOOKED file for any download. Many reaaaallllllyyy old mods may not have none or have one that is exceedingly minimal. In any case, it's essential that one does read it. Also, since you're new to the SF/Wo* series, I'd personally reccomend spending some time in our Knowledge Base http://combatace.com/forum/99-thirdwire-woewoiwovsf-1-knowledge-base/ Starting with the first post/thread and read them ALL. And, my favorite reccomendation: do NOT add mods right off. Play the stock, un-fiddled-with game for a few weeks to get familiar with the game systems, folder structures, ini structures, any and all small utililties (like the Cat Extractor -which you WILL be using), BEFORE starting to add things to game. Gain experience with it first, then start adding mods. wrench kevin stein
  21. Sound question

    Damaged engine sound has NEVER worked since Day 1, SFP1... don't worry about it wrench kevin stein
  22. A how to question

    1) missing textures explains the black aircraft (ie: you ain't got the skins in the skin sub-folder of the aircraft's main folder could you explain that in a little more detail??? Are you missing the external aircraft model? You can't be, as you say it's all black (btw, that's the material applied to the LOD in 3dMax. used to be white, changed with SF2/FE2 and their Unicode lods) wrench kevin stein
  23. Crowded Airfields in Palestine

    all was pretty much explained the EXTENSIVELY detailed readme enclosed with it. Re-read the 2nd paragraph, at the top. You should have had to edit nothing!! Since it points to the Desert.cat from SFP1/SF2, AND the ww1 airfields inis are included .... that takes care of everything. Now, since it WAS designed for FE2, the ONLY thing you might have needed to touch was the Palestine_DATA.INI, to re-edit the shader effect lines BACK to SF 08 levels (ie: dx9 type), as would be seen in the Desert_DATA.ini. Trust me --- things get tested to destruction before they go out my door!! wrench kevin stein edit: the ww1_airfield in is is Unicode, resave it as ANSI. Again as this was truely designed for ONLY FE2......FE/FEG cannot read Unicode files, thus explaining you aircraft issue
  24. and the propeller problem on my beloved WW2-era birds (read: Korea), and MOST of the smokestack effects. Still got one missing on the 'Schornstein2' I use at various and sundry factories. interestering stuff on the exporter, FC ... looks like many hidden visual improvements. wrench kevin stein
  25. it's called "copy/paste" and/or extract and rename ... A perfect example would be the F-104S-ASA-M mod I did a while back http://combatace.com/files/file/4893-f-104s-asa-m-starfighter-mods/ it makes use of all stock HUD bits (F-15A), and works perfectly wrench kevin stein

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