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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Is it just this Yank, or do RAF roundels look pretty damn good on anything??? Am I a closet Anglo-phile??? wrench kevin stein
  2. Happy Birthday Migbuster!

    I can almost remember that far back... WOOT!!! Have a great day! wrench kevin stein
  3. Maybe we can have the Tomcats ESCORTING the Blinders to Bomb Bjork's House??? wrench kevin stein
  4. Hmm....that Sabre skin look familiar .... Looks damn good, too!!! (pats self on back, sprains shoulder) damn, I thought I'd fixed the rolling radius on the nose gears ..nuts!!! Spectre: that the Taj Mahal, in Agra, India wrench kevin stein
  5. This day in 2001.

    Was getting ready to go to work and open the shop, as on every morning we were watching the news. I remember Pat (mrs wrench) coming into the bedroom -as I was the late riser- and telling me a plane had crashed into the WTC. I got up in time to watch the 2nd aircraft hit. I remember seeing it and thinking "that aircraft was FLOWN into the building. it's a kamikaze". The second thing that come to mind is 'this is how my parents must have felt that December morning in 1941'. We'd just been given our 2nd Pearl Harbor. Had a small TV/Entertainment unit at the shop (dvd/vcr/stero), and it was on all day. All the other folks from the center (it was one of those Auto Strip Malls with small repair shops) popping in all day long to see what was happening. Indeed, things would never be the same again. wrench kevin stein
  6. When visiting World Heritage sites, it always a good idea to bring a friend/spouse/significant other along. Not only can expenses be shared, but so can the driving. They can also be quite usefull for carring the various and sundry "goodies" needed -- cameras, camera bags, extra batteries, memory sticks (or even film if one is still so inclined). And having another, valued person along makes for a wonderful shared experience, to be treasured for years to come. Yet another helpful hint from CombatAce Travel, inc. Travel Happy! wrench kevin stein
  7. One must forgive our brother, for still being at the 06 level (which, btw, it still works there, too) works even better in SF2 with the ACTUAL working gun-ranging radars. If one plays on Normal, you'll get the little yellow diamond when within range (Sabres, Frescos, Farmers, and the like) wrench kevin stein
  8. Well, then you're gonna get your wish with KAW ... there's train stations EVERYWHERE!! (this shot, however, is in Bikana, India, hence the Type 77 Fishbed in the background) Lots and lots of train stations there, too. And they blow up very nicely, even have a destroyed model linked wrench kevin stein
  9. Re-read the statement; it's pretty self explainatory. (ie: the hint is "WW2 Installs"). What the hell do I need Mig's and Phantoms cluttering up the /Aircraft folder for, when the 'average' WW2 install -- and there's 3, but realy should be 4 -- has 110-150 aircraft? Same goes for 98.6% of the ground objects (excpeting fuel truck, cargoships -- even the tanker is wrong for 1939-1946) wrench kevin stein
  10. Acknowledgements are few and far between of late. We thank YOU for thanking US! wrench kevin stein
  11. The beaching gear??? Hm....On Pasko's Rex, they retract into the center float. On the Rufe, iirc, it's LandingSkid=TRUE or something like that I'm torn between which .... have the beaching gears 'retract' would cool, but having invisible gear would be better, methinks. (had a shop customer some years back when I was running the Smog station, a Kiwi, who's father worked on Sunderlands. There also used to be on in Oakland, CA, at the museam there. Was used in Raiders fo the Lost Ark for the PanAm clipper scene) So THAT's how the bomb racks to work! Never researched the Sunderland's much ... more of a PBY guy. I know PBM Mariners had the bays at the aft end of the nacelles. wrench kevin stein
  12. The Twins Say the Darnest Things

    Kids do come up with the darndest things... wrench kevin stein
  13. I mean, seriously people ... why take the train, when you can fly???? wrench kevin stein
  14. now, I've got to go find Suderland artwork!!! wrench kevin stein
  15. One is also forgetting that all the stock maps are 63% Real World ™ size, and there are MANY inherent scaling issues with them. it's been so long since I had a "stock" 06 or earlier (excepting my beloved WW2 installs -but all stock aircraft are deleted), I did't actually remember that. wrench kevin stein
  16. Umm....that's absolutely incorrect .... Since Day 1, SFP1, NOTHING was ever in the aircraft folders, other than the main ini, the skin folder with it's associated textureset and decals ini, and skin bmps. The game is designed to 'pull' the necessary items FROM the various catalouge (cat) files, just like Windoze has been doing for years with it's CABs. Why do you think one of the VERY first utilities built for this game was Skypat's Extractor? Because nothing was accessable before without it. wrench kevin stein
  17. Yup, carrying napalm. The only surefire cure for fleas/crabs, doncha know. wrench kevin stein
  18. NICE!!! I'm liking it a lot! wrench kevin stein
  19. Win7 = Vista Fixed. 1stGEns run just fine on Vista and 7; one justs needs to cure the HUA seemingly so prevelant. 06 levels games require the terrain shaders to be turned off, or you CTD on mission exit 08 levels fixes ALL that (but hoses my precious WW2 FMs -oh well!) And just so's you all know, NextGens run just fine in XP too. Was running them no real issues on my old XPS (3.46, 2gig ram, 512 video). Just had to turn down the eye candy a bit. At 08 levels, with the new W7 machine, can run them maxed out with no problems of ANY kind ------------ Personally, I think folks are getting their sphincters in a uproar over nothing. All the 'real' brains in the modding scene are HERE at CA. I wouldn't let what happens over at SHQ bother me one little bit. Seems like a standard or garden variety "sour grapes" complaint. And, "everyone who's anyone" in the modding community -all the Big Names-, has pretty much moved on the SF2; as that's the way to go. (expecting for my precious WW2 mods -which I'd love dearly to get into 08/SF2) All this is just a storm in a teacup. wrench kevin stein
  20. Excuse me Marines. I have a question about this vid

    prolly didn't get his auto insurance from Geico.... wrench kevin stein
  21. Ouragans approching Karachi ... wrench kevin stein
  22. Version


    IsrealME Terrain Upgrade for WoI This is an expansion of WoI's stock "lsrealME" map, with the addition of Isreali Air Defense units. I've added them in what I believe to be a sensible, logical manner, defending large cities, airbase, factories & POL depots, army bases, and generaly trying to give the civilian population some kind of protection. I've also made sure the Isreali airfields have a "ActiveYear=0" for all their AAA positions; as the game will usually fill them with the nearly useless M-55 Quad 50. Adding other AA units is reccomended :yes::) See next paragraph.... It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; expecially the Desert skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. See "Items You'll Want to Get" below. I've also included several things from it, just because I like having these objects around in-game, as some a set to be used on the map (parked vehicles and such). There is even a new vehicle, the Tiran 4/5 MBT! It is designed to use either the Bunyap or Mirage Factory Weapons Pak; some of the names for the IDF air defenses (ie: the HAWKs and their associated radars) and their 'arrangements', are taken from Nick Bell's 'NATO Air Defense Mod'; these are the names used for the 2 HAWK radars. In addition, I've included 2 new Infantry units - one generic Arab and one IDF, based off Kesselbrut's 'Infanty Squads'. I've replaced the RPG/LAW with an automatic rifle. I've also given you my fully updated gundata.ini and gundata.dat files, which have all the needed guns. I've also included the weapons data for the AT-3 'Sagger" anti-tank missile, so you'll be using the weapons editor -- make double damn sure it's the WoI one!!! Remember - this is for WoI ONLY!!! It won't work on anything else!! So don't even think about tryin' it!!! You all know the drill....I spent a good deal of time writing a real nice, informative, descriptive, step-by-step readme to aid in installing the package.....so read the cursed thing!!!!!! You know what they say....a man can get lost in that desert for 40 years...and no one would ever find him.... Happy Hunting!!! Wrench, The Kevin Stein
  23. no Corsairs, no Skyraiders..... nope, not at all. Not even a NM Skytrain (btw, I finished the template and skin 10 days before TK showed the screenies of the new STOCK NM Dakota skin coming in the Exp2. Oh well!!! His has beter fabric surfaces) wrench kevin stein
  24. In our continuing series of "Visiting Famous Sites Around the World", CombatAce Travel, inc, presents this .... wrench kevin stein
  25. As is stated in 98.6% of ALL my terrain readmes, they're designed for the Desert, GermanyCE or VietnamSEA cats. The ONLY terrain that you can use the IsraelME cat for, are terrains that are ONLY using IsrealME naming conventions. They are different (tile wise, and a lot of other smaller items are just plane missing -- like the desert airfields, their lods, bmps, tgas and inis), and the airfield are completly different. Let me repeat that::: you do NOT use the IsrealME.cat for ANY terrain mod that was build with the desert or WoV/WoI/WoE terrain editors. You ONLY use the IsrealME.cat for terrains built FOR IsrealME (Gepards Afghanistan uses IME tiles, and iirc, naming conventions) So, again: NEVER use the IME.cat for any add-on terrains. It just don't work. btw, Gepards' Formosa is designed for use with the GermanyCE cat. One could go through the types and targets inis, adding the ncesssary Isreal***airfields (lods, inis, tgas and bmps). BUT....Unless you fully understand terrain targets and types inis, use one of the Original 3 Terrains ™. If you DON'T have the originals (from SF2, SF2E and/or SF2V), you have to buy them. wrench kevin stein

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