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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. there's shouldn't be a complete T-28 here, as that's a DAT release, and propritary (sp?) to their site only. as to the Vulture, WHICH download? the original release.. http://combatace.com/files/file/7555-so-vaurour-ii-n-iaf/ or the upgraded one ... http://combatace.com/files/file/10953-vautour-iibn-for-woi-updated/ (which includes the F-86D radar equiped cockpit) the original REQUIRES a merged install or SF2E as it's referencing the Hunter9's cockpit. Which is not in either SF2 or SF2V, nor SF2I (as the Hunters are not in either one of those, and in SF2I, they're AI only, and don't have the necessary files.) A bit more info is required to nail down your issue ... like, which game did you intall it to? Not giving us much to work with here! wrench kevin stein
  2. that's the very same list I used for natual metal skin!! (in fact, a txt file with those number may still be in the zip in the download) wrench kevin stein
  3. BoB used the ex-Spanish AF Buchons (and ex Spanish He-111s, too!) you can see them near the beginning of the movie, when 633's base is attacked, and during the "Trench Run" sequence, and in the little clip below I never tire to listening to Ron Goodwin's theme music! wrench kevin stein
  4. actually, it is. I've already done it wrench kevin stein
  5. Decals not showing up in FE2

    DL= down load the set up should be exactly the same as SF2, meaning, objects/decals/*aircraftfoldername*/*skinname*/D (subfolder) wrench kevin stein
  6. and, like several other 'total conversion' mods, we're waiting for Expansion Pak 2,to see what changes it bringes. the terrain itself, to say nothing of the NEW-build aircrafts, will be worth the download wrench kevin stein
  7. Great Story

    That is just f***ing stupid ... those narrowminded, pinheads can DO that, simply because of men/women like that. I'm glad they got chased away. I can't even think of words foul enough to describe people like that... how sad for humanity wrench kevin stein
  8. I HATE rail yards!! wrench kevin stein
  9. various and sundry bases in Piecemeal's "Desert3" upgrade, using PureBlue's terrain objects wrench kevin stein
  10. I added the required screen shot, as per site policy. Now, I'll see if I can get an admin to move it to the correct sub-category, SF2 Cockpits wrench kevin stein
  11. the only thing really lacking, is an SEA camo skin for the STOCK 3W Zipper ... However, looking at 1stGen skins I've applied (mostly AMI) to the SF2 104G, I've noted NO differences in mapping, so possibly the very old, tried and true 3W templates (should be available here in our 1stGen downloads section) could probably be reused. wrench kevin stein
  12. I take you aren't using the movements ini from my Range Upgrade, from a couple of years back?? All the works already been done. EDIT: that IS my movement ini! I glanced over it too quickly, not noticing the varisous targets that I added, oh so long ago! start and end points for all defined shipping and truck routes MUST have matching side (meaning Red-to-Red or Blue-to-Blue) Ground attack (CAS) routes must be Blue to Red or verse visa Easiest way I've found to plot them, is 1) via the SQMD, the old mission builder -works ok for ships, but lack detail 2) with free camera view, "fly" the route, noteing the x/y coordinates (NOT the offset numbers, but the whole 2-paired 6 digit ones) wrench kevin stein
  13. File Name: MiG-9 Fargo (upgraded for SF2) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 05 November 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft MiG-9 "Fargo" -Update Pak for SF2 (all, merged or not) This is a "minor" rebuild of the flight model for this 1st Generation Soviet Jet fighter by Timmy. It borrows heavliy from other work; I've just tried to combine and adjust to get it a little better (it's like around 110% better than it was!) Everything has been tweeked to SF2 standards; folderized decals for the PLAAF skins, use of stock in-game decals for Soviet Borts (and some other decal tweeks), the 260gallon/900 liter drop tanks, my semi-craptastic "PilotER" (we really do need a new early soviet jet pilot figure!) and the 'migengine' sound borrowed from TMF's MiG-21F, a new SF2-style hangar screen, and cockpit (modded from Kesselbruts Spitfire pit, called "1JetCockpit", that while not perfect, works pretty damn good). Instruments are still in English characters, but have been converted to metric readings in the cockpit ini. This is a complete aircraft, ready to unzip and fly away. While the flight modeling is VASTLY improved, it could still use a little fine-tuning. I welcome compentent modders to take this one, and bring it all the way home. As always full, detailed install instruction are included in the pack, so READ them!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  14. My thoughts exactly! loading bmp: .. just checked my 1st Gen WoE install, and it isn't there either!!! I can't remember if it had one or not now!! Just comment out the line, and all will be well (or use the screenie I included in the zip) wrench kevin stein
  15. What are ideal Water settings

    the illusion of 'movement' is usually controlled by the "waternormal.bmp". Also, check the alpha channels on ALL sea, river, and sea/land transitions tiles. Compare them to the stock ones if needed. There are varying levels of grainess that helps add to the illusion of waves, currents, sea serpents, etc wrench kevin stein
  16. only 2 turrets are firing, 'cause that's how Hinch set them up. Don't bother trying to get the others to work, cause they won't. you can find the 13.5 MK.V info in several of my WW2 paks, or use this to create the base data ini: not having FE2 at all, or FE1 installed, I venture some guesses If the dlls are set for it, like S/Wo* and SF2, it should be set as WARSHIP for ALL usage. Again, i don't know if the dlls are set up for 'anti-ship' missions --- you'll have to inspet the dlls (iirc) with a hex editor, and search/find ship. Without seeing the actual movements ini, there's no way to know of Shipping routes are specificed. They're easy enough to add, though (provided the terrain has enough 'water surface' that dosen't encrouch on The Wall) However, if NO aircraft has anti-ship specifiecd in it's data ini, is quite possible the gamne engine itself dosent' support it. One way to test, is take the Desert terrain from SF2, drop it into the FE2 /Terrains in you mods folder, add "Anti_Ship" to a couple of data inis (1 per side), and see if if they generate in single missions. Iron Duke sinks just fine in 1st and NextGen games ... this, again, may be something lacking in FE2s engine. Only TK can answer taht for sure (and without experimentating ourselves). Would be a pity if it wasnt' supported ... there are a LOT of possibilites there (even with my general lack of WW1 knowledge) wrench kevin stein
  17. when did they leading edge slats??? --- TIS was the basis for the ENTIRE mod ... it definatelly falls into the 'and now, for completly different' vien of SF-ing wrench kevin stein
  18. Might want to check those dates... [MissionData] NationName=SOVIET ServiceStartYear=1964 ServiceEndYear=1980 GroundObjectRole=APC Availability=VERY_COMMON Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1955 ExportAvailability=VERY_COMMON I'd suggest the following changes... ServiceStartYear=1986 ServiceEndYear=2050 ExportStartYear=1986 wrench kevin stein
  19. Wish Her Luck

    damn right! good thoughts coming from california! wrench kevin stein
  20. Stratojets should ONLY be set to MinBaseSize=LARGE This will limit them to Runway4s, provided the terrain has them, but allows them a bit more runway. And the whole FM could use a serious overhaul. Changing the flap setting DO help! Now ... if we could get the RATO bottles to work....as most (if not all) Es were equipped with them...but would teh AI use them?
  21. sure that's not the wire recorder pod??? since that mod is a 'global' change, it effect all flyables. So, it's either in or out. wrench kevin stein
  22. It's such a cool little "oddity", about time somebody took a swing at getting it to work!! I was messing around with it a few weeks ago, just to do so. (made some lighting and weapons tweeks, never did finish off the decaling...) How dose the AI handle the takeoffs and landings? wrench kevin stein

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