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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. If you're planning on historical numbers, having the full list (as used by the IDF) is essential ... i seem to recall the USNAttackNum or USNFighterNum (ie: modex number) have a 300 series. You'll have to extract them to check, however. They should be in the Object.cat. Pull the sequence you need, rename to fit the situation, place in decals folder, edit decals ini to match, and there ya go. look at at stock numbers.lst, and you'll see how it's done ... it's just a simple text file, with "items" listed in a vertical column, in whatever order you create the decals ini example: 1952 1025 3016 4217 etc "save as..." numbers.lst. Nothing to it. wrench kevin stein
  2. sounds more like a graphics card issue, if it's doing it on stock aircaft. Can you post your system specs? (ram, cpu speed, type of graphic card/ram, etc) wrench kevin stein
  3. does it have one? Cause it didn't when originally released ... have a look in the Tweeks thread above, there should be a whole section on adding the proper avionics wrench kevin stein
  4. self illuminating tgas ... they're on all the time, just like the lighthouses wrench kevin stein
  5. hard to diagnose without a screenie ... so, we'll need at least one wrench kevin stein
  6. Where there any error messages associated with the CTD and, in what order did you install the game -- SF2 MUST be installed first, then any of the others wrench kevin stein
  7. well, shoot ... everyone KNOWS helicopters are just a bunch of loose parts flying in VERY close formation!!! wrench kevin stein
  8. is that Nicholas Cage in the cockpit??? wrench kevin stein
  9. And.... there's a WHOLE PropHeads Forum just below, with many informative stickies worth reading to answer the quick question --- WoE, at the 06 patch level. Because with the 08 level and SF2, the flight models for 99.9% for them get pretty badly hosed. For Vista/Win7 users, the 06 level brings it own set of issues; mostly with terrains and their associated effects shaders. They must be 'turned off' via a simple text edit of EACH terrain's data ini. wrench kevin stein
  10. here's another ... SeaHarrier FRS Mk.51, INAS wrench kevin stein
  11. menu layouts are completely different between SF and WoV. That mod was designed for SF, as it really does need the desert cat. Or, if you HAVE SF, extract the menuscreen inis, put them in the /Menu folder, and that might work. No need to rename cats and folders --- use the catpointer line edit in the korea terrains main ini -- cant remember the link right off, but it's in the Knowldege Base, in several places. I should know, I wrote it! buny's pak WILL work, if you run it through the 08 level weapons editor (covered in agonizing detail in the Knowledge Base) that entire mod is exceptionally old, and really not designed for use with 08 level game installs. You -WILL- experience some "oddities" with aircraft flight models. Be advised! A completly now, improved, and totally beyond belief version is under construction for SF2. The terrain alone will be worth the download, if I do say so myself. wrench kevin stein
  12. there should be all kinds of pilot pics in the downloads section .. we been changing them since 2005!! Look in the 1stGen SF -- what section, I don't exactly remember! (sorry!) wrench kevin stein
  13. i'd reccomend getting ahold of Detail & Scale #32: A-4 Skyhawk. Documents ALL the differences between the various types. wrench kevin stein
  14. that EAF one is NICE!! can't ID the first one... Turkish, maybe? wrench kevin stein
  15. and I want the Canberras .... need them for India!! wrench kevin stein
  16. stationspecific code is only for 08 and above level games wrench kevin stein
  17. from the readme: and further down: wrench kevin stein
  18. Another Hero passes away

    . wrench kevin stein
  19. oh, YES indeed!!! That suits just fine Sony!! Is the FM up to SF2 settings? I'm with Ghost on this ... be great to have two TMF products going at each other! wrench kevin stein edit: this is what I was using, Migbuster's USAF skin, not fully adapted for PAF usage. Maybe he's got a template? Either way is good for me! Using the TMF one makes sure folks that don't have SF2I (full-4 merged) get their Falcons! --scratch that ... I take the TMF one! W
  20. groundobject.dll fault means you missing a ground object, that being called for via the types and targets ini (usually!) check the cat pointer lines, and cross check the listed GroundObjects (tanks, ships, ects and so forths) in the types ini against the GO folder. wrench kevin stein
  21. is it a valid nation in the Nations.ini???? If not, you'll have to add it wrench kevin stein
  22. National insignia are ALWAYS level 0 level 2 is for serial numbers, buzz numbers, nose arts, individual aircraft ID letters/numbers, etc wrench kevin stein
  23. kinda neat one .. the sun was setting, and the moon was rising wrench kevin stein

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