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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. that's probably a landing gear issue -- check the tailwheel steering angle (negative number in 06, postivte for 08) afaik, those AI sections can be used; just look at any extracted data in for, say a 06 level Scooter or Rhino. If they're there, great; if not, I wouldn't worry. wrench kevin stein
  2. look into the lod with a hex editor, you won't find it. Just fake it, with entries withOUT the node name. The meshes weren't cut. You just won't have a swiveling wheel. As long as you can steer, who cares! CCKO wrench kevin stein
  3. the pics look funny! like a broken nose strut! Rotation axis, like Brain said, is definatly "off" but, "Line15"? for a node name??? I'd check the OUT file, that just don't seem quite right! wrench kevin stein
  4. you got a radar with it??? the original has/had the radar built into the missile (as we lack the 'object' for the type 86 or 87 fixed installations. I'd like to see what you got, Ant, can you shoot it to me? I've noticed in SF2, that sometimes the game engine DOSEN"T place SAMs near the player's position at mission start; but will place them around the target area (for CAPs and if you're on a STRIKE, enemy positions) Which drives a terrain/targets guy like me absolutely nuts! The GroundObjectRole in the data ini should match what it is (ie: SAM_Launchers) as defined in the terrain types ini. It still needs a fixed installation, like the Nike, afaik. Maybe take one of the NIKE TTR tower, call it the Type86, network it to the Bloodhound, place them on a terrain, and see what's what wrench kevin stein
  5. if the node wasn't cut for the steering animation, that might be it. You can 'fake it' by adding the statements to the nose gear, but it probably won't move. that screenie in the gallery isn't very clear; can you give us a closer view (use the F12 free camera), and post the original and modded nose gear sections from the data ini? wrench kevin stein
  6. says right in the announcement: for 06 levels only that answers' that! wrench kevin stein
  7. don't they have to be set up similiar to NIKEs, in a fixed installation?? I don't have them installed, so I guess I'll have to check on it! wrench kevin stein
  8. too right brother!!! actually, YOUR mod gave me the impetus to rebuild the Shari 51 for the INAS....now, I'm building new templates off the GR1A skins wrench kevin stein
  9. crackdown by the government, for giving out state secrets???? (sorry, couldn't resist!) wrench kevin stein
  10. wasn't the Mk.51 an export SeaHarrier, as used by the Indian Navy?? (btw, I LIKE this mod!) wrench kevin stein
  11. Happy Birthday Bob Ward

    Happy Birthday!!! wrench kevin stein
  12. A6 Intruder?

    down in the lower right corner of GE, you'll find a tag "image date ***,***,***" that tells you when it was taken wrench kevin stein
  13. I'm just starting to hope we get both glass- and solid-nosed EE Canberras. I could sure use replacements for what we got now on the Indo=Pak mod!! wrench kevin stein
  14. just thought this was an interestering picture wrench kevin stein
  15. iirc, they had short series on either Discovery or Histroy channel some years back... showed how they got the 'parts' and made their, call it what it is .. artworks! VERY cool stuff! wrench kevin stein
  16. oh, good lord!! I ca't remember.... brb .. let me look... Back... weaponsedtor.exe is dated 4/24/06 ... that's the one for 06 level games wrench kevin stein
  17. Falcon: post the decal question in the Mods/Skinning Chat Forum, and post the decals ini there. We'll get it worked out! wrench kevin stein
  18. Fishbeds and Fitters and Phantoms! Oh My! Actually, it WAS pretty damn good! umm...but where was the distinctive Rhino smoke trail??? wrench kevin stein
  19. Can you imagine the steaks and ribs we could get off them!!!????? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......ribs!!!!!!! mmmmmmmmm!!!! Guess we'll have to up that order of BBQ sauce to 55 gallon drums!!yumyumyumyumyumyummmmyyy!! wrench kevin stein
  20. I've noticed that SF2 seem to NOT place SAMs at the region you start from -- for Red OR Blue side. However, if they're in the "end" target area (ie: where you're bombing, or where you're intercepting the enemy flight) they show up. Example: taking off from Naliya IAFS, where I placed the correct layout for it's battery, only the Q-Hut, EWR, and point defense guns show. Upon reaching my target area (Islamablad Int'l), the local SAMs and AAA are there waiting for me. There is no straight, cut and dried answer. It's a game engine fault. Something that very much DOES need to be addressed at some point (like the 6 years we been waiting). The GE was never really designed for Blue SAMs ... we're forcing it to work that way, taking advantage of Red side "statements" (or whatever its called/used by whichever dll) As to why they aren't showing for you; without seeing you _targets and _types entries..... ALWAYS check the operational years of the weapons vs when you're flying; make sure the types entries match the names , etc, etc and so forth not much else I can say...they work for me! Oddly, sometimes, but they work wrench kevin stein
  21. In reference, to "submerged" objects .... one thing you're all forgetting, for all intents and purposes, the water in EVERY terrain is solid ground. It's only a surface effect ... Test this ... place an "object" -- like a tank or truck or commbuilding off shore. See what happens. --- with what against what? Weapons are not targetable. wrench kevin stein
  22. Are you editing ALL the inis??? Including the Squadronlist.ini, adding the Merc unit? Listing it in ini the ***Camp.ini, the ***CampData.ini?? I'll bet you CAN get it to work ... with some work. I'm not a campaign guy ... but ... wrench kevin stein
  23. I'd like to change it to Jupiter, as seen from Europa ... or better yet, Yavin IVa (after all, the Rebel base WAS a E-standard planet orbiting a gas giant...) -------- Don't forget, it's rise and set locations, and apparent orbital path varies with the latitude of the terrain map. There's statements for lat/long that are (or should be) in EVERY terrain's main ini. This also controls what constellations are visible at night. And yes, they do follow their correct paths wrench kevin stein
  24. You can look at Crusaders Kytushu mod to get some idea as to how it works. Suffice it to say, the "viewport" position MUST be quite elevated. Study the data inis ... all will become clear (as mud! ) However, you'd need NEW working objects -- Scuds that actually LEAVE the launch rail, fer instance (iirc, TKs are part of the transport's LOD, and only 'seperate' when destroyed. However, iirc, somebeody did another version -look in the 1stGen downloads section under Object Mods, the SCUD may be working. Been there, done that. I'd suggest looking into the ODS targets ini, and DBS too. Also, look in Cuba in OTC. Ain't nothing new; just having working missiles is lacking. But they really serve no purpose. Just sitting there, waiting to be bombed. But they explode and burn soooooooo nicely! wrench kevin stein
  25. check in the downloads section (under weapons mabye??? - been 3 or 4 years!) some years back I did 'green' tip tanks that have the correct fin facing. IIRC, the lods are reversed (right is left and versa vice-a) I though the 08 patch fixed that???? wrench kevin stein edit: fount it! http://combatace.com/index.php?automodule=downloads&showfile=4697 now, the green WILL be a bit glossy, as that's a material "issue" of the lods themselves

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