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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. to the aircraft's data ini, in the [AircraftData] section. As to the loadout issues, I cannot speak to that without a screenshot wrench kevin stein
  2. that's just ... wrong! Great looking decals, btw!! Didn't the MOD actually think about adding 'winders to Lightings? Something about the RedTop/Firestreak's fins actually adding some stability to the aircraft?? wrench kevin stein
  3. you and me both.... I got buttloads of decals to make, and more research for the Oz Mirages, fiddling with some bits for the Airacobra, and s**tloads of terrain work. Enough (terrain stuff) to last for at least 3-4 months. But seriously, tho....if folks want to keep trying, let them. We'll just have a standard post, or statement in the readmes (which I've been adding to my most recent ones) "I'm no longer modding 1stGen games, so any/all issues you have with the mod when trying to install in a non-reccomended way, you're on your own. No support is/will be available. Consult the CA Knowledge Base for information on attempting this" wrench kevin stein
  4. the game won't place a target outside the map boundries ... some other idiot may have gotten a bit close :whistle: Bengoi, and the nearby refinery are pretty much at the 'stock' map limit. do the World Edge Fix ™, and that'll take care of it. note to self: come up with someting that shows at The Wall that says "Here there be dragons", visible from altitude wrench kevin stein
  5. "If it's a Phantom, Sundowner's Got a Skin For It" should be you new advert, Ant! wrench kevin stein
  6. How do I get the thing to point STRAIGHT DOWN only!!????? Here's the statment from the data ini, "liberated" from TMFs RF-4E: [Driftsight] ReferenceName= SystemType=EO_CAMERA CameraFOV=30.000000 CameraPosition=0.000000,4.062,-1.956 CameraYaw=15.000000 CameraPitch=15.000000 CameraRoll=15.000000 SightTexture=avq23sight1.tga EODisplayFlags=268435456 I'm asusming it's got something to do with the Pitch statement ... but, do I use 90 (which should be UP) or -90 (which, hopefully is DOWn!) screenie shows in-cockpit view, but looking forward; I need it straight down! (well, maybe angles slightly forward) Any and all help is GREATLY appriciated! (and will be recognized in the readme, as always!) Making the decals is sooooo much easier... wrench kevin stein Edit: yes, for those that guess what, I know it's in the wrong place, but we make do with the cockpits we have.
  7. which is EXAXTLY what Gant would have been saying!!! wrench kevin stein
  8. don't forget the old RT and FS from the BunyPak are named FireStreakIRA2A and RedTopIRA2A; therefore, with my fix above, actually give you 4 weapons. Editing the Javelin' data and loadout inis is the best, quickest, and easiest solution. Be advise, taht some adjustments in mounting location might be necessary. That would go for any other RA/RN aircraft using them (SeaVixen comes to mind) wrench kevin stein
  9. "Think of it as evoloution in action ... those that can't adapt, die" or .. they think SF2 don't work "right" on XP or any of a thousand other reasons. What it comes down to: Almost all the Big Name Modders ™ have adpated and moved on to what is, and will be future of this series. (excpet those PropHead amongst us bemoaning the lack of "working" WW2 flight models) Not to put to fine a point on it, as my maternal grandmother would say in Russian "toughs**tski" wrench kevin stein
  10. Berlin Airlift

    Short Sunderland's bringing in salt, perhaps??? wrench kevin steing
  11. C models never carried the lower mount sidewinders .... erosion issues on the seeker heads from being so close to the ground. Oddly, G's did.... BTW, if one looks in the data ini, and probably the OUT file (if supplied -or into the lod via a hex editor), you should be able to find the node names and re-add them wrench kevin stein
  12. Have you tried extracting the STOCK weaponsdata ini (it's in ObjectData001), and creating a NEW weapons folder for the STOCK Firestreak and Red Tops??? wrench kevin stein
  13. that's because, until extracted, they ALL reside in the Object.cat. Covered in the Knowledge Base wrench kevin stein
  14. target area 028 on WHAT map? one of the stock ones? GermanyCE most likely, or VietnamSEA. They're all incorrect. doncha think that's a little bit spread out??? you've got launchers are 14000 x 5400 meters from the non-existent 0,0 point. That ain't how they were set up ... trust me on this. The word we're looking for is "battery" Perhaps a look through the Libya (or ANW or ASW or SoCal or Darwin or, or, or...) targets ini will show you how it's done right? Also, a quick Google will show some reallly nice photo-recce views of what an SA2 battery really looked like; judge distance from the "known" size of the Fansong and Guideline launchers. wrench kevin stein
  15. Remember.... if it's a DAT mod (with the LOD file) it CANNOT be uploaded anywhere but the DAT site. Without the LOD (ie: skins, inis, etc) that's OK Geo's mods are also 'permisison only', so you might want to try and contact him, if you want to upload a full package. Or, do it withOUT the lod, and in the readme, list the URL where the aircraft can be obtain. (same for the hellcat cockpit) You could use the Styx, maybe as a stand-in Regulas? How you'd get it to work, I've no ideaer!! wrench kevin stein
  16. there should be some skins/decal sets (for Wolf's Airacobra) in the WW2 skins downloads section I've; feel free to use 'em!! (well, what bits you can of course! Surely the mapping will be different...) I can dail the lights in, based on what I did with Wolfs whenever you want! wrench kevin stein
  17. and more on the QF-100 by me, with removed unneeded cockpit bits (with Storm's, skins, me thinks? disremember!) Might be in 1stGen downloads ... I just don't remember! wrench kevin stein
  18. Departing Tindal... wrench kevin stein
  19. that's the fake radar causing that. they vanish when the driftsight is "open". I couldn't figure out how to remove them Don't know if you all ever had that in Europe, but here in the US, that's the 50s/60s traditional TV test pattern. wrench kevin stein
  20. if you play any type of single mission, I'll bet you'll find 'friendly' aircraft icons there all the time. Those are your reinforcements ('call for help'), or flights tasked with something special since Exp1. If you click on them (at leat before Exp2), the info would say something like "mission = scripted" wrench kevin stein
  21. thanks guys! nobody's found the Easter Eggs yet???? wrench kevin stein
  22. should have done a "save mission" ... so I can check WHERE the issue is happening. The only places on the map where that might happen is at Bengoi, and maaaayyybe Soema. Makassar is plenty far inland, so that shouldn't have been it. The easist, simplest fix is to extract the FlightEngine.ini from the FlightData.cat, and make this adjustment to the world settings ... [WorldSettings] SectorWidth=20 SectorHeight=20 SectorMaxObject=256 Border=35000.0 MinHeight=1.0 MaxHeight=35000.0 that gives you an extra 45km out from the original Wall. (it being originally set to 80000.0) EDIT: forgot, it's the line that says "Border=" that gets changed. Remember, it's a GLOBAL change, and will effect ALL terrains. Some for the better! Whilst you have the FlightData.cat extracted, it'd be a good idea to drop the HUDDATA.INI into your /Flight folder as well, and do this, add the section below (you'll see it goes at the top): [Debug] //DisplayDebug=FALSE DisplayDebug=TRUE with the commented out section, you'll have the FULL screen de-bug, and it'll give you the target coordinates (and buttloads of aircraft flight information). The best thing is, you can switch it on or off either by swapping the comment lines (the 2 // slashes), or just hit Alt/D when in game unti it turns off. Then, you can hit Alt/D again, and bring back the 2 displays on the bottom (and the radar screen in the upper right, if you use that. The screenie below explains what's what. wrench kevin stein
  23. Good One, harryleith!! Well, I could use a change of scenery..... wrench kevin stein
  24. then, he would have been attacked by eels! Everybody knows that!! wrench kevin stein

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