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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. that's how it works right now, hence the only thing you see is main ini (A-10A.ini), and the empty skin folder, with just the textureset ini The main ini (A-10A.ini) tell the engine what to look for. It already 'knows' that if something is NOT in the game's folders, to look in the cats Since the cats are stored "off site", renaming the aircrft folder removes it from the game engines radar (so to speak). Try it and see. wrench kevin stein
  2. you can always just rename the folder, and it'll disappear off the aircraft list example: zA-10 that way, it's easily 'brought out of mothballs', without having to extract the cats. wrench kevin stein
  3. Version


    F-84F "Thunderstreak" Skin and Inis Update Pak -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:E =ONLY!!!= This ini and skin pak will update your stock F-84F Thunderstreak to a player-flyable aircraft (if you havn't done so already), and adds a new skin representing the 170th TFS, 183rd TFW, Illinois ANG, circa 1961 when the unit was Federalized during the Berlin Crisis. Also, an update to the stock "USAFSilver1" skin, adding serial and buzz number decals, and repositioning the TAC tail badge. Consider this a 'generic' USAF skin, NOT representing any particular unit. Just 'dressing up' the old girl a little for the dance... New, updated inis have been included; main, data, loadout and avionics, along with a loadout tga and NEW hangar screen. A radar-ranging gunsight has been added (APG-30), and all the lights have been corrected and expanded, adding the landing/taxi light and formation/ID lights on the vertical stab. The canopy has been activated via a manual animation control keystroke; use shift/0 to open and close. Other upgrades included "splitting" the inboard stations into 2 groups, allowing for the historic use the Mk.7 nuclear weapon on the left side, and the drop tank on the right. This loadout is NOT set in the loadout ini (standard bombs are), but is available for player selection from the loadout screen when in game. The Mk.7 weapons ARE included, courtesy of one lindr2's weapons paks. They've been converted for SF2 usage. Nuke effects are NOT included. The cockpit is from Zur's F-86s, with my K-14 gunsight. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. Of course, there's the usual 'Notes" section for explanations, ramblings, and other odd things. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  4. out for some serious cow-tipping!!! wrench kevin stein
  5. more targets is NICE!!!! wrench kevin stein
  6. [LevelBombAI] ReleaseAlt=9144.0<--- ReleaseCount=24 ReleaseInterval=0.1 wrench kevin stein
  7. Curse you, Judy Garland!!! wrench kevin stein
  8. Yes, just as Florian said. ASSUMING the standard 0/180 heading for runways 1,2,3,5,6 (4 has it's own weirdness, and requires a much larger 'cleared' tile zone) And even if you rotate the runway to a different heading, the GameEngine ™, will still use the orignal parameters. BUT ... do not add anything new to the base after rotating. You MUST add the items first, while still in its original n/s orientation, then adjust the facing to the heading desired All the distnaces are in meters. In all things adding an airfield is just a simple matter of copy/paste off one or another of the terrains (again, assuming the use of a desert_airfield*.ini) However....if it's in a NEW position, you'll need the TE to flatten its location. And that's a whole 'nuther story... wrench kevin stein
  9. I have the merged, AND seperate! Only way to go, if you're TRUELY wanting correct aircraft with the correct terrains, etc (even though the UserLists and LimitedNations statments on most terrains handle that quite nicely) wrench kevin stein
  10. Well, an FAA "A" model Turkey has been available for, what? 5 years now? Look in the SF1 downloads section - has 2 skins (for the original TMF F-14A) And now that C5 has released to templates, it should be rather simple matter to update it, huh? wrench kevin stein
  11. ....and Major Lee is offering a special prize for a NEW P-47D ... an autogrphed picture of Gabby Gabreski! wrench kevin stein
  12. do we have a skin for them around anywhere? Looked and didn't see one. Tailcode SL Needed for a photo-op TIA! wrench kevin stein
  13. turn it into a Terrain Object, as opposed to a GroundObject. Needs no _data ini, just the lod, skin and ini (that describes the lod ala the generic building and such), and entries in the _Types and Targets ini. Nothing to it! then, you can place them anywhere's you want. wrench kevin stein
  14. why don't you try this for the canopy instead: [Canopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_10 AnimationTime=3.0 AnimationID=1 that's what I use on mine. -- the other is called Automatic_Aerodynamic_Load (like for slats) or Automacit_Speed. An example would be from Pasko's Panther, for the blow-in door on the top of the fuselage: [LeftEngineVent] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_SPEED Setting[1].Angle=20.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=50.0 Setting[1].RetractValue=70.0 MaxDeflection=20.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=2.0 AnimationID=4 ModelNodeName=LEngineVent adjust node names, animation IDs and speeds accordingly wrench kevin stein
  15. The other question is, did you follow the instrucitons in the ReadMe??? (I had to ask, of course) wrench kevin stein
  16. the WW2 Burma and the WW2 China terrains should pretty much cover the CBI. Both have upgrades here in the D/L section by yours truely. Unfoftunately, using both in a CBI install allows for RAF units (aircraft) to be seen over mainland China, were they never were. Pity we don't have the Assam Valley region (or, at least I've never been able to locate it on any of those 2 terrains) as to aircraft, IJAAF stuff is pretty much it; IJN aircraft were all "pulled" from the theatre Oct/Nov 41, for obvious reasons. Zekes were only in theatre for a few months, and mostly over French Indo-china and the extreame south/easten regions of China (not including Formosa) wrench kevin stein
  17. lod issue, can only be fixed in MAX. Isn't that really Russo's N-15????? maybe try the later model...... wrench kevin stein
  18. Did you create a /Terrains folder in your mods folder? Did you crate an /IsraelME subfolder to the /Terrains folder? Did you install the new tiles, inis and whathaveyous TO the newly created /IsraelME folder in your mods folder? the path would be (win7 showing here .. Vista is similiar; albeit your install wouldn't have my name on it! <grin>) C:\Users\kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Israel\Terrains\IsraelME wrench kevin stein
  19. System specs, iirc, seem a bit on the low side. that might also explain the aircraft "lod tearing" image you posted before. Definatly looks like more horsepower is needed, or wind the graphics waaaaaay down wrench kevin stein
  20. If you're planning on historical numbers, having the full list (as used by the IDF) is essential ... i seem to recall the USNAttackNum or USNFighterNum (ie: modex number) have a 300 series. You'll have to extract them to check, however. They should be in the Object.cat. Pull the sequence you need, rename to fit the situation, place in decals folder, edit decals ini to match, and there ya go. look at at stock numbers.lst, and you'll see how it's done ... it's just a simple text file, with "items" listed in a vertical column, in whatever order you create the decals ini example: 1952 1025 3016 4217 etc "save as..." numbers.lst. Nothing to it. wrench kevin stein
  21. sounds more like a graphics card issue, if it's doing it on stock aircaft. Can you post your system specs? (ram, cpu speed, type of graphic card/ram, etc) wrench kevin stein
  22. does it have one? Cause it didn't when originally released ... have a look in the Tweeks thread above, there should be a whole section on adding the proper avionics wrench kevin stein
  23. self illuminating tgas ... they're on all the time, just like the lighthouses wrench kevin stein
  24. hard to diagnose without a screenie ... so, we'll need at least one wrench kevin stein

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