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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. topic moved to correct forum ---------------------------- stock menu screens, or 3rd party ones? wrench kevin stein
  2. DATs redoing (at least skins, and hopefully the LOD too) for the Belenhime Mk.1 for their upcoming MTO/North Africa mod. Don't think the Mk.IV is included, though. I'm actually quite interested in what they're doing with the terrain (that I've already rebuilt, and is available here). At the very least, FMs are said to have been updated to 08 standard wrench kevin stein
  3. a couple of years back, I'd started retargeting the old Euro WW2 ... but its fallen by the wayside due to all the other terrai projects, and the fact the map itself is pretty messed up. (last time I worked on, checking the targets ini, was 10/09) The tiles are pretty bad (and the winter and summer sets are completly mis-matched -- things are NOT in the same places between the 2), and there's a lot of height field problems, terrain effect issues and such. Don't know when I'll get back to it. I'm having a 'crisis of faith' with my WW2 stuff, mostly due to having to go to Win7 on the new machine (I've put nearly 5 years into all the WW2 rebuilds, only to have to turn off all the terrain effects, so the damn game don't crash at the 06 level. Going to 08 fixes the terrains, but the aircraft FMs go to s**t!) But if a Terrain Guru ™ wants to take it on, I'll be glad to pass what I've done, and a complete Terrain Editor ONLY for WW2 EAW, to whomever wants to try. What it REALLY needs it to be completely retiled, using the latest GermanyCE 4 seaons set (which, unfortunatly will only work in 08/SF2), but failing that, at least to the standard GermanyCE tiles set for spring/summer/fall -- the stock tiles will work 'good enough' for that It's partly retiled, with "new" imported Airbase (AB) tiles for lots of places, but it lack proper transitions from city to airbase or farm to airbase, etc. wrench kevin stein
  4. flying firefighters

    I'm surprised Canadair hasn't shown up in this thread ... iirc, he flys CL-215s wrench kevin stein
  5. I like big trucks, and I cannot lie my rockets just make them die! You other brothers can't deny When the bombs are hung, then they get flung, them trucks are gonna get sprung wrench kevin stein
  6. which could very well be the basis of the problem ... wrong skin for wrong model, with mistached mesh names? the only ones I can find are the AMI ECR and 2 IDS versions. OTH, the readme for the 'locusta' skins definetaly says GR1A. Maybe it's for 1stGEns? wrench kevin stein
  7. can you post the link the aircraft download??? 'cause I can't find ANY GR1As in the SF2 d/ls section wrench kevin stein
  8. true, but not a ACTIVE keystroke like the old Janes games. You'd lock up a radar target, the hit "I", and you'd get a beep back if it was friendly, or boop if enemy. Made it easier for BVR engagements; even if the weapons had ungodly accuracy and unbelievalbe PKs Something like that in this game, however, might be consider at 'cheat' by some. But we know Phantoms (can't remember the exact mod to them), had something like that in SEA. wrench kevin stein
  9. The OS has absolutely NOTHING to do with it, nor does which Hornet is being installed. And the only thing mentioned about campaigns, was the question of "do I need to download one to get this to work". Depending on HOW the zip was created, one might be able to assume the aircarft's folder will need to be manually installed to the /Objects/Aircraft folder, as might the decals to their proper place. Another thing NEVER to do, is unzip ANY add-on DIRECTLY to you game install ... that's a sure and certain way to f*** things up faster than you can spit. Unzip to a temp folder or your desktop, that'll give you access to some really important files .. like the aircraft, and that strange little text file called a "readme.txt", that should give detailed instructions on How To... So, I'd start looking in the main SF2 folder, and I'll bet you'll find the Hornet bits scattered all over, but NOT in the places where they belongs. Without actaully seeing the folder tree in Windoze Explorer, I'm guessing, but I'll bet that what might have happened. wrench kevin stein
  10. I usually just run around the room screaming and pulling my hair out....then start looking at pathways. Where did you put the decals folder? Remembe, SF2 REQUIRES all decals to be IN the /Objects/Decals folder, with a named aircraft folder, and inside that, a named skin folder THEN the /D subfolder. (depending on HOW the pathway was written in the decals ini) Using 1stGen pathways it would be something like this...(example only, using a generic names) Objects Decals Toro_AMI 1Stromo D Or /Saved Games/Strike Fighters 2/Objects/Decals/ *aircraftname*/*skinname*/D I find this the simplest and easiest way; as no editing of the decals ini is required, and everything is nicely 'treed' in their own folders wrench kevin stein
  11. and the fact that TK left out the IFF interrogator keystroke; which should be available on most aircrft from the mid-50; and definatly from the 60s on. Hell, even the old Janes ATF/USNF/FA series had that! wrench kevin stein
  12. We have the worst..but whats the best commercials?

    that W13 commerical is SUCH a guy thing! It's one of their funniest promos yet The Capitol One Barbarians spots TOTALLY rule!!! (from an old D&D players perspective, of course) Gieco even has a new Caveman one, with the (iirc) Time Bandit boat/crew from Deadilest Catch ... he's the new, totaly clueless deckhand.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27glETiPSq0 wrench kevin stein
  13. http://www.google.com/url?source=imgres&ct=img&q=http://xgamer.free.fr/img/Sniper.jpg&sa=X&ei=VbxYTIK_JoW4sQPYrqyrCA&ved=0CAQQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNHaCNAp1FwdQG8XnT4jPlPzfl_yTw wrench kevin stein
  14. More information, please! We definately need to know what steps you used to install it! (like, did all the various and sundry bits get placed in their correct, respecitve folder /Objects/Aircraft for the plane, /Objects/Decals for the decals; and is there a sub-folder in the /Decals folder that has the aircraft name, skin name, and /D subfolder? wrench kevin stein
  15. By USAF, ROK and SAAF forces. Don't forget, the Spits are supposed to be AI only, so expect some discrepencies and "ease of createion" by using the same data for several models. The higher values on 'stangs may reflect the supercharger. Only TK can truthfully answer it. Reccomended reading: SAM Modeler Data File: Merlin Powered Spitfires. Detials like you wouldn't believe! There are litterly hundreds of sites scattered around the web for Spits and Mustangs ... including such esoteric things as NACA data on the Mustang's wings, wrench kevin stein
  16. cause the early missiles were dumber than dog-s**t???, and had limited, if any, manuvering capabilities? wrench kevin stein
  17. iirc, late 41 or early 42. There was another thread around here, someone else was asking about the Hurri'c cannons, and I posted the locations for a decal...renumber as needed.. (obvioulsy, this is from my 213 Squadron skin, so change the name accordingly, and I put it in the main skin folder, no the decals folder .. if used that way, just add the /D/ to the path) [Decal006] MeshName=CanBarrel_L01 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=1.50,2.0 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal007] MeshName=CanBarrel_L02 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=2.0,1.50 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal008] MeshName=CanBarrel_R02 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=-2.0,1.50 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal009] MeshName=CanBarrel_R01 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=-2.0,1.50 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal010] MeshName=CanTip_R01 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=-2.0,1.50 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal011] MeshName=CanTip_R02 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=-2.0,1.50 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal012] MeshName=CanTip_L01 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=2.0,1.50 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal013] MeshName=CanTip_L02 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=2.0,1.50 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 decal in the attached 7z should be the RNZAF Hurri at Singapore/NEI/SoWesAsia. And the mustang Mk1A ... that old skin could use a few tweeks At least they kept the mapping the same. wrench kevin stein
  18. hence, one of the more pressing reasons to move to merged SF2 installs. Although, someone knowledgable can easily extract the needed bits from WoI, and drop them into WoE, for personal use only. Also, you're totally forgetting that the LOD has to built with the MFD functions; you can't just make ini edits and have it work. You can make as many wish-lists to TK as you want ... he's still gonna do what HE wants to do. Hence, yet another reason for moving to SF2 wrench kevin stein
  19. don't need static models ... the game engine takes care of that on it's own, placing parked aircraft in various and sundry slots. As this is a modern plane..... One would think you might have noticed that in 08+ levels. (althugh I could use a static H-13 for the KAW mod...a certain 'place' could use them...) wrench kevin stein
  20. Then, I'll just go ahead and move this thread to the proper forum! Problem solved (well, the 'where it's supposed to be' at least!) wrench kevin stein
  21. File Name: MiG-21MF, Fuerza Aérea Ejército de Nicaragua File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 02 August 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft MiG-21MF Fishbed-J, Fuerza Aérea Ejército de Nicaragua For SF2 only, Full-4 Merged (or possibly unmerged) Game installs Just a little something I started a couple of years ago; thought I'd just go ahead and finish it off. Represtents fictional MiG-21MF Fishbed-Js, had they actaully arrived and gone into serivice with the Nicaraguan Air Force. This mod makes use of pretty much all stock items; weapons and so forth (excepting the cockpit by Palandrin), just using ini edits to create this "What If..." bird. It is a Nationalized, non-exported, single user aircraft. A new hangar screen, SF2 style only, is incuded. The canopy has also been activated via an animation key, use Shift/0 to open and close it. It'll probably work in ANY install, merged or not, as the 21MF is pretty much a stock- in-all versions aircraft. It may even work in SF/Wo* at the 08 patch level, but this has =NOT= been tested. Some minor editing, to remove the UserList callout, and some changes in the Data ini will be necessary for 1stGen usage. All inis are saved in ANSI, for ease of possible backdating. This has NOT been tested, however, and you do so at your own risk; no support will be available from this modder. Be advised, the data ini IS setup ONLY for SF2, making use of several SF2-only avionics statements and flight modeling. As always, read the enclosed readme text for fairly easy to follow install instructions, and a historical/semi-historical background in the "Notes" section. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein PS: another that should be in the "What If..." section, but be that as it may.... Click here to download this file
  22. Version


    MiG-21MF Fishbed-J, Fuerza Aérea Ejército de Nicaragua For SF2 only, Full-4 Merged (or possibly unmerged) Game installs Just a little something I started a couple of years ago; thought I'd just go ahead and finish it off. Represtents fictional MiG-21MF Fishbed-Js, had they actaully arrived and gone into serivice with the Nicaraguan Air Force. This mod makes use of pretty much all stock items; weapons and so forth (excepting the cockpit by Palandrin), just using ini edits to create this "What If..." bird. It is a Nationalized, non-exported, single user aircraft. A new hangar screen, SF2 style only, is incuded. The canopy has also been activated via an animation key, use Shift/0 to open and close it. It'll probably work in ANY install, merged or not, as the 21MF is pretty much a stock- in-all versions aircraft. It may even work in SF/Wo* at the 08 patch level, but this has =NOT= been tested. Some minor editing, to remove the UserList callout, and some changes in the Data ini will be necessary for 1stGen usage. All inis are saved in ANSI, for ease of possible backdating. This has NOT been tested, however, and you do so at your own risk; no support will be available from this modder. Be advised, the data ini IS setup ONLY for SF2, making use of several SF2-only avionics statements and flight modeling. As always, read the enclosed readme text for fairly easy to follow install instructions, and a historical/semi-historical background in the "Notes" section. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein PS: another that should be in the "What If..." section, but be that as it may....
  23. File Name: Mirage 3C PN (Panama Servicio Aérea Nacional) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 02 August 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft Dassault Mirage IIIPN, Servicio Aérea Nacional (Panama National Air Service) 7/20/09 -- For SF2 Full-4 Merged Installs !ONLY! -- This is a mod of the stock 3W MirageIIIC into a "What If..." MirageIIIPN if used by the Panama Air Force. It makes use of various stock lods, cockpit, and cockpit bits that are ONLY in a full-4 merged install. It is also completly non-usable in any 1stGen versions of 3W games due to extensive use of various lods, inis and tgas ONLY available in a Full-4 Merged install. Extensive editing of all the inis created a 'mix-match' of old and new; old airframe with modern avionics. All weapon fits, excepting the R-530F are stock. I've included the R-530F (and variants), for those that don't have Gunny's Ordanance Shop installed. The canopy has also bee activated, use Shift/0 to open and close it. You =will= be extracting the Nations.ini, to add the new nation of Panama. Instructions are below, in the "To Install" section. As always, it's reccomended -no, REQUIRED- that you read the enclosed document through before installing this mod. If you are unfamiliar with any procedures, post questions in either the Release Announcment Thread, the regular CA forums, or via PM to me. It really isn't all that hard. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: should maybe have been posted in the "What If..." section, but that's Spinner's section! Click here to download this file
  24. Version


    Dassault Mirage IIIPN, Servicio Aérea Nacional (Panama National Air Service) 7/20/09 -- For SF2 Full-4 Merged Installs !ONLY! -- This is a mod of the stock 3W MirageIIIC into a "What If..." MirageIIIPN if used by the Panama Air Force. It makes use of various stock lods, cockpit, and cockpit bits that are ONLY in a full-4 merged install. It is also completly non-usable in any 1stGen versions of 3W games due to extensive use of various lods, inis and tgas ONLY available in a Full-4 Merged install. Extensive editing of all the inis created a 'mix-match' of old and new; old airframe with modern avionics. All weapon fits, excepting the R-530F are stock. I've included the R-530F (and variants), for those that don't have Gunny's Ordanance Shop installed. The canopy has also bee activated, use Shift/0 to open and close it. You =will= be extracting the Nations.ini, to add the new nation of Panama. Instructions are below, in the "To Install" section. As always, it's reccomended -no, REQUIRED- that you read the enclosed document through before installing this mod. If you are unfamiliar with any procedures, post questions in either the Release Announcment Thread, the regular CA forums, or via PM to me. It really isn't all that hard. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein ps: should maybe have been posted in the "What If..." section, but that's Spinner's section!
  25. The gray/green camo? as they're all mapped the same, it wouldn't be difficult to swap various skins back and forth. Be advised, however, the 4 cannon barrels are NOT mapped to any part of the skin bmp, and a decal must be used to cover them wrench kevin stein

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