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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. ...I"m just thinking of a new home for all those decals we've done for the other Spits... uuuummmmmm! wrench kevin stein
  2. you don't really need the weapons editor in SF2 ... it's all done via text edits of the _data ini, in their seperate folders. iirc, TK reccomends NOT using the SF2 WE for anything. wrench kevin stein
  3. TE work it'll need to be flattened wrench kevin stein
  4. oh, I LIKES that!!! wrench kevin stein
  5. omg...now THIS is a nice little surprise!!! SF2 compatabile as well, I hopes!!! ps: is that the wheels or flaps down indicator I spy on the wing??? NOW that's detail!! wrench kevin stein
  6. probably because the refueling doors/probe extended out from the area just in front of the windscreen?? wrench kevin stein
  7. you know, I'm not really sure .. but can venture some guesses.. StartDetectChance=100 can you see it? StartIdentifiedChance=50 do you know what it is? IncreaseDetectChanceKey=10 not a clue!?! wrench kevin stein
  8. 550???? What, is it made of gold-pressed latnium??? maybe 50, like the 'generic' 3W AAA units. Nice addition, btw!! wrench kevin stein
  9. TargetValue=0 don't have to touch anything else wrench kevin stein
  10. mine's just plane, unmarked camo. VERY generic here's a test you can do for the destroyed model... in ObjectData001.cat you'll find the the AN-12_Destroyed.lod. Copy/paste it into a (test) terrain of choice. Edit the _types ini callout for the Parked Herc like so (obviously, this will ONLY work in SF2): see how that goes (or, it if works at all...it should, tho) wrench kevin stein
  11. it's an air-data probe, used on this one while testing the 24-rocket loadout. mike: don't I wish! what's really cool about TK's Tstreak, that even (originally) designed as an AI-only, the thing's got bump mapping details! It just crys out to be modded!! wrench kevin stein
  12. YAAHHH!!! lookin good! wrench kevin stein
  13. I see mppd has the same Aerofax book that I do!!! IIRC< it said the 'mounting pins were retractable' or someting like that. The pics above (RC's wing closeups) seem to show those. FC is going to generate the rack lods, and we'll have them soon! --------- the nodes would be: pylon_outer_L pylon_outer_rack_R pylon_outer_L pylon_outer_rack_L wrench kevin stein
  14. yes, they must be specificly created to be static models. (you should have seen how marcello's Mi-8 disappeared when I tried to make it static for Indo-Pak. The only thing visible was the rotor hub!!) right now, what we have for helos are: S-76 in the Factroy Place (availble in butt-loads of other terrain mods, -AE, ASW has the additional 'black.bmp' for the rotors and wheels) Bandido's Team: Puma Chinook (both I have reskinned to 'generic' green) C-130E (which I havn't gotten around to generic-izing the skin. would take all of >5 minutes) UH-1 in various and sundry of my terrain mods cocas is working on a mi-8 static for Indo-Pak there are a couple of others in other terrain mods, but they're original source has not allowed them to be shared. wrench kevin stein
  15. anyone got a modern (ish) diesel-electric locomotive??? It'd be a big help for modern terrains train stations! TIA! wrench kevin stein
  16. Cool! I know I've seen some around (like the link above ... nice bullet train up there.) wrench kevin stein
  17. personally, I prefer AmrilloUSAF, but that's just me Never been able to spell 'aerial' correctly either! wrench kevin stein
  18. NVidia, all the way, baby! wrench kevin stein
  19. get ahold of Soulfreak ... he, I, and couple other are expanding on my little 'tweeks' pak on T-streak note to self: aks FC about the multi-paks from KAW. Obviously, they're missing the actual 'rack bits', but this is the mounting arrangement EDIT: TMF's old triple racks work ok, too. They just need converting to SF2 format (as well as their old 200 gallon ferry tank for the outboard stations, not pictured here) new stuff is coming! Paitence my brothers! wrench kevin stein
  20. export dates are off, too....(they were set to START in 2020!!!) it should read as below: [MissionData] NationName=Soviet ServiceStartYear=1964 ServiceEndYear=2020 GroundObjectRole=TRANSPORT Availability=VERY_COMMON Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1965 ExportAvailability=COMMON wrench kevin stein
  21. and, did they actually carry them??? Neither the SSP "Modern Military Aircraft #5002: McDonnel F-101 Voodoo" nor the "Detail & Scale #21" mention anyting about ECM at all, or even RWRs, including the RFs. and you'll loose your external tanks ... rather vital, I'd say. or you missiles if using the rotary bay for such things. If'n your wanting to step into 'fantasy mountings', why just just add them as internal avionics?, like you see on the F-4J Phantom. Then, you just edit the data in to add the necessary SystemName= and the {ECM} statement. wrench kevin stein
  22. dev a-teams site http://cplengineeringllc_bb.cplengineeringllc.com/Forum/index.php?sid=d13c8446379546f32d69516a4ece53ec follow the instructions. OR....even better.... buy the WoI Expansion Pak from TK, it includes the Metor 8 -and the MiG-15, Vampire, P-51D, and 2 Spitfires (IX LE and E) and get Marcfighters Mi-8 to replace to Hind -- some edititng of the campaign ini will, or course, be needed. what better way to support the game's manufacturer, eh? wrench kevin stein
  23. Iranian HAWKs have already been done ... just have to finish rebuilding the terrain. wrench kevin stein
  24. do I get a cut of the profits??? even though (well, my copy) it only goes to 2004, it's WELL worth it wrench kevin stein
  25. the chaff bomb don't work in game. I don't recall that it ever did, going all the way back to 06. In real life, it would explode in mid-air, speading the chaff out to bling out enemy search and sam radars (E/B-66s sometimes carried them, as well as Phantoms in SEA) Google would be a good place to start...., FAS.org is another (although sometime suspect politically) Missile index http://missile.index.ne.jp/en/ various and sundry sites (you'll have to search for each sepecifcally) on which every system is of interest. and The Bible (a real book!) for Soviet/Russian would be Yefram Gordons "Sovit/Russian Aircraft Weapons since WW2" A MUST have! wrench kevin stein

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