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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. yes, it will still be there. best to do the control panel uninstall, and THEN manually delete any/all remaining folder and files wrench kevin stein
  2. We could DEFINATELY use a new B-17!!! wrench kevin stein
  3. with any luck, we'll also have new F-84s, from KAW. 57thFIS skin is/should be in F-89C. I have home-grown templates for the Scorpion (albeit only 512x), if someone needs them wrench kevin stein
  4. wrong smoke trail ... those f100s don't leave one wrench kevin stein
  5. Here's some important questions.. did the game run withOUT any mods??? Did everything work and everything show up? At what patch level is the game at (CD versions may NOT be at the required 2008 patch level) Some advice ... play the game for several months, completly STOCK to get a feel for the game system, the aircraft, weapons, avionics, etc. Read the Knowledge Base we've worked so hard on for so long --from the first post to the very last-- Then, when finally comfortable with the game system then and ONLY then start adding small mods, one at a time. Work up to 'total conversions' like NATO Fighters. and always -a thousand times-- read the readme for install instructions!!! good luck! wrench kevin stein
  6. Annyoing the Navy... buzzing the Fleet Anchorage at Gib wrench kevin stein
  7. I was trying to import it into the WoV/E/I TE, got the texture set rebuilt, but for some reason the ocean isn't showing (the empty sea bits, but most of the costal tiles/transitions are. if you want, go ahead and send me the TODs. At worst, each of the city building that Stary laid out have to me moved. wrench kevin stein
  8. the limited nations statements in the terrain inis and aircraft users list usually prevent this HOWEVER.... since it is merged, can one assume you've run the SF2E and SF2V exes, thereby creating their seperate mods folders? In essence, create 3 complete and sepreate installs. (don't forget to create shortcuts for each!) It's easier to then add the SF2v expansion ONLY to SF2V mods folder, and NATO4 to ONLY SF2E's mods folder. Leaving the SF2, alone. It'll (SF2) will still have access to EVERYTHING, as it's the main or core game -- just look at your aircraft list; everything from all 3 are available from SF2. but having them seperated makes things just a bit cleaner, and easier to work with. wrench kevin stein
  9. Personally, I'd delete and reinstall. Better to just plane start fresh wrench kevin stein
  10. Nieuport 17/23

    I can delete you for you; it's now a Moderator function ONLY oth, you could have just 'edited' the last upload, by using the 'replace existing file?' button I'll get it fixed! wrench kevin stein
  11. maricio: I'm working one expanding the targets ini, when it's done, you want the new objects and targets/types inis? (or I can wait, and make adjustment based on your changes. BTW, I removed one aerodrome in Spain -algercis?- and moved it the Gib's runway historical location. Also added docked ships to some of the ports. having a hell of a time getting the truck/Ground Attack routes working...they're plotted exactly, but never show up!! Or when you fly the mission, aren't anywhere close to where they should be. Quite odd ... as I've done this (literally!) a few hundred times on other terrrains, and they work fine! Also, reworking the WW2 Palestine map for WW1 usage (will require the 08 or SF2 Desert cat to work in FE2, however) wrench kevin stein
  12. Did you try reading the "readme" for NATO Fighters? The entire install process is pretty well spelled out wrench kevin stein
  13. To all our members who are veterans

    Thank you and, G-d bless you all!! wrench kevin stein
  14. The 11th Day of the 11th Hour...

    having just got starting getting (back) into FE...this is QUITE appropriate wrench kevin stein
  15. well, if you have the Dev A-Team's AA machine gunners, you WILL get shot at, and most definately get shot up. wrench kevin stein
  16. and why would one want to do that, when the SF2 model is far superior? Stepping backwards isn't a viable option (IMNSOHO). Animations will be off, postioning on the ground is off, innumerable small and sundry faults that will defeat the purpose far simplier to ... a) wait for better templates to be relased b) create one's own (time consuming but not too hard) c) wait for Sundowner (aka Rhino Skin Diety, aka Modgod) to release his wrench kevin stein
  17. .INI Tweaks and Changes

    For FE2 ONLY == Adding Destroyed Models for 3rd Party Aircraft This little tweek will add the destroyed models and effect for 'crashed/shot down' aircraft to those 3rd Party units that don't have a) their own or b) any at all First off, one needs to extact the data inis for the stock aircrft, to get the names of the various destroyed lods. You'll need Gerwin's Cat Extractor (which works with ALL versions of the 3W Games, regardless of TOS or NextGen) You can get it here: http://combatace.com/files/file/7933-catpack-archiving-utility/ Follow his instructions from the readme, and off you go. You'll be opening pretty much all the ObjectData cats (especially 002 & 003), so store the extracted files in a seperate folder somewhere's on you HD. The (only) major drawback to Gerwins extractor, is it pulls ALL files, and dosen't let you choose which one, like the 1stGen extractor from Skypat (which dosen't work with SF2/FE2) Ok, so you've got them extracted, let's look at one...this is from the AlbatrosD5_170. I've highlighted the relevant statements All the others are pretty much the same, just with different names to match which aircraft they go to. So, the real trick is find something that's a close enough match to the non-destroyed shape, with it's 'smashed to bits on the ground and bruning shape" Rule of thumb, if it's single-seated, rotary/radial, choose something close (the Nieuports could use the Camel or SPAD destroyed models), whereas a two-seater could use the RE.8 or Salmson. It's all your choice, and dosen't make too much difference, as it's just going to be laying there all broken on the ground. So, to add it, one just needs to copy/paste the two lines (as shown above) from a stick kite, to the 3rd Party one, adding them to the [AircraftData] section. Below, is for the Nieuport 17b, and an all other would be similiar, as is the procedure The only thing I have noted, is some of the effects don't seem to be working as advertised, but at least, this'll give you visual proof that the enemy aircraft is down! Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  18. Decals not showing up in FE2

    One of the problems with 1stGen aircraft, especially those made BEFORE the 08 patchs. Many don't even have the full pathway name for the decals, and some don't even have the /D subfolder, required them to be moved and decals ini editatated. BUT.... for SF2/FE2, using the procedure I outline above, while created the nested folders, keeps thing nice and neat and dosen't require editing the decals ini provided the original modder or moding group had it wired together in the first place One of the many things the end user winds up doing. Unfortunately, not much of a way around it wrench kevin stein
  19. Decals not showing up in FE2

    having made several thousand decals .... it was a pretty good guess that was the problem wrench kevin stein
  20. no threat to national security?

    I didn't see it (unfortunatley!! damitall!) But I'd would like to apologive for all the hub-bub. It was becasue of what I had for dinner... sorry! wrench kevin stein
  21. Could you be a little more specific, as to what you're trying to get??? The statements above a bit vauge.... wrench kevin stein
  22. Nieuport 17 Megapack

    christian: where's it at? The only one I can see is the one from 2007 http://combatace.com/files/file/5386-nieuport-17-megapack/ or am I just blind (again) wrench kevin stein
  23. Ok, finaly broke down and got FE2...and I want to bring some of the AI's to playable (did this way back when with FE1 but dont remember what I used for what...) Knowing it's a simple ini edit (having it done it myriad times in SF/Wo*/SF2) What are the reccomened cockpits for use with the various AI (like, which for the Strutter, etc) I guess I'm gonna need to brush up on my WW1 birds! TIA! wrench kevin stein

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