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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. The A-6A is stock in SF2:V, but is AI only; not player flyable. HOWEVER.... it's easily converted to player-usable by adding the cockpit bits (some 83-ish items) extracted from WoV (or any 1stGen that has the cockpit parts in it's objects.cat) and transfred over to SF2. You'll need the cockpit and avionics inis as well wrench kevin stein
  2. Version


    Country Flag Pak #1 - = For SF/WoV/WoE/WoI/FE, and all SF2/FE2 series terrains This includes MANY of the country flags that I've used on several terrain mods, more or less packaged together for other budding Terrain Engineers ™, and any other that might need them, to add to whatever terrain they might fit on. Many of these are already out, in the myriad of terrains mods I've done. But this will make it a bit easier to find them. There are also many being held back, for use on forth-coming terrains (Central America, for example) Some are used on terrain still 'in the works', but being released here anyway (examples: India-Pak, Iran/Iraq). The lods and inis are all in ANSI, making the fully usable in ALL 3rdWire games. This pak includes (with their actual part name): Listed in no particular order..... - WW1: Imperial Germany - IGFlag (good for First Eagles) RFC - RFCFlag (WW1 Royal Flying Corp -uses RFFlag.bmp) - WW2: Imperial Japan - ijflag (Rising Sun-burst) Nazi Germany - 3rflag (swastika) Italy (fascist) - itflag (House of Savoy sheild) USA - USFlag (48 stars -good until 1959) - Post-WW2 and Later: USA - AMFlag (50 stars) Iraq - IQFlag Israel - isflag Egypt - egflag NATO - NOFlag (Yes, "NO" should be Norway, I'll that that one probably as NW) Netherlands - NLFlag Belgium - BLFlag UK - UKFlag Saudi Arabia - SDFlag Playboy Bunny - pbflag West Germany - GWFlag East Germany - GEFlag Russia - RUFlag (ok, Soviet Union -- it's still Russia to me!!) Canada - CAFlag Spain - ESFlag China - CHFlag (PRC) Global Sedition - GSFlag (the new style, 'dagger-through-the-earth') Greece - GCFlag France - FRFlag Indonesia - INDFlg India - INFlag Iran - IRFLag Italy - ITmodn (post WW2) Japan - JPFlag (post WW2) Libya - LYFlag Malta - MLFlag Madagasscar - MDFlag North Korea - NKFLag NorAm Alliance - ALFlag (new style North American Alliance, against the Global Sedition) Pirate 1 - P1Flag Pirate 2 - P2Flag (both seen on the Canary Island map) Australia - OZFlag Saudi Arabia - SDFlag SEATO - SEATOF (South-East Asia Treaty Org) United Nations - UNFLag Tunisia - TUFlag Red Cross - RdCros (for hospitals, aid stations, etc) RAF - RAFFlg (British Royal Air Force) RN - RNFlag (British Royal Navy the "White Ensign") Turkey - TKFlag Argentina - ARFlag Taiwan - RCFlag (Republic of China) North Vietnam - NVFlag Viet Cong - VCFlag South Vietnam - SVFlag Pakistan - PKFLag Qatar - QTFlag Bahrain - BHFlag I know I had others, but can't seem to find them! I can always remake them, or make new ones to "fill in the blanks" (especially for Europe ... a LOT more will be/ARE needed) It is ALSO highly reccomended you READ this entire document through before trying to use the parts included in this package. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, we'll clown on you. HARD, and mercilessly. Because we're just that way Happy Terrain Building!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  3. welll...at least my serial number decals are still being used!!! that skin looks soooooooooooooo much better than my crappy early versions ... good work Eric!! wrench kevin stein
  4. stary: Mina-al-Bakr Oil Terminal, south of Al Faw/Basra, on the Iran/Iraq map (ie: the revamping one) If anyone has offshore drilling rigs .... wrench kevin stein
  5. just checking the shipping traffic at the offshore terminal....nothing happening here, just more petro-dollars/dinars/euros heading this way.... wrench kevin stein
  6. an interesting mod!.... you keep making historical aircraft, you gonna loose you 'what ifer' standing!! but why not use the 'fake pilot' method to mount the camera pods? No worries about accidenteling dumping them, and they'll cast better shadows. Just a thought! wrench kevin stein
  7. After all the years of flying over The Range, it just dawned on me looking at EricJ screenie, as to where I've "seen it before" ... are we sure that isn't Nazca???? It sure looks like it! Spinners:, right, now pull the other one!! wrench kevin stein
  8. have you looked in the DBS map??? They're all OVER the Soviet side.... look for RUFlag (ini, lod and bmp). You need any other Euros (flags, not money! --we could all use THAT!) I've got a bunch archived somewehre.... wrench kevin stein "I got a million of 'em"
  9. Yes! Thank you for including the most importan item ... a screenie with all the objects named! That makes like soooooo much easier!! the open silos sorta look like 'inflatable' oil tanks (you know, the kind where the roof moves up as the tank is filled. we got LOTS of those south of me in Long Beach, El Segundo, and Port of LA) some of the other look like grain processing/storage mills -- perfcet for what i need!! (both in Iran/Irag and MidWest USA) wrench kevinstein
  10. Version


    F-4E Phantom II, Hellenic Air Force Mod A Stand-Alone aircraft for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI This package will create a complete, 'nation specific' aircraft; the F-4E Phantom II as used by the Hellenic Air Force. This is a stock, standard or garden variety Rhino, and NOT the AUP version currently flying with the HAF (see Notes below for my begging!) This is a completion of a pack started by Sundowner, and he supplied me with the Hi-Rez Agean Blue skin, and a bunch of inis, along with the Agean Blue camo 370 gallon drop tanks -- you WILL be adding these, so get your Weapons Editor warmed up!! The other skin, also by Sundowner, is the USAF SEA 3-tone; this is the paint scheme used as first delivered. It is set as the 2nd skin in the list, even though historically it should be first. -- NOTE: these are HI-REZ skins; 2048x2048. For those with older, slower machines or those with smaller vid cards, you might want to resize the skin bmps down one step to 1024x1024. You =WILL= loose some detail, but it's a trade off you sometimes must make. -- All I've basically done, is some ini tweeks for loadouts and some extreamly small changes. I also remade the serial number decals, as I couldn't exactly match Ant's font, extending the numbers out to a total of 24. They ARE correct serials as issued to these Phantoms, but I cannot claim 100% historical accuracy as to which squadron had which number set. Also, out of sheer laziness, both skin sets use the same decals - why waste good decals? That's my motto!!! :) A new Hangar screen is included, based of Ant's original; this one's for SF/WoV/WoE. There's also a WoI style one, called "woi_F4E_HAF_Hangar.bmp". So, you can choose, depending on your game, which to use. It is set up to use either of the weapons paks; the Bunyap Pak or Mirage Factory, or even NONE at all!!! As it is a complete aircraft, it should also be usable in WoI, I've tested it in ALL iterations of the game, it works just fine. In fact, I like the newer 'jetengine' sound in WoI better than the SF/WoV/WoE version!! I'd like to thank Sundowner for trusting me to complete and release this package. Ant gets 98.6% of the credit; the remainder is mine! After all, he DID all the hard work with the skin; and I gotta tell ya, the detailing on it is superb; as we've come to expect. PLEASE read the enclosed readme for more, detailed instructions. Of course, there's the usual noise in the Notes section. Sundowner Wrench kevin stein
  11. welll.....let me think..... as to target types..... I know we have CHEMICAL_WEAPONS_PLANT POWER_PLANT WEAPONS_PLANT and swear i've seen "AIRCRAFT_FACTORY" somewhere, and not just in the FullName= there's also ARMY_BASE (good for barracks and such) NAVAL_BASE (good for docks, piers, etc) can't remember where they're all at ... gotta be in one of the dlls i think. Anyone remember wich one? If we can find it, I"ll list them out and post it into the KB wrench kevin stein
  12. File Name: EF-4C, 81st TFS, USAFE File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 December 2010 File Category: F-4 EF-4C 'Phantom' WW IV 81st TFS Skin Pak -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V/SF2:E =ONLY!!!= (it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the F-4C_67) This is to fill a request presented to me by daddyairplanes, to add a new skin for the 81st TFS, 52nd TFW, USAFE, based at Spangdahlem AFB from 1973-79ish, where they were the only SEAD-dedicated squadron in theatre. The EF-4Cs were replaced by F-4G WW Vs, which were in turn replaced by F-16CJs. Even though the 81st now flys Hogs, but, ya get the picture! <grin> It is designed to add to the "sf2 EF-4C Update Pak" released recently. You can find the update pak at CombatAce, at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/11630-ef-4c-phantom-wild-weasel-iv-for-sf2/ It should be noted, that =THIS= skin is for a European based squadron, so if installilng into a stand-alone SF2:E -make double damn sure you have the F-4C_67 avialabile on you planes list!!!!! (Merged installs, and those users that have run the SF2E.exe to create a SF2E mods folder should have the aircraft already) When in doubt about mods folders, consult the CA Knowledge Base. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  13. my Libya map covers s/western Greece (Andravida & Kalamata. Peloponesus?? sp??) But not really much of the Agean. Tiles are wrong-ish too; the IsrealME tiles would probably be closer than the desert for most of the Northern/Eastern Med regions (and, NO I ain't rebuilding that frakking map AGAIN!!) Pureblue's will be the definitive version of the region! wrench kevin stein
  14. don't have it, unfortunately, but Geo has one wrench kevin stein
  15. skin specific, as the slimers are painted on (thanks to Sundowner, whose slimers I shamelessy borrowed from one of his skins and copy/pasted -via layers- into the original skin bmps) The VertFin slimer is a decal, from Crab_02's original mod fron 2004(ish??) If you look in the original EF-4C download, in the 67thTFS skin folder, you'll find a sub-folder titles "skin with slimers", containing the _1 and _5 bmps. The Vietman-used versions didn't have them, but I included the 2 extra skin maps because I simply forgot to remove them, and forgot to mention them in the readme. Hence, for this one, it was a simple matter of making 4 new decals (well, actually, the SP/YellowFlash is TKs, renamed) and the 2 squadron and wing badges I actually haven't studied the mapping of the other F-4Cs, but all the skin bmps should work on all versions, with a simple rename to match (ie: remove the _67 for a planejane F-4C) AFAIK, slimers really didn't start appearing until the mid/late 70s You can add lights to the slimers, using the usual methods (like landing lights -which I didn't add but should have -) but they'd just be 'point sources'. SLimers can be made to illuminate, but you'd need to make a self-illuminatin tga or some other 'glowy' material applied to that spot on the lod via 3d MAX. IIRC, some TMF Phantoms do that, but can't remember which ones! wrench kevin stein
  16. Yes; with no problems. They just need their own folder in the /Pilots subfolder wrench kevin stein
  17. EF-4C, 81st TFS, USAFE



    EF-4C 'Phantom' WW IV 81st TFS Skin Pak -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V/SF2:E =ONLY!!!= (it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the F-4C_67) This is to fill a request presented to me by daddyairplanes, to add a new skin for the 81st TFS, 52nd TFW, USAFE, based at Spangdahlem AFB from 1973-79ish, where they were the only SEAD-dedicated squadron in theatre. The EF-4Cs were replaced by F-4G WW Vs, which were in turn replaced by F-16CJs. Even though the 81st now flys Hogs, but, ya get the picture! <grin> It is designed to add to the "sf2 EF-4C Update Pak" released recently. You can find the update pak at CombatAce, at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/11630-ef-4c-phantom-wild-weasel-iv-for-sf2/ It should be noted, that =THIS= skin is for a European based squadron, so if installilng into a stand-alone SF2:E -make double damn sure you have the F-4C_67 avialabile on you planes list!!!!! (Merged installs, and those users that have run the SF2E.exe to create a SF2E mods folder should have the aircraft already) When in doubt about mods folders, consult the CA Knowledge Base. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  18. yah... well, I had to go Red on this one ... Fresco's are EVERY-frakking-where!! (after all, half my ancestry IS Russian!) wrench kevin stein
  19. unfortunately, you can't scroll around the in-flight map. It stays centered on 'your' flight. You can zoom in and out (usually with the right & left moose buttons) However, if you really want to wander around and see the sights, you can pause the game (alt/p), and use the free camera view (F12) and use the moose to 'fly' around and look at stuff. That's a very handy thing, for us terrain/targets guys! wrench kevin stein
  20. PB: meaning, reusing the same lod over, just 'tasked' with being a different terrain object? Just add the 'new object', and have it point to pre-existing lods Example, reusing the CityBuilding1 as 'Government Offices Building': wrench kevin stein
  21. Interestering .... very interesting..... wrench kevin stein
  22. Yup. All you need are the terrain objects (the light stands, walls, etc) bits dropped into the terrain foleder, added to the _types ini, and then transplant the ENTIRE airfield layout from one targets ini to the other. Don't forget, you'll also need the various Desert airfield data inis, as those have the parking and lights and other stuff positioning (as the SF2 terran cats -Germany, IsrealME, VietnamSEA no longer contain them), placed in the terrain folder of choice. like below, for the 'sun shelters' wrench kevin stein
  23. I know I went the other way with the deset and palestine maps (gepards Isreal2, converted to ww2 palestine converted yet again for WW1 usage). Dropped them into FE2 with no problems (other than the large concrete runways on the desert terrain ...) I know that you need one of the SF/Wo* terrains for the cat pointer reach-around (desert, Germany, Veitnam) But they work fine I don't remember if I took to the FE2 Cambri/Verdun and tried it in SF2 ... there will most likely be issues, due to runway sizes, for anything bigger than a P-51. Unless you do in air mission starts. as to the factory/refinery question, can't help with the MAX stuff, but once it's exported to LOD and mapped/skinned, getting it 'in=game' is a simple edit of the types ini to add it (then of course, placing it on the map via the targets ini). Don't suppose you have any off-shore oil rigs??? Be perfect for the Iran/Irag rebuild..... wrench kevin stein
  24. Birthdays

    Hoot!!! Happy Birthday guys!! wrench kevin stein

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