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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. If you look at the data in for ALL the Thuds (both 3W and ADs), you'll find the bombbays all full of fuel. Like FC said, TOTALY new models would be required to add the bay (interior structures), bay doors and animations thereto wrench kevin stein
  2. the major issue with doing Warbirds, is it'll HAVE to be a stand alone mods folder. Simply because you can't use the stock Nations.ini. Remember, the 45th is supporting friendly Iraqi forces against the enemy PSA Iranian forces. Oddly, the front line is pretty much as it was during the I-I war of the 80s. (Koramshahr/Basra being the main axis of attack/defense) (I know the mission sets for that book intamately ... having done novel conversion sets for the first 4 in Herman's series for FA back in the day) I also retiled the island, removing the bulge to the east. Given the 'oddities' of the terrain editor/terrain engine/tile sets, that the best that's possible. wrench kevin stein
  3. Chipmunk

    I just couldn't resist.... wrench kevin stein
  4. Interesting to note the USN BuNum, and the RAAF serial (2 different fonts). I'd use the RAF font, that's over at SimmersPaintShop ... looks pretty damn close to it wrench kevin stein
  5. Yikes!!! A little too close for comfort .. singed my tail feathers!! (yes, that's a HAWK) wrench kevin stein
  6. like Eric said, you have to have WoV to get the VietnamSEA terrain. Once you have it, however, it's a simple matter to copy/paste it into your WoE install. Also, iirc, it's the only 1stGen game you can merge (WoV --> WoE). wrench kevin stein
  7. hmm... was the old "Top Gun" campaign/terrain set ... seems to be missing. No matter, it predates the 06 patch, and probably wouldn't work in 08 level game without a massive overhaul of all parts concerned wrench kevin stein
  8. Lets see.... sf2 - seperate game (even when full-4 merged +exp 1) fe2 - seperate game ... hmmm.... I'd say no right off the top of my head that the SF2E expansion would work with FE2 as to antishipping mission in FE2, ferget it .. the needed coding isn't there (or if there, not activated via some dll or ini -of which I've already perused). So, like I mentioned recently in the FE2 WW1 Palestine read me, "unless TK activates these functions, which is unlikely, you probably won't be seening anti-shipping missions in FE2 for the foreseeable future. Besides, the bombs to too small to really do any damage, expeically against armoured naval vessels" wrench kevin stein
  9. about 6 years ago, for SFP1. Might be somewhere' wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back in the Campaigns downloads section. wrench kevin stein
  10. a picture is worth 1000 words... wrench kevin stein
  11. oh, I LIKE those shelters! Yah, populating can be a real bitch! Now, multiply that by an ENTIRE map with 120 'empty' target areas -in this case, I emptied them to correct the items- retiling to move them to the geographicly correct positions...(including cities, ports, oilfields, airbases, military bases of all types...then add creating the front lines, movement routes and so on and on and on and on..... It no wonder Terrain Engineers go mad..... I think there's a post office nearby... wrench kevin stein
  12. The Classified MIssion Mod if FUN!!!!! (although, I am a bit prejudiced...hving built the terrain for it!) ktick, just look for any mod by "The Wrench". And do't you go worrying about 1950s Korea, we have THAT well in hand (just browse through the SF2 screenshots thread for the occasional teaser) Truer words have neve been spoken! wrench kevin stein
  13. Happy Birthday Sundowner!

    All Hail the Titan of Texturing!!! have a GREAT one! wrench kevin stein
  14. Fuel Fire Effect File?

    I think it's in the particlysystem.ini, as that lists all the effects. How/what to 'change' thing I don't know. You'd need to grab one of the effect guys, Stary, or maybe Fubar (and some othere whose names I disremember!) wrench kevin stein
  15. Yes, brand new (one of MANY coming for KAW) wrench kevin stein
  16. absolutely agree! on a war footing, ALL bases would surely be blacked out. wrench kevin stein
  17. Missing the proper cat pointer line in the terrains' main ini, or the line is pointing to a cat that DOSEN'T have the proper airfields, or misnamed airfields in the targets ini. The mod, while pretty good, has overly complicated install instructions (iirc, I mentioned that 8750 at one point, i think on the modern korea mod.) It would have been MUCH easier to just zip up the mods folder, with the necssary item, into a single zip (it'd probably wind up about the same size as the download is now, using 7Z), with all the bits and bobs in their individual folders, all set up and ready to go. That way, there's no screwing around with the core install; rename the exe, run it once, delete the newly created mods folder, drop this one into it. Off you fly. (this is how KAW and Indo-Pak will be released, when finished) Simpler, easier, smoother 1) you've obviously never seen any of MY mods and readmes and 2) as some of the other Big Names (and older experienced hands will relate), why I'm so ADMANT on having good, understandable readme for mods. I'm real OCD that point. wrench kevin stein
  18. Yes and No. all the terrains will work with minimal editing of their data inis. (excpeting some unresolvable issues on the EAW_Euro WW2 terrain) However... ALL (and I mean ALL 350+ aircraft, including subvariants) currently available need completly new flight models to take advantage of all the "particulars" in the SF2 engine. Many could also stand complete rebuilds of their LODs, as they were (for the most part) created BEFORE the 06 1stGen patch level, and are showing their age. (this is NOT to discredit them in any way -- after all, I am The Head Prop Head around here, running the PropHeads forum, and right now they're all we got) Some aircraft, available at another site have some at the 08 1stGen patch level, and work fairly well (in 08 levels), but much more fine tuning is required for the SF2 series. For myself, I'm dying here...with nearly 5+ years of modding WW2 stuf...we need to get them in SF2 fully opertional As to what's available .. check the PropHead forum for a semi-complete listing (one of the stickies), and ALWAYS look in our Download section -- you'll find WW2 sections right there wrench kevin stein
  19. Yes, you have to delete and start over. Of course, with Stachel, we all know what happend to him...Death by Ursla Undress (what a way to go!! hubba hubba!) Nice to see Biggles flying again, though. Just keep him away from JetRangers! (note to self: find the 1stGen install, and rebuild the "secret sound weapon" site again) wrench kevin stein
  20. I'm Old Fashioned ™ ; and that reduces the risk factor wrench kevin stein
  21. One of the way to 'cheat the system', when physically placing the airfield on the terrain, is to REPLACE an existing airfield. Using it's exact coordinates, as defined the terrain's targets ini. The removes the necessity of having to go back into the Terrain Editor and either retile the new region for a "airfield cleared zone" and/or flatten the region for this new airfield. However....if you're adding it to a new positon, where there wasn't one before, one must take into consideration the placement of TOD items (trees, small buildings, etc.) that are NOT added via targets ini placements. Unfortunately, new areas will probably require that zone to be retiled to use the various "airfield" tiles (since I forget what they're exactly called) BUT... There is yet another cheat! The main caveats to this one are: a) is the 'clear of obstacles? (the TOD items) b) is there enough room for the runway? c) knowledge on use of the Terrain Editor (this is assumed, no matter how incorrect that assumption is!) On the Desert terrain, this is moot, as there's LOTs of empty spaces. For Germany, Vietnam, and to a lesser extent, Isreal, one has to be carefull in placement. This cheat comes directly from the Grand Engineer Himself, TK. (and was used on the Suez War expansion pak by your's truely to add the RAF bases on Cyprus). This one gets your base in place without having to rebuild, or add to, a 335 item long city list. You create a new one, with ONLY the single entry. What's required (we'll assume usage of GermanyCE): The Terrain Editor for that Terrain, fully prepped (tiles, texture list, TFD & HFD, data ini, etc) Just as outlined elsewhere. What you DON'T require is actual citylist for that terrain, as you're only adding the one base, and not touching anything else!!!. If you have the CitiesWoE.ini, rename it so it won't be seen. Now, here's where it gets fun.... To save time and effort, you can copy/paste the listing of an existing airbase out of the CitiesWoE.ini onto a blank notepad sheet. "Save As..." CitiesWoE.ini. Then, edit the name and positions of the new airfield, like below (name and coordinates are for examples only): Save and close. Then, start up the TE, load the terrain as usual. I usually scroll the map to the coordinates of the base, and zoom in to max (3200). 'Open Ciy List'. You'll see "Monty's Flying Field". Click OK, and then "Flatten Airfield". "Save All", this will generate the new HFD with the newly flattend airbase. It will also generate a new TFD; even if you haven't changed any tiles. Use them both, and be safe! Then, copy/paste the new TFD & HFD into the /GermanyCE terrain folder (*for 1stGens, in the usual place, for SF2 series, you'll have to create a /GermanyCE sub-folder in you mods folders /Terrains main folder) Now, if you've already added the base, you should be ready to fly from it! If needing populating, you can use Swambasts STT (if you have it), or the test mission as described here: http://combatace.com/topic/44621-adding-objects-to-your-target-areas/ And that, as they say, is that! wrench kevin stein
  22. I think (and don't quote me!) it's a percentage chance; higher number is more accurate? wrench kevin stein
  23. Dr1

    Or, better yet.. http://www.thirdwire.com/ as you not only get the DR1, but the other terrain, and some other aircraft. AND/OR... for the same $20 USD, you could buy FE2, and get everything all in one package. Provided, that is, your computer has the horsepower to run the newer (aka) NextGen games. wrench kevin stein
  24. oh, gods! don't I know that one! Actually, adding runway/taxi lights is exactly the same as adding any other 'object' to the base. What I haven't figured out, is the directionaly of the approach end lights (they change color on the stock runways, depending on which way you're facing). I've added taxi, runway lights to the stock runway3 a long time ago; you'll find it in many of my terrain mods. You just have to follow the 'basics' set on the other stock runway set ups. Here's the runway3 you can see, it follows the same offset patter as other buildings and such the screenie is what it looks like wrench kevin stein

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