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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Covered in some detail in the SF2 Knowledge Base, too wrench kevin stein
  2. extract instant action ini from which ever cat in the /flight folder, edit aircraft types and map name. Nothing to it; do it all the time for wW2 installs. as to the canopy issue, delete the section that looks like this: [Canopy] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_SPEED Setting[1].Angle=30.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=15.0 Setting[1].RetractValue=10.0 MaxDeflection=30.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.3 AnimationID=5 MinExtentPosition=1.8169,0.5474,-0.9940 MaxExtentPosition=-1.8544,-0.4772,0.0110 or convert it to a manual animation key (instructions are in the Knowledge Base) of the Main Menu screen, you'l see a "Options" button .. follow it and you should find the customazation feature to turn off labels wrench kevin stein
  3. TK NEVER gave us recon pods since Day 1. Not for Scoorters, Rhinos, Zippers, or Fishbeds. I just edit the loadout ini, and stick an extra fuel tank there. However, the Orpheus pod IS available somewhere here on the site for the F-104G ... but I think it is BAF use only (and maybe CF) wrench kevin stein
  4. PLEASE!!! Do Not Post Questions in the Knowledge Base; it 's for answers. Questions go here, in the regular forums Moved to the Proper Forum ---------------------------- Can you give us a little more information? Like, how did you install the weapons? Seperate /Objects/Weaposn folder? Are the attachement types correct in BOTH the aircrft's data ini and the weaponsdataini??? Are the correct TypeName= being used in the loadout ini??? Not enough information yet to give you an answer... wrench kevin stein
  5. ya know, I think it looks better in B&W!! wrench kevin stein
  6. You're missing NIKE and Rapiers, too. Those do need their individual data inis tweeked to add the frequency bands as well wrench kevin stein
  7. CV staion Judgment is already placed on the Tunisia WW2 map ... just awaiting the ships and aircraft for the Taranto raid... wrench kevin stein
  8. I never got volcanos working right ... when I tested the 'concepet', all I got was a nuke-line flash, a one big puff of smoke. I think it going to have to be attatched to an object -dosn'et have to be anything specifci, like an oildrum1, and a new 'volcano ash cloud' effect created. Can't think of any other way around it. wrench kevin stein
  9. actually, leave them as WP,SOVIET. Covers all bases. The first question to asked is, do you actually HAVE the weapons carried by said Flanker installed to your /Weapons folder?? Were they added to the WeaponsData.ini, the weapons editor run (thereby creating a new WeaponsData.dat file, that the game engine actually reads) If you don't, they ain't showing up wrench kevin stein
  10. Winter Patrol, 1952 wrench kevin stein
  11. yes, the "JetEngine2.wav" is missing from the sound folder. It's slightly higher pitched, more whiney sounding one You can always try the "MiGEngine.wav" from TMF Mig-21, or just he plane stock JetEngine wrench kevin stein
  12. Why, yes. Yes it is. Took me more time to find something with close-to-correct canopy framing, RWR and whatever else I needed, than edititating the avionics ini! wrench kevin stein
  13. We'll be sneaking out screenies every now and then, just to keep you interested... The terrain, alone, will blow away any other released to date. I can safely tell you that for geographic accuracy, it's in the 90+ percentile (meaning real things with real names in real positions; excepting 2 that come to mind right off .. and that's my fault. And the terrain engine's) wrench kevin stein
  14. "...from thousands of miles beyond you planet. After 8 days and nights of meterological convulsions, we will land in the capaital of the United States. People of Earth, Attention! People of Earth, Attention!" Hell yes I can use that!! Mabye not right away in Korea, (well...maybe some places in Japan for the more modern scenairos...) but definatley in India/Pak and Central America! thank J! wrench kevin stein edit: we even hav V-2s on the launch platforms .... I CAN replicate Skyhook!
  15. don't I wish....months away, at best Needs complete tareting, all the movements, expecially the 'front lines' that shold follow the country borders . Still working on Korea ...oy!!! Fiddling with Central America when I start going ssorc eyed with Korea (and of course, there's still Indo-Pak waiting in the wings) These planes will be out eary next week, however. The FAN Fishbed gets the new style roundels ... I messed up on those! wrench kevin stein
  16. I'm just surprised nobody's ID the countries, yet!! That cockpit is a mix-match of all sorts of things! The best thing is, there's NO cockpt folder ... everything is pulled directly from the cats .. and works perfectly! Sometimes, I even surprse myself! wrench kevin stein
  17. a lot them in gunny's pak are missing a few lines (either that, or me running the SF2WepEd changed something) Make sure the weapo's lods are called out in the main ini, and add the shadow lines This is from the JM-117/GSC-1 I jsut released with the Misti F1 [WeaponData] ObjectFullName=JM-117 w/EO Kit ObjectDataFile=JM117-GCS1_data.INI [LOD001] Filename=BOLT117.LOD Distance=100 [LOD002] Filename=BOLT117-001.LOD Distance=250 [LOD003] Filename=BOLT117-002.lod Distance=500 [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=1200 MaxVisibleDistance=400 works as advertised! wrench kevin stein
  18. some interestering ideas, updated.... shot 1: what 3 has to contend with shot 2: upgraded cockpit ala 1990 shot 3: what said cockpit goes with both, nearly ready wrench kevin stein
  19. this came to me on the verge of sleep last night... What people forget to do, is think outside the box. I assume you have a cockpit, with a gunsight tga associated with it??? How about increasing the MaxDepression, so it's at apporx 45 deg angle to the ground when selecting AG weapons? -example ONLY-!!! [GunsightFront] HasGunsight=TRUE GunsightMilSize=50 GunsightName=A-7D_sight.tga LeadComputing=FALSE MaxDepression=260 <---this here line DefaultDepression=50 YOu'll need to increase the number substantially .. 600+ It'll take a LOT of back and forth experimentating to get the angle right, and will only be usable with the NoCockpit view. Then, you'll have to do the math in your head as to WHEN to release (or find the appropriate bomb release tables off the Net) Don't forget, there can be a substantial time interval from release to impact (example: when the Enloa Gay dropped it's 'Gadget', it some nearly 40-odd seconds to fall to it's detonation altitude of 1500 feet). Angles amd release distances (in real life, at any rate) would change with speed and altitude. IIRC, Lexx_Luthor had posted something like this over at TKs site, in teh "Strategic Cockpits Thread" wrench kevin stein
  20. Darth Vader robs bank!

    Well, times are pretty bad in The Empire right now, what with rampant unemployment, dark matter leaking from spacial-temporal rifts, unrest in the Outer Rim Territorties, etc and so forth. Not unexpected! wrench kevin stein
  21. Moved this here, to the PropHeads Forum. -------------------------------------- I think its good ... much nicer skins, 08ish FMs. New models or revamped models; the planes look nicer. My only complaint is the terrain could more targets, but that's a small thing. My opinion: it's worth getting. wrench kevin stein
  22. you mean the british Canberras (with the glass nose)?.... most USAF B-57s (B for sure) also used a bombing radar, and B-66s. IIRC, there weren't that many A models used by the USAF. I've got a BIIIIG book on the US Canberra's around here somewhere... might shed some light on the 57s (Crowood Aviation Sereis on the EE and Martins). wrench kevin stein
  23. on Pasko's Rex, he put retracting wheels in the center float (looks kinda cool!) for the Rufe, capun used a 'fake' tire (ie: a vitrual wheel hidden at the bottom of the float) you can always try the FE style labeling IsLandingSkid=TRUE or something like that. can't remember the exact statement wrench kevin stein
  24. File Name: JASDF F-86 Sabre Skin Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 July 2010 File Category: F-86 JSADF F-86F-40 Sabre Skin Pak =For SF2 & SF/SFG/WoV/WoE and maybe WoI @ 08 Levels and above= Something to fill the gap for early usage by the JASDF, from it's formation in 1954, until the mid/late 1960s when the F-104s began replacing them. You MUST have the F-86F-40 installed first, before installing these skins (duh!). Although all Zur's Sabres are mapped identically, these are for the F-40 variant, and NOT the standard or garden variety F-86F (although the JASDF DID use/build a lot of F variants) The 4 JASDF Squadron represented here are: 1 Hikotai 3 Hikotai 6 Hikotai 8 Hikotai While designed with SF2 installs in mind (this was tested in my full-4 merged), it can also be used in 1st Gens, with some minor editing. I've suppled a 'blank' SF/Wo* F-86-40.ini (blank meaning it has no textureset listings), and full instructions for use in 1st Gens, found down below in the "To Insall" section. Be advised, I no longer mod for 1st Gen Series, excepet for WW2 (and I'm trying like crazy to get THEM updated...), so if you can't figure it out... All have accurate serial numbers assigned, as per squadron (rated at 90%, as I couldn't find each and every one of the 18 A/C per squadron, so 1-3 are 'fill-ins'. Rest assured, however, they ARE correct either for NAA or Mistubishi/Fuji built versions). While the number.lst in included, it's been deactivated as for to keep you from running out of numbers while playing; what with only 18 aircraft per squadron, this is a VERY real possibility. It's easily reactivated by a simple rename. A 'generic' patch is included, also renamed to remove it. SF2 seems to have some kind of 'issue' with the paintchip/patch, in that it shfits the squadron selextions in the dropdown to the left a bit, making it hard to read. For SF2 only, there are a new SF2 style plane-jane Hangar Screen, a new avionics ini that activtes the gun ranging-only radar (puts the yellow diamnomd on the target when within range),a =very= incomplete UserList.ini, and an extra main ini for SF/Wo* 1st Gen usage. The avioinics.ini =NOT= usable in SF/Wo* 1st Gens, except with the possiblity of WoI with the new Suez Expansion Pak. This has =NOT= been tested, as I don't have the WoI Expansion. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. For those wishing to install to 1st Gen games, =PLEASE= make double damn sure you read the special section for you. I've tried to keep it as simple a possible, while covering all bases. It is HIGHLY suggested you read this document through before installing the mod, to make sure you understand what's to be accomplished. Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  25. yeah, the number lst is renamed xnumber to (hopefully) prevent running off the end. Just rename it back. Glad you like them! Now, we just need a 3d Guy to build us a Rodan..... wrench kevin stein

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