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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Crusing along the Roof of the World ... wrench kevin stein
  2. over the hills, and far away... wrench kevin stein
  3. 1940/41? AI MKII, iirc, or was that the ASV?? Have to look in my books somewhere. Don't forget, up until the the 40s, they all used 2 scopes (altitude on one, azmiuth on the other) And there's a difference in 'seeing' the ground target, as opposed to 'locking' it up. For a "locking" type, possibly as late the mid-60?? (DIANE type, maybe?) wrench kevin stein
  4. isn't there a "submerged" sub on Marcfighter's site??? Or is it here in teh 1stGen ships download section. Cause I know I've seen it! wrench kevin stein
  5. all CVs are 'flyable of off', if placed via a userbuilt mission or campaign that the vessel named. The terrain's targets ini MUST have a CVStation defined somewhere in it so the built-mission and/or campaign can take take advantage of it. Stock ones are the Kittyhawk and SCB-125 Essex's (essexi??) All the others should work just fine, if the other parameters are met. wrench kevin stein
  6. I moved this one for ya, DA. I gotta ask the question .... "flyable carriers"????? Did somebody build a "Sky Captain & the World of Tommorrow" mod I missed!?? wrench kevin stein
  7. SF2I expansion. it has the new shermans, mig15, vampire, meteor, mustang, spitfire, c-47 and other interestering stuff wrench kevin stein
  8. Know that feeling already ... for that that haven't downloaded it, the rebuilt ASW has a mission pak assosicated with it. Because my SF2 base install is pretty heavily modded, I had to go back through each one and swap out stock aircraft for the add-ons that it generated. It only takes a few minutes to edit, but that DEFINATELY is a concern. But, if the uploader has his/her/its head screwed on right, and is concientious about such things, it's worth doing. OTH, if one WANTS to higlight a specific aircraft, say the Tomcat or Fulcrum, that WILL need to be said in any readme/upload announcments. The exact same would have to be done if a specific terrain is used. wrench kevin stein
  9. Just do like the rest of us have alrady done ... create a folder at the root of /C:, and extract ALL the cats to it. Then, you'll have everything right at your finger tips! The ones in the screnie below are the ones you'll be needing wrench kevin stein
  10. F-15 BAZ is in 10; all the other are in 12 wrench kevin stein
  11. Seriously, how hard could that possibly be? You let me at the map 5 minutes after release, and you'll have it bye bye Bjork! wrench kevin stein
  12. The terrains are sorta mixed up ... meaning, you'll find them in BOTH the SF1/Wo* and SF2 downloads sections. Some VERY minor adjustments are needed to update the terrain shader from 1stGen to NextGen (on those not converted). I wrote a little tutorial on "How To..." that in the SF2 Knowledge Bsse. note to self: write tut on how to fix the 'land/water interface bleed' on the old, not fully updated desert-based terrains. wrench kevin stein
  13. Dave, you ARE going to release this mod, yes??? The Huns look damn good! wrench kevin stein
  14. LGBs, IIR missiles/rockets/bombs, etc (ie: TV guided stuff that in Real Life needs a human controler - HOBOs bomb for example-) The game does a bang-up job -yes, pun intended!- of self-guiding the TV stuff. Now, if they could just get rid of the commercials ..... wrench kevinstein
  15. BTW: with reference to FCs video.... Am I the only one that noticed the shiny disc-shaped object in front of the aircrft (visible through the pilot's side windscreen), that was easily keeping pace with, and matching all manuvers???? Looks like FC caught one on tape!!! wrench kevin stein (yes I know it was just an internal reflection ... but still!!!....!!!)
  16. and don't forget the add-on terrains!!! wrench kevin stein
  17. how about just using the "save mission" function? It was added with Expasion Pak 1 for the Suez war for SF2:I. If you don't alrady have it, it's definately DEFINATLEY worth the 20 buck investment wrench kevin stein
  18. well, thats good to know. cause I was sure I fixed the rolling radius. ludo: you said ja-booty!! Nice skins, too!! I notice the use of the BFT on the bottom one. wrench kevin stein
  19. RANGING, for those aircraft with guns-only ranging radar (Sabres, Hunters?, Fresco and Farmer) No sure exactly, as there are the visual targeting compenents as well. But more than likely, yes. As the player, you're already "eyes out" in visual contact with the target. In SF2 series, you get the yellow radar diamond on the target when withing "optimal" guns range (on easy and normal modes) Again, also is SF2, they show up on the TEWS as AAA (similiar freq ranges to gun laying radars) avionics60.dll vs avioncs70.dll. SEARCH= just what it says, basic looking around mode TRACK= after locking up a target, it tracks it BORESIGHT= just like it says - fixed stright ahead, like a rifle's sniper scope GM= (in avi60, GROUND_MAP), just as it says, ground mapping mode TERRAIN_AVOIDENCE= similiar to GM, show terrain features avi70s: TWS= Track While Scan, tracks a target while scanning for others SST= Single Target Track, locked single target, tracking, with data displayed on heading, azimuth, speed, aspect and closure rate ACM= Air Combat Mode, similar to borsight, a very short range (5 nm or less). Usually used for IRMs, and guns Isn't this covered in that funny little pdf called the "Game Manuel"? Start at the bottom of page 31. Might be a worthwhile read! wrench kevin stein
  20. Is it just this Yank, or do RAF roundels look pretty damn good on anything??? Am I a closet Anglo-phile??? wrench kevin stein
  21. Happy Birthday Migbuster!

    I can almost remember that far back... WOOT!!! Have a great day! wrench kevin stein
  22. Maybe we can have the Tomcats ESCORTING the Blinders to Bomb Bjork's House??? wrench kevin stein
  23. Hmm....that Sabre skin look familiar .... Looks damn good, too!!! (pats self on back, sprains shoulder) damn, I thought I'd fixed the rolling radius on the nose gears ..nuts!!! Spectre: that the Taj Mahal, in Agra, India wrench kevin stein
  24. This day in 2001.

    Was getting ready to go to work and open the shop, as on every morning we were watching the news. I remember Pat (mrs wrench) coming into the bedroom -as I was the late riser- and telling me a plane had crashed into the WTC. I got up in time to watch the 2nd aircraft hit. I remember seeing it and thinking "that aircraft was FLOWN into the building. it's a kamikaze". The second thing that come to mind is 'this is how my parents must have felt that December morning in 1941'. We'd just been given our 2nd Pearl Harbor. Had a small TV/Entertainment unit at the shop (dvd/vcr/stero), and it was on all day. All the other folks from the center (it was one of those Auto Strip Malls with small repair shops) popping in all day long to see what was happening. Indeed, things would never be the same again. wrench kevin stein

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