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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. the old buny pak is an 06 patch level weapons pak. It will work in 08 levels, PROVIDED you run the weaponsdata ini through the 08 level weapons editor. BTW, this is covered in our handy-dandy, ever ingorned Knowledge Base. Look for a thread entitles "Things You Need to Update" or words to that effect. Also, start researching/searching here for "networked SAMS / air defense units". Google is also a good place to start. As to placing them; start learing HOW to rebuild terrain targets inis. They need to be hand placed, in their batteries with the supporting search and fire control radars. wrench kevin stein
  2. I din't know Jimmy Durante had a plane modeled on him! (just saw that in one of Gordon's books! I think it's cool! can't remember the designation, tho) That Blinder on the runway is a nice shot, too wrench kevin stein
  3. Don't forget, too, that said limited nations MUST be listed in the terrains _Nation.ini, along with the LimitedNations=True statement in the main ini Examples: and, the important one... The locations ONLY exist to create the well, loctaions, for various target areas (as stated in the terrains _targets.ini) [TargetArea001] Name=Dezful EW-GCI Site Position=501801,644677 Radius=1000 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 <--- Alignment=FRIENDLY [TargetArea143] Name=Doha Position=868092,132304 Radius=6000 ActiveYear=0 Location=7 <---- Alignment=NEUTRAL Target[001].Type=mosque1 Target[001].Offset=0,0 Target[001].Heading=270 In my experience, the limited nations is mostly for campaigns, in single missions it seems that all the playas can show up (well, again that depends .. I've NOT encounted PLAAF Fresco's over Tel Aviv, but have encountered, as mentioned before, North Korean/Soviet Meteors/Hunters over Korea) The only real way to find out who belongs were, is extract ALL the objectdata cats, READ every single one of the userlists for the aircraft in question, and delete their aircraft folders from the era/theatre specific mods folder. (and that STILL might not work!). wrench kevin stein
  4. in the root of each mods folder ie (Win7/Vista shown): C:\Users\kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Options.ini wrench kevin stein
  5. Odd, I just noticed this entire thread relates to the SF2 series .. .so, I'm gonna move the whole thing over to the SF2 Forums wrench kevin stein
  6. Prollly...I sent him down there for more cee-gars "rolled on the thighs of virgins" EDIT: judging by the tileset, either Madagascar or Cuba (more likely Madagascar -- too much brown, the OTC map is more green) wrench kevin stein
  7. I think you can pretty much write off the WW2 stuff, until the FMs are all upgraded to at least 08 1stGen standards, and the new propeller issue is resolved. There are also LOD issues now cropping up in SF2 that never showed before in 1stGens. Meaning: all the damn things need rebuilding Horrible thing to hear from the Head Prop Head, huh? But, facts is facts... NOBODY is more adamant about getting a good WW2 mod set going for SF2 then me ...I've already got over 5 years invested in WW2 1stGen stuff, and really REALLLY want good, solid, working "things" for my WW2 playgrounds. (makes me wanna weep sometimes...) --- As to terrains, don't forget Central America, MidWest USA and I'm certain one or 2 others.... I'd love to do something around South Africa, but can't find a good DEM to start from. wrench kevin stein
  8. did you add the avenger gun sound to the soundlist.ini??? You have to do that, too wrench kevin stein
  9. Waterworld!! If you look carefully, you can almost see kevin costner!! wrench kevin stein
  10. I wonder if that explains WHY they're so damn dark!???? wrench kevin stein
  11. i like it!! wrench kevin stein
  12. File Name: F-4E Phantom II, RAAF File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 08 December 2010 File Category: F-4 F-4E Phantom II, RAAF For SF2 (any and all, Merged or not) This mod creates a 'stand alone' aircraft, using all in-house/in-game stock bits, to recreate the 24 Phantoms used (for a short time) by the RAAF. All new, 100% historically accurate serial number decals have been created for all aircraft. Data ini edits change (essentially) nothing, but nationalizing the aircraft to Australia. A new userlist is incuded -- the only real changes are that I 'cheated' and extended the EndServiceYear to 1980. The canopy is active via an animation key; use shift/0 to open and close it. As the standard, garden variety F-4E (no year suffix!) exists in all versions of the game, this mod should pose no issues whatsoever for those that (for whatever reason) have not merged their SF2 installs. These would be, in Real Life ™, the 1969 Model year Phantoms (hence, they're spurious A69 RAAF coding) You can use this pak in one of two ways: 1) Stand alone aircraft (as designed), or 2) additional skin/decal set for the F-4E. If done as an additional skin, a decals ini just for that has been provided. A new userlist has been created, extending the operational years past what is historical. (Australia is actually listed on the F-4E's userlist, but only for a very few years 70-73). They now are operational from 1970-1980. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me. Good Hunting Down Under! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  13. Lets see .... I have a full merged, PLUS each one in it's own mods folder. The advantages, spoken of myriad times in threads beyond number, are that you can custom tailor EACH mods folder to fit exactly what the Theatre/Era should contain. Is there/Can There be a lot of duplication? Sure; it's to be expected Other than the 'total conversions' we/I'm working one, that gives 6 game installs. Don't forget, too, that ALL campaings can be run/accessed from the MAIN SF2 install. So, add an additonal 3-5 (Indo-Pak, Iran-Iraq, DS, KAW, and whatever else is hiding out there) It's End User's Choice, based on HD space (hell, I've used up just under 50% of my 750gig HD already! Of course, some of that is p0rn ) One can, and should, always thin down the mods folders, removeing unwanted/uneeded aircraft taht don't fit the time frame or theatre (like PLAAF Migs over Central Europe -- but that's what the userlist and terrain's LimitedNations statements are for, hopefully -which still dosent' explain the occasional Soviet Meteor!) wrench kevin stein
  14. just saw something wierd... look under the wing, just aft of the prop disc. Odd to see the aircraft's shadow disappear,eh? I think the disc is wa too dark and solid looking. This is the STOCK disc from the 08 level Objectcat (stock 0-1E, too). Does the same with propdisc2.tga from ObjectData001, too. So, methinks its somekind of a combination of shaders and tgas and something we haven't thought of yet. wrench kevin stein
  15. "Save As...." wrench kevin stein
  16. The lod might be in Unicode, therefore nothing you can do about it. Perhaps it's time to bite the bullet, and move up? wrench kevin stein
  17. I think the term you're looking for is "night and limited all weather". Don't forget, all were GCI controlled anyway. It makes no difference in game terms; the AI will fly whenever it wants. Always has, always will. wrench kevin stein
  18. Kuwait is a selectable nation for the F.53; just check the userslit ini for it. (needs proper serials, of course...) wrench kevin stein
  19. Happy Birthday

    HOOT! Happy Birthday guys!! wrench kevin stein
  20. Yup, the same way I added the RWR screen to the F-100 & F-104, by 'sacrficing' the 2ndary ADI gauge ---- Forgot the add this fix for the flipped flaps: add these 2 lines to the flaps statements: [LeftFlap] ModelNodeName=Flap_L ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE [RightFlap] ModelNodeName=Flap_R ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE wrench kevin stein
  21. Great! I'd start with TMF's Corsairs (and your Invader!) Aircraft that aren't showing this issue: C-119 B-29 Pasko's Yaks 3/3RD/9 to a much lesser degree ... they're still round, but very dark when viewed from the back/front, and the prop tga seems concave/convex .. like 2 parenthessis back to back --> () Buny's old AT-6s Haven't tested any ww2 DAT birds or Wolf257s stuff at all in SF2 The old props, even those that work are showing a VERY heavy shadow ... maybe tweeking that ini as well?? And where does one put the AIRCRAFTSHADERS.INI? Root of Objects?? (although, fixed tgas will probabloy take care of it) wrench kevin stein
  22. CP wrote on the 3W board: Now, the only question I have, is how to do that without creating a new alpha channel??? wrench kevin stein
  23. Is this even in the right forum?? There is no Exp2 for 1stGen 3W games wrench kevin stein
  24. There's only one, and it works with 06 and 08 level games. (in other words, the one with the exe dated 11/05/04) wrench kevin stein
  25. Cool!! Well, since were editating the data ini ....add this to the [Nose] SystemName[005]=Canopy and add this below the pilot/crew statements [Canopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_10 AnimationTime=3.0 AnimationID=10 shift/0 will now open/close the canopy wrench kevin stein ps: the mystre might be a good replacement for those Farmers without radar

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