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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Yup, it's actually covered somewhere's in the SF2 Knowledge base ... although I can't remember where, exactly In essence, you are creating completly seperate, individually, infinatley moddable game installs wrench kevin stein
  2. the expansioin pak's exe looks for the SF2I exe, so without it, you're screwed. Abso-frakking-lutely worth the money! (and I can tell you right now, the Indo-Pak mod will REQURIE it for the mystre and vampires, let alone the Skytrain) wrench kevin stein
  3. Dr1

    Since I no longer deal with 1stGen games (excepting some WW2 stuff), bear with me. (actualy the only real difference between 1stGen and NextGen game is WHERE the stuff is, same exact folder structure, just NOT in the core game install) So, assuming (oh! that word!) you have FE1 with the expansion pak??? That added the DR1. It did not come, as far as I can remember, with the original FE. If so, you should have in your folder tree a pathway similiar to this /First Eagles/Objects/Aircraft/Dr1 so, you then unzip whichever skin you've downloaded to a temp folder or your desktop or somewhere's else that's easy to find. Then, you copy/paste the new skin folder (lets just call it Jasta99 for ease) INTO the Dr1 folder. So, now the path reads...(and how the folders should look...) /First Eagles/Objects/Aircraft/Dr1/Jasta99 when you next start the game, you should be able to use the pulldown on the loadout screen, and select the new "Jasta99" skin This should be covered in the SF/Wo* Knowledge Base, a few forums above this. It sounds like you're fairly new to this so, a friendly suggestion --- READ every post in the Knowledge Bases (both the SF/Wo* and any here in the FE Forums). That'll give you a base to work from. ALWAYS read the readmes that (should!) accompany EVERY download here at CA. They are there for a reason -- it's the install instructions. And the pdf that's the game manual, too. However... you mention you ONLY have a Dr1_Loadout.ini in the tripe's folder...this is NOT right! You should have at the very least the stock skin folders (I don't remember how many), and the single most critical file .. the Dr1.ini. That is THE main file that allows the game engine to recognize the aircraft exists. How as this version of game obtained? From downloading at TKs site (the only actual way for the last several years), or from "some other place". These questions have to be asked, so take no offense. We've have MANY instances of folks having issues with 3W games that obtained them, well... "extra-legally". Said types of game are usually incomplete in one way or another. If this is the case, there's nothing to be done. "It is what it is", for better or worse. wrench kevin stein
  4. Did you move the SF2I exe UP one folder level, RENAME it, and then move it back down with the others before running it??? That's how you create 'seperate installs'. Get used to doing this people ... there's several 'total conversion' mods comming that will REQUIRE that this be done wrench kevin stein
  5. Actually, stictly speaking, it's a mod of WoE. That was the base game we used, as WoE had the needed T-72s And ALL the information necessary to install is covered in the included readmes. AFAIK, its now gone in for overhaul to SF2 standards. wrench kevin stein
  6. Dr1

    unless the skins were BUILT for the stock DR1, they won't work. If they're for the DATs tripe, you'll need their aircraft. IIRC, the KMD needs things things now longer 'available' in FE2; some object list ini or something ??? None of the available 3rd party mission builders are fully compatable with SF2/FE2 due to internal changes in the game. I wonder if TK is going to add the mission builder to FE2, after SF2:Es expansionpak 2 comes out.....hopefully, yes. wrench kevin stein
  7. Steve: a question.... how does it handle the facing the terrain objects, in particular buildings? I ask because there are some "oddities" on how some of the stock items were built in MAX. Meaning: what looks like the front on some, isnt. Here's a short list of what faces which way, assuming a North/South orientation all stock hangars -- the doors are the 'front' (if you have a n/s runway, the hangars will face West) building1, building2 building3, barracks 1 & 2, -- the narrow ends are front/back (dosen't matter with them) tent1, bunker1 & 2 - the side with the 'door' is the front HQbuilding1 - when facing the flagpole, the LEFT side of the building is the front warehouse1 - the side with the LARGE wooden crate-thingy is the front (not the overhaning roof) and there are even more oddities, in particular with the buildings in The Factory Place, some of Diego's rail curves, and several others. wrench kevin stein
  8. Looks Great!! Remember, the offsets for the buildings, fuel tanks, etc, even the parking slots, are based off a North/South orientation of the main runway (it being the 0,0 point). Of course, that assumes the runway was built with N/S in mind, like TKs, and the 0,0 point IS the center of field (regardless of lenght/width or taxiways, etc) Even with the STT, you may still have to physically fly over the target area, and 'hand measure' the offsets, and then recheck in-game. For some buildings, their "front face" if you will, is not where you think it might be. Once the objects placements are finalized, you can then rotate the runway's heading to whatever it should be, and the other objects will 'follow or get dragged along' keeping their placements. But once rotated, you can't add anything, as the offsets will be wrong. (however, if you rotate back to N/S orientation, you can. then, flip to whatever) edit: terrain objects, as you've figured out, get listed in the terains _targets and _types inis. Those go in the /Terrain folder (in this case, in the mods folder, /Terrains/GermanyCE). wrench kevin stein
  9. Is this similiar to the hide or remove component trick, via data ini edits, we've been using in the other 3W sims? Also, components can be added using FastCargo's fake pilot trick (dialing in the location of new component is the hard part!) wrench kevin stein
  10. Battle: Los Angeles

    Tenom, yes directed towards you. Also, that very same "idea" was used in Footfall, during the Battle of Kansas. wrench kevin stein
  11. I love anachronisims, don't you?? wrench kevin stein
  12. Battle: Los Angeles

    FootFall would RULLLLEEE!!! (wonder how they'd do the Orion ship launch...???) I, for one, welcome our new Snout Overlords.... == look carefully at those inbound trails... that's from entry into our atmosphere. As in ...they be dropping LARGE rocks from orbit (google: Projet Thor) wrench kevin stein
  13. File Name: WW1 Palestine Ini HotFix File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 18 November 2010 File Category: First Eagles Terrain and Environmental Mods It seems that I inadvertently removed the QHuts from the types ini. Also, the Ashqelon fuel dump was too far inland. This pak will fix that...it's the Palestine_targets.ini and Palestine_types.ini A couple of destroyed effects, in the types ini, have also been 'repaired' (ie: spelling eroor) Just unzip to a temp folder, your desktop or directly to the /Palestine terrain folder. Allow for the overwrite. My sincere apologies for this mistake!!! (no screenie included) Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  14. Version


    It seems that I inadvertently removed the QHuts from the types ini. Also, the Ashqelon fuel dump was too far inland. This pak will fix that...it's the Palestine_targets.ini and Palestine_types.ini A couple of destroyed effects, in the types ini, have also been 'repaired' (ie: spelling eroor) Just unzip to a temp folder, your desktop or directly to the /Palestine terrain folder. Allow for the overwrite. My sincere apologies for this mistake!!! (no screenie included) Wrench kevin stein
  15. Not EVEN close! Besides, Rodan was in color!! wrench kevin TGC
  16. Best buzzard of them all... wrench kevin stein
  17. Battle: Los Angeles

    You and me both, brother!!! wrench kevin stein
  18. File Name: WW1 Palestine Terrain File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 17 November 2010 File Category: First Eagles Terrain and Environmental Mods WW1 Palestine Terrain For First Eagles 2 This is a modification of my WW2 modificaton of Gepard's modern "Suez" terrain, backdated (once again!) for use in WW1 with the approximate timeframe of 1914-1918. It is designed ONLY for FE2, as it takes advantage of the DX10 shaders and such. It may be possible to use in FE/FEG, but this has NOT been tested, and is NOT reccomended. Without some editing to the terrain's data ini (as it's been updated to NextGen standards), it will most likely 'have issues'. Those VERY familiar with terrain ini editing are welcomed to try; you can, however, expect NO support from me. You're on your own... This terrain REQUIRES the Desert terrain cat (or equlivant) to be present in your FE2 core install's /Terrains folder. -IT WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT IT!!- It has been tested with both the 1stGen SF Desert and extensivelly with SF2's Desert cat. You MUST have either SF or SF2 to copy the Desert terrain cat to you FE2 install. More details are in the "To Install" and "Selecting the Proper Terrain Cat" sections. The targets and types inis have been extensively edited for to (hopefully) remove most of the 1940s-era items, and all the airfields have been replaced with stock WW1 types. The game-generated parking slots have also been edited to increase the number of parked aircraft (Unlimited Ground Objects setting only). While not a perfectly historical map some 'suspension of disbelief' will be required for play. As is true with all games... There are several Ground_Attack routes for Army Co-Operation missions, as well as plenty for truck routes for Armed Recons. If shipping ever gets turned back on in First Eagles, there are shipping routes as well. However, there ARE several docked ships, and some 'convoy stations' for Strike missions (again, with these ittybitty bombs, don't expect to sink Naval vessels). Campaign builders, feel free to make whatever changes necessary to fix any an all errors I've created <grin>. Unlike my WW2 mods, I didn't research this one as intensely. New planning maps have been generated, but these are 'plain', with no cities or aerodromes shown; just the land and sea. Several new(ish) GroundObjects are included (ships for the most part), and several new guns for said ships, as well as 2 modified data inis for Geo's French 75 and German 77 mm artillery guns. Yes, they DO work! Weither they hit anything or not.....<grin>. It is also HIGHLY suggested you wander over to Geo's site and get the original WW1 objects, as they'll be needed here. Link is below Geo's WW1 Ground Object Paks available at his site: http://www.geos-aircraft.com/ You might also want any other ground objects that are available, such as infantry or whathaveyous. As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions. Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's HIGHLY reccomended you READ this document completly through before installing this mod. As always, there's the usual "Notes" section for notes, explinations, clarifications and demystificatons. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  19. Version


    WW1 Palestine Terrain For First Eagles 2 This is a modification of my WW2 modificaton of Gepard's modern "Suez" terrain, backdated (once again!) for use in WW1 with the approximate timeframe of 1914-1918. It is designed ONLY for FE2, as it takes advantage of the DX10 shaders and such. It may be possible to use in FE/FEG, but this has NOT been tested, and is NOT reccomended. Without some editing to the terrain's data ini (as it's been updated to NextGen standards), it will most likely 'have issues'. Those VERY familiar with terrain ini editing are welcomed to try; you can, however, expect NO support from me. You're on your own... This terrain REQUIRES the Desert terrain cat (or equlivant) to be present in your FE2 core install's /Terrains folder. -IT WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT IT!!- It has been tested with both the 1stGen SF Desert and extensivelly with SF2's Desert cat. You MUST have either SF or SF2 to copy the Desert terrain cat to you FE2 install. More details are in the "To Install" and "Selecting the Proper Terrain Cat" sections. The targets and types inis have been extensively edited for to (hopefully) remove most of the 1940s-era items, and all the airfields have been replaced with stock WW1 types. The game-generated parking slots have also been edited to increase the number of parked aircraft (Unlimited Ground Objects setting only). While not a perfectly historical map some 'suspension of disbelief' will be required for play. As is true with all games... There are several Ground_Attack routes for Army Co-Operation missions, as well as plenty for truck routes for Armed Recons. If shipping ever gets turned back on in First Eagles, there are shipping routes as well. However, there ARE several docked ships, and some 'convoy stations' for Strike missions (again, with these ittybitty bombs, don't expect to sink Naval vessels). Campaign builders, feel free to make whatever changes necessary to fix any an all errors I've created <grin>. Unlike my WW2 mods, I didn't research this one as intensely. New planning maps have been generated, but these are 'plain', with no cities or aerodromes shown; just the land and sea. Several new(ish) GroundObjects are included (ships for the most part), and several new guns for said ships, as well as 2 modified data inis for Geo's French 75 and German 77 mm artillery guns. Yes, they DO work! Weither they hit anything or not.....<grin>. It is also HIGHLY suggested you wander over to Geo's site and get the original WW1 objects, as they'll be needed here. Link is below Geo's WW1 Ground Object Paks available at his site: http://www.geos-aircraft.com/ You might also want any other ground objects that are available, such as infantry or whathaveyous. As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions. Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's HIGHLY reccomended you READ this document completly through before installing this mod. As always, there's the usual "Notes" section for notes, explinations, clarifications and demystificatons. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  20. Living in Europe...

    I find the thread most educational!! wrench kevin stein
  21. Midway class CVs are no longer available here. IIRC, they were pulled by the DAT. However, it should still be available from their site wrench kevin stein
  22. Who has time to play-fly?? Got too many projects in the pipe to fritter the time on stuff like that (if'n you all want the playgrounds for your fancy toys! ) wrench kevin stein
  23. That IS the stock Eagle cockpit.... the placment of the radar scope, RWR, and twin engine annunciators is a dead give-away wrench kevin stein
  24. Although this thread hasn't been updated for some time (like a year or more), it's listing of "What Available" http://combatace.com/topic/21870-the-mods-thread-a-listing-of-whats-available/ Perhaps, if I may be so bold to reccomend, browsing our ever convient (and ever ignored) Knowledge Base is a REALLY good place to begin, for those New To 3rd Wire Sim Series. wrench kevin stein
  25. Some FE2 action, in an "undisclosed location" (comming soon to a download near you) wrench kevin stein

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