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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Ok spent a while on this .... some aircraft seem ok, other not so. Below is the same AD-3 as above, but with a different prop tga, renamed to replace the original (although it too, needs a new slow prop node, as when the engine is shut down -control/I- the prop stops as a blurred disc) NOTE === This will NOT fix every aircraft with the problem (like the new Invader) extract ObjectData014, and copy/paste the 2 P-51 prop tgas into the various and sundry skin folders. Those 2 are: P-51_PROP_FAST.TGA P-51_PROP_SLOW.TGA backup the orignal prop tgas by reanaming them something easy remember (ori-name.tga, or xname.tga). RENAME the P-51 prop tgas to match; ie: PropDisc, PropDisc01, etc. Go in game and test -- each one! REMEMBER!! for multiple skined aircraft, you must put the new tgas into EVERY skin folder (and the canopy tga, if used, also) A great number of these older birds will most likely need some data ini tweeking (TMF Corsairs, Pasko's Yaks fer example and so forth) to perhaps adjust the prop speed statements. YOu should not be able to count/see the blades when the engine is running!!! A great deal MORE testing will be required to rectifiy this issue wrench kevin stein
  2. an it ain't just the Invaders.... our Skyraiders and Corsair's too oddly, Russo's Jug is working fine! On the player aircraft; my wingman seems to have an "issue" Hopefuly,we can figure this out ... or there goes all the WW2 mods right in the s**tter.... wrench kevin stein ps: oh, and did I also mention, all the smokestack effects no longer work too.
  3. Gibraltar Buildings & Trees

    YOU did good, I did bad!! Got caught up in a bunch of SF2 fixes, and sadly didn't give my attention to this. wrench kevin stein
  4. Gibraltar Buildings & Trees

    that the one on the Spanish side, n/w of Gib?? (algecirs??) IIRC, it's not the only one. I've not be able to rebuild the texturelist ini, to move the tiles to a more "flat" region. No matter what, I seem to keep missing one tile!!! I'll try and get back to it, after the beginning of the year. wrench kevin stein
  5. Version


    Modern Darwin Terrain, Update Pak For SF2 - Full-4 Merged Reccomended (but not fully required) This is an update pak for the Modern Darwin/Timor terrain I released in 2009. It is designed to replace some small bits inside, so you =MUST= have the 2009 update pak for this terrain to install -this- package into. You can find it at the following URL (this is the complete terrain, WITH tiles): http://combatace.com/files/file/6089-modern-darwintimor/ This pak updates several inis to SF2 levels, adds a few little fixes to some terrain objects, and for the 12/2010 patch, adds the _Water.bmp that the new mission builder requires. Targeting remains the same, although the Runway2 has been 'repaved' to a full concrete/macdam surface (no more dirt). Some "other items" have also been updated. The LimitedNations statement has NOT been added, so anyone and everyone can fly here. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. REMINDER: this is NOT for the DAT's Timor terrain in their all-inclusive "Wings Over Timor" mod!!! This is for the terrain update listed above ==ONLY==!!!! Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein
  6. somebody's missing a tile!! you need a few of the ISFARMAB.bmps!! (although I'd prefer one without the extra farm bits, totally empty) wrench kevin stein
  7. at top of data ini,(missiondata) add CarrierBased=TRUE add the hook system name to fuselage, SystemName[0**]=Tailhook in landing gear section add the hook (this one borrowed from the Skyraider) [Tailhook] SystemType=ARRESTER_HOOK MaxDeflection=45.0 Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=2.0 ModelNodeName=Tailhook HookArmLength=1.63 AttachmentPosition=0.0,-6.44,-0.31 Viola! Carrier based Lightning! wrench kevin stein
  8. well, if Krizis can find his Max files, we'll have the right one for KAW! I'd have to look at the SMBD pit again, not sure btw: here's what you change (just tested this; alt will be off ~10-15 meters on the 100 meter sweep) Feet = METERS FPS = MPS NM = KM Knots = KMPH didn't do the lbs to kg for fuel, just left that alone I'm liking this one!! wrench kevin stein ps: ignore the big white dot, damn waypoint indicator!!
  9. We have a MiG-13??? This looks a LOT better than the old Yak-3 pit I've been using!! Kudos!!! Recalibrating to metric is easy! Give me a day or so... wrench kevin stein
  10. Amberly Rhino, outbound... (coming soon) wrench kevin stein
  11. PLEASE do not post in the Knowledge Base!!! ======================================== Did you try changing the EndServiceYear= in the data ini, (just for the photo-op, change it back when done) wrench kevin stein
  12. EVERYTHING from SF/Wo*, ground objects, when brought up to 08 level just drops right in. HOWEVER ... for objects with radars, some adjustments will be necessary in their [DetectSystem] statements The extracto you want is Gerwins ... it does both 1st and Next Gens. It's only unfortunate side effect, is it can ONLY extract the entire cat, not single files. So... create a folder on C/ called "Cat Extractor", drop it in there, and copy/paste the cats to be extracted. It'll create folders for each one upon extraction As for mission building, with older terrains, they require a new "*terrainname*_water.bmp" to properl work. That's being worked on, even as we speak wrench kevin stein
  13. ONLY if the terrain has the limited year statement, yes (like VietnamSEA and IsraelME) wrench kevin stein
  14. Something I've been bitching about for years!!! ==================================== Again, not true .. if it's a stand alone mod, having the /Menu subfolder in the Mods folder take precesdence over anything in a cat file... Remember HOW these game work ... since Day 1, the engine ALWAYS looks for folders and files in the (old style) main game install, and (new style) in the mods folder (see screenies below -- one is the /Menu folder contents, and other the main menu screen in-game Of course, you can do it however you want too ... I'm just saying what works the easiest and simplest for DEUs wrench kevin stein
  15. Gibraltar Buildings & Trees

    looks like I'll have to finish off the retargeting sometime soon!! wrench kevin stein
  16. Neither were designed for use in WoI -- look at the dates of the ini and readme; they predate WoI. All the screenies were probably taken is SF1, over Gepards Isreal2 terrain As I don't mod 1stGens anymore (other than the occasional WW2 thingy), my only suggestion would be as Henrick said ... export all the needed bits from SF/WoV/WoE and bring them over. As to the Turkey... ???? I don't even have WoI installed anymore, but I"d suggest doublechecking the folder and main ini names -- they must match exactly wrench kevin stein
  17. Pearl Harbor

    wrench kevin stein
  18. You may ask alot, but you RETURN even more!! not only farposst, but military machine blog, too. Should have some stuff there (haven't look though ... still stuck in iraq/iran -- rebuilding maps sucks, but somebodies gotta do it!) wrench kevin stein
  19. Edit the Options ini ... TK added a EndYear= line to the SingleMission statement. Had the very same problem Friday; was frustrated all to hell and gone, until the fix was posted on 3rdWire wrench kevin stein
  20. No. And it's HUDData.ini, in the FlightData.cat Gunny's is the best anything by Stary Pilots, skins/decals, terrains ... all based on HD space (Stary's 4 season Germany is a MUST have!) Google is your friend; search each SAM type to find it's associated radars. As are the several dozen pre-made target areas (SAM sites) in bunches and lots of terrain mods. With luck the mission builder will 'notice' their existence in/on each terrains' targets.ini. HINT: ONLY use the 'generic' terms for the SAMs; Blue side HAWK/Rapiers are still f***ed up. Occasonally, even Red side gets mixmatched search (EWR) and tracking/guidence (SAMRadar). Don't forget, all the stock SAMs are pre-netoworked, so HOPEFULLY, the launchers will get their associated radars. Others (SA-5, SA-3, maybe Bomarc, and not sure about the Patriot) will need extensive editing of their data inis to add the new statements for the radars. THEN... the rwr list for all aircraft with TEWS will need extraction/editation, along with the creation of appropriate rwr tgas (Oddly, TK has included the HAWK as stock) wrench kevin stein
  21. have you looked on Pilots Page 2??? Down near the bottom http://wrench1smog.com/wrench14.html wrench kevin stein
  22. that's no ones done the Mirage III0 yet. Just saying...i've been looking at all the available skins (NM,Camo, AS Blue gray) and it looks like all that's needed are proper serial number decals. There's even a dual-winder mount available in-game, too (see my SAN Mirage III for details) Adding A-G radar is a nothing tweek! (did it for the Mir5 last night) wrench kevin stein
  23. But built off the stock ones, so the FM don't need rebuilding! (even tho TMFs MirIII lod is still good!) PGC, you da man! wrench kevin stein
  24. I've some Canberra books on pdf you're welcome to! Tweeking the new ones to Interdictor (solid nose) would be the biggest challenge, methinks wrench kevin stein EDIT: there's a least 6 different books on it over at farposst

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