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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Forgot to mention... some of the stock effects aren't working, in particular the smokestack effect, as seen on the stock Generatorbuilding, and added to other bits from The Factory Place. OTH, shipsmoke still works wrench kevin stein
  2. RAAF CAC Sabre Mk.32 -Version 2



    RAAF CAC Sabre Mk.32 -Version 2.0- For SF2 (any and all) Note: this version REPLACES any earlier ones in it's entirety!! You should delete your original, if you have it already. As the skins have been changed to jpg, the original bmp format will cause a conflict. Some ini modifications and 2 new skins for Zur's Avon-powered Sabre, as used by the RAAF in the 50s-60s. The skins are: 3 Squadron 77 Squadron Serial numbers are historically accurate; with the sources I used I've tried to match aircraft with the squadron served with ... I've come within about 98%; pretty much as far as possible. Decal Randomization is set to TRUE for both skins For End Users ™ with the Oz Mirage DLC, I've activated the squadron display on the Loadout Screen via my 'fake' sqtail decal. Other ini mods added the radar-ranging gunsight, landing lights, etc. Loadouts, however are =NOT= historically correct, due to some LOD issues. (More on that in the "Notes" section). A rather 'generic' SF2 style Sabre hangar screen is included. Weapons are =NOT= included - all excepting the drop tank reference stock, in-game items. You can obtain the drop tank in any of the other Sabre Paks or from the Gunny's Weapons Pak. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me. ================= Changes for Ver 2.0: new large format jpg skins new SF2 compliant FM new sounds dds damage textures fixed shadow issue Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein
  3. I'm going bat-s**t crazy trying to find a good square-on color photo or drawing or profile or whatever for 3 Squadrons tail badge, as used on both the Natural Metal and Camo (green/gray) paint jobs. From such a photo, a decal can be made (as below, for late-60 (?) 75 Squadron NM/silver doped units). Been crawling all over the net for 3 days; got some good stuf, but not exactly what I was looking for... So, I'm appealing to our friends and neighbors down in Oz, to see what they can come up. Deing closer to the source, so to speak... what I'd love is a copy of the Mushroom RAAF mirage colors and markings... I thank you all in advance!!! wrench kevin stein ps: also, any good close ups of the CAC CA.27 Sabres, standard squadron markings .. as the 2 skins we have now are aerobatic teams, not "operational" aircraft TIA!
  4. actually, something even BETTER may be 'waiting in the wings'..... ps: harry, did you get the map issue sorted out? wrench kevin stein
  5. it definatly sounds like some kind of mod conflict of sorts. back up the original inis, extract some new ones from the latest patch level, and see what winds up where. Mounting points are only controled by the data ini (as well as pilot positons), so I'd look/compare a "fresh" one to what you have. You'll be looking at the AttachmentPosition= and PilotPositon= statements in their respective sections of the data ini EDIT: just checked mine, and had the same 'displacement'. Renamed the data ini, and the problem went away ... as seen below. Compared with the latest data ini, the pilot positons is displaced almost 2 meters! wrench kevin stein
  6. I'm using the 3W stock IIIC ... wait, we have a stock E don't we??? (or am I thinking 5?) RATS!! Well, the ini work should transfer over pretty easily; wanted to use as mucth 'stock' stuff as possible, to preclude the need for rebuilding FMs. Nuts...back to start! adf serials is a GREAT resource .. it's what I've been using for the Mirages AND Avon Sabres. wrench kevin stein
  7. Why not? All ya gotta do is a PM to one of the TMF guys (Sony? Otto/Crusader? whoever? damnit! I can't remember!), requesting permission. wrench kevin stein
  8. The Deuces cockpit ALONE is worth the price of admission! wrench kevin stein
  9. You gotta admit, Hinch does DO great ships! And Battleship Row looks a LOT better here, than on my Hawaii map. For those that don't know what that screenie is from, it's from the YAP teams WW2 mod, Rising Sun. I don't have it, so I can't really comment on it, but Hinch's work is always top notch ? -- didn't/hadn't one or two them already have the tripod masts, or were they all still the cage style (too lazy to dig out my books) wrench kevin stein
  10. Sorry, if it's only a virtual one! wrench kevin stein
  11. PLEASE DO NOT POST QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS OR ANYTHING ELSE TO TOPICS IN THE KNOWLEDGE BASE!!! You go there for Answers; if you have Questions, they get posted here in the General Discussion Forum, or more likely, as they mosty deal with modding, to the Mods and Skinning Forum. Thank you for your attention. Carry on with whatever you were doing.... Wrench Kevin Stein CA Moderating Staff
  13. Now, THAT'S what I call a planning map!!!! nicely done!! wrench kevin stein
  14. Swords from Down Under... wrench kevin stein
  15. Dev A-Team site; they made the B-17s, and they're the only place to get them. Don't forget, the D a Beta!
  16. when runnning Unlimited shadows, the shadows for all structrues (stock as well as add-ons) are displaced several 'building lengths' from the object itself. Does not do this (or to a much lesser extent) on High or below. I'll post a screenie of it as soon as I grab one. the pit1 shadow creates the 'tractor' beam effect (as seen on older aircraft) wrench kevin stein
  17. weren' they included in the download from the DAT site? WW2BmbrGunner or something like that?? if 06/08 1stGens, you drop the lod, ini and bmp in the root of the /Aircraft folder. Just dump 'em in! wrench kevin stein
  18. That info is nothing really new; sorry to burst your bubble. We terrain/targets engineers have been working off that principle for OVER 7 years. The point, of course, is moot, what with SF2 creating a handy little file called the 'userlist.ini'. Of course, the terrain's LimitedNations= statment, creating country-used specific items, has been around since WoV first came out (albeit not as sophiscated). And most modders having moved to SF2....well, you get the picture. wrench kevin stein
  19. fly the desert storm terrain, on a night strike over Baghdad.... I was even getting complaints there was too AAA fire coming up. wrench kevin stein
  20. don't have any for the F7 or F8 as for adding a controlers pit, MAYBE the rio pit from the P-38M MIGHT work! You'll have to add it via the fake pilot method. Be aware the AN/APS-4 pod is part of it, iirc Look for it in the WW2 Aircraft, 1stGen, downloads. If it works, great; if it dont, well ya tried! wrench kevin stein
  21. and this is news to whom???? spillone: coool drone! champ: I have a home made template for the Hellcat; that's how I did my WW2 skins. May not be the best, but here ya go. wrench kevin stein
  22. ludo: The stock templates would be a BIG help, if/when I can figure out the late model lo-viz 2-tone gray pattern For the NM, I"m cheating and using the stock MIII skins from SF2E (yes, I'm lazy!) Interesting on the 4-view .. shows the number on the gear door in white ... I've been using black on the siler and camos ... where all the camos in white? (ie: means repainting those decals; 5 mins work) below is the 77 Squadron camo skin; might have to move the roundell a bit more forwrad. all markings are decals! the other is 76; that tail badge was made froma photo, painted and a decal made. That came out the best! wrench kevin stein
  23. hmmm....Id extract a FRESH data ini from the objectdata002.cat, at the most recent patch level, and compare the weapons mounting positions against the the one you're using. Perhaps something has changed.... Also, that loadout ain't stock; when compared to the original loadout ini BTW, this is the STOCK 57B, right? Not ajundairs??? wrench kevin stein
  24. Republic XF-84H Thunderscreech

    somewhre around here, I've got a pic of it on the pole mount at Bakersfield airport, years before it was moved to Wright-Patt. Gotta find it, and scan it... wrench kevin stein

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