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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. thanks Monty!! wrench kevin stein
  2. "We have found the enemy fleet....dasvidanya, comrades!" When I took the shot, I actualy heard Yogi Bear's voice in my head!!! (well, along with all the others!!) damn things are almost impossible to kill ... all 4 of my Skystreaks and Sidwiders - spoofed half of them, hit with the gun (which jammed half way through), and the bugger just kept on flying! Gonna start arming my Tornado's with Genies!!! (no, not really) wrench kevin stein
  3. And now, it's........

    So, does that me we're all buying for him??? Happy Birthday Eric!!! wrench kevin stein
  4. Happy Birthday Erikgen!

    Happy Birthday Enrico!!! Have a GREAT one!!! wrench kevin stein
  5. Why, hello there Mr. Bear! wrench kevin stein
  6. well, with any luck the revamped Libya terrain will be out by the weekend, giving the Turkey's a better sandbox to play in. Just need more Libyan birds for them to shoot down!!! (now, if I could only fix the 'leaking mountains...') wrench kevin stein
  7. I feel your pain ... having had to do 300 decals for my ETO "What If..." B-29, and nearly that many for the historical PTO version It's a real bummer when you KNOW someting should work, and then it dosn't. Been there, got the scars! wrench kevin stein
  8. WRONG!!!! Never, never, a thousand time NEVER EVER change the operation years in the aircraft's data ini, unless creating a country-specific version that ONLY fits within a certain years grouping This is the thread in the KB you want: http://combatace.com/topic/38609-adjusting-the-games-start-year/ wrench kevin stein
  9. you have the WW2 nations ini, in the ETO (and PTO!) installs?? Adjusted start dates in the options.ini and singlemission ini??? of course -dumb question!!- you have luftwaffe birds installed in your ETO set up? wrench kevin stein
  10. Brother, you're FAR braver than I am ... I'm an acrophope!!! Never get me on one of them contraptions!!! wrench kevin stein
  11. make sure you have the latest DX9 loaded too ... I had to do that on this new machine when I reinsalled the 1stGens. DX10 don't work on them, and dosne't seem to mind having it's older sister hanging around <grin> wrench kevin stein
  12. I have a lot of those books ... even though I can't read the langauge, the pictures are GREAT!!! That's AD's Oscar Ki-43 (actually a Ki-43-Ia). My craptastic template is for Wolf's (Ki-43-I) I never finished re-building AD's Oscar template. It's yours if you want it! here's the Zekes template, complete with all the bits I used for all my skins. Just give credit to Volksjager, who did one or 2 of hte original skins, and me for the template. mapping is teh same for the A6M2 and A6M5. You'll see the added bit fro the later 4-wing gun versions, even though we don't ahve the extra gun barrels. wrench kevin stein
  13. looks like mesh flaws. I wouldn't use them; the only way to fix that would be to rebuild those meshes in MAX, and create a new LOD. Doubt that'll happpen can you repaint the hubs on 6.bmp? looks like all the wheels use the same mapping.. wrench kevin stein
  14. Can't find the screenie of the 'fixed' version, but picutre in your mind metalic black gun barrels... assuming use of my desert air force 213 squadron skin (change the pointer as necessary), here are the decals.ini entries, renumber as needed. [Decal006] MeshName=CanBarrel_L01 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=1.50,2.0 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal007] MeshName=CanBarrel_L02 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=2.0,1.50 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal008] MeshName=CanBarrel_R02 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=-2.0,1.50 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal009] MeshName=CanBarrel_R01 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=-2.0,1.50 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal010] MeshName=CanTip_R01 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=-2.0,1.50 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal011] MeshName=CanTip_R02 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=-2.0,1.50 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal012] MeshName=CanTip_L01 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=2.0,1.50 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal013] MeshName=CanTip_L02 DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Hurricane2C/213/Guns Position=2.0,1.50 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 here's the tga.... unzip and drop into the MAIN skin folder, unless you want to edit the ini, and add it to the /D subfolder. I've fixed a LOT of issues like that with a simple decal. wrench
  15. decals on the cannon barrels. those sections of the LOD are unmapped. give me a few, as I'll hae to find the bits (the tga, and decals ini, let alone where I put the PTO instal...) wrench kevin stein
  16. Did you put the modified ini (IsrealME.ini) into the mods folder ... Terrains/IsrealME. You'll have to create the IsrealME terrain folder just for that ini Desert dosen't use it, neither does GermanyCE VietnamSEA does, so you'll need to do the same thing with it wrench kevin stein
  17. win95/98 compatibility mode set on the 08 WepEditor? as, check the loadout ini, make sure it's pointing to the correctly named tank wrench kevin stein
  18. You want the template for AD's Zeke? (how do you think I made MY skins! Homegrown templates!) BTW, don't know if you know this, but the Pearl Harbor and Midway Kate skins for DATs B5N are at my site only. The rest should be here (Zeke, Val, George, Oscars, etc) If it's DAT, its at my site, if its from Wolf or AD, it's here Never did anything with the Jill or Nick; never found the time. My Oscar template ain't all that great.... wrench kevin stein edit -again- simmer's paint shop has a IJ markings/numbers template that has the correct font for the IJN tail numbers.
  19. I know on the Zeke's it was used to help 'hide' the oil stains and other engine blow back. But I've hardly seen it on IJAAF aircarft, mostly just IJN r5: specificly, its an A6M2, most likely Type 21, as used for the first 2 years (well, after the USA entry) into the war. Had been used by IJN units over Southern China mid-late 41, after that they were needed "elsewhere" raven: Tinian (sp?) group markings? wrench kevin stein edit: had to find the damn books... IJAAF: Aero Detail #29 (Oscar) Osprey Aircam 13 (Oscar) Kookoobura JAAF Camoflauge & Markings of WW2 <--!!!! Hikoki Emblems of the Rising Sun, IJAAF <--!!!! Famous Airplanes of the World #17: Kawaskai Ki-61 Hien Monogram Close Up #15: Japanes Cockpit Interiors Osprey Aircam #21: Kawaskai Ki-61 Hien Opsrey Aviation Elite Units: JAAF B-29 Hunters Profile 118: Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien IJN: Famous Airplanes of the World #55: Mitsubishi A6M, Model 11-21 Aero Detail #7: Mitsubishi A6M Zero Fighter Aircam #16: Mistubish A6M Vol.1 Osprey Aircraft of the Aces #22: Imperial Japanese Navy Aces 1937-1945 Kagero: 3/202 Kokutai Mushroom YS 3: Mitsubishi A6M Zero Profile #236: A6M5-A6M8 Profile Aircraft #129: Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero-sen Squad/Signal #1059: A6M Zero In Action Famous Airplanes of the World #59 Mitsubishi Type 1 Attack Bomber Maru Mechanic: G4M Osprey Combat Aircraft #22: Mitsubishi Type 1 "Rikko" Units of WW2 Profile 210: G4M Betty and Okha Bomb Revi - Mitsubishi G4M Betty Famous Airplanes of the World #33: Aichi D3A Carrier Dive Bomber Crowood: Aichi D3A1 & 2 Val Aircam #16: Mistubish A6M Vol.1 Osprey Airwar #21: Jaspanes Carrier Air Groups 1941-45 Osprey Campaign #62: Pearl Harbor Osprey Campaign $30: Midway 1942 Scale Aircraft Modeling Colors #3: Pearl Harbor & Beyond Famous Airplanes of the World #32: Nakajima B5N Type 97 Carrier Torpedo Bomber Profile #141: Nakajima B5N Kate There are others, just can't seem to find them W
  20. Yes, you'll have to do ALL the stock terrains. Add-on terrains (all that I"m aware of), don't have the 'fixed dates' line. Yet wrench kevin stein
  21. sorry, I don't recognize them, although I'e had the rear gunner for years. btw, here's the statement for the manual animated canopy: [Canopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_10 AnimationTime=3.0 AnimationID=5 replace the other statements with that watch out for the shadows ... it's OK (sorta) until you open the bombbay, then you get the MASSIVE tractorbeam line. Looks like a glitched mesh in the bay doors. wrench kevin stein
  22. Create a new folder on C/ Call it "Cat Extractor". Put all of Gerwin's stuff in there. Copy/paste the cat to be extracted INTO the folder. Drag/drop the cat OVER the CatPack.exe all the files in the cat will be extracted to a sub-folder inside with the cat's name. Then, just delete the cat, since the original is safe in the /ThirdWire folders. just like it says in the included readme. btw, the F-4D stuff is in ObjectData003.cat, for a full-4 merged install wrench kevin stein
  23. can ONLY be done with the original MAX files. However.... there is a way to cheat that ... look at my F-79 Manta, and the HP Perigrine flying wing fighters. 2 (or 4 on the Peregrine) seperate pylons, added as 'fake pilot' seats. The fun part is dailing in their locations, and weapons mounting The downside is, they're permanant fixtures. wrench kevin stein
  24. the tail wheel could come up just a hair, but it's not worth messing with. But the mains a close ... looks like they're underinflated a bit, and have a good deal of weight on them. Again, fiddling with 3rd decimal places get tire-some!! (pun intended!!! ) wrench kevin stein
  25. This is your problem: Program Files/Strategy First/Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft put it in the ROOT of C/ C:/StrategyFirst/StrikeFighters 7 don't let you change thing in either the ProgramFiles folders (found this out the hard way, EVEN with admin priviliges) move it OUT, like in my screenie Also, WW2 installs, or ANY at 06 patch level WILL CRASH unless you comment OUT the shader lines in the various terrain's data inis. This is the same issue we had with Vista and the shaders. ONLY the 08 patch levels have working shaders in Vista/Win7. wrench kevin stein

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