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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. you don't have ANY 1stGen 08 versions at all??? Archived on a CD or anything??? well, why don't you d/l the latest ASW or Libya or SoCal or Himalayas or Madagasscar (ie: AE)...methinks you'll find what you need there.... Full-4 merged is the ONLY way to go....several upcoming mods will abso-frakking-lutely REQUIRE a full-4 merged install. wrench kevin stein
  2. does the terrain being flown over have a LimitedNations=TRUE statement?? (looks like Germany, so yes, it does) as below: That effects what nationalities are allow to fly over it. Isreal, Vietnam have the same thing (as do many add-on terrains). Pull the ***_Nations.ini from the terrain cats, and you'll see. edit: you can (sometimes!) change the nation of the SingleMission screen, where you select you aircraft, terrain, time of day, weather, etc. But the LimitedNations statement will usually prevent that. wrench kevin stein
  3. it's called "splitting the hardpoints", and all you change, like Raven said, is the StationGroupID number, leaving the StationID number alone. That's the one the loadoutini uses wrench kevin stein
  4. that won't work for Runway2, as it's the 'small' medium runway, and has completly different placments for everything. Why not just extract the Desert airfiield inis, drop them into the terrains folder, and shen and my grandmother would say? A whole hell of a lot less work!! --- DA: PERFECT!!!
  5. great...that means I now have to come up with a building that can be "used" for that purpose! Me and my big mouth!! the question is ... would it be classed as "COMMAND_BUILDING" or what???? wrench kevin stein
  6. Actually, ALL the airfield lods are the same, in ALL terrains. Look at the targets & types inis for the differnt one; they all call the same lods for runways 1-6 (excepting the Soviet airbases in WoE/SF2E, they use a _NV suffix, as they're used in SF2V/WoV). It's the ***_airfield.ini that makes the difference; that designates the parking, landing, taxi spots, where the hookers hang out, etc. wrench kevin stein
  7. As this question just came up again in the regular Forums, and I posted a response on "How To..", and I had actually planned to add this little tidbit anyway, now is a good time to do so.. A simple drag and drop to get the terrain into you Mods Folder and making sure the CatPointer line is correct is usualy it. Info on "Selecting the Proper Cat Pointer" © is coverd in the SF/Wo* KB, and just about EVERY readme for any terrain I've released; so consult the relevant document(s) BUT....there have been changes in HOW the SF2 Engine handles all shaders, not just for aircraft, but more importantly, for Terrains. And, yes, you'll may have clipping (water appearing THROUGH mountains, shimmering trees at times, etc) and other Visual Anomolies ™. This is basically because the terrain engine, for BOTH series needs a drastic overhaul, and the fact the we haven't gotten any kind of upgrade for the Terrain Editor since 2006 or so. But that's neither here nor there, as it relates to simply GETTING the terrain to work. However, you'll need to make some changes in the terrain's data ini to take advantage of the new shader effects (for us cripples on XP or fully capable Vista/Win7 DX10ers); even so, on DX9 machines you must use the new terrain shader effect lines, or you'll not have ANY terrain effects (like moving water). Even if you extract and place the 0ld 08 Patch Level fx files into the terrain folder, they still won't/don't work. So, some edititing of the terrain's data ini is required. It should be noted a this point, that not ALL 1stGen terrains have been upgraded to 08 standards (after all, I'm only ONE person!). So it may be necessary to ADD the BackgroundMaterial statement to the data ini in it's entirety -- It gets placed right after the WaterTextureMaterial statement. (you'll note, this is an 08 Level 1st Gen statement) Another thing that should be mentioned, is depending simply on HOW old the 1stGen Terrain is, it may require rebuilding of ALL the sea and sea/land transition tiles with new AlphaChannels that at th least match 08 level tiles of the same type (as was done on my recent DBS Water Upgread Mod, and for a forthcoming terrain rebuild). Other changes would be in a new 'waternormal.bmp' that creates the sea-state (ie: the actual wave action itself as seen under and at the water's surface). Again, that's for another time...as the 'how to rebuild' sea, and sea/land transitons has been covered in the SF/Wo* KB) Ok, lets update that data ini ... for our examples, I'm using the aformentioned DBS water fixit. In the main terrain ini, all 08 and SF2s have a statement for weather, below the PlanningMap statement: [WeatherChance] ScatteredChance=35 BrokenChance=25 OvercastChance=20 InclementChance=10 If it's not already there, you'll have to add it. You can adjust the numbers, but they MUST add up to 100. Now, to the data ini, again with our DBS example; when I made the fixes, I made SURE it would be usable on both 1st and 2nd Gen Sims, by simply adding the new ter***Effect.fx statement, albeit commented out for 1stGens, along with the 08-style effects: [NormalTextureMaterial] UseEffectShader=TRUE EffectShaderName=TerrainEffect.fx //EffectShaderName=terTerrainEffect.fx [WaterTextureMaterial] UseEffectShader=TRUE EffectShaderName=WaterEffect.fx //EffectShaderName=terWaterEffect.fx [backgroundMaterial] UseEffectShader=TRUE EffectShaderName=FarTerrainEffect.fx //EffectShaderName=terFarTerrainEffect.fx REMEMBER: SF2 Series uses 2 more statements for the SolidObject and AlphaObjects (buildings and trees that are placed on the TOD files) [solidObjectTextureMaterial] //EffectShaderName=terSolidObject.fx [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial] //EffectShaderName=terAlphaObject.fx These statements are NOT used in 08 Level 1stGens, and thusly are commented out here (for display purposes only <grin>) So, what needs doing is ADDING the new SF2 ter***Effect.fx statements to your existing terrain's data ini. Now, I like to make sure EVERYONE (with both Generations of the game) can use things, so You can simply copy/paste the statement lines as above directly into your terrain data ini, and comment or uncomment lines as needed. Meaning: you've installed DBS into you SF2 /Terrains folder. To activate them, simply comment OUT the original TerrainEffects statements, and uncomment the SF2 ter***Effect statements. Thusly: [NormalTextureMaterial] //UseEffectShader=TRUE //EffectShaderName=TerrainEffect.fx EffectShaderName=terTerrainEffect.fx And so forth ... Do that for all 5 listed, and that should take care of that. Don't forget, you'll HAVE to add to 2 lines for the SolidObject and AlphaObject fxs (fxis??) Other than possible issues with old tiles and their AlphaChannels, that should pretty much bring your terran as close as possible, if not right up to, SF2 standards. Comments? Questions? Elaborations? Post them in the Mods and Skinning Forums, and we'll try to address them! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. Fixing the "Bleeding Water At the Sea/Land Interface" Many (ok, just about all of them) of the 1stGen SF/Wo* terrains have these statements in their data inis: and... These are NO longer used by the SF2 engine, and can cause some visual "oddities", in particular the ocean seeming to leak or bleed through any costal tiles (especially when there are hill & mountains at the water's edge). This is much more prevlant on terrains built with the Desert Terrain Editor than with the GermanyCE/VietnamSEA or IsrealME Terrain Editors. But, occasionally, the GCE and VSEA's DO have it. Just be aware. The easiest, and simplest way is to FIRST, BACKUP THE ORIGINAL DATA INI!!!! (always the safest thing to do, yes?) Then, simply remove or delete those 2 statements. If one were to extract the data inis from any of the stock 4 SF2 terrains, you'll find they just aren't there anymore! There are also some other issues, mostly related the HFD (height field), and with the sea/land transiton tile's _HM.bmp (height maps). There are several ways to help fix that (without rebuilding the terrain from the bottom up -not a viable option!). 1) open the terrain's data in, and for all the 'sea' and 'river' tiles, replace the height statments: old stock statment: replace with: HeightMapScale=2.000000 that should help a LOT. YOu should also check the TOP statments (these from the SF2 Desert terrain): Make sure they match what you already have. If not, replace them. (you DID back up the data ini, right???) The other thing, is each individual tile's _hm.bmp can be repainted a SOLID black. This 'fools the engine into thinking it's 'solid', and allows terrain and ground objects to sit at their normal heights. (there should be 2 pack here in the downloads section; one for Desert terrains and one for VNSEAs, but I can't find them!!!) In short: ALWAYS compare 'like with like', those terrains built with the desert TE, compare their data inis with a freshly extracted one from SF2's desert. The same can be said for other terrains, based on GermanyCE, or VeitnamSEA or IsrealME. When in doubt, change it out (after backing up the original data ini, of course!) Hope this help! Wench Kevin Stein ps: it should be noted, that it may not ALWAYS work ... DBS, for example, still exhibits some water bleed on the coastlines. I have been unable to fix this. W
  9. That sound like an airfield ini issue. btw, most of 1st Gens just need a few lines added/changed, and a section removed (the noise statmemnts). It's in the sf2 KB (excepting the 'remove the noise bits ... guess I'll add that now) wrench kevin stein
  10. check that you have the proper _airfield.ini's in EACH of the terrain folders; many use the desert airfields, and some of the SF2 terrians DON'T have them in their cats any more. They're easy enough to pull from another terrain (I try to include them in all mine, with some increased parking chances), or from another terrain cat. They ARE the same between 08 1stGens and SF2. check the data inis for proper shader callouts; some 1stGen terrains require the REMOVAL of the Noise statements (gets rid of the land/water bleeds -except on DBS for reason) when/if it crashes, are they any error messages? wrench kevin stein
  11. another one for HrntFxr....the tail decal can be reused when(ever) we get F-20s!! (unfortunately the model has some serious flaws..they didn't show in 1stGens, but they do now) wrench kevin stein edit: I'm gonna have to move the name aft ... it looks warped around the intakes
  12. I just need A stadium ... the one from GermanayCE has some serious clipping issues at ground level, and is mighto too large (it's an Olympic Games Complex) ... (besides StLo needs one anyway, for Real Life ™ -Busch Staduim???. Here's where not being a sports fan bites me in the butt...) wrench kevin stein
  13. well, then open your eyes! We can't see anything!!! wrench kevin stein
  14. First thing I noticed, when making this skin/aircraft mod (ok, it's all 3W skins, my decals). I found it 'waaay back a ways, when looking in the weapondata.ini for something else. It's called "2IR_F105" TK did a nice job on upgrading it. Pretty sure the thing might be bump mapped too; I know the "AI Only" F-84F is. wrench kevin stein
  15. this one's for HrntFxr.... wrench kevin stein
  16. File Name: F-84F Thunderstreak Skin & Inis Upgrade Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 18 October 2010 File Category: F-84 F-84F "Thunderstreak" Skin and Inis Update Pak -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:E =ONLY!!!= This ini and skin pak will update your stock F-84F Thunderstreak to a player-flyable aircraft (if you havn't done so already), and adds a new skin representing the 170th TFS, 183rd TFW, Illinois ANG, circa 1961 when the unit was Federalized during the Berlin Crisis. Also, an update to the stock "USAFSilver1" skin, adding serial and buzz number decals, and repositioning the TAC tail badge. Consider this a 'generic' USAF skin, NOT representing any particular unit. Just 'dressing up' the old girl a little for the dance... New, updated inis have been included; main, data, loadout and avionics, along with a loadout tga and NEW hangar screen. A radar-ranging gunsight has been added (APG-30), and all the lights have been corrected and expanded, adding the landing/taxi light and formation/ID lights on the vertical stab. The canopy has been activated via a manual animation control keystroke; use shift/0 to open and close. Other upgrades included "splitting" the inboard stations into 2 groups, allowing for the historic use the Mk.7 nuclear weapon on the left side, and the drop tank on the right. This loadout is NOT set in the loadout ini (standard bombs are), but is available for player selection from the loadout screen when in game. The Mk.7 weapons ARE included, courtesy of one lindr2's weapons paks. They've been converted for SF2 usage. Nuke effects are NOT included. The cockpit is from Zur's F-86s, with my K-14 gunsight. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. Of course, there's the usual 'Notes" section for explanations, ramblings, and other odd things. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  17. on page 60, third one down, entitled "Curse you Judy Garland" Object by FastCargo wrench kevin stein
  18. WOOOT!!!! One of my Phav Phantom skins, too! wrench kevin stein
  19. I just wish I'd 'upsized them' more, and gotten the rivet lines in. And was better at doing fabric-covered control surfaces wrench kevin stein
  20. actually, it's the entire LOD that need replacing. If you have 1stGens, you can use that one. or, modify the data ini from teh SF2 version, make some adjustments in teh skin (ie: probably repaint it!! nuts) Honestly, on mine in SF2 (which gave me the same issue, btw), I just imported the 08 level LODs. Until Ant releases one for SF2 (hint... ) wrench kevin stein
  21. falcon: look in the SF2 screenshots thread for a shot by me. The terrain was actually started for "something completly different" (in more ways than you can possibly imagine!!!), but the 'full version' is being worked on. It just so happened to pretty much fit in with the 2nd half of the 1st book, and the 2nd book. Now, if I can figure out the US East coast from Maine to the Carolinas.....to include the NEZ and Mid-Aks..... first look at planning map: (which really looks like crap, as the SFMap generator don't like the tileset being used, so I had to do EVERYTHING by hand) Ya, the F-20 is DEFINATELY needed! wrench kevin stein edit-- nuts! it seems Des Moines is missing! have to fix that....
  22. for those of you that don't know, in the SF1 downloads section is a GermanyCE targets/types ini mod, placing the various HAWK batteries for the NATO forces. Look for 'Air Defense Mod' or words to that effect. Easily adaptable to SF2:E Mr. N. Bell is author; based on his extensive personal knowledge of the subject Good to see you back, Nick!! wrench kevin stein
  23. good enough for me, brother!!! I see this thread was edited, as some posts seem to be missing. Yah, as long as the lomac dude gives permissions, it all good! wrench kevin stein
  24. actually, the Tigershark would fit in quite nicely with the terrain project I'm working on right this very minuite.... ...for those that might know (or remember), think "The Wingman" and the Football City Air Force. 'nuff said wrench kevin stein
  25. two words: copyright violation unless said skins ARE produced by a third party, and permission is granted in writing by said party; ain't gonna happen wrench kevin stein

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