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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. ehhhmmmm...(clearing throat) How soon they, that don't pay attention, forget: from Dec, 2006 http://combatace.com/files/file/1495-idf-f-100d-karish/ mind you, Henrick's skin IS a lot more detailed....and probably MUCh higher rez wrench kevin stein
  2. looks like a VERY cleaned up version of my really old IDF Hun!! wrench kevin stein
  3. No, it can't. Having built/editated around 1500 missions from X-Wing and TieFighter for XvT, the aftermarket missions builder (and assumidly in the one LucasArts used), you can tailor follow-on waves AI levels by increasing the skill levels. the 3W engine dosn't do wave-spawning. wrench kevin steiin
  4. Ships have no issues with this terrain. Due to the black HM bmps, and other terrain data ini edits. However, if you're asking about the _water.bmp that the Mission Builder needs? That's a different story. No, I don't. But, you can take the PlanningMap1, and paint it black and red, 'save as...' Libya_Water.bmp, add the line to the Libya.ini: WaterMap=Libya_Water.bmp and off you go.
  5. Blue dust

    WHAT have those horses been eating????? in the wagon's data ini, look for the [movementsystem[ statement (this is from the 6x6 truck: [MovementSystem] MaxRoadSpeed=20.00 MaxOffRoadSpeed=8.33 PowerAvailable=93958.0 MaxTurnRate=16.0 MaxDeceleration=5.0 SuspensionConstant=14.0 MovementEmitterName=WheeledVehicleDustEmitter <--this line MovementEmitterPosition=0.0,-3.13,0.50 swap it out with that one, and see what happens wrench kevin stein
  6. Moved to a more correct Forum, as it's stated this is for WoE ===================================== A lot of times, is just how the AI reacts. In the case of the Messerschmitt, it may also be due to it not having had it's flight model rebuilt since 2006-ish, and need to be COMPLETLy redone for 08/SF2 levels the 'hunting' may be caused by the AI trying to maintain position. don't worry about .. it don't mean nothing <grin> wrench kevin stein
  7. that IS an amazing skin!!! T-birds next maybe??? wrench kevin stein
  8. Gabriele: I, personally, wouldn't use the GermanyCE for the cat pointer ... Gepard only supplied the new road tiles he made. The rest of the desert tiles aren't included; I'd point it to the Desert.cat, or obtain the stock Desert tiles and install them. =========== Colmack well, as it uses the desert tiles, and the ODS set uses desert tile nameing conventions .... I'd say yes BUT... don't forget it's still a beta, missing all the city tiles, lots of transitions, and such, AND the desert road tiles won't match the ODS set ... I'd not reccomend it. (unless you're good a making new tiles ie: converting/modifying the roads to use the desert background) I'd wait for Gepard to finish it. There are MAJOR differences in ALL the transitions in the ODS set, as compared to the stock desert tile set wrench kevin stein
  9. never mind ...i'm an idiot! I didn't look far enough back in the 1stGen template section! wrench kevin stein
  10. tried that one time with the WW2 New Guiena map .. to simulate the volcano near, iirc Milne Bay. Never got it to work! It would give one big fart of smoke, and be done. the only way I've seen (and done it), is to place arty batteries just out of range of each other (about 1 tiles width), and let them bang away until they run out of ammo. When flying over them, you'll see the explosions and dust plumes on the ground (used on LOTS of my terrain mods for SF/Wo* and SF2) there's no reason it wouldn't work in FE as well. You'd still have to locate the batteries for each side, add the tubes to the types ini, and place them via the targets ini. not really all that hard (there's several layout already availalbe in many terrain mods -- I'd assume you need one facing east and one facing west) wrench kevin stein
  11. i thought it was for ease of maintence .. the mechanic can actually see what he's working on!! yes, most definately caused by more than 3 decals on a single mesh. You'll hae to edit the decals ini, after figureing out which one is the offending unit (probably the stab marking, cross or id number) wrench kevin stein

    . wrench kevin stein
  13. not having the H, I can't really check ... but the damage tga (the _holes thingy) has to match exactly the name of the skin bmp (well, usually!) The other thing, is the callout out for the damage tga IN the aircraft's main ini??? Exmaple: [DamageTexture] DamagedPostFix=_holes.tga DestroyedPostFix=_Shredded.tga other than that, I can't think of anything! wrench kevin stein
  14. oth, one can also only 'partly' redraw the lines, rivets, etc, where you're only repainting one color (this is obviously still WIP, and 'just for fun'. figuring out HOW and what serials will be interesting ... half arabic, half engilish; based on the phantoms, freedom fighters and ali-cats) wrench kevin stein
  15. actually rethinking this.... I'd use the D, as it has the 3-tone, and just use ini edits to recreate the H. Adjusting service years, engine specs, avionics, etc. Looking over each individual skin bmp, they're mapped identically. (but you've probably figured that out already!) Dial in the correct decal placements, etc, and you can create it with a minimal amount of files to upload. Using all stock, in-game stuff from a full-4 merged install. wrench kevin stein
  16. pretty much all the 'new' stuff goes here. wrench kevin stein
  17. there are no templates availalbe for any SF2 aircraft. Unless you make them yourself (not difficult, just time VERY time consuming) wrench kevin stein
  18. prolly be the same as any other NATO equiped airforce, using US equipment. Save a hell of a lot of time in editing loadouts! <grin> (btw, if you look at the A-7E's Userlist, Greece is listed) wrench kevin stein
  19. that's WHY we create the extensive, detailed readme. so people can ignore them wrench kevin stein
  20. it dosn't matter at all ... I've used both with no problems wrench kevin stein
  21. they all have the ability to do it, provided you have the requsite GroundObjects (read: CVs), but only in user-made scripted missions. in fact, NONE of the series has the ability to have carrier-based missions using the in-game single mission generator. wrench kevin stein
  22. wan't BlackFly Prod. doing one???? wrench kevin stein
  23. look for a misplaced comma (,) in the section of the relevant airfield ini, that has the game generated parked aircraft. Ran into that a few times meself EDIT: look at item #4... easiest fix is just renumber the parking slots wrench kevin stein
  24. isn't it pretty well explained in the Spectre8750s readme??? I'd suggest re-reading it. wrench kevin stein
  25. The real question should be: .. . ... .... How much hard drive space do you have??? That's the only physical limit wrench kevin stein

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