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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. action over Bushehr; intercepting Iraqi Mirage F.1s. The missle trails are from defending HAWKs (they was killing stuff left and right!! Amazing how s**t actually works the way it's supposed to, sometimes!!) wrench kevin stein (yes, I KNOW the airbase is in the wrong place, but that's where it fits)
  2. what you can't see are the ones in the '1-mods storage folder' -- bascially, just someplace to stick stuff I didn't want getting in the way, like the WW2 installs. With all them broken airplanes ... sigh..... wrench kevin stein
  3. I've also recently been given some informaton that the entire ODS mod is being revamped for SF2 usage (as I've re-done some of my orignal terrain work on the map). All items are being updated, including new skins and such, to make use of the new lods and better mapping, including the new bump mapping for DX10 users wrench kevin stein
  4. can't use 1stGen templates with NextGen (SF2) aircraft. So far as I've seen, with the exception of the C/F-104s, they've all be remapped. Unfortunately, even after several requests on the 3W Forums, it's very doubtfull we'll see template from TK. Which leaves us making our own; not a difficult task if one is used to working in multiple layers, and knows how to draw (or I should say, re-draw) the panel and rivet lines. It's just time consuming. It takes me about 6-12 hours to redraw each skin map. And I'm no Sundowner ... so mine are a bit 'imperfect'. As to determing which _bmp (1,2,3,4,or 5) goes with what part of the plane, that's pretty easy to figure out. Obviously, there's the body, tail, right & left wings and sometimes the nose. There's a really handy file, called the 'panel finder' that helps determine what goes where when the model was 'unwrapped' during LOD creation. It should be here someplace, probably in the 1stGen skin templates downloads section. If not, you can get it from simmerspaintshop.com Best way to repaint a color (say, a Scooter using the IDF camo to an only 2-tone desert brown), is simply create a new layer ABOVE the original color, and fill in the parts unwanted (the greens in that case). Is it safe to assume you've extracted the ObjectData cats with all the various and sundry skins? If not, you'll have to do that. You'll see each skin is named to go with each specific lod (ie: A-4F_74_BODY.BMP, etc). Again, it's not diffucult; just time consuming wrench kevin stein
  5. you just have to combine tile sets ... off the existing Himilaya map, DBS, GermanyCE, Desert, etc. The real, 1stClast unadulterated cast iron bitch, is making all the f***ing transitions between them all. THAT is the nightmare. As to accurate (depending on the dates/timeframe you want), I have a source for USACE maps.... wrench kevin stein
  6. in the /Controls folder, delete or rename the Default.ini wrench kevin stein
  7. no problemo, brother! I wil, however, sticky the NEW thread you did. I LIKE it!! wrench kevin stein
  8. I'd drop the flare/chaff count WWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down ... those ALE dispensers maybe held 30 each (btw, not a bad 1st Effort!!) wrench kevin stein
  9. if the originator are listed here: http://combatace.com/topic/26131-freeware-licensing/ no permisison is needed, just make sure you spell their names right! if it's a Mirage Factory product, permission has to come from them (contact Sony Tuckson) wrench kevin stein
  10. Post it in the Knowledge Base, Diego. I'll lock it in from there, if you want wrench kevin stein
  11. FW: Urgent Message (UNCLASSIFIED)

    . wrench kevin stein
  12. File Name: A-1H Skyraider, VA-52 skin pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 December 2010 File Category: A-1 A-1H "Skyraider" VA-52 Skin Pak -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY!!!= -- (it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the A-1H) This pak will add a new skin/decal set for the stock 3rdWire A-1H Skyraider. It represents aircraft from VA-52 "Knightriders" from the USS TICONDEROGA ~ August, 1964, during the time of the attacks on the US Destroyers, and the "Flaming Dart" retalitory raids. It is designed to add to the "A-1H Update Pak" released some months ago. You can find the update pak at CombatAce, at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/11249-3rdw-a-1h-skin-and-ini-update-pak/ A highly reccomended mod, if I do say so meself <grin> As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  13. good to know that I'm not the only one that does that!!! (actually, I use the 'target primary key, what is that ? E? T?) Cheating, hell NO!! Like the man said, 'recce photo" !!!! wrench kevin stein
  14. DO try to spend some time in the Knowledge Base -- 90% of your questions have already been answered. Start at the top, with the first post, and read EVERYTHING in there. The other piece of valuable advice, is play the game for several weeks, getting used to how things are, examine/explore teh folders and files, getting intimately familiar with the system and structures, and then and ONLY then, start modding when feeling comfortable with the system. It's like anything else, the learing curve is not too steep, but a basic solid understanding IS required wrench kevin stein EDIT: moved to the correct Forum
  15. A-1H Skyraider, VA-52 skin pak



    A-1H "Skyraider" VA-52 Skin Pak -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY!!!= -- (it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the A-1H) This pak will add a new skin/decal set for the stock 3rdWire A-1H Skyraider. It represents aircraft from VA-52 "Knightriders" from the USS TICONDEROGA ~ August, 1964, during the time of the attacks on the US Destroyers, and the "Flaming Dart" retalitory raids. It is designed to add to the "A-1H Update Pak" released some months ago. You can find the update pak at CombatAce, at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/11249-3rdw-a-1h-skin-and-ini-update-pak/ A highly reccomended mod, if I do say so meself <grin> As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  16. Is this even in the right forum??? I thought you (Umm) were a WoE-only user? In ALL SF2 version, the drop tanks are PART of the aircraft lod, therefore you can't really add a 'physical' new tank, without removing the nodes for the existing built-in ones, via data ini edits. (like was done for the F-84F SuperPak). In one respect, it makes things easier, in haveing 'skin/squadron specific' drop tank skins that are placed IN the aircraft's skin folder. So, no more hexediting of lods to create clones of originals BTW, you're missing a step anyway ... covered in the 1sGen KB on weapons and hardpoint editing. (hint: data ini callout) wrench kevin stein
  17. aren't they in the old BunyPak as well?? wrench kevin stein
  18. hey Dave, might want to add the decal bug too, as seen in this thread.. http://combatace.com/topic/61352-decal-prop/ wrench kevin stein
  19. The Royal Wedding

    wonder if it'll be an open bar??? I'd go for the little snack-munchie thingys! wrench kevin stein
  20. oops...the title should be "Decal ProB". I'm starting to spell like Dave.... ---------- As one can see in the attached screenies, on the left side, the tail band/code is perfect. Whislt on the right, the 'hump' dont get no color! Below is an excerpt from the decals ini ... I can't see any reason why it don't show. X/Y are the same, facing is correct... Ideas? all the mesh names seem to be correct. Taken right from the stock F-4C_67 decals ini!!! (shoot, even the decal itself is a reworked original F4 tail!) Hell, I even finally got the ER-142 in it's correct place after 7 years!! The other alternative, would be to get ahold of a template for it, and paint the thing on, which I don't want to do in case someone decides to do up the Euro based units. (easier to make a new decal, than a whole skin map! TIA! wrench kevin stein
  21. hoot! looks like Champ found it! AND .. found us a new bug!! here's a stock C_67, with the stock decal. Does the same thing as mine also had to get rid of the ER142 .. noticed the little 'antena' bits on the tail were 18 in BELOW the tailcone, and the pylon section was all kinds off. Well, I tried! wrench kevin stein
  22. no, there's a right and a left (TailR, TailL) wrench kevin stein
  23. you'll also find a butt-load of PLAFF 'goodies' in the old BunyPak, fairly easy converted over the SF2 formatting. wrench kevin stein
  24. SAMs and vehicles from Pasko and Kesselbrut Zil truck pak; the recently released Ural trucks. (however, the HAWKs and SA3s and their radars in that pack arent' to SF2 standards yet. but the trucks work fine) Lists like these 'must haves', I find are releativily useless, being for the most part, of one persons opinion. Hence, the (not updated for a long time) "What's Available" thread in the ever-ignored Knowledge Base (1stGen), that cataloges (most) of the thing released, both stock and 3rdParty http://combatace.com/topic/21870-the-mods-thread-a-listing-of-whats-available/ One of the reasons I stopped updating it, was NOBODY was using it. wrench kevin stein
  25. Yes... as stated above, do TRY using some punctuation. It will definately make trying to decipher what you're saying all the more easier for those trying to figure out how to help. Use of proper terminolgy would be an assit as well; where "downloaded" is being used, perhaps for "install"??? It makes it a lot more confusing. Defined: downloaded: file brought from another source, usually the Web to a local hard drive intalled: file, through an executable, run from another source, usually a CD/DVD to install said software to local hard drive. see the confusiion? The more correct/accurate/detailed informaiton YOU give us, the more we can help. just a helpful hint from the Staff wrench kevin stein

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