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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. CVW letters don't match between the Rhinos, SCooters, etc (NE vs AH -- west coast phantoms with east coast strike aircraft???? ) Just guessing ... EDIT: some phantoms carrying 'USS MIDWAY' ship name???? carrier looks GREAT! wrench kevin stein
  2. Oy!!! My beautiful Skyraider skin !!!! :mega_shok: (wonder why the Modex's aren't showing?) wrench kevin stein
  3. the firecan issue was already fixed for SF2; change it to EW_RADAR. (or, place ALL the bits in the terrain folders --any and ALL that use them) It's got nothing to do SAMs (BTW, it's a trailer ie: towed unit, not a truck! ) Infanty unit's are classed as "TANK" for gamming purposes. wrench kevin stein
  4. change the height of the attacment position in the aircraft's data ini (last number in the sequence xxx,yyy,zzz) BUT.... doing so will ALSO change the attachment position for any other store for that pylon. wrench kevin stein
  5. very retro-1930s Sid!! wrench kevin stein
  6. Terrains, plural. The "mods folder" IS that jazz you find in the /SavedGames/yahdahad/and/soforth/. It's acuatlly the folder WHERE all the user accessable 'stuff' is. The 2 screenies below are pretty self-explanitory. The folder/file structrue for all the 'goodies' is EXACTLY like the 1stGen versions, it just they're now somewhere else; and the 'core' operations files (exes, dlls, cats,etc) are now safe in the /programfiles(x86) folder. The stuff you NEVER touch, unless running an official patch, or creating a stand-alone install. wrench kevin stein I KNOW this is covered in the KB somewhere....
  7. I'm really surprised no one has mentioned the various and sundry add-on terrains themselves. Great having all the toys, but without the actual playground ... well, you get the idea. wrench kevin stein
  8. that's the 'shipsmokeeffect' and its working fine! No, the smokestack like as seen on the Generator building, or the other factory place buildings, and the one's Ive added to items from Polak's Object Library. THAT don't work! <grin> still have abso-frakking-lutely no ideas! wrench kevin stein
  9. but don't forget, all 1stGen templates really won't work, due to the remapping of (most) of the aircraft for SF2 I don't think TK ever released the A-7 Template; the TMF guys will have one for theirs. Other than that, make your own ... it's not hard, just time consuming (redarwing all the panel and rivet lines --expecially trying to figure out WHERE they are!) wrench kevin stein
  10. all the D/K/L have the aileron issue is SF2 ... I did check them in a remaining 08 WoE, and they sit perfectly. So, hopefully it's some ini edit to fix. of course, my stick it dying .. so it's hard to fly wrench kevin stein
  11. it's gotta be something messed up in the paticle systems and shaders; not being an effect expert, I can only guess what! wrench kevin stein
  12. the ship's smoke is a little too thick, and a little too dark. The new tileset is looking MUCH better! Here's hoping the new _hms take care of some of the water/land bleed issues too! spent soooo much time on that map .. I can almost KNOW where the screenies were taken! wrench kevin stein
  13. each terrain's planning maps MUST be in each terrain's folder. They must also be 'square' ie: 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048 They must also match the naming convention seen in each terrain's main ini (example: Desert.ini) ---> [Map] FilenameFormat=PlanningMap%d.bmp <--- Width=1000000.0 Height=1000000.0 NumZoomLevels=3 The stock 4 maps have them built into the terrain cats, and ME should be already looking at them. 3rdPart terrains should also have them (otherwise game crashes) in their respective terrain folders Unfortunately, our old map generator, SFMap (avalible in the SF/Wo* downloads section) does NOT work with SF2, due to the fact that core game files are stored outside Mods folder. It will, however still work on new-build terrains, but ONLY if that terrain is placed in a 1stGen install (SF/WoE/WoV/WoI) wrench kevin stein
  14. you mean the Marston matting?? (aka: pierced steel plank?) wrench kevin stein
  15. again, no outside effects; it's working for me another oddity, aircraft shadows disappear, depending on the terrain ... the same Crudsader has a shadow in the Desert,but not in Kamchatka. More going one here, methinks oh,heres the screenie.. wrench kevin stein
  16. the 'vehicle fire effect' isn't working??? It was for me the other night; dumb-ass me didn't start his pullout in time, and the bombs I dropped blew up the fuel tanks, but I pancacked onto a parked An-22 ... so, there was this burning transport and what was left of my Mirage next to it! I'll check again! wrench kevin stein
  17. Just enjoying the scenery...hopy the nosey neighbors don't start anything... wrench kevin stein
  18. my burning planes work, just not the smokestaks. OTH, I'm not using any add-on effects pak either. OTH (again!) I haven't check the effects pak in KAW to see.. wrench kevin stein
  19. all 06/08 1stGen aircraft pretty much need new flight models. Period. wrench kevin stein
  20. I'm not seeing any screenies in the Screenshot thread with altitude records, people!!! (hint hint!!) wrench kevin stein
  21. The Scropion rockets work just fine as I released them; even the AI manages to get in a few hits now and then ... of course, I cheated on the rockets, and gave them a sustainer to keep them flying straight. Look in the weaponsdata, and you'll see (covered the F-89D upgrade paks' readme)(also the same cheat as used on the 17PF and 17PF(sp-16) wrench kevin stein
  22. one of the tell-tale giveaway was the duplicated tip drop tanks, untextured on the NM skin the other, of course as DA expalined, was the drunk sitting on the windshield!! "Look at me!! I don't an airplane! I'm a pliot" (he dosen't need subtitles, either) wrench kevin stein
  23. if you don't HAVE a /Weapons folder, you just create one! And drop all the goodies in there! Now, if the weaponspak is PRE 08 level --and I can tell you for certainty that the ODS mod IS at the 08 level, and REQUIRES no other weapons than what comes with it-- , you can cheat-update by using the 08 level weapons editor to re-initialize to that level. If you are, as you say, COMPETLY new to the 3rd Wire game serie --and I cannot emphasize this enough, or repeat it often enough -- DON'T MOD THE GAME TO START WITH!!! Spend a few weeks getting familiar with game system; where stuff goes, how it works, etc and so forth. As always, I give the link direct to our ever handy Knowledge Base: http://combatace.com/forum/99-thirdwire-woewoiwovsf-1-knowledge-base/ and the advice to start at the beginning, and read EVERY thread, regardless if it applies now or not. It'll help later, trust me! wrench kevin stein
  24. I know you guys will kill me for this one

    Check out the SF2 Knowledge Base ... lots of questions answered there wrench kevin stein
  25. Moved to the correct Forum ------------------- Information on creating seperate, stand alone installs are in the Knowledge Base above. wrench kevin stein

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