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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. love the "No FOD" sign!!! all that's needed is the 3rdWire Parking Enforcement Vehicle!! wrench kevin stein
  2. opsss.. was my fraking old keyboard... yeah, that's it. blame the tool, not the mechanic!! wrench kevin stein
  3. I think they should all be put together in one package, and uploaded the Skins/Templates downloads section. They won't get lost (post-wise) in the shuffle wrench kevin stein
  4. opps forgot to mention, you'll need to extract the data in for the aircrft from whichever ObjectData***.cat it's hiding in. if you can't find it, ask. I've already got them all extracted, so I know which one is where wrench kevin stein
  5. basic tutorial: (albeit for converting auto-speed to animaiton, but the idea is the same) http://combatace.com/topic/53913-canopy-operations/ what's good about SF2, is TK added the animiation ID in the aircraft's data ini already, so you don't have to guess (this is from the F-4E)
  6. OPPPS!!!! No,but the Marines prolly won't come out to play.... wrench kevin stein
  7. Well DAMN!! Gepard, you're 100% correct. Well, that's an easy fix .... just delet if from the targets ini, and retile the region. (*&^%$#@! .... and the map is completly finished, too. RATS!!! I cannot belive I made such a mistake... wrench kevin stein
  8. Same problems with chaff here too. I noticed starting after 2010-C. Nivida 240 Guess we should add it to the Bugs List wrench kevin stein
  9. Um.....am I the only one without a working TEWS??? My screens (on all models) are kinda blank, even on maps where there's KNOWN working radars (since I placed them ! ) screenie below. (i'm flying RIGHT over what is a working ASR, plus the nearby HAWK batteries -nothing showing) TIA! This birds a beaut! wrench kevin stein
  10. All the time .... it's just one of them thangs. wrench kevin stein
  11. aaahhhhhhhh rats!!! well, it'll match parts of LA too!!! wrench kevin
  12. Sid: have you checked the downloads section? http://combatace.com/files/file/10681-updated-default-sf2-terrain-by-piecemeal-v-12/ wrench kevin stein
  13. testing Stary's new GH3 over Darwin ... getting low down to annoy the 'roos and budgies ..... LOOKS so much better now!! Thanks Stary! wrench kevin stein
  14. HOOT! So, it follows the stock tiling pattern?? gottan test this baby in Darwin right now!!! thanks brother!! wrench kevin stein
  15. The TE will stop working for no apparant reason, at random times. It's just one of those things. The Deserttexturelist is in the Desert terrain editor. Rememver == ther are 2 TE's, one for SF/Desert only, and one for WoV/E/I (and used for FirstEagles, too) Be advised --- of the aftermarket desert tiles availble, NONE match perfectly with what's stock. The transitions WILL all be different (most notable, the 25 & 75 % tiles). Now, the stock Desert set IS readily available ... you'll just have to scroung through ALL the terrain downloads (1st & NextGen) to find them. HINT: think like a geographer -- what regions of the world would use the stock Desert set????? The texturelist ini for ALL 1st & NextGEns are the same (as are the tiles themselves) You CAN use the desert tile & texturelist IN the WoV/E/I TE, but you MUST import ALL the desert tiles. It's reccomended that you use a SEPERATE TE for that, as opposed to having everthing in one unmanagable TE install. You'll see in the screenie below, how many I'm running ... in particular, the Indo-Pak, Iran/Iraq, KAW -- all have their OWN terrain-specific tile sets imported. So what you see on the TE's 'view texture tiles' is what you'll see in game. The TE is the absolute most diffucult to use of all the editors .. it's not intuative at ALL! It has many functions that were/will never be activited, the max zoom of 3200 is at least half would it should be. Be prepared for a very frustrating, head-banging, ball-busting experience. I'm not even gonna mention TOD creation, or having to create NEW tiles to fill in the blanks so prevelant.... It is also the most rewarding finished product that can be shared -- for what good are all these fancy toys the aircraft and vehicle 3D Guys ™ turn out, if there's no Playground for them? wrench kevin stein
  16. shoot, I can't even get it to work.... loading bar gets to 100%, then freeezes. Have to use the task manager to end the game. Never had that issue before!! the tree issues in the TODs for that tile; if you can figure out WHICH tile it is, you can rename the corressponding TOD, and the trees will disappear (ie: xGermanyCE*nameoftile*.TOD) DIdn't Stary post a fix for some of the TODs sometime back?? wrench kevin stein
  17. Hopefully, you didn't install them to the C/ProgramFiles(x86) folder. All 1stGens get installed to the ROOT of C/ (allows for ini editing) wrench kevin stein
  18. If they were falconing, they'd fly towards the sun If sparrowing, wouldn't they just fall to the ground?? Now, Seagulling ... oth..... wrench kevin stein
  19. I'm not sure about India-Pakistan..... Kabul and Kandahar are there, but "neutral" (this is planningmpa3) wrench kevin stein
  20. Well, then tile-wise, I guess you're hosed. Stary's are a decent replacement. BTW, all the airbase regions need retiling to the 'AB tiles', as they should be relatively 'clear' of fields, trees, and etc. And... even if you DON't have a full4 merged, REREAD my post again about the airfield inis. You already have everything you need (except the tiles) Eric: I don't get the CTD on this map, when ONLY flying Blue (dumbass me HAD to try and fly a Mig!). Works a charm. It could, however, benifit from the AllowedMissionTypes= statements. The LimitedNations=TRUE needs to be activated, and a new nations.ini written to match SF2 standards. That may also help. Those 2 are nothing fixes ... I can have those late tonight/tommorrow sometime (don't want to miss the return of "Primeval" on BBCAmerica tonight!!) wrench kevin stein
  21. Gepard is also doing a Persion Gulf terrain ... covering from the straits of Hormuz, all the way north to above Ahwaz. Check the 1stGen Mods and Skinning chat, you'll find a whole thread on it. wrench kevin stein
  22. Ok, looking it over, the 'aircraft facing all the wrong way', is fixed by extracting the GermanyCE.cat, and copy/pasting ALL the Soviet_airbase***.inis directly INTO the /Afgahn terrain folder. You'll also need to extract the Desert cat, and copy/paste the Desert_airfield3 ini into the terrain folder You'll also need to edit the main Afghanstan.ini, and REMOVE the callout for the EnviromentalSystem.ini, as this will cause all sorts of visual oddiets (this is normal with 1stGen EnviroSys's -- they don't work in SF2) Like So: [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Afghanistan DataFile=Afghanistan_data.INI TargetFile=Afghanistan_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=Afghanistan_types.INI MovementFile=Afghanistan_movement.INI NationsFile=Afghanistan_nations.INI BriefingText=Afghanistan_briefing.INI DogfightFile=Afghanistan_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE EnvironmentFile= <--note removed ini callout CatFile=..\IsraelME\IsraelME.cat **note to self: get Lat/Long for map center, and add it to allow for proper dawn/dusk, stars, planets, and weather*** what I'm really surprised at is, the fact that game dosn't CTD due to the lack of a 'red' airbase anywhere on the map. Conventional 'wisdom', is you ALWAYS have to have =at the minimum= one base for each side. I had this issue with the MidWest USA map I made for FC's "Secret Mod" (the star trek one). Without a RED base, it would CTD all the time. I'll look into adding a Talliwaker/Iranian smuggler supply base in the N/W corner wrench kevin stein
  23. in main ini: in formosa_nations.ini: this fix was posted some months ago, in the SF2 terrains section. Fully usable in 1stGens. You'll probably want this file, as it included the LimitedNations fix: http://combatace.com/files/file/11157-formosa-upgrade-2-airfields-fixes-other-small-tweeks/ wrench kevin stein
  24. Does no one EVER look in the Knowledge Base??? http://combatace.com/topic/54856-converting-sfwo-terrains-to-sf2-usage/ The lack-of-tiles issue could have possibly been resolved by pointing to the IsrealME.cat, via the catpointer line. In a full-4 merged install, this should be no problem wrench kevin stein
  25. Happy Birthday JSF_Aggie

    Happy Birthday Brian!!! wrench kevin stein

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