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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. one needs to find out EXCACTLY where the light on the real aircrft are located, 'guestimate' said location on the LOD, test, adjust, test, adjust, ad infinitum. Having done it several hundred times, I should know (and not just landing light, all the running/formation, marker, beacons, etc) wrench kevin stein
  2. look in the SF2 Knowledge Base ... I wrote a tutorial for the Zipper a coupla months or so back. Basically, it's the 1stGen F-104G, and all you really need from it is the cockpit folder, avionics ini and something that I forget; with that, you can make all the (now) AI F-104 (including the CF-104s in sf2E flyable) The aircraft (it's TKs from a free addon for SF), and its here at CA. IIRC, the link is in the tutorial And yes, it's still mapped the same, so all the old 1stGen skins will still work on it wrench kevin stein EDIT: link to KB post http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/ follow my instructions in there EXACTLY!! And don't forget to get BAtmam's hi-rez pit!
  3. the readme is a pdf. called, strangely enough "ODS_README.pdf", so make sure you have adobe or some other pdf reader. Also, what you'll probably want to do, if you're going to be downloand any given number of mods, is simply create a NEW folder, somwhere at the root of C/ called "Downloads", and put all the stuff you download in there. On the flip side, you'll probably want to create another folder (also at the root of C/), called "Unzip", where you point you unzipper tool to place the decompressed files. Can't get much easier than that! then, you can unzip the files, and read the associated readmes to get the install instrucitons. wrench kevin stein
  4. with notepad you just start typing in the numbers, and "save as..." numbers.lst exmaple: just make sure it's in a veritcal column, like above (the lazy man's way, is to take an existing one, and just replace THOSE numbers with the one's you're using) wrench kevin stein
  5. hell yes! I just did 115's Skyraider skins ... be cool to keep the historical progression intact! wrench kevin stein
  6. about halfway down in this thread: http://combatace.com/topic/53913-canopy-operations/ your canopy animation ID will be listed in the /Pilot section of the aircraft's data ini wrench kevin stein
  7. rolling radius needs some adjustment.... more pics please!!! wrench kevin stein
  8. canopy, no problem wingfold, not possible ... all 10 animation slots are being used for other things on the aircraft (a detailed study of the A-6A data ini will confirm this). To say nothing of having to rebuild the wingstation mounting points, as if/when the statements for 'movingpylon' and 'rotatingpylon' are added, the weapons move in "odd" ways wrench kevin stein
  9. fixed gunnery targets (albeit without damage textures and the like) have been on The Range Terrain from it's initial release. But, as they'r fixed, static Terrain Objects (don' think they're part of a TOD, but can't check without the TOD inis...), creating and assignging a damaged lod, destroyed lod would just be a matter of building one, and calling them out in the terrain's _types ini Modeling a towed banner would be an interesting excersize ... I wonder if it could be animated, like the terrain flags we have? They're blowing in the wind... wrench kevin stein
  10. they just need converting to jpg; you can use irfanview, photoshop, paint.net, any good image manipulation program that'll do the conversion wrench kevin stein
  11. And the recently re-released Himilaya map rebuild (originally by Major Lee) 80% mountains, 20% valley around Katmandu when I finally get Indo=Pak done ... lottsa nice mountains, too wrench kevin stein
  12. File Name: 3rdW A-1J Skyraider, Skins and Ini Update Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 22 August 2010 File Category: A-1 A-1J "Skyraider" Skin and Ini Update Pak -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY=!!! This package contains inis, full skin and decals sets, a few weapons and a complete cockpit, to make the stock AI-only A-1J "Skyraider" flyable. While the cockpit is not 100% correct (or, more truthfully, close), it does have all the gauges working as they would be in a propeller aircraft. Until such time a a proper AD-7/A-1J pit arrives, this WILL have to suffice. Ini edits include some enhanced AI statements, corrected ammo counts, fuel quantity, on-board countermeasures (chaff and flares for Vietnam era usage) the addition of the running/formation lights on the tail, a landing light, and a working canopy (use Shift/0 to open and close). Wingfold is NOT activated, due to odd movement and placement issues with the outer wing stores locations. At some point in the future, I'll try and get them dailed in properlly, so the wingfold will work and the weapons follow the wing. A new 300 gallon drop tank has also been included, as the LOD lacks the nodes for built-in drop tanks as seen on other SF2 aircraft (even though called out in the data ini, it just ain't there!). And just for extra added enjoyment, the "Special Weapon", as used by VA-25 is also included. Yup, the world (in)famous Toilet Bomb. A new SF2-style hangar screen, and a new loading screen are also included. All decals are new, with correct Modex, squadron codes and BuNums. It should be noted, that in Vietnam era squadrons (and possibly before) most Skyraider units used a mix of AD-6/7 (or A-1H/J after 1961), so these may not be fully historical, as the BuNums reflect only the one type (AD-6 or A-1H) per squadron. But the BuNums ARE 100% accurate for the models they indicate; and in the cases where photos or profile were available, the actual aircraft represented. Skins included in this set are: VA-25 "Fist of the Fleet", USS Coral Sea, 11/1966 VA-115 "Arabs", USS Kitty Hawk, 3/1966 VA-145 "Swordsmen",USS Intrepid 9/1967 VA-152 "Wild Aces", USS Oriskany, 8/1965 The new "A-1J.INI" has been edited to move these new skins to the top, and the original 3W "USNGray1" and "USAFCAmo1" to the bottom, making it easier to select the USN/USMC marked skins. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires, to make it a LOT easier to install. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein oppsy edit! I had H, when I meant J!!! Sorry! -w Click here to download this file
  13. yeah, in the south near the Alps. Just look at the planning map .. it shows the mountains wrench kevin stein
  14. are you using the right weapons editor?? For post-08 games, it requires the post-08 WepEditor Or, are you NOT able to open the editor? There's a LOT of threads on this very subject in the Knowledge Base... wrench kevin stein
  15. Martin Maryland wrench kevin stein
  16. those are probably not player flyable. Only aircraft with cockpits (that are player flyable) will show in the selection drop-down box wrench kevin stein
  17. one thing to remember about the new system ... SF2 does NOT like spaces in the names of the folder, inis, or even inside the ini.. Example: Toilet Bomb dosent work but, ToiletBomb does & in the main ini [WeaponData] ObjectFullName=Toilet Bomb ObjectDataFile=ToiletBomb_DATA.INI <--notice no spacing, just the _underline [LOD001] Filename=TB.LOD Distance=200 [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=4000 MaxVisibleDistance=100 so, double check and make sure all the namings match wrench kevinstein
  18. Off to lay some hurt on the Reds.... wrench kevin stein
  19. File Name: 3rdW A-1H Skin and Ini Update Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 22 August 2010 File Category: A-1 A-1H "Skyraider" Skin and Ini Update Pak -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY!!! -- This package contains inis, full skin and decals sets, a few weapons and a complete cockpit, to make the stock AI-only A-1H "Skyraider" flyable. While the cockpit is not 100% correct (or, more truthfully, close), it does have all the gauges working as they would be in a propeller aircraft. Until such time a a proper AD-6/7 (or A-1H/A-1J) pit arrives, this WILL have to suffice. Ini edits include some enhanced AI statements, corrected ammo counts, fuel quantity, on-board countermeasures (chaff and flares for Vietnam era usage) the addition of the running/formation lights on the tail, a landing light, and a working canopy (use Shift/0 to open and close). Wingfold is NOT activated, due to odd movement and placement issues with the outer wing stores locations. At some point in the future, I'll try and get them dailed in properlly, so the wingfold will work and the weapons follow the wing. A new 300 gallon drop tank has also been included, as the LOD lacks the nodes for built-in drop tanks as seen on other SF2 aircraft (even though called out in the data ini, it just ain't there!). A new SF2-style hangar screen, and an new loading screen are also included. Almost all decals are new, with correct Modex, squadron codes and BuNums. It should be noted, that in Vietnam era squadrons (and possibly before) most Skyraider units used a mix of AD-6/7 (or A-1H/J after 1961), so these may not be fully historical, as the BuNums reflect only the one type (AD-6 or A-1H) per squadron. But the BuNums ARE 100% accurate for the models they indicate; and in the cases where photos or profile were available, the actual aircraft represented. Skins included in this set are: VA-35 "Black Panthers",USS Saratoga, Med Cruise, 7/1958 (possibly during the Beirut Crisis) VA-85 "Black Falcons", USS Forrestal, 1962 (also possibly on a Med Cruise) VA-176 "Thunderbolts", USS Intrepid, Vietnam War (1st SEA cruise, before the famous "bee and lightning bolt" added) VMA-331 "Killer Bees", circa 1956-59, before transfering to Skyhawks. This one's for Gunny! The new "A-1H.ini" has been edited to move these new skins to the top, and the original 3W "USNGray1" and "USAFCAmo1" to the bottom, making it easier to select these USN/USMC marked skins. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/uses, to make it a LOT easier to install. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  20. 3rdW A-1H Skin and Ini Update Pak



    A-1H "Skyraider" Skin and Ini Update Pak -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY!!! -- This package contains inis, full skin and decals sets, a few weapons and a complete cockpit, to make the stock AI-only A-1H "Skyraider" flyable. While the cockpit is not 100% correct (or, more truthfully, close), it does have all the gauges working as they would be in a propeller aircraft. Until such time a a proper AD-6/7 (or A-1H/A-1J) pit arrives, this WILL have to suffice. Ini edits include some enhanced AI statements, corrected ammo counts, fuel quantity, on-board countermeasures (chaff and flares for Vietnam era usage) the addition of the running/formation lights on the tail, a landing light, and a working canopy (use Shift/0 to open and close). Wingfold is NOT activated, due to odd movement and placement issues with the outer wing stores locations. At some point in the future, I'll try and get them dailed in properlly, so the wingfold will work and the weapons follow the wing. A new 300 gallon drop tank has also been included, as the LOD lacks the nodes for built-in drop tanks as seen on other SF2 aircraft (even though called out in the data ini, it just ain't there!). A new SF2-style hangar screen, and an new loading screen are also included. Almost all decals are new, with correct Modex, squadron codes and BuNums. It should be noted, that in Vietnam era squadrons (and possibly before) most Skyraider units used a mix of AD-6/7 (or A-1H/J after 1961), so these may not be fully historical, as the BuNums reflect only the one type (AD-6 or A-1H) per squadron. But the BuNums ARE 100% accurate for the models they indicate; and in the cases where photos or profile were available, the actual aircraft represented. Skins included in this set are: VA-35 "Black Panthers",USS Saratoga, Med Cruise, 7/1958 (possibly during the Beirut Crisis) VA-85 "Black Falcons", USS Forrestal, 1962 (also possibly on a Med Cruise) VA-176 "Thunderbolts", USS Intrepid, Vietnam War (1st SEA cruise, before the famous "bee and lightning bolt" added) VMA-331 "Killer Bees", circa 1956-59, before transfering to Skyhawks. This one's for Gunny! The new "A-1H.ini" has been edited to move these new skins to the top, and the original 3W "USNGray1" and "USAFCAmo1" to the bottom, making it easier to select these USN/USMC marked skins. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/uses, to make it a LOT easier to install. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  21. if you look again at his screenie, you'll see 2 SF2:I expansion pak mod folders. what might be a suggestion, MOVE all the mods folders to another location (like CDs, DVD, external HD). Uninstall ALL the games and start complety from scratch. Something is obviously f***ed up in how the mods folders were created. Or how mods were installed and for the record, the SF2 exe gives access to ALL items for SF2 (sf2v, e, i and exp pak). That's how mine works, and 99.9% of everybody else. wrench kevin stein
  22. Also, taking a closer look at your file structure, LOOK AT WHERE YOU PLACED THE B-57B... You have it in your SF2:I mods folder. and guess what... if you run you sf2i FROM the sf2:i.exe, you'll ONLY get those aircraft that are referenced in the cats specific to sf2:i Therefore, you ain't gonna have any lods for the Canberra, as there aren't any to be had. wrench kevin stein
  23. ok, what we have here is a failure to follow instructions ... Spinner's dhimari canberra is a COMPLETE aircraft. As you can see in the screenie below, no problems getting it "in game" You unzip it, and drop the various folders INTO you mods folder. You'll see 3 folders after unzipping ... Aircraft Decals Weapons drop them into the /Objects folder, and Viola!! you have a new, flyable airplane for the Dhimari AF (which, btw, the nationality thereof does NOT show on the menu screen. Also, the GunAimAngles for the guns are waaaaaaaaaay off or to quote Spinners readme: I, persoanlly, dislike the way the decals are handeled ... they should be seperated into the perfered format .. /Objects/Decals/*aircraftname*/*skinname*/D alternatively, it should be /Objects/Decals/*Aircraftname*/ as he's reusing the arabic numbers from the stock cats, and just adding the DhAF roundels, which should be placed at the root of the /*aircrafname* folder Also, the Scooter pit, while nice, is only single engined; you need 2 set of annunciators for the engines, fuel tanks, and other systems. Rhino pit is the closest we have It's also missing the RWR systems, that 99.9% of all USAF style B-57Bs had. Be it audio only, it still had one; as well as later models having chaff dispensers. add (ie: copy/paste) this at the bottom of the avionics ini: with nearly 100 megs of books on pdf on the Canberra....I know a little something about them, eh? wrench kevin stein
  24. Not likely ... more like an ini edit gone bad. If you have damaged or corrupted cat files, the game would CRASH Of course, it goes without saying that one must have SF2 (you know, with desert terrain?), as the B-57B is stock in there. all ya need are the pointer lines in the main ini (B-57B.ini) to a cockpit & avionics ini, and the pointer to the avionics60.dll. Thusly... [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=B-57B Canberra AircraftShortName=B-57 AircraftDataFile=B-57B_data.ini LoadoutFile=B-57B_loadout.ini UserList=B-57B_UserList.ini CockpitDataFile=F-4B_cockpit.ini AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-4B_65_avionics.ini nothing else is really required, excepting maybe a new avionics ini that don't have any A-A statments (just ground mapping and TE -so maybe the A-4C or E would be a better avionics.ini). You'll want the data ini so you can add this line: CockpitCGOffset=TRUE so the pilot position actually lines up with the physical location of the pilot figure from the external view. that's all you need. other than a large prybar wrench kevinstein

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