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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Happy Birthday Spectre_USA

    Happy Birthday man!! wrench kevin stein
  2. Assuming (oh! that word!) it's the same as regular 3W game .... extract the HUDData.ini from the FlightData.cat, and edit the following lines: wrench kevin stein
  3. have you installed any mods lately that include the aircraftobject.ini??? wrench kevin stein
  4. No, but just do the switch in reverse. Read my tutorial in th SF2 KB, and follow the instructions backwards. or, just d/l the 08 level version of DBS in the SF/Wo* Terrains D/L section. The limited nations and water fix should work just as well. All the inis are in ANSI, so no other conversions are needed wrench kevin stein
  5. The confession of a troubled mind

    Courage is admitting it ... openly and to all. You've already done that. Does it change my opinion? Yes, and for the better. It makes ME proud to know someone with the guts to stand up and say who and what they are; something I've yet to come to terms with. Even though we've never met in person, I'm very proud to number you amongst the amazing people I've met here and in the "Real World" ™ Like NightShift said, now it's just a matter of redirecting energy towards another goal. You CAN do it!! wrench kevin stein
  6. You're welcome FrankD! I should mention, that when I zipped it up, I didn't remove a couple of sub-folders. One has the water fix, and the other is the limited nations fix. You all can just toss those, as all the needed bits are in the main terrain folder. BTW, the various radars included in the _put_in_GroundObjects_folder_, are NOT fully converted to SF2 standards. They're missing the RadarFamilyName= for aircraft with TEWS (to say nothing of not having the needed RWR tgas, or additions to the various and sundry RWR lists.) They'll just show up as "U". For vector-equpped aircraft, you'l get the usual line. RedAir fliers, not to worry ... you just get dead (Nikes and Hawks oh MY!!) wrench kevin stein
  7. meaning: this is a VERY old skin (pre-06), where all the tgas are just dumped into the main skin folder. Also, with SF2 all the LODs are 'slightly' different, to say nothing of the skins ALL being remapped (as Piecemeal can speak to from his recent conversions) If you create a new /D subfolder, You'll need to rewrite the entire decals ini for the pathways the reference these decals. All other that don't have a pathway (ie: FilenameFormat=Insignia) are stock, cat-supplied (insigina, Modex numbers -usnattack or usnfighter) Most of the mesh names have not changed, but WHERE the decals sit has. Use the stock decals ini as a guideline (looks like the A-4F, so it'll be in objectdata003.cat) for the Modex on the nose, "eyeballing" it's position (which I'm good at in the real world), I've move it aft 1 meter. The "NA" looks like the CVW tail code, and needs moving aft ~ 2 meters, and Up ~.75 it's a bitch and a half converting the Ancient Stuff ™ to modern settings wrench kevin stein
  8. the fort is also used in the WW2 tunisia upgrade I did ... scan the targets ini for "Fort Zindernuff" wrench kevin stein
  9. why not? the Iranian's routinely used their Tomcats in an AWACS role in the Iran/Irag war. wrench kevin stein
  10. here's the cockpit ini, for Kesselbrut's pit. now reads KMPH for airspeed, MPS for the VVI, and Meters for alt. I didn't change the fuel amounts (as I'm not really very good at converting gallons to lbs to kg or whatever is needed!) You can see in the attached screenie, it's pretty damn close! EDIT: do't forget to all "UseMetricUnit=TRUE" in the data ini! spillone' did a great job on converting the sound!!! C-47s always had that distincitve note (as heard in hundreds of movies....). There's one that comes into SM airport every now and then ... and you can ALWAYS recognize that engine sound. Of course, there's the 'gate guard' DC-3 on a pole in the middle of airport. (you can see it on google earth) wrench kevin stein edit: as to pictures, numbers, etc, have you looked at Farposst and military machine blog for books on it??
  11. just look at the userlist for the C-47!!! I think the only people that DIDN't fly them, where the penguins in Antartica! (and they probably would have, if they could've gotten their wing/flippers/whatever, on them!) wrench kevin stein
  12. Every terrain mod I've ever done (minus the Himilayas, for obvious reasons and the Canary Islands cause it's just too small...) has CV stations "built in". Even DBS has one, south of the 'permanent pack' If it has an ocean, there's a place for carriers wrench kevin stein
  13. shoot, I'll take and and all marks bobrock produces!!! wrench kevin stein
  14. For the Indo-Pak mod. (mob?) need a replacement skin, to be used on the SF2I Netz to replace the really old F-16A with a Pakistani AF skin. They've got a, well "unique" 2-tone gray pattern, and I just can't figure it out on the Netz maps. "Volenteers" respond here, please! Experienced skinners only, if you please. Decals are already done, with correct serials and such, so just the skin is needed. thank you for your attentions! wrench kevin stein
  15. iirc, I took that shot at 67000-odd feet. That's the STOCK sky, as I don't run any 'sky changers' in my main SF2 install. try flying up to that level, and have a look see. Shouldn't be any different wrench kevin stein
  16. Recheck the /Progarm Files(x86)/Third Wire/SF2/Objects folder and make sure ALL the objectdatacats are still there. Just in case you mistakenly did a CUT/Paste .... thereby accidently (re)moving them from the core install. if youd didn't delete after extrction, just move the cats back. If they're gone ..... only a reinstall will bring them back wrench kevin stein
  17. well, I can convert the pit ini to metric, if you want. Won't be perfect, but close enough now ... if we could get the right DC-3 wav .... I do have one, but needs some 'adjustments' for SF use (attached) I've an affinity for Douglas products, living less than a mile from what used to be the Santa Monica plant. >sigh< I miss my RG Smith paintings ... I had the FULL company aircraft painting set when I was a kid, military and civilian. I wanna go back in time and slap the crap outta that little brat, so he won't destroy them (I mean, what the hell does a 6-8 year old know about the value that those AvArts will have today???) wrench kevin stein
  18. DA: well, f*** me!!! How the heck'd I miss that one??? RC: looks like it's all under control!! I'll s**tcan mine!! There goes 3 days work could've spent on Iraq!! Can't compete with that level of perfection!!! the only reason I was making one cause I saw a National Geographic show on them; they were a Jever 'recycling' one for its various parts. Fascinating, and sad at the same time ... watching the striped hulk being hauled off to the graveyard. wrench kevin stein
  19. Might be easier to state that right of the beginning of the announcement/readme, not buried half-way down. Makes life a bit easier for those that just read through it quickly, and don't catch it. It's easy to miss (shoot, I missed it on MY first read through!) wrench kevin stein
  20. Had some extra time on your hands I see... Great Job man! BZ!! wrench kevin stein (btw, shouldn't USMC be on the _User.lst?)
  21. you gonna 'tweekificate' Kess's Dakota pit, or make a complete new one? converting the measurements to metric is easy (and nearly 98.6% accurate too! ) wrench kevin stein
  22. Raven: which mod has the ICE??? and which stencils need removing??? Damn, nuts s*&t!! and it was looking so good too! oh, well! wrench kevin stein
  23. that's a TOD issue. Are the new tiles showing up, or just the stock ones? (meaning, do you have all 4 seasons, with the changing tile colors?, or just the stock 'greens') a screenie would be helpfull, if possible!!! wrench kevin stein
  24. I'm running the B patch, as I still need to take-off from runways!! That's ok, Ravenclaw has informed me I have too many stencils on the ICE, so have to redo the skin again!! wrench kevin stein
  25. has anyone else seen this, and/or mentioned this. Issue with LGBs and Maverick views on the 'scope (now, I have to wait on releasing the the ICE. btw, it dosn't seem to effect the weapons ability to kill the target) All Phantoms seem to have it, Vipers not so much wrench kevin stein

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