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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Derk, you are a GENIUS!!! just need to tweek the aim angles a bit... but everything work like I wanted it to!! So, 3 names get added to the readme..
  2. you can't apply decal to cockpits (I tried that years ago!) That's screenie is in SF2, DX10, etc (note the working TEWS). So, that might be the issue. I'll experiment with the F-5 pit (it IS twin engined!). I'll need Sony's permission for release though, respecting TMF wishes. Still got 100-odd decals to make...oi!!! wrench kevin stein
  3. edit: the only problem with moving JUST the windshield frame, is it leaves a 'gap' in the glass... but, hell, I can live with it! and everyone know what a perfectionist I am!! <grin> W
  4. i'm converting it now .. 100% historic serial/id numbers. All new loadouts, MANY adjustments. (even a new dual bomb rack!! (see screenie) Derk, you're absolutely righ! I'm wrong (see attached from the Bruindo book) I'll tweek mine to match There's no reason at all that I can't be done for the draken, using the same move trick. We've been using it for years on things! <evil grin> We just don't talk about it, cause the result makes us look smarter than we really are wrench kevin stein
  5. looks fine to me! Loadout fixes comeing with the SF2 conversion (some editating will be requried to backdate for Gen1 usages on avionics -uses TEWS- and some data ini tweeks, mostly in the DetectSystem section) Derk: if that's the trick I remember, that's how the first F-16 pit was made for wpnsgt's old Viper. It rotates the frame 90 degs. I'll add that to the cockpti ini, and test. EDIT: yes that does work. But we're forgetting .. there IS framing on the F-1's windshield, and canopy bow!! wrench kevin stein
  6. We know. We'd been waiting for the WoI Suez expansion for 2 years. And now it finally out, with some SF2-style coding. Wish I could afford it; I'd love to start taking about some the dlls wrench kevin stein
  7. I am so dumb.... Piecmeal, in your games options (off the main screen) is the GroundObjects set to Unlimited? That controls how many show up, too. wrench kevin stein
  8. wonder if they're AI or player flyable??? (Flora most likely AI, as is most RedAir) wrench kevin stein
  9. OK, now we've that this sorted .... you all should be VERY careful as to where you park. "We've Got You're Number" wrench kevin stein
  10. AH.....NUTS!!! I thought I'd uploaded the entire aircraft!!! I guess it was done before the Freeware Accords were in place. whichever one you grab, use the P-47N-15.lod dated 12/8/05. That should be the newer-est one. iirc, the cockpit comes from cryis realllly old 'other p-51d'. BTW, in SF2, with the expansionpak, you can extract the P-51D_COCKPIT.in, edit the pilot position, and reference it in the Jug's ini -WITHOUT having the cockpit folder in the P-47N's folder. Personally, I like the 3rd party mustang pit, as it has the rearview mirror that TKs is lacking wrench kevin stein
  11. got it mostly done, just some final testing. Had to do the same for the PRC airfields, too (removed the mig-21s) with luck, a whole bunch of new interetering stuff this weekend (adjusted some targets, added a new PLAN DD, working Silkworm batteries, etc) wrench kevin stein
  12. r: what are you talking about??? there is only 1 P-47N out there, and it is the N-15. DO NOT confuse the D-20 and D-25 with the N .. completely different aircraft, completely different mapping, shapes, etc. JJ: grab this aircraft off my site, it's the 'what if' korean war version. http://wrench1smog.com/aircraft/korean_jug.zip it's the same one I'm using with your skins, and my cockit is PERFECTLY placed!! Screenies below of the cockpit. the numbers I posted are the ones I'm using, and you can see it's right where it's supposed to be. wrench kevin stein
  13. with luck, we'll have updated SF2 FMs for the La-11s in the Korea mod. Think good thoughts, and keep your fingers crossed! wrench kevin stein
  14. Danger, Will Robinson!!! QUICKSAND!!! seem to have a small problem I need to overcome!! wrench kevin stein
  15. to answer the cockpit question; it was always difficult to see around that big fat radial. when taxing, they usually had a ground crewman sitting on the wing, giving direction, and followed a 'S' curving path to see forward. try this for the cockpit positon, in the cockpit.ini Position=0.0,-0.70,1.15 the pilot's shoulder should just aobut line up with the forward flap hinge. more or less wrench kevin stein
  16. yup, bpao's patened 'duplicated hardpoint trick' ™. I use it all the time!! Thank you Oli for positions of the rocket racks, i'd look at TMFs T-streak, use those numbers, and adjust accordingly btw, watch for clipping of the flaps into drop tanks on TK model. wrench kevin stein
  17. please, just don't change the mesh names!!! I'm doing up new decals for it!! Thanks, Ed... it really does look much better this way!! wrench kevin stein
  18. SF/Wo* downloads, WW2 Aircraft, Allied Fighters, Russo's P-47N. Near the last page. Not hard at all!! will require some data ini editing for SF2 usage (GC, landing gear, cockpit positions, FM, etc). wrench kevin stein
  19. this is what I meant about "overlap". I'd set the LargeParkingChance= to 90. Somebody is gonna get towed!! wrench kevin stein
  20. MoonGoose: Veltro2K's Mistubishi F-1, in the process of convertion to SF2. All new decals,wtih all the correct serial/id number decals. I'd stumbled on the Burindo "Famous Airplanes of the World" book while researching something else, and decieded to do a upgrade. Spill: is that an RF-104G I spy with my little eye?? wrench kevin stein
  21. no,no,no.... the correct term would be "liberated" !!!! nice skin, too! Russo did a great job on those templates; makes life so much eaier! wrench kevin stein
  22. I belive that was stated in the very 1st post in the thread ... you'll have to extract them from (whichever) ObjectData.cat they're hiding in wrench kevin stein
  23. wrench kevin stein
  24. be veeery veery quite ... we'er hunting wabbits the russian fleet!! wrench kevin stein
  25. well, hell.... ...the thing you're looking for is ALWAYS in the last place place you look. wrench kevin stein

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