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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. File Name: Mistubishi F-1 HUD Fix Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 August 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Cockpits Mitsubishi F-1 Avionics HotFix For SF2 = For SF2, Full-4 Merged = ONLY!! = Updates for my recently released SF2 mod of the Mistubishi F-1 by Veltro2k. This package will update several main inis, giving the aircraft a full, complete working HUD with CCIP, IRM markers and other cool stuff. As this mod makes use of several items that are 'borrowed' from inside several different ObjectData.cats, it is absolutely =NOT= compatable or downgradable for 1st Gen SF/SFG/WoV/WoE usage. The full aircraft, to which this HotFix is to be applied can be found at the URL below: http://combatace.com/files/file/11175-jasdf-mitsubishi-f-1-for-sf2/ Again, this is for SF2, a full-4 merged install ONLY!!! As always, read the simple instructions included in the 'readme'. wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  2. Mistubishi F-1 HUD Fix Pak



    Mitsubishi F-1 Avionics HotFix For SF2 = For SF2, Full-4 Merged = ONLY!! = Updates for my recently released SF2 mod of the Mistubishi F-1 by Veltro2k. This package will update several main inis, giving the aircraft a full, complete working HUD with CCIP, IRM markers and other cool stuff. As this mod makes use of several items that are 'borrowed' from inside several different ObjectData.cats, it is absolutely =NOT= compatable or downgradable for 1st Gen SF/SFG/WoV/WoE usage. The full aircraft, to which this HotFix is to be applied can be found at the URL below: http://combatace.com/files/file/11175-jasdf-mitsubishi-f-1-for-sf2/ Again, this is for SF2, a full-4 merged install ONLY!!! As always, read the simple instructions included in the 'readme'. wrench kevin stein
  3. this might be of some help: http://missile.index.ne.jp/en/ wrench kevin stein
  4. perhaps this might be of some help.... http://combatace.com/topic/32892-controls-not-working-andor-mapped-oddly/ wrench kevin stein
  5. Looks like the stock J to me. Possibly (but not likely) with one of the hi-rez repaints; those can be found in the /Cockpits section in our SF/Wo* downloads. And their quite nice too! The "player" is using the baby avionics (ie: set to EASY), as evidenced by the god's eye view radar. wrench kevin stein
  6. yah, we call it "the tractor beam". Like Dave said, it's caused by defects in the physical LOD itself, and cannot be fixed without rebuilding it in 3D Max. The only way to get rid of it, is to get rid of the shadown statement in teh aircraft main ini. Thusly: (our example is Ajundair's F-104A) btw, if one has access to a pre-08 game (ie: one patched at the 06 level), one can extract the SHD file for the relevant aircraft (for example, AJ's F-104A,) and use the F-104G_Shadow.shd. This DOES work. However, on some it absoulutely will not, so commenting out the shadow statment AND switching to FALSE is the only alternative. wrench kevin stein
  7. any interest in another SPAD? wrench kevin stein
  8. the phantoms cockpit from the other Yaks works just fine in SF2; you just need "all" the bits wrench kevin stein
  9. Happy Birthday Monty

    Happy Birthday Monty! Many happy beer-turns of the day!! wrench kevin stein
  10. right now it's using "cluster bomb" wrench kevin stein
  11. ...I can never remember this stuff... The data ini statements for the fuel tank are in liters or Kg??? whilst, oth, the cockpit ini lists as lbs... what I'm tryin to do, is get the fuel gauge "close" to what it should be to the internal tank. here's the fuel tank statement:
  12. either I'm smarter than I think or I got very lucky! I'm within ~1 pound of Real world values!! Now, I can finish off the decals thanks for the assists, people! wrench kevin stein
  13. yup, have the Korea story in one of my SPAD books. Not to worry, the TB will come with the skin/ini package for the A1J/A1Hs. With thanks to FastCargo for making it a coupla years back. Just working out the explosion effects... wrench kevin stein
  14. somebody's gonna get Fisted.... the ordies have prepared a special surprise wrench kevin stein
  15. Ever see the "Resident Evil" film series? wrench kevin stein
  16. how about a couple more SPADs????? wrench kevin stein
  17. you forgot to adjust the loadout ini .... you need to specify/list the twin IRM rack check one of the Wapons & Loadout fixes threads, in our conviently located (and ever ignored) Knowledge Base. wrench kevin stein
  18. ace888: you mean this? http://combatace.com/files/file/10530-kamchatka-peninsula-v-10/ been out since Feburary wrench kevin stein
  19. almost ready....should be out in the next few days wrench kevin stein
  20. you're very welcome, Ken. I didn't want this to get lost in the shuffle!!! ALL PROP HEADS MUST STICK TOGETHER!!! wrench kevin stein
  21. did you add the DTV sections to the avioncs ini??? wrench kevin stein
  22. sounds like something that belongs in Ace Combat. You'll probably WANT to stick to Soviet/WarPact weapons and such, to try and maintain some level of believability (engine off the Mig-29, perhaps as opposed to a western one) wrench kevin stein
  23. Vipers display the round count on the armament selection panel (the one that shows the hardpoints). Sorta like an MFD, but not really without rebuilding the cockpit lod (3rd party), fiddling with the cockpit ini displays and such, it probably cant be done. However, the stock Netz one works just fine. Just swap pits to point to the Netz, and don't sweat the small s**t. wrench kevin stein
  24. maybe because it needs a totally new flight model? IIRC, it pre-dates the 06 patch.... you're also describing typical speed bleed on deltas. If you're not an aerodynamic engineer, you have very little chance of figureing it out. Without the proper data tables, it's all guesstimatioins. Shoot, even experienced FM Gurus wrack their brains on it. wrench kevin stein

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