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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Streak, you know we have a NEW one, right??? Check the download section
  2. Don't even get me started on Emmerich's Midway .... saw "Jet Attack" listed on YouTube yesturday, watch the WW3 starts sequence from "By Dawns Early Light" instead. I'll have to watch that.
  3. R.I.P. Sir Sean Connery

  4. Version


    Desert Movements Ini Expansion =For SF2, Any and All (with access to the Desert Terrain) *Note: will even work in SFP1 Original, if the ini is saved back to ANSI* So, you've made all the MiGs, Sukhois and other Red Birds ™ flyable... So, you're playing on the Desert terrain, and want to go out and find some vehicle or ship convoys to shoot up... So, you start the mission... and find out YOU CAN'T!!! Is that what's bothering you, bunkie??? Well, never fear! Stop your worrying!! Because this little 'fixit pak' will bring back the joys of flying the Red Side, on the Original SF2 Desert Terrain ™, by allowing you to do so! Just for you, we've added 14 new Truck Routes for your Truck-Busting pleasure. And, at no extra cost to you -but at great expense to us-, 4 Brand New Shipping Routes!! All included at one low price!! Why, we've even taken the time and effort to add one or two for the Blue Side ™ as well! Because we like to be fair! This package is guaranteed to give you several hours of Flying Fun ™, or your money back! (subject to limitations of time, distance, aircraft and munitions used, and general stufflikethatthere. Limited warranty exipres 5 seconds after downloading. Local, Federal and International Sales taxes apply. Shipping and Handling extra.) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  5. do bump maps need to be the same size as the skin map?? We sorta stopped using dds some time ago, and they're a PIA (well, at least for main skins)
  6. Oh, i remember this one!!!! ... the uploader was too lazy to add the fix to the full package. I remember calling him out on it. Sad thing that people don't care enough to support their work. His other mods are also a bit "sub-par". I mean, it's not 2005 anymore; you'd think some folks would actually NOTICE how the game system works
  7. First thing I would do, is contact the author of mod, and inform him/her of it. If this is caused by what I think it is, there is no fix except for identifying the offending mesh that has the leak, and if one is very lucky, painting on the skin what the decal represents. what looks like is happening, is the model has "decal bleed". This is caused by meshes that aren't welded together (in my understanding). That can only be fixed if the 3ds MAX files are still available to the mod builder. Also, when posting a issue with a model, PLEASE try and tell us who made, and if downloaded here from CA, post the link. It's a HUGE help in trying to diagnose an issue. Posting as clear a picture a possible, a close up and long shot, are exceedingly helpful. The one image with the circled issue isn't really clear enough, and close enough to help much
  8. just had this thought ... in an edit to my post above, maybe the game should add this: "The game engine of North Atlantic (tm) also allows cross-decking operations between air groups and aircraft of friendly, allied nations with Carrier Battle Groups"
  9. LOVE IT!! having spent most of my mechanic's (pardon - automotive technician) career in the emissions & engine control speciality, I can appriciate that!! makes me wonder that would a more refined fuel not only reduce emissions (particulate and otherwise), but create a better burn and more power (specific impulse). Something to research I guess
  10. don't remind me!!! iran iraq terrain come to mind -- that one airbase west of Teharn, that is (now) on a Lost World like plateau. or the AmericanNorthWest terrain -- ugggggghhh!!! In a desert region like GKABS is working with, this would not be that big an issue. But on most terrains that are "hilly", the TE will mess things up. that function above is one of the few things I actually use the TFD tool for.
  11. actually any carrier capable aircraft will generate on any allied carrier. I've had Scooter and SPADs generate as parked on many a RN CV.
  12. russ forgot to mention, you first need to extract their respective data ini, place them in their respective aircraft folders in the mods folder, THEN change the exhaust emitter name!! :) I thought all Spey powered Phantoms were smokeless? Not like the J79s at all, only smokeless in burner
  13. skins are jpg on those, in fact, all my Sabre skins are jpg
  14. Show of Hands! Who Would Fly/Ride This?

    I'd have to think about it, but it would be yes.
  15. watched "Rise of a Supercarrier" here in the States a few months back, all about her construction, commissioning and shakedown. Great show, especially for us on this side of The Pond
  16. "Torchwood Aviation Works" !!!!
  17. this is a laptop, withOUT a seperate video card??? cause that Sabre is either missing the 1.jpg (nose skin), or you're out of texture memory. That skin for drop tank is also incorrect, my advice, right now, would be to delete COMPELETY your KAW mods folder, delete the KAW exe (built from the SF2NA exe) and start totally over from the beginning. also, as a side experiment, go and download ONLY the F-86 Sabre package, install that into a plane-jane SF2 mods folder, and see what happens
  18. the loadout tga is the little airplane picture you see on the loadout screen.
  19. your pathway is incorrect: should be: Users\etc etc\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic\OBJECTS\Pilots all pilot folder, just like weapons, decals, Aircraft, and GroundObjects, are SUB FODLERS of the /Objects folder. unlike some folks around here, at least you know you're doing!! we'll get you sorted!!!
  20. Since I'm the one that DID all those skins, I can gareeentee they're ain't nothing wrong with 'em. Even the problmatic DDS used on the panther. Gotta be at your end, somewhere. How about listing FULL sustem specs?? Not just the card, but the whole shootin' match?
  21. what are your system specs? particularly, the graphics card. it's possible you're running out of texture memory. Nobody else has complained of these symptoms since the mod was released (or when all the parts were released seperately, before Do335 assembled this mod), ever!
  22. you fix them the same way -- if their respective data inis are resident within the aircraft's main folder, try renaming them and let the game revert to stock, cat-based. Most likely cause, due to the age of the mod, is outdated data inis. as to the red side issue, are they set to use stock 3W missiles, or 3rd party. Easy way to check is the naming conventions used. 3W uses the "AA-**" NATO naming, while aftermarket (sometimes) uses the Soviet "R" series. if THAT doesn't work, try renaming the loadout inis, and see if they revert. This mod is old, . You may wind up doing a lot of ini extractions and editing on your own
  23. Perhaps you might want to sway out the modern cargo ships for something more "period". I don't know if they're in the downloads, but I've got Stephan1918s (various) cargo ships all set for SF2. (they're probably also on the Norway/North Sea WW2 map). There's both static and "regular" ships floating around. The statics (and some regular) are flagged for different countires. I can send them, if you can't find them. they're pretty much like the screenie below And don't forget the T-3 tanker that around here someplace

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