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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. 06 is perfect. for now.... mmmmuuuuuahahahahahaha (<---evil laugh) wrench kevin stein
  2. LimitedNations statement perhaps????? "Merc" is considered a Nation in the Nations.ini. Check the/each terrains's nations.ini, adjust as necessary. in a full-4 merged, you should be able to access the necessary dlls to create a merc campaign.... wrench kevin stein
  3. if in XP, the 06 level, due to flight models and terrain effects. However, if using Vista or 7, STILL keep the 06 patch, but you'll have to edit ALL the terrains data inis, to remove any and all Shader Effects statements, or it'll CTD. (and there goes all my hard work right out the wind0w...put, at least the targeting remains intact) O8 levels allows for the terrain shaders, but the aircraft get massivly screwed up due to ALL needing new flight models Don't even get me started on SF2 ..... DATs Wings over Russia is designed for 08 WoE, as, afaik, the forthcoming North Africa mod. //rant mode on// I WANT MY WW2 STUFF TO WORK IN SF2 JUST LIKE IT DID BEFORE!!!! *&^%$#@!)(*&^$ //rant mode off// wrench kevin stein
  4. Yah, putting the SLUF into the A-A environment ensures a quick and ugly death! and possibly a fighter group AHEAD of the strike package, on a SWEEP mission, instead of a CAP (which is over Friendly airspace) wrench kevin steing
  5. ooohhh....that just leave open SOOOOOO many possibilities.... (in my head I see that guy in then nose of the A-26) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 29 differenct tgas for the moon in game. One for each day of it's phases, so you'd need to replace each one. Extract the FlightData.cat, and you'll see that they are actual B&W photos of the moon, (29 being the 'new' moon, that has no image) wrench kevin stein
  6. agreed! Nice looking, and much needed!!! wrench kevin stein
  7. Sure, youre choices are "audio only" and "3-Ring". Just pull the avioinices ini from any 1stGen Objects cat (a good suggestion would be WoE/WoIs Eagles), and you'll see what's what. wrench kevin stein
  8. betchya there's more than one statement for those skids ... maybe a fore and aft mesh split???? wrench kevin stein
  9. do the landing skids have a rolling radius listed? If so, just start 'raising' it (like all Gen1s to Gens2 need) If somebody could post a screenie of 'how far sunk', and the section of the data ini, I can make edumacated guesstimate of how much to raise it wrench kevin stein
  10. Isn't that a scene from "Romancing The Stone: Jewel of the Nile"???? "Damn, I'm outta quaters!" wrench kevin stein
  11. No problem ... just make new pylons, if you can find a 3D guy to do. Dialing the "seat position" is always the time consuming part. Using "known distances" (ie: wing position lights), and guesstimate from there. Or FastCargo's Ruler Tool wrench kevin stein
  12. Train Stations for FE

    TRANSPORT, just like trucks, in a data ini. This is from the KAW types ini: (which noone outside the Team has seen) [TargetType***] Name=Train FullName=Train TargetType=WAREHOUSE ModelName=full_train.LOD ActiveYear=0 DamagePoint=75 ArmorValue=0 ArmorType=0 TargetValue=250 UseGroundObject=FALSE RepairRate=0.150 StartDetectChance=50 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=8000.0 DamagedModel= DestroyedModel=full_trainX.LOD DestroyedEffect=LargeExplosionEffect SecondaryEffect=MediumOilFireEffect SecondaryChance=100 Effect=SmokeStackEffect EffectOffset=0.0,5.00,6.0 for the static model, of course. assigning the role of "WAREHOUSE" gaurentees it's availiblity for STRIKE mission If Diego says YES, I'll zip up the GroundObject Folder for the Train, and shoot it to you to experiment with (it's a permission item). Mind you, it will be sitting above ground. Had a screenie of it, but can't find it. Mine is also has a repainted locomotive bmp,to remove the commie red star As to creating truck routes (or shipping or ground attack for that matter), I find using the freecamera view, and starting off from the start point, and traveling that way, jotting down the coordinates on paper, and ending up where you want, makes the best routes. In Korea, I've got actually truck traveling down the roads. Easiest way to "get to the starting point", is a mission that you can edit. Look in SF Knowledge base; I wrote a turorial on how to do that. Something like "Targeting Made Easy" or words to that effect. Prolly in the Terrain Editor thread. wrench kevin stein
  13. How does one join a "Group" and...

    I've always wondered abou the the Grope Tags, too. But was too embarrased to ask! thanks for the explinations!! wrench kevin stein
  14. what about just rebuilding the M-113, and just adding the radar to it, renamed as *whateveritscalled*, or the M-163, and just remove the M-61A gun statements. That might make the gun track as a radar (if used as the antenna) wrench kevin stein
  15. hey, as long the missiles fit on the mounts..... it's good enough for me!! One proplem I see .... where's the search/track radar unit? IIRC, that's a seperate vehicle the fixed rapier batteries should be found in the Lybia terrain update (for SF2,irrc), with adjusted freq statments. What I forgot to add was the tga for the Blindfire for TEWS RWRs!
  16. Train Stations for FE

    Old Diego's full train object. We're using it in Korea as well Indo-Pak It CAN be made to move...cause I did it. But it's a MagLev! The roadwheels sit about 1 meter off the gound. Another unfortunate side effect, is that multiple units appear in well, in SF they call it Armed_Recon - don't remember what it's called in FE. Kinda funny to see 6 or 8 trains moving in formation across the landscape. But, as they're MagLev or Anti-Grav propelled.......guess it dont matter! There may be an edit to the data ini, like the Tanker, to limit it to ONE item formation size. However, it will follow the truck routes stated in the terrains Movement.ini; if one were to create routes that follow the tracks, you'd also find trucks on them as well, randomly generated JanTuma: love those rail tiles!! wrench kevin stein
  17. By hand. AND....just to make things more interesting, for them to show up on BlueSide TEWS, you CAN'T call/place the specific objects (ie: Hawk_PAR, HAWK_HIPIR), you have to use the 'generic' SAM_RADAR, EWR, SAM_Launcher and hope to the gods that the game engine places the correct radars with the correct launchers. 'Cause even when networked, the "mix and match" of SAM radars and launchers will still occur. wrench kevin stein
  18. And here I was hopeing for something akin to what we had in Fighters' Anthology (ie: the Atomic Moth and Quetzelcoatalus) Maybe The Giant Claw??? (google it) This game needs more monsters!!! wrench kevin stein
  19. Classic WW2 IJAAF mottle on the Fishbed ... looks DAMN good! One wonders, though, about that; given the mutual "intense dislike" between Russia(SovietUnion) and Japan. Having heard stories from my aunts (now, all desceased, unfortunatley) about my maternal grandfather's experiences there in 1906..... But the skins DO look righteously coolio! wrench kevin stein
  20. a description of the object would be nice! If possible, please add one! (for those that don't know what it be) thanks!! wrench kevin stein
  21. US Canberras didn't use an optical sight ... they bombed by radar. The Invader works, because it's cockpit was built that way, as is/are the RAF Canberra pits. Somewhere, waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy back in the downloads section (probably in cockpit mods) is a tweek for adding the Norden. However, it may not work, due to the fact that it predates the 06 patch. Basic consensus, from the many years, is "Big Bombers" should be left AI, and the game engine dosn't have too much trouble hitting things from altitude. There are also no real good cockpits for the Heavies (24,29,36) (discounting Kesselbrut's "USBPit" aka USBomber for the B-17s. Again, lacking the bombadier's positon) wrench kevin stein
  22. Mig Pit? Don't think it'll be a bomber pit (aka: RAF Canberra). The Lightning(s) are already seem flyable as per DanW's mission builder screenies... we shall just have to wait and see.... wrench kevin stein
  23. "The Modders Big List of Things To Be Updated For SF2 Usage", of course! Right now, running around 762 individual items (not including terrains) which may (or may not) include new aircraft models, new skins/decals (or adaptations thereof), avionics, ships, vehicles, weapons, effects; to say nothing of updating terrains for the new shader effects (which may or may not include new tiles), etc and so forth wrench kevin stein
  24. Happy Birthday X Ray

    Happy Birthday!! Have a GREAT day dude!! wrench kevin stein
  25. Something must have changed in SF2, because that trick now longer seems to work. NUTS!!! need it for the Paki F-7Ps; got pylons but need that window gone. DRAT!! (insert crying man figure) thanks anyway! wrench kevin stein

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