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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Since I've been on a 'install building' kick; creating some new sf2 ww2 installs, it came to me that there are PLENTY of pre-made, readily availalbe destroyed lods for a lot of the ww2 aircraft. Obviously, for a PTO install, some would have to be repurposed and 'made do' with (as in all the IJN/IJAAF aircarft). In face, some of th stock ones could be reused. what's available: 2 Bf109s Bf110 Ju88 B17F B17G Lancaster Re2000 Re2001 3 Hurricanes 3 spitfires (various marks of each) =the expanson pak used mustang destroyed!!!= 2 P38s P47 P51 (also available as stock P40E (also usable for P-40B/C/Tomahawk1 Fw190 Beaufighter Beaufort A5M (could also be usable for crashed stukas) Ki45 Ki48 (Lily aka beaufort) Qw1 (lorna aka Ju88) also an SM79 in the DATs Spanish Civil War mod; but that's not permissialbe for upload. I'll pass Capun the info, so folks can make use of it. That one could also be used for "Tante Ju" as well Where did I find them? I'm the terrain and targets guy ... I know what's in all the terrains. And that's where they are! We've had them since approx 2004!!! We'd been experimentating with them in the KAW mod, and they work just like the stock ones; you just need to add the data ini statements. So, any interest? For the SF2 WW2 players only, unfortunately Screenies on request. (which means I forgot to take one, and will get one up tommorrow!) wrench kevin stein
  2. With what little I know ... I'd suggest looking at the 3W Mustang ... it's straight wings are similiar in shape to the Seahawk, and might be somewhat closer than the swept-wing MiG-15. I know ther's differences in placement (mid-wing vs low-wing) with the various and sundry aerodynamic statements, but it's just a thought on my part Good luck! We DO need more FM people! wrench kevin stein
  3. It's working really well in the PTO SF2 install However, in building an MTO install, I cheated in the other direction completly ... and removed all the nations statements from the MTO terrains, just leaving the defined 'regions' in the theatre. exmaple below is from the Tunisia/WesternMed: that's the WHOLE nations ini right there! And it seems to be working GREAT. Mind you, my SF2:MTO install is PURE MTO; nothing in ther that do't belong (plus your Spit skins!). SO, it's already nation limited by the aircraft/ground objectgs themselves. Personally, I think this IS the best way to go for WW2 SF2 installs ... seperate mods folders with theatre specific items. Just like SF/Wo*. However, the expected bugs are showing up on all the DAT aircraft ... terminal Driving Miss Daisy disease, take-off issues; as in climbout at 90 degs, stall, spin in and explode; some others (Pasko's Wildcat), run off the end of the runawy before getting airborne... Lots of aircraft have cockpits misplaced that sit perfect in 06/08 .. easy fix by raising them 0.25 in the cockpit ini. Fortunately, some 08 level updated FMs are available in their Wings over Russia mod ... there is some imporvemnt, but it's an AI statement issue. What with all the improvemtments with the SF2I Exp Pak. WW2 in SF2 is going to take a BUTTLoad of work to straighten out. I need to start a sticky thread above with suggestions for changes, fixes, requests for help, etc. wrench kevin stein
  4. oh, shoot...and here I thought someone was gonna give away the ending of the new "Predators" movie!! That's good info, FC. Explains/answers some questions I'd have a few days back. wrench kevin stein
  5. Moved to the correct Forum ... you'll probably get an answer quicker, in the regular or Garden Variety ™ 3W Forums... ---------- There's plenty of Red Goodies ™ to install ... everything 1stGen that's be brought up to at least 08 1stGen standard just drops right in. Never had that happen to me; and I'm laying those those buggers ALL over the various and sundry maps. And testing the living s**t out of each one, with EVERY mission statement possible. Never seen them show up for CAS or ARMED_RECON. You realize, of course, that by deleting them ALL the AAA batteries that are networked TO them will only function under their visual targeting systems, if they funciton at all. There are definately some small glitches built in to the game What's the date of the data ini for the FireCan? The newest one, in the Libya download, is dated 6/11/2010 wrench kevin stein
  6. Cull's book, "Hurricanes Over Malta", oddly enough, as the SG serial numbers listed. wrench kevin stein
  7. RATS! I could have saved you some money! It's included in the package I PM'ed you the link. Maybe you can take it back for a refund? As the Mushroom is on pdf, I do't know if the panel pullout is there (more than likely is). And, there IS a Sea Gladiator too! Cocas had put it's folder inside the Glad Mk.2, so I didn't see it until yesturday. Made some ini tweeks, and it's now carrier-capable. Needs a skin, of course! I haven't studied upon the Gladiator, so can't really say what the differences between the Mk.1 and 2 are. If the're small, ini edits can give us that version. wrench kevin stein
  8. Everyone knows how I wasting good decals, so.... Now correct for the timeframe (now, if the droptanks would just come out and play...) wrench kevin stein
  9. Ok, it seems the problem is ME, not the aircraft or weapons. I've been testing the Kates and Jills in the Solomons. And, it seems I neglected to add any Allied shipping routes for the Japanese to attack. Therefore, as is has always been the case -and me purely forgetting about it- the game has always defaulted to the STRIKE loadout, when a shipping route has not been defined on a terrain for that side. Trops load fine on Hawaii, Midway, Okinawa, Central Pacific, Burma, and so forth So, it looks like a Solomons_Movements.ini update is in order.... DRAT!!! damn, I feel stupid!! wrench kevin stein
  10. yes yes...need for FM people.....yes yes.... wrench kevin stein
  11. That IS an idea... Oddly, it's only the "new" IJN nation that's the problem. Since I (wisely) left 'JapaneseEmpire' alone. I've duplicated and renamed ***bomb (IJN) and the bombs are all working. Just not the torps Can't wait to see what happens when I build ETO and MTO installs....<shudder>. Yes, that seems to be the way to go .. just like 1st gens, each theatre having it's own mods folder. This keeps everything seperated, and somebody dosen't have to build 500+ userlists. Once the weapons are all rebuilt, then they'll be an SF2 only WW2 weps pak. What a frakking nightmare!! Gun are NO problem in the new folderformat wrench kevin stein
  12. no, you don't instll 1stGens to ANY of the programfiles folders in Vista or 7. Since those are 'protected' folders, you can't make any changes in them. Install to the root of C. IE: C:/Wings Over Europe then, you can access and make changes to everything wrench kevin stein
  13. ok, slightly more information on SF2, WW2, in this case a PTO install. It appears that the terrains may be an issue. Meaning, they'll need all new _Nations.inis that specifically list who can and can't play on them. This works really well for Hawaii and Midway, where you only have US and IJN forces present. Also, it seem that the Imperial Forces ™ will need spliting into IJAAF and IJNAF; but this causes yet another problem ... none of the bomb, torps, rockets, etc, will load. Clarification: leaving "Japanese Empire" as the nation name, and "Imperial Japanease Army Air Forces" for the display name, and creating the new nation of "IJN" (displayed as "Imperial Japanese Naval Air Force"), even with the attachment types still left as Japan, none of the IJN birds (Val, Kate, Judy,, etc) have preloaded weapons. more research (ie: dupllicating weapons) is ongoing. going to 08 would be soooooooo much easier....
  14. Morning, June, 1942, Midway Island wrench kevin stein (yes, this is IN sf2)
  15. Carry a fire extinguisher??? Smoking in the cockpit (another reason to quit)? Frictional heating due to excessivly high mach numbers are extreamly low altitude??? More info is requested, please!! (like, how long are you staying in max burner, ie: self-grenading the engines) wrench kevin stein
  16. It's not so much the new planes, but the old ones. THAT, I think, is the major stumbling block in moving to NextGen (and some terrain issues, of course...) Nice to see TK gave us the other distance lods, too!! I LOVE the Spits!! wrench kevin stein
  17. Hope you had a good vacation!!! Get ready for some 'not-so-hidden' surprises, in regards to radar equipped boats. Instert evil laugh --> HERE <--- wrench kevin stein
  18. Daniel is 'in and out', or out and about or something... I'm glad he's kinda back, and we have this to work with. I've conviced Lloyd to skin it, and I've got to see if Daniel can make some changes in the LOD (there's no FastProp node, so it dissapperes off-idle, and an apparently upmapped section on the righ fueselage, forward of the cockpit) Flys nice in 06, still want to check in 08, and I guess I'll have to bite the bullets, and create a SF2 WW2 install. I just don't relish the thought of 350+ users lists (of course, setting Exported= to FALSE helps) .... and one or two of the really old ETO terrains have some MAJOR issues in SF2, even with updated shader statements wrench kevin stein
  19. You just use the generic statements of "SAMLauncher" and "SAMRadar"; if they're all networked, they should stick together (should being the operative word, meaning they don't always). Look at the new Libya terrain ... that's how I did it for the NATO AD units. Oddly, as Fubar and I have been discussing, they work bettre when laid out in the Soviet style 6-pointed pattern. wrench kevin stein
  20. Ummmm.... everything???? It's a simple drag-drop. You'll just need to add whichever missile is required (note: don't install the old SA-8 from the PaskoPak -launch vehicle & missile-, as it's stock now in SF2 and the old one causes conflicts) Same goes for 'gun' systems and gun/missile combos; Tunguska, Gepard, Roland, Adats, Chapparel, etc and so forth. at present, I'm trying to talk "someone" into updating several older systems to SF2 standard, with the addition of the radar frequencies, which are now needed for proper opration and TEWS response. (to wit, Rapier and Bloodhound, but the Bloodhounds will need specfic locations on maps, so don't expect them for a looooooooooong time0 Updated HAWKs are in the Libya terrain, recently uploaded by some bum The thing to be VERY aware of, is the stock maps have NO provisions for Blue AD units; excepting those classed as "_AAA", so things like HAWK and Rapier batteris MUST be laid out through the terrain's _Targets and Types.inis. But, yet again, that causes OTHER issues; as in the EW/SAM radars going into 'stealth mode', where they don't show up or have a reaction on RWRs. They'll kill MiGs dead, but you'll never know it coming wrench kevin stein
  21. or the Goddess of Victory! (or a Nasty p0rn site?) wrench kevin stein
  22. unfortunately, I still have a lot of unknowns...but.... the "R" is for a Rapier battery's Blindfire. You can guess what the N is for wrench kevin stein
  23. WarsawPact is not a valid "nation"; it's a weapons attachment type only. I'd reset ALL the stuff you changed in the various weapons BACK to how it was. The issue of them not showing up would more than likely be casued by 1) exported or not exported (this is for BOTH the SAM launcher, missile, and the associated radar) 2) callouts on the various terrains; are there target's called out for "SAMLauncher, SAMRAdar, EWR" etc 3) flying with the operational years that said systemn were deployed (StartYear=) 4) amount of groundobjects to placed in game (ie: options-->GroundObjects-->unlimited this also effect parked planes) 5) Air Defense level selected (light, random, heavy, insane) If you want PRC specific, you'll have to create the HQ-2s out of the SA-2, and specify them as China only, exported=FALSE (which in not true, as Pakistan and other use them too) BTW, the ActiveDate for the PRC SAMs on the Formosa terrain is 1970. The ROC, if they have sites, would probably be using HAWKs. Chapparell and Stingers should show automatically, as they're classed as "MOBILE_AAA" and "STATIC_AAA", respectively, thereby being automatically placed by the game engine in target slots marked "AAA". wrench kevin stein
  24. Serioulsy, dude, where have you been????? We've been adding radars to the stock ships for like 5 years now... cause that's about when Fubar stated doing it. Look at the "new" data inis I supplied for the stock CargoShip and Tanker in the Libya terrain I just uploaded last week (and the FRAM and container ship and the other tankers -Fubs' oiler and Bandidio's 'petrolero' as well) Shoot, even the terrain object "ASR" has a working radar.... But why would one 'need' a missile tracking ship, unless you're trying to replicate those DEW line platforms off the US Eastern Seaboard (name excapes me at the moment...) They'd just sit there, waiting to be killed, since AWAC functions really don't in these games (ie: data linking to aircaft radars like ATF/FA used to do) Fubar has an LNG tanker ship; those domes could 'hide' radars, but again, to what end??? Just another target (now...if one were to add oh, lets say, a couple dozen Posiden or Tridents to them......) wrench kevin stein btw: those links seem to be dead "no such file"
  25. full 4-merged SF2, started from the SF2 exe. The SF2 exe lets you access ALL of the series components; maps, campaigns, aircraft, etc wrench kevin stein

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