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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. or, as they called them in my dad's day in the army (1944-46) "Pro Stations"??? Having a hell of time (trying) to repaint the infantry squad into, well, "the girls". With guns!!! (don't suppose a 3d guy would like to create some bikini clad babes with guns, just for eye candy doncha know!) edit: AHH! aid station .. have just the thing, sitting in the Korea terrain!!! wrench kevin stein
  2. use the ones from the TMF WOI weapons pak .. there's 4 or 5 launcher vehicles, and several missiles. They work just fine (and is SF2 as well) wrench kevin stein
  3. have you tried typing in idbeholdl and see if that worked?? wrench kevin stein
  4. You all think this might be a little too "subtle"????? wench kevin stein
  5. there is, of course, the option to "delete non-theatre specific aircraft" from the various mods folders. IE: have USN Rhinos and Scooters and Cruds (oh my!) in SF2I just ain't necessary. wrench kevin stein
  6. you know, you can hit Alt/D and remove the on-screen text and radar display, making for a nice, clean screenshot. I like to see my "landscaping" without the added disctractions wrench kevin stein
  7. prolly because the HAWK launcher is BLUE and the R-77 is RED, maybe is problem??? AND ... you need to associate search and tracking radars with SAM launcher. why not just use all the myriad and lovely Soviet SAMs we already have? Save a lot of work that way.... wrench kevin stein
  8. there's a new one in the works. Prolly out early next year. Built from the 26B/Cs as we're using for KAW. Did you check the MaxSteeringAngle= number? Negative for 06, positive for 08. (although, most nosewhell aircraft already have it set positive, but check to be sure) btw, this is a chronic issue with many DAT birds, along with the 'driving miss daisy' non-takeoff and running round the airfield problem (as well as bounceupanddownflipoverandexplode). I've mentioned it several times (in particular with the Chinese P-43 Lancer), but it hasn't been fixed yet. wrench kevin stein
  9. it sure does ... it's called "objecthit.wav". You'll find it in the FlightData.cat (in SF2) wrench kevin stein
  10. DA: yup, like Fubs said, it's Cyprus. In the Suez56 Campaign mod we did, you can fly from Akrotiri and Pahpos (courtesy of you-guess-who, the TargetMaster) wrench kevin stein
  11. Happy Birthday Daddyairplanes

    Have a Great One dude!! (even with the extra-added work) wrench kevin stein
  12. Brought Over From the SF1/Wo* Forums ... it's still valid! --------------------------------------------------------- Important Information on File Upload Policies and the Minimum Requirements Thereof: (a small edit, as the post that was originally linked here has mysteriously vanishing into the ether...) At the very minimum, the following is required for an upload here at CombatAce 1) A screenshot of the mod; not a photgraph of the RealLife ™ item, but an in-game shot, so people can see what it looks like. For terrains/terrain mods, a shot of your favorite aircaft flying over the terrain, highlighting terrain features is a good one. 2) A quick, simple description, this is what shows in the Announcement Threads below, describing for WHICH 3W Game series; meaning if for ONLY SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI, or Only SF2 Series, OR is usable in both; what the purpose of the mod (is it a "What If..", or a mod of an original aircraft or mod of another mod, etc) Generally, explain the purpose and intent of the Upload. 3) Inside the uploaded zip, a COMPLETE readme with full instructions on How To Install, if other parts are needed and where to get them; etc. There are several dozens of REALLY good, clear conscise readmes around that one can base theirs off of (I should know - I wrote most of them!) Also, list sources and if using someone else's as a base PLEASE make sure you have permission (as in for TMF Products). If the mod is from someone that has signed the Freeware Accords, PLEASE make sure you list their name, and Thank Them for their Original Work. It's the civilized way, doncha know! Thank you all for you kind attention to details; working together we can only create better mods, and a better 3rd Wire Community! Wrench kevin stein
  13. Righetous, baby!!! wrench kevin stein
  14. Hey CrazyDog... you might want to go over ALL these data inis in your uploads as they're STILL full of non-engilsh characters, and WILL cause the game to CTDj. Remember, the 'target auidence' is 89+% in the USA. Also, why create a completly new gun (M2HB), when one can just use the stock M3 50cals? Save some work. Also, the file and folder names are excessivly long on the HUMVEs... why not just use the standard US Army M-*** designations, and use the "ObjectFullName" for in-game IDing??? Shorter, more condensed files names are what this game really likes...(including renaming the data ini down a bit) folder name: (if this IS the correct variant, and not the 1048) M1114 and the main ini As the inis all reside in the main folder of the object, it keeps things clean and tight, regardless if there's another M-1114 in the game install (that can easilby be fixed by sub-variant letter usage, like in Real Life™) and, you're probably want to change the NationName= to USMC, as pretty much all the US tanks are too. You're also calling for a 'hmmv_destroyed.lod" that dosen't exist .. use the Truck_destroyed.lod that's stock And, last but not lease -read: most important, there are NO readme's in the zips with install instructions. As per: http://combatace.com/topic/51162-a-reminder-before-you-upload-a-mod/ Just some friendly words of advice from an expert... wrench kevin stein
  15. looks like russian, or Greek, to me that data ini needs setting up for US English, methinks wrench kevin stein
  16. s&e: the terrain engine itself seem a bit limited as to 'shadow casting'. Yes, terrain object cast shadows (barracks, hangars, bunkers, Hanger Ho's Hangouts,etc) Yes, you can add terrain features (see baltka's Kamchatka for The Elder One hiself as part of the terrain). But you'd have to paint 'shading' INTO the tile or object itself for create the more 3-D look. Look at the Himilaya or DBS terrain -- full of mountains; ASW has plenty of hills in Mexico, too. Another 'issue' that mountains cause, is during fully overcast or inclement weather any object or target area that is within or above the cloud deck essentially 'vanishes'. Meaning: runways and other tga objects will NOT be appearing if they are within the clouds; on the same vein, any mountains that are above the cloud deck (this is MOST prevelant on the Himilaya terrain - where the mountains are most definatly above the clouds in Real Life™, and to some extent on the ASW at Escobedo International airport at Monterrey), no longer exist. You can still fly into the side of mountain (done this, decorated the south face of K2 with my MiG), but they are NOT visible in game due to the cloud tgas taking precedence over any terrain features. It's been that way since Day 1, and I doubt it will ever change (unless the upcoming F-14 game has a completly NEW terrain engine) Unfortunately, it's IMPOSSIBLE to make a 100% realistic featured map, due to tiles being square. If they were hexes (remember SquadLeader or other Avalon Hill board games?), maybe. Shading is another matter altogether (with refernce to the screenie below)One can always edit the height field in Photoshop, Gimp, Paint.net, etc, by "Export Height Map as BMP", --there's an article in the 1stGen KB on the color pallette--, and reimporting it back into the terrain editor. But again, it can be a hit or miss proposition. A 1 pixel brush 'dot' creates a terrain feature approx 5km in size on a 1000x1000 km map. I had to do this quite a few time in Korea, to fix major issues in the central part of the country near Hwachon, and the Yalu river valley -- the mountains were just too far away, and shaped incorrently But I doubt it can ever be gotten "exactly" right. We can get pretty damn close ... (example, look at the river in the screenie ... it's waaaay to square....every angle is either 45 or 90. The Mississippi don't look like that in the Real World ™ ) hhs: start learing the TE ... you'll find what you ask is impossible. Every single object MUST be placed, by hand, individually. You can change the facing, to any compass point -individually! Unless, like Stary and Brain, you create 'clusters' of bulding, but they MUST match the street layout and spacing, bringing us back to the original problem. And that adds yet another problem ... no leftover space for targetable objects. The things Dave loves to bomb. Too many buildings make it almost impossible to add these objects; which EVERY city in the world contains - train station, factories, (evildamn) comm buildings, brewreys; the list is endless. We had to have Stary thin down the city TODs in Korea just so I place them. So, it's all a trade off. You want eye candy or playability (ie: targets to hit)? wrench kevin stein
  17. are you talking terrain object buildings (hangars, bunkers, barracks and the like)? OR TOD buildings (those built into the terrain -sorta- itself)? The Skyscrapers MigBuster mentioned, and Stary's building are TOD objects. New ones can be created (as has obviously been done), but they can only be placed with the Terrain Editor, in the "Edit Texture Map List" function, editing EACH individual tile and adding the solid and alpha objects. However, said objects must be built OUTSIDE the TE, and then imported to it. (I'm sure Stary or Brain32 could chime in with the 'how to' -- something I haven't mastered) To place individual solid objects that match street layout (and I've done this MANY times -- look at the new Libya city tiles, and several others) is done via the above mentioned TE function. And is a mind-bogglingly brain numbing, eye-crossing, time consuming process. AND ... there's an upper limit to how many alpha and solid objects allowed on each tile (less on the Desert than on GermanyCE and VietnamSEA) wrench kevin stein
  18. no. there are only 3 sides in this game .. FRIENDLY ENEMY NEUTRAL so, any 'allied' unit will use any base of it's same alignment. The only way to assign a unit TO a specific base is via a Campaign data ini wrench kevin stein
  19. go about creating a 'winter' set??? I took the tiles in question, and 'desaturated' them, but all that did was make the black and white. How does one get them to look 'snowy'??? For spring, I just enhanced brightness/contrast ... made the greens, greener. I want to stay with the original set, and just create a seasonal variation, as these will be 'summer/fall' wrench kevin stein
  20. instructions for Weapons Editor use can be found in our handy-dandy (and constantly ignored) Knowledge Base. wrench kevin stein
  21. WOW! I could have used that when repainting a few pits myself! A neat looking litle tool!! wrench kevin stein
  22. didin't see DA's question on Jug ... yes, the N-15 works fine with some tweeking; I have it in the KAW mod, jsut for grins. The landing gear needs some adjusting, as it seems ot "drop" about 10 feet on mission start. FM, as always, needs an overhaul Wolf's Jug never had moving control surfaces (in fact, most of his A/C dont). It's not a detriment, just eye candy. as to the MWR, I'm sure I can find a suitable building; either a repurposed 'stock' item, or one from my vast store of them, courtesy Polak's Object Library 1. The question is -- would it be a single story or 2 story building (ala most of these type traditionally carried on that 'business' upstairs (think HBO's "Deadwood", or even the movie "Sand Pebbles", or any number of Westerns -- the saloon always had the 'Upstairs" for patrons to use) wrench kevin stein
  23. You can even use 1stGen Terrain Cats, too. (08 Level ONLY!!!) Before I bought SF2I, I had the IsraelME cat in with the others in the C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Terrains folder and it worked just fine (albeit without the new shader effects, but that too is an easy fix --- just extract the IsrealME.ini, and IsrealME_DATA.ini, create a new folder in the mods folder's /Terrains folder for IsrealME, drop them in there, and edit the data ini to add the new shaders. There's really nothing to it!! As to the other mods coming, we're all waiting on the EXP2, mostly to see how our new FMs get hosed by any changes. Indo-Pak will definatly require full-4 +Expansion 1, although we are including Pasko's Vampire (even if TKs looks better). IIRC, the Mystre comes with both SF2I and SF2E, and that's required (and the desertcat for the terrain, maybe. I actually haven't tested it with the others, but it should work ok) For KAW, we're trying to make sure it's 'stand alone', meaning we're supplying ALL the aircraft/objects needed. Although, EXP1 would be require for the C-47 (which gets a new natural metal skin in EXP2). We're still debating the MiG-15, though. wrench kevin stein
  24. Yes. Using any level, it all comes out the same. There's no friendly bases for RAF/AVG to fly from, as pretty much the entire area was Japanese controlled. So, to do it correctly, one would need a map 3x as large, to include southern china, all of FIC, Burma and the Malay penninsula (Baltika was working on a Singapore region some time ago, but hasn't finished it) wrench kevin stein

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