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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. !! Go For It !! one can always say the traditional "two weeks" is a WAG!! wrench kevin stein
  2. F-86F-40, Imperial Iranian AF



    IIAF F-86F-40 Sabre Aircraft/Skin Pak =For SF2 & SF/SFG/WoV/WoE and maybe WoI @ 08 Levels and above= This package creates a 'nationalized', stand alone aircraft for Zur's F-86F-40, representing Sabres as used by the Imperial Iranian Air Force in the 1960s/70s. aka "Swords of the Shah". Designed to fill in a small gap, between the Imperial Iranian AF prop-jobs (P-47s), and the third sets of jets (F-5A/B/Es and Phantoms; the first set being straight-winged F-84s, and these Sabres that replaced them). This nationalized version was created for specific reasons, outlined in the "Notes" section below. The skin is a basic bare-metal, with serial number decals for 18 aircraft (standard squadron). With information so scarce, some "WAG" had to be used. The number conventions follow those as seen on F-5s and F-4 Phantoms,and a profile I found online, so should be relatively accurate. As always, -READ- the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. For those wishing to install to 1st Gen games, =PLEASE= make double damn sure you read the special section for you. I've tried to keep it as simple a possible, while covering all bases. Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  3. i just put it on the desktop, and it worked fine (in it's own folder, of course). wrench kevin stein
  4. Another in our series of "Visiting World Heritage Sites".... don't forget the ziggurat of Ur! And visit the gift shop for a souviner for the folks at home... wrench kevin stein
  5. I don't do campaigns (never having learned the ins and outs of them), so one of the experts will take care of that. Terrain - only the best guy for the job. Objects - being adapted (from various places, including an unfinished 08 level upgrade). Others will still be needed, however (upgraded from their original state, etc and so forth) remember, it'll be for SF2 only, so .... Time frame: next year wrench kevin stein
  6. Cats 1, Badgers, 0 wrench kevin stein
  7. GEICO commercial

    wrench kevin stein
  8. No it won't. Rebuild it from the bottom up (including the terrain, which is being done even as we speak, for SF2 =ONLY=) wrench kevin stein
  9. Decals

    and check the DecalLevel= for individual ID letters/numbers. Those should be set to =2 does the 60th skin have a 'numberlist.ini'? Some skin may not have, or use them. The next question is, are there acutally individual letter/number decals FOR that skin? (not being familiar with that particular one), or are the being referenced to another skin's decal set (a very neat trick we use sometimes for SF/Wo*/SF2) Just to make you feel better, it's nearly impossible to screwup the skins/decals folders -- at the very wurst, you just delet the offending items. wrench kevin stein
  10. judging by the use of all 3 colors, I'd guess the Wing Commander's aircraft be a neat scheme! wrench kevin stein
  11. Ground targets don't display on HUDs (at least, not in these games), due to there being no actual way to 'lock' a ground target with radar. (that's what the red box is for on easy and normal modes) wrench kevin stein
  12. One that hasn't been seen in a llloooooooooooooong time, being totall reworked. wrench kevin stein
  13. zoom, whoosh .... zipping by my friendly neighbors, to annoy the bad neighbors, next door wrench kevin stein
  14. It's Meters, not yards. All measurments in TKs games are metric wrench kevin stein
  15. AD lost the source files a long time ago (5+years). A pity, too. They're STILL good looking birds wrench kevin stein
  16. Happy Birthday hgbn!

    those should keep you busy for while!! Happy Birthday, Henrick! wrench kevin stein
  17. A lot of the 1stGen to SF2 conversions are forgetting this supremely ciritical file. When one has an aircrft that is tagged Exported=TRUE it is vitally important that a userlist is either created new or adated from a pre-existing one (a good example would be my JASDF F-86 skin pak, those that downloaded it might have noticed that it came with a new userlist, while not fully complete, at least there was SOMETHING for the game engine to use). This goes for GroundObjects as well. Now, it's not just a matter of "is it Western/NATO, or Soviet/Warsaw Pact user" -- you HAVE to list the nations that use/used the thing! (that, or create non-exported, nationalized clones of said objects). You can have all sorts of oddities (like I recently encountered); for example, TF-104Gs parked on the ramp with Iranian markings!! Simply put, even terrains that have an active LimitedNations=TRUE statement, and an accurate terrain nations ini well still have the odd-ducks popping up all over the place. What is the Userlist.ini, you may ask. It's a file designed to absolutely limit which nation gets how many of what airplane (or groundobject) for how many years. They can be found scattered through all the various ObjectData***.cats, located in the main core game install. For editing, you'll need to extract them, using Gerwins Cat Extrator tool. Here's what a standard entry looks like, this from the F-4E_72 Phantom: You can see it only has 2 nations listed, and the Availability is based on how many that air force operated. A rule of thumb that I've found (actually someone else did, and it was in HIS users ini for something I downloaded), for trying to figure out which of the availability tags to use is: RARE: Less than 100 COMMON: 100 - 500 VERY_COMMON: Greater than 500 One might conclude that "VERY_RARE" is something substantially less than 50, or even less than 18 (a normal US squadron strenght). The first questions one asks in "How do I find out what countries used this aircraft, over how many years, and how many did they operate?" Well, that's where the skull sweat comes into play ... you have to get out the books, hunt across the Internet and roll up your sleeves and get down to it. Personally I've found that, even with all it's errors, Wikipedia gives a fairly accurate listing of "who got what" and pretty close to "when" ... obviously some educated guesswork is involved, but in the end it worth it make the mod right. Read the full article, and with a little bit of cleaverness and the skill to 'read between the lines', one can make a accurate guesstimate as to operational years. Countries are already listed in said articles. Is it time consuming, and frustrating? Sure it is ... especially when trying to hunt down some obscure country that used the aircraft for only a few years, and in very small numbers. But, in the long run, it's better for the End User ™, than seeing complaint posts about "I was bounced by Soviet Vampires flying on the Wagstaffistan map. Can anyone fix this, or tell me what's wrong?" So, yeah, spend the time; try to get it a close to Real Life ™ as possible. You won't get it perfect ... shoot, even the stock aircraft occasionally appear with wrong markings (example: Chinese Meteors that bounced me in a F9F Panther while flying in 1951 Korea!!!) In short .... make the effort. In the long run, it create better mods, and more fun for all involved. Questions? Comments? Clairifications? Post them on the regular Forums, either in General Discussion or Mods & Skinning Happy Researching! Wrench kevin stein
  18. got any questions, or need some advice/help, pm me! Anything to get outta the damn Zagaros mountains... wrench kevin stein
  19. Try this (I had a similiar fault recently ...) rename to 2 maps to PlanningMap1.bmp and PlanningMap2.bmp (respectively) open the Vogessen.ini, and change the pointer to... [Map] FilenameFormat=PlanningMap%d.bmp Width=250000.0 Height=250000.0 NumZoomLevels=2 see it that helps. I can't remember it the crash/freeze happens to me or not; I'll test it sometime tongiht if I can get out the Zagros Mountains... wrench kevin stein
  20. since when did the ROC forces use Centurions??, or Isreali Pattons? I'd suggest start checking userlist inis from the object cats .. there are several items listed that are Middle East only use (M-113 ZPU for one --Egypt only, not exported) Don't forget the Type 59 and Type 69 PRC tanks, they're arond here somewheres.... Also, make triple damn sure ANYTHING that's DAT in [b]NOT[/b] in the mod ... those are 'locked' permission only items, and their inclusion will only cause problems. (Brooklyn, for instance) Don't forget the 'targets/airbases' fix I uploaded a few months ago for Taiwan. And DO try to make the install instructions easier!! (as discussed in another thread). A seperate, standalone mods folder would be best for something like this. Pairs down what you have to upload, and what folks have to download. wrench kevin stein
  21. you mean the Dassault Ballsac??? completely impractical; no war load, no range, what use would it be??? wrench kevin stein

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