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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Jammed Gun!

    it's a global keystroke, if you will. Since it's in the controls (ie: the Default.ini in the /Controls folder), it's for everyone. wrench kevin stein
  2. with all the 1stGens (SF/Wo*/FE) there was an "issue" with ATI cards. I can't remember what or why or how (having an Nvidia I never had the problem) OTH, with NextGens, I haven't (or don't!) remember anyone reporting "oddities". Of course, the mix&match of effects can cause 'a certain strangeness' too. glad it got fixed! wrench kevin stein
  3. I re-used a lot of Paul's decals and such for some of those Skyraider skins I did. Like was said, just give him credit. A lot of good stuff over at FOTF ... a lot more needs adapting to SF2 wrench kevin stein
  4. If no one else will say it, I will Thank You Dan wrench kevin stein
  5. That can, unfortunatley, also be said for many of us!!! wrench kevin stein
  6. ODS is 'in the shop' being rebuilt for SF2 If one looks carefully, you find the 2 major files ALREADY in the terrain folder, as the game won't operate without them uses desert texture list I should know ... wrench kevin stein
  7. You do know, of course, that historically the Canberras in Nam were never operating North of the DMZ .... all them -RAAF, USAF, VNAF "just don't go there" and, yes ... US (and in theory, since they were x-US), VNAF B-57s should have a low-power jammer and chaff dispensers. Can's speak to the Aussie EE versions Check out the Crowood Canberra & B-57 At War the SS In Actio has some info that might also be usefull there's another one I have, but can't find it!! wrench kevin stein
  8. ICE, ICE baaaaaabyyyyyy..... (take note of the missile type, if you would) wrench kevin stein
  9. 1) are all the bridge parts IN the terrain folder? 2) are they listed properly in the _types ini? 3) are they placed via the targets ini? if using bridges that are referenced in a different cat (and the bits are NOT in the terrain folder, and not in the 'base' terrain cat pointed to), they'll probably not show wrench kevin stein
  10. How strange!! Have you tried placing carriers??? IIRC, in the stickied thread -somewhere around here- about the mission builder, the discussion was it was needed for Carrier Stations. Since 'generic' shipping routes are already pre-set in the Movement.ini not having experimentated with the mission builder at all (yet!!!) ... wrench kevin stein
  11. you thank that's a bitch? try it from a stock skin ... trying to figure out which line is a rivet, and which is panel!!! it's actually easier from the UV map!!! wrench kevin stein
  12. a full-4 merged install WILL access ALL ObjectData cats, via ALL game exes (just look at the SF2:e mods folder -- you'll find all the arab/isralie items listed in their various Objects folders, as well as the VPAF MiGs) You cannot 'go backwards' .. meaning pull the SF2 objects and place them into any SF/Wo* 1stGen games. Period. No matter what some other 'people' may be claiming. It's hores**t. full extraction of the cats would be needed ...don't forget you'll have to have ALL the cockpit bits as well -- lods, jpgs, tga, bmps, etc. Hence, the 'ease of use and access' created by the merged install function. short answer: NO lods and skins are 100% the same (the only exception I've found are the F-104s, and one or 2 of the Migs). 99.9% of the skin mapping has been change; compatability is as near Zero as makes no real difference. wrench kevin stein
  13. this is what a 3rd party aircraft folder looks like ... I've highllighted the LOD file listings compare this to the ones that you have invisible aircraft with and yes, KNOWING with aircraft are 'missing' would be a tremendous help wrench kevin stein
  14. Jammed Gun!

    the "U" key, should already be set up in you /Controls unjams guns wrench kevin stein
  15. TargetType=Artillery or MISC the type ini entry is only for campaign mission target assignments. the tubes data ini can/should read as such (this from the modernish D-20 soviet arty) [MissionData] NationName=SOVIET ServiceStartYear=1955 ServiceEndYear=2020 GroundObjectRole=Artillery Availability=VERY_COMMON Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1956 ExportAvailability=VERY_COMMON you may have to edit the guns' data ini, to increase their effective range. Go into the FE downloads section, grab my Palestine map, and you'll see several arty batteries hammering each other across the Jordan river. Mind you, it's for FE2, but a quick edit to the Palestine_Data.ini can make it usable in FE/FEG (don't forget --- YOU MUST HAVE THE SF/SF2 Desert terrain to make this terrain work -- it'll CTD without it!!!!) wrench kevin stein
  16. extract the desert, or germany or isral or vietnam terrain cats, you'll see this new item basically, it tells the game engine WHERE water is, and where land is. wrench kevin stein
  17. I thought we had some ... looked (pretty much) everywhere, but can't seem to find them! So ... if anyone has them....can you upload them?? TIA!! wrench kevin stein
  18. yah, I'd say they worked! just needs serials wrench kevin stein
  19. ehhhmmmm...(clearing throat) How soon they, that don't pay attention, forget: from Dec, 2006 http://combatace.com/files/file/1495-idf-f-100d-karish/ mind you, Henrick's skin IS a lot more detailed....and probably MUCh higher rez wrench kevin stein
  20. looks like a VERY cleaned up version of my really old IDF Hun!! wrench kevin stein
  21. No, it can't. Having built/editated around 1500 missions from X-Wing and TieFighter for XvT, the aftermarket missions builder (and assumidly in the one LucasArts used), you can tailor follow-on waves AI levels by increasing the skill levels. the 3W engine dosn't do wave-spawning. wrench kevin steiin
  22. Ships have no issues with this terrain. Due to the black HM bmps, and other terrain data ini edits. However, if you're asking about the _water.bmp that the Mission Builder needs? That's a different story. No, I don't. But, you can take the PlanningMap1, and paint it black and red, 'save as...' Libya_Water.bmp, add the line to the Libya.ini: WaterMap=Libya_Water.bmp and off you go.
  23. Blue dust

    WHAT have those horses been eating????? in the wagon's data ini, look for the [movementsystem[ statement (this is from the 6x6 truck: [MovementSystem] MaxRoadSpeed=20.00 MaxOffRoadSpeed=8.33 PowerAvailable=93958.0 MaxTurnRate=16.0 MaxDeceleration=5.0 SuspensionConstant=14.0 MovementEmitterName=WheeledVehicleDustEmitter <--this line MovementEmitterPosition=0.0,-3.13,0.50 swap it out with that one, and see what happens wrench kevin stein
  24. Moved to a more correct Forum, as it's stated this is for WoE ===================================== A lot of times, is just how the AI reacts. In the case of the Messerschmitt, it may also be due to it not having had it's flight model rebuilt since 2006-ish, and need to be COMPLETLy redone for 08/SF2 levels the 'hunting' may be caused by the AI trying to maintain position. don't worry about .. it don't mean nothing <grin> wrench kevin stein

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