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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. or the Goddess of Victory! (or a Nasty p0rn site?) wrench kevin stein
  2. unfortunately, I still have a lot of unknowns...but.... the "R" is for a Rapier battery's Blindfire. You can guess what the N is for wrench kevin stein
  3. WarsawPact is not a valid "nation"; it's a weapons attachment type only. I'd reset ALL the stuff you changed in the various weapons BACK to how it was. The issue of them not showing up would more than likely be casued by 1) exported or not exported (this is for BOTH the SAM launcher, missile, and the associated radar) 2) callouts on the various terrains; are there target's called out for "SAMLauncher, SAMRAdar, EWR" etc 3) flying with the operational years that said systemn were deployed (StartYear=) 4) amount of groundobjects to placed in game (ie: options-->GroundObjects-->unlimited this also effect parked planes) 5) Air Defense level selected (light, random, heavy, insane) If you want PRC specific, you'll have to create the HQ-2s out of the SA-2, and specify them as China only, exported=FALSE (which in not true, as Pakistan and other use them too) BTW, the ActiveDate for the PRC SAMs on the Formosa terrain is 1970. The ROC, if they have sites, would probably be using HAWKs. Chapparell and Stingers should show automatically, as they're classed as "MOBILE_AAA" and "STATIC_AAA", respectively, thereby being automatically placed by the game engine in target slots marked "AAA". wrench kevin stein
  4. Serioulsy, dude, where have you been????? We've been adding radars to the stock ships for like 5 years now... cause that's about when Fubar stated doing it. Look at the "new" data inis I supplied for the stock CargoShip and Tanker in the Libya terrain I just uploaded last week (and the FRAM and container ship and the other tankers -Fubs' oiler and Bandidio's 'petrolero' as well) Shoot, even the terrain object "ASR" has a working radar.... But why would one 'need' a missile tracking ship, unless you're trying to replicate those DEW line platforms off the US Eastern Seaboard (name excapes me at the moment...) They'd just sit there, waiting to be killed, since AWAC functions really don't in these games (ie: data linking to aircaft radars like ATF/FA used to do) Fubar has an LNG tanker ship; those domes could 'hide' radars, but again, to what end??? Just another target (now...if one were to add oh, lets say, a couple dozen Posiden or Tridents to them......) wrench kevin stein btw: those links seem to be dead "no such file"
  5. full 4-merged SF2, started from the SF2 exe. The SF2 exe lets you access ALL of the series components; maps, campaigns, aircraft, etc wrench kevin stein
  6. Isreal2 ver 2.5 by Gepard



    Isreal 2 Terrain Upgrade for WoI -- Version 2.5 This update/rebuild is designed to REPLACE the one I released in March, 2008. This is an extensive expansion of Gepard's "Isreal 2" full-scale map he made several years ago for Strike Fighters. What this will do, is allow its usage in WoI (or any of the other games, for that matter). There has also been a massive 'cleanup' of several of the additonal airfields as originally issued. I've removed, for the most part, all but one runway where there were mulitples. Several new items have been added to the types ini, allowing the 1948-1967 timeframe for Historical missions and Campaigns in the Middle East region. This IS the full terrain =complete with tiles, tods, hm bmps in short, everything needed to correct pre-patch errors, and is designed to replace to earlier version, dated March 2008. This is updated to the latest standards, post 8/28/08 patch for WoI and WoV/WoE. This build repairs the sinking into the terrain, odd elevations and other funny business. Those still using SF will not benefit from this upgrade, and will not get the game generated parked aircraft. It has been extensively upgraded, with new movement, targets and types ins. Water effects are active, so Vista users take note...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users" below. Contraindicated: post-patch, the water effects for Vista users seem to be working. It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; expecially the Desert skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. The SAMs are pretty important, as there are several batteries that call out for the SA-3 specifically, and the stock in-game SA-2s along the "SAM Fence" at the Suez Canal (although, they should be outside the historical year range I've designed it for this; call it a "backdated map"). As such, this map should be usable in the timeframes of 1948-2050. Please note: the ground objects included in the March 2008 build are NOT included with this version. It is designed to use either the Bunyap or Mirage Factory Weapons Pak; some of the names for the IDF air defenses (ie: the HAWKs and their associated radars) and their 'arranements', are taken from Nick Bell's 'NATO Air Defense Mod'; these are the names used for the 2 HAWK radars. As stated above, it is =specifically= designed for use with Wings Over Isreal. It has -also- been tested in SF, WoE and WoV, but to have the proper feel, use it in WoI only. Remember: this terrain IS designed with the 1948-1966 timeframe in mind; although there ARE many target areas still active for later years (ie: Canal SAM Fence, possibly the Cyprus airfields), but the WoI IsraelME terrain works best for 1967 and later years. As it was designed to. As always, there's an extensive, highly detailed readme with step-by-step instructions. You all should know what to do by this point. A (hopefully) full listing of contributors is in the readme...with my thanks for all their help. Happy Landings!!! Wrench kevin stein
  7. Same for me (except for the HUD stuff). No external oddities right out of the box, other than the rolling radius needs some tweeking on the nose gear (ALL 1st Gen aircrft need them adjusted for NextGens), and the Sidewinder mountings are off a bit (rails are 'flipped' -- right is outboard, left is inboard, missiles are both inboard) Screenie, with "the frightening Mt. Etna" (to quote Jules Verne/Rick Wakeman), in the background. Note the nose is still there! wrench kevin stein
  8. in the "Things You Need To Update" Thread in the KB, in releation to the 08 patch, the BunyPak should be mentioned. Basiclly, you just open any weapon with the 08 editor, save it, and it'll rebuild the weapondata.ini and weapondata.dat to the 'newer' standard. Mind you, it WON'T have all the new paramaters usable, as each individual weapon will need some editing to bring them up fully to date, but it WILL make the usable. wrench kevin stein
  9. We've had SA-3/7/8/9/14 since around 2003. FastCargo gave us SA-5s in 07 (irrc). SA-6 has been stock in the game since WoE/WoI was released... There's never really been a problem with not having enough Red SAMs ... it's the Blue side that's always a little lacking. What with only HAWKs, Chapparells, Stingers and the occasional NIKE. This thread might be of some interest, albeit not updated for a year or so... check out the 4th post down, it's GroundObjects http://combatace.com/topic/21870-the-mods-thread-a-listing-of-whats-available/ wrench kevin stein
  10. Yes, they do. Always have, always will. nature of the beast wrench kevin stein
  11. i was gonna say Godzilla, but it being Italian, maybe the Ymir got hungry after beating up that elephant?? This only problem I've had with it is missing HUD bits (along with almost all other modern aircraft.) seems to be a referencing issue in the avionics ini, fixed by using bits and bobs from the stokc F-15/F-16s Perhaps something to do with the 'moved' compentents in the data ini???? wrench kevin stein
  12. the cockpit OUT file, if available, should help ID those nodes, then you can use the 'move' statements to drop them out of sight. Be adivsed, there is the possibiliy to leaving odd holes when looking out of the cockpit wrench kevin stein
  13. switch canopy operations to a manual animation key. that'll close it and the boarding step wrench kevin stein
  14. judging by the position of the lighthouse, the fishing boats, and the large shed, I'll say Palermo Glad you're enjoying it, Spinners! It's soooooooo much more accuarate now, than my other versions wrench kevin stein
  15. I take it this is for SF2???? if so, I'll try and get one of the Admins to move it to the right spot! wrench kevin stein
  16. I've been waiting for someone to make a comment about drooping gun barrels.... afaik, gun depressoin, in the game as real life ™, is measure in Mils. What exactly those are, I've never learned. Degrees of arc? anyway, here's the section from the F-4E_78's cockpit ini that speaks to it: [GunsightFront] HasGunsight=TRUE GunsightMilSize=50 GunsightName=F-4e_sight.tga GunsightRollTabsName=F-4e_rolltabs.tga GunsightRangeBarName=F-4e_rangebar.tga RangeBarOrientation=6TO12 RangeBarHasGunRange=TRUE RangeBarUseWeaponRange=FALSE RangeBarMax=6096.0 RangeBarMin=914.4 RangeBarMaxGun=2032.1 a colored rangebar on thegunsight, it 'flows around the reticle RangeBarMinGun=304.8 LeadComputing=TRUE MinLeadRange=300 <-- MaxLeadRange=1300<-- DefaultLeadRange=500 <-- these 3 speak to gunsight lead, probably in meters MaxDepression=245 <-- drop down for better sight picture when bombing DefaultDepression=50 <--gunsight more or less center on bullet stream rule of thumb: when enemy a/c's wingspan fills the reticle side-to-side, SHOOT!!! No real difference from WW2 stuff. (well, bombers WILL be bigger than fighters, obviously! <gr>) hope that helps! wrench kevin stein
  17. I guess I can say that Korea is proceeding apace; Stary is going to re-do ALL 4 seasons tile sets (they'll look more theatre appropriate, and just plane better. Several months away still. We'll shoot for an Octember release, just for you Slarti! After I get finished with that, it's finally back to the Indo-Pak mod. It's been so long, i've completly forgotten where I left off.... to say nothing of Panama/Central America. Don't know if I'll ever get back to Morocco/Western North Africa for Torch (includes parts of Protugal, Spain -have to Gib!-, etc).... EDIT: oppsy, totally forgot about the Iran/Iraq rebuild, too. Maybe next year... wrench kevin stein
  18. The dreaded "readme" ... contains all the info necessary, reproduced here to save d/l time! wrench kevin stein
  19. Libya - Ver 3.75



    Lybia Terrain; Updates, Fixes and Clean-Up For SF2 Series (& SF/Wo*, too!) What started out as a simple, quick "Limited Nations" fix, turned into a semi-major overhaul. This includes some retiling, and some fairly major targeting fixes. It has NOT been completly rebuilt; there might still be a few cities in Libya that might need re-working, but I just didn't want to futz around with them. Also, several of the NATO side targets have been vastly improved upon and expanded. Since I totally lost track of WHAT I added, I've chosen to re-release this as a FULL terrain. It is designed to replace any and all other originals or mods, as everything has been incoporated to this version, plus some additiional stuff and thingys, including some GroundObject tweeks. As stated above, this is the FULL terrain, with all internal objects needed. You simply need to unzip and install. This terrain mod, while designed for SF2 merged installs, is easily back-dated for use in all 1st Gen SF/SFG/Wo* game installs at the 08 Patch Level. You'll just need to change the shader statments; instructions are below. Information on the GroundObjects are in the "Notes" section. Also added are several new tiles, updating of some other tiles (to make them fit and look better), and LOTS of custom TODs for buildings and trees and such. For those that expect them, the 'Easter Eggs' on this terrian a the same as before, with the addition of a new billboard or 2..... It is also reccomened you have the Pasko's Ground Objects, Kesselbrut's Vehicles Pak, Fast Cargo's SA-5s; in short any and all add-on SAMs, AAA, vehicles, ships, and whatnot from any and all other terrain mods. They are NOT all included. See "Notes" below for information about Stock & 3rd Party Ships. However, some modified data inis for stock and 3rd party AAA units are included, as they are now networked to a search/track/fire control radar. Be advised, however, of the use of the "LimitedNations=TRUE" statement, thereby limiting WHO gets to play in this sandbox. It is ALSO highly reccomended you READ this entire document through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, we WILL clown on you. Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  20. Ok, scouring the archives (meaning the pile of CD and one of the externals), the Belfast came inside the original EAW Euro WW2 terrain. I still don't know who built it, but it looks more and more like it might be Hinchbrooke. I doubt the original terrain (from 2005) is still availabe here; I know the small ugrade I uploaded dosn't have it, but maybe Avsim might. Although that's kinda doubtfull. Then, you'd just need to assemble the parts into a new GO folder, update the main ini to latest standards, upgrade the data ini to include gunners and the 6 inch gun (although I'm pretty sure only 1 turret moves), and off you go wrench kevin stein
  21. I have a complaint ... My FPS won't drop below 60. No matter how much 'stuff' is in the air/ground/ocean. Is there a tweek for that??? The 512x tiles are BIG help in upping FPS, methinks. Seem to render them faster, at least on this rig. Although I did catch some water creeping up the shoreline mountains on the east/central coast of Formosa... wrench kevin stein
  22. To be able to use ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, at ANY TIME, one must have a full-4 merged install. Otherwise, you're trapped with the StartService/EndService dates of the Vietnam War. Not a good idea to go messing around with those in the various aircrft's data inis. like JSF said, I've been flying it as far back as 1950 with Mustangs, etc, with no problems. wrench kevin stein
  23. Save you the trouble ... it Dosen't! The airbrakes work, due to their vitural nature (ie: existing only in the data ini), but the drag rudders don't move unless you're yawing the aircraft. wrench kevin stein
  24. One's been available for years ... the lod is dated 2005. Unfortunately, as I can't locate a readme for it, and until such time a determination is made as to WHO made it (meaning: Hinch, DAT, Geo???) uploading is not an option. I'd more suspect Hinchbrook or Geo, as it uses 3 skin maps, and the 'pattern' is very similiar to other WW2 items they've done. (judging by the lack of guns and gunners in the data ini -dated 2007-, I'd go with Hinch first, simply because it's so old. We've learned a LOT since then! No slight to either Hinch or Geo is meant that statement) wrench kevin stein
  25. Whoopss!!! Wrong Forum. I'll see if I can't get one of the Admins to move this thread, and file, into the SF2 section wrench kevin stein

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