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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Da! I get it now!! A bit slower than usual, this weekend! wrench kevin stein
  2. Lockheed U-2A for SF2



    Lockheed U-2A =For SF2 (any and all merge levels) *Note: as I'm not fully sure if "Dragon Lady" applies to this early model, I didn't add the name*. This is a slight overhaul of Pasko/Column5's Lockheed U-2A recon plane. This is a full aircraft pak, with a modified cockpit. All new serial number decals have been created, historcally accurate for the USAF version, and those discoverable for CIA usage (US civil N-series). Both the original skins (NM and 'dark gray') are included. A new SF2-style hangar screen is included, as is Pasko's "PilotU2" , dressed in the 1950s style pressure suit. The flight model feels pretty good in SF2, considering it hasn't been tweeked since 2005, but the aircraft is NOT a fighter, so don't expect massive manuverabililty. Other ini tweek remove some unneeded cockpit bits, add an audio-only RWR (couldn't find any info if A-models had jammer suites), landing lights, and a working Driftsight (ie: downward looking periscope). A destroyed model has also been assigned, for SF2 users. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me. You should pay special attention to the "Flying the U-2" sections below, as it explains the use of the 'driftsight' and other things you'll need to know for correctly flying recon missions in this bird. It is also highly likely this mod can be used in 1stGen SF/Wo* with minimal adjustments -- as 08 level game also use the /Decals subfolder, this should pose no issue whatsoever. Some data ini adjusment of the landing gear rolling radi may be necessary. Since I don't mod 1stGens anymore, this was not tested. And yes, for those that look for such things, there are 2 Easter Eggs in the cockpit (actually, 3, but one seems to have disappeared!). Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  3. dr stranglove?? it does sorta look like a nuke flash wrench kevin stein
  4. The word, and action, you're searching for is.... randomness it's just how it is, when using the 'generic' terms. ie: game limitation. live with it, just like the rest of us (expecially us terrain engineers) wrench kevin stein
  5. can't tell you what terrain it is, but it sure looks (almost) like a bombsight! wrench kevin stein
  6. No, they don't. Why not just use the GR1 harrier, even if it's not quite the right shape, and call it a Kestrel? Save a hell of a lot of time in re-skinning wrench kevin stein
  7. Depending on the terrain, WHY are you adding SAMs???? There's plenty of Soviet/WarPac AD units all over the stock maps. I can also tell you with 100% certainty, that MANY of the add-on terrains have MORE than enough Red AD units, and a good deal of Blue AD units. I should know ... I'm the guy that put them there. The _targets.ini has all the stuff already plotted and loaded (the only exceptions I haven't touched are the Desert GermanyCE and VietnamSEA; other folks have done those) Have you actually LOOKED into the objects data inis??? I'll bet real money that you'll find some are "EW_RADAR" and others are "SAM_RADAR". How they are places is also defined via the terrains _targets AND _types inis. FYI, the SA-7, Stingers and other MANPADS are classed as "STATIC_AAA". Again, start studying the objects data inis. With some work, it'll all become clear wrench kevin stein
  8. Get The Gimp, it's free and pretty close to PS in how it works (so they say ... I use Photoshop) wrench kevin stein
  9. they've all been rempped ... therefore, 1stGens don't quite fit anymore (some more, some less than others). Other than making a new templete from scratch, that's how it is Sundowner may have a new Kurnass template, why not ask him and start skining? wrench kevin stein
  10. oh,gads! that's hysterical!!! Perfect song choice! U-2s look like drunk ducks waddling around. Loved the end, with the Security guys! wrench kevin stein
  11. holy frijoles!! That works!! That is also the most disconcerting view I've ever seen in the game! The first time in 8+years playing this, that I actually started to experience vertigo!! I did have to "cheat" to get it to work (ie: has a fake radar -wait till you see the 'warming up screen'!!, perfect for the time period) excellent! many, many thanks FC!!! wrench kevin stein
  12. The Untouchables... wrench kevin stein
  13. Well, that should mean you'd be seeing Red Air Mystre IVAs, too, as India is classed as an Enemy Nation in the nations ini. Where the MystreIVA data ini states.. [MissionData] NationName=France AircraftRole=FIGHTER AircraftCapability=DAY_ONLY ServiceStartYear=1955 ServiceEndYear=1975 Availability=COMMON Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1956 ExportEndYear=1973 ExportAvailability=RARE PrimaryRoles=SWEEP,CAP,INTERCEPT,ESCORT SecondaryRoles=STRIKE,CAS,ANTI_SHIP NormalMissionRadius=300 MaxMissionRadius=465 Ceiling=15240.0 MinBaseSize=MEDIUM looks like a quick ini edit is in order, huh? (include the Spitfires, Vampire 5/9/52, and some of the Hunters) wrench kevin stein
  14. The Indo-Pak mod is for SF2 only. Requies much that's only in SF2 The "Fizah Eagles" campaing cocas mentions probably won't work in even 08 level 1stGens ... waaaay to old and out of date wrench kevin stein
  15. Then, I simply wouldn't worry the least bit about it, eh?
  16. General consesus between us modders, is shift/0 for canopy, shift/9 for wings ie: InputName= system numbers don't matter, as long as they're in numerical sequence. and is always 00* for 1-9, 0** for 10 and up as to why it don't work for you??? what I posted is what I used, and the screenie shows the result (btw, you could have just copied/pasted the data I posted above directly OVER the existing statement in the data ini) have you assigned the anaimation keys in your /Options/Controls/Customize??? wrench kevin stein
  17. Have you looked at the F-106's OUT file, if supplied? Or browsed through the LOD with a HexEditor, search for "canopy" or whatever it might be You have to think like an aeronautical structrual engineer. You also have to figure out WHICH animation is or is NOT assigned, and guess at it, after going LINE BY LINE through the data ini, to see which are doing what. assuming the effect you want is seen in the screenie below.... add to nose: SystemName[004]=Canopy for the pilot section (pilot figure left blank on purpose): [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName= Position=0.00,6.65,1.00 SeatModelName=seat_f-100 SeatPosition=0.00,6.48,0.58 MinExtentPosition=-0.25,7.52, 0.00 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25,6.55, 1.00 CanopyNodeName=CockpitCover [Canopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_10 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=4.0 AnimationID=9 and there you go. Did it ages ago, just never thought it would be necessary to post the fix. wrench kevin stein EDIT: are you familiar with this tutorial? Just in case you hadn't seen it! http://combatace.com/topic/53913-canopy-operations/
  18. Sorry to keep restating the obvious... 1stGens are Dead ... Long Live the King!! wrench kevin stein
  19. Yes and No Some aircraft are more susceptiable to it than others (revolver-type cannon/reciprocating, gas-operated machine guns vs rotary cannon) wrench kevin stein
  20. the old buny pak is an 06 patch level weapons pak. It will work in 08 levels, PROVIDED you run the weaponsdata ini through the 08 level weapons editor. BTW, this is covered in our handy-dandy, ever ingorned Knowledge Base. Look for a thread entitles "Things You Need to Update" or words to that effect. Also, start researching/searching here for "networked SAMS / air defense units". Google is also a good place to start. As to placing them; start learing HOW to rebuild terrain targets inis. They need to be hand placed, in their batteries with the supporting search and fire control radars. wrench kevin stein
  21. I din't know Jimmy Durante had a plane modeled on him! (just saw that in one of Gordon's books! I think it's cool! can't remember the designation, tho) That Blinder on the runway is a nice shot, too wrench kevin stein
  22. Don't forget, too, that said limited nations MUST be listed in the terrains _Nation.ini, along with the LimitedNations=True statement in the main ini Examples: and, the important one... The locations ONLY exist to create the well, loctaions, for various target areas (as stated in the terrains _targets.ini) [TargetArea001] Name=Dezful EW-GCI Site Position=501801,644677 Radius=1000 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 <--- Alignment=FRIENDLY [TargetArea143] Name=Doha Position=868092,132304 Radius=6000 ActiveYear=0 Location=7 <---- Alignment=NEUTRAL Target[001].Type=mosque1 Target[001].Offset=0,0 Target[001].Heading=270 In my experience, the limited nations is mostly for campaigns, in single missions it seems that all the playas can show up (well, again that depends .. I've NOT encounted PLAAF Fresco's over Tel Aviv, but have encountered, as mentioned before, North Korean/Soviet Meteors/Hunters over Korea) The only real way to find out who belongs were, is extract ALL the objectdata cats, READ every single one of the userlists for the aircraft in question, and delete their aircraft folders from the era/theatre specific mods folder. (and that STILL might not work!). wrench kevin stein
  23. in the root of each mods folder ie (Win7/Vista shown): C:\Users\kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Options.ini wrench kevin stein
  24. Odd, I just noticed this entire thread relates to the SF2 series .. .so, I'm gonna move the whole thing over to the SF2 Forums wrench kevin stein
  25. Prollly...I sent him down there for more cee-gars "rolled on the thighs of virgins" EDIT: judging by the tileset, either Madagascar or Cuba (more likely Madagascar -- too much brown, the OTC map is more green) wrench kevin stein

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