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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I've got a "newer-ish" S-60 coming out as soon as I finish bug testing the Lybia revamp. I based it off wingwinner M-1939, as it's a closer shape, and it's networked to the Fircans, as in Real Life ™. Also, some more networked AAA tubes, including the stock KS-19 the only thing is, you have to insert the firecans to the targets ini wrench kevin stein
  2. and DO NOT install to the Programs or Programs(x86). Install to the root of C: wrench kevin stein
  3. but once you start down that path, forever will it dominate your destiny!! nice looking skin, btw! wrench kevin stein
  4. some AMI Zippers; my 104S-ASA-M mod, with Bobrock's 1st Gen skins on the SF2 104G lod -- no mapping issues, works perfect! Small adjustment needed on the pylons, but a simple position tweek (gotta make sure these all work on the revamped Lybia) spectre: it DO look like something from a Gerry Anderson show, don't it???!! wrench kevin stein
  5. those block numbers would be Cs, with the 2 MFDs. No such cockpit exists for them. As of yet. I know they were being worked on a couple of years ago, but who knows now??? wrench kevin stein
  6. just a simple shot of a EE Lightning crusing past Mt. Etna, simply because. wrench kevin stein
  7. as far as I know; and I'm probabably partly wrong in this, it's for the external visual of the spinning prop. Of course, it more than likely DOES have something to do with the EngineEfficencyTables, although someone like GregoryP or our other FM Gurus ™ would have to comment edit: I'm sure it is....I remeember looking of the Mustang, and max RPM pretty much matched the pilot's manual for max allowed rpm -although jsut how it links is beyond me wrench kevin stein
  8. It's in the HUDData.ini, which you'll have to extract from the FlightData.cat [Display001] DisplayType=DIRECTOR ObjectType=TARGET_ENEMY ConeSize=25 BoxSize=10 BoxType=SQUARE BoxColor=1.0,0.0,0.0,0.75 <----this line, methinks ConeModelName=redcone and it looks like the color number statements are the as the running/formation lights, so this is yellow: 0.9126,0.8814,0.0429 you can also change the redcone to white, but that might confuse you with the Waypoint marker cone.. Try the color change, and see what you like. I used tohave a link to a color converter over at Deuces site, but can't find it! (RGB to whatever it is) wrench kevin stein
  9. does the pilot model (or gunner in this case), actually exist in the /Objects/Aircraft folder???? they just get tossed in there .. 06/08 levels don't use seperate pilot folders like sf2 does wrench kevin stein
  10. or re-nosed to the Daimler engines; slews of F/G/etc Bf-109s!!! (we need good opponents for SF2: WW2!!!) wrench kevin stein
  11. in the Knowledge BAse, there should be a discussion on 'using manual animation keys' or 'converting auto-speed canopies to a manual key'; but I can't recall exactly where it is...browsing through the threads, in particular those relating to the 08 patch should find it. in the meantime, replace the auto-speed canopy statement in the data ini with this: [Canopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_10 AnimationTime=3.0 AnimationID=3 shift/0 will open and close it. as to shadows, if there's an issue with the acutal aircraft lod, using the 'self generating shadow' can only be fixed by rebuilding the LOD. wrench kevin stein edit: if Russo wants to revist the LOD; and I don't know if he's even got it anymore -or even would want to-, the 'tractor beam line issue' is generated off the right lower wing only. I don't see it comming off any other meshs W
  12. the terrain dosen't care what service flys over it ... in other words, look to the object cats for you missing decals. Also, double check the decals inis ... in a full merged install, EVERYTHING is available, so perhaps it a decals level being "off" Also, stock aircraft or 3rd party??? , as the SF2 Series handles decals in a different way from 1st Gens Have you edited the campaing ini to add the squadrons represented by the aircraft? Is the Squadronlist. up to date?? more info, please wrench kevin stein
  13. Well..... we DO have our own Mustang that's being built for KAW (a new build, with added goodies), so you can sure bet the 12th FBS will be there. As to redoing TKs to it; I got one word on what we're missing: TEMPLATES!!!! wrench kevin stein
  14. ]MissionData[ -the top section [MissionData] NationName=RoyalNavy (or FrenchNavy, as the case may be or create new userlist.ini for RN and AN use) - - - MinBaseSize=MEDIUM CarrierBased=TRUE ]Fueselage[ - = == SystemName[00*]=Tailhook in landing gear section: [Tailhook] SystemType=ARRESTER_HOOK MaxDeflection=60.0 Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=2.0 ModelNodeName=tailhook HookArmLength=0.78 Position=0.0,-1.82,-0.59 nothing to it, really wrench kevin stein
  15. moved to the correct forum. wrench kevin stein
  16. File Name: DBS Limited Nations Tweek File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 25 May 2010 File Category: Full Terrains Danger: Bering Straits Nations Fix for SF2 series -ONLY- Just a small package of 2 inis, that activate the "LimitedNations" statement for the Major Lee's DBS terrain. This will now effectively "cut off" any nations for single mission play that shouldn't be seen in the region. Obviously, one would NOT expect to find Isreali, North Vietnamese, Belgian, Lybian or anyone else that just plane shouldn't be there. The nations have been limited to the "usual suspects" for the region: USAF USN USMC RCAF (CAF) and Soviet Nothing else has been changed, just the players on this playground. So, =all= the normal mission statements (CAS, Sweep, Anti-Ship, etc) are active as normally seen. It's reccomended for use with the 2 updates that have been released for DBS, and you should have them already before installing this mod: Bering Straits Terrain Targets Upgrade Pak http://forum.combatace.com/files/file/7684-bering-straits-terrain-targets-upgrade/ Bering Straits Water Fix Mod http://forum.combatace.com/files/file/10787-dbs-water-fix/ While designed for SF2 series, it will most likely work in SF/Wo* 1stGens at the 08 patch level that can take advantage of the limited nations statement. However, this has =NOT= been tested. Those that do install to first gens, feedback is requested. As always, a simple and easy to follow readme is enclosed -- so read it!!! You're actually only changing 2 files, but I'm from the world of CYA, so... READ IT!! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  17. You're welcome! Of course, all I see is open ocean ... but Gepard's Invisible Runway ™ sure works great for seaplanes! wrench kevin stein
  18. just post a message in the release forum, in the Corsair's thread to the effct of : "the game engine will run out of Modex numbers occasionally. It's reccomended you rename the 'numbers.lst' to "xnumbers.lst" (without the quotes). This will remove it from the game engine's sight, and alllow the Modex numbers to recycle on their own" wrench kevin stein
  19. don't use a number list; the GameEngine ™ will cycle back to the beginning when it hits the end (had/have this very same problem with the Midway VT-8 Avengers ... as there was only 6 of them, one runs out of numbers fast. So, I didn't use a numbers.lst, and the problem was solved. Sorta) you'll note there's no number.lst for any of the AI MiGs, and they work fine (albeit with 100 Borts....) That's been an issue with the game since Day 1. wrench kevin stein
  20. nope, sorry none available. I sure could have used them for the Solomons map, too!! Just a quick reminder on DAT rules ... no LODs allowed. Skins, inis, decals, etc, all them are OK. (just don't want to have the whole rigamorall start again) wrench kevin stein
  21. couldn't resist this pose, it just looked so nice wrench kevin stein
  22. i like the ideas!!! don't know if this'll be of much help...but here's a quick/dirty HunDrone I did last year (mabye the ini edits might be helpful .. ) http://combatace.com/files/file/10296-qf-100d-super-sabre-target-drone/ leaves/allows for player flyable wrench kevin stein
  23. isn't the Hunter 9 stock in SF2I??? just point to that pit wrench kevin stein
  24. Question for the car people

    how about wetting down the hood, and using a toilet plunger? It just might pop back depending on the year, there should be a paint code on a placard (used to be in the trunk). If not, a trip to the dealership for color matching, possible via the VIN, or they should know where the tag is wrench kevin stein
  25. looing REAL good!!! Great work! wrench kevin stein

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