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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. People! Found a small typo in the Libya_Nation.ini Algeria reads like this: EnemyNationpp5=Algeria when it should read as: EnemyNation005=Algeria Please make the correction in you Libya_Nations.ini!!! sorry about that!! wrench kevin stein
  2. well, using Libya as an example... in the main ini, you need to add this line: Then in the Nation.ini (again, using Libya for the example...) List the Friendly and Enema nations... (I accitendly left off things, like Spain and SpanishNavy, since this theatre is a bit farther east and found a typo!!! Algeria should be005, NOT pp5!!) The VietnamSEA already HAS a limited nations statemen in the VietnamSEA.ini, and the 'allowed nations' listed in the VietnamSEA_Nations.ini Why IDF/AF birds are showing up in SEA, I don't know .. they SHOULDN'T!!! For GermanyCE, the list seems a bit shorter... and it's set to TRUE. Again, why they're showing up is just plane wrong. Mabye a mention to TK??? When I was testing Libya, I had no problems with 'odd-ball' nations showing up in SingleMissions; just the ones I'd listed. Same with Israel, I've not seen any 'theatre inappropriate' nations showing up. This IS an odd one!! wrench kevin stein
  3. so, things like SecondaryInputName=AIRBRAKES_TOGGLE on, for example, the F-79 flying wing where I want the 4 drag rudders to 'pop' out as airbrakes can't/won't work with out that having been set in MAX to start with?? wrench kevin stein
  4. LimitedNations=TRUE for the various and sundry terrains, then list said nations in each terrain's _Nations.ini (you think that's bad????? I had Cuban Daks parked all over the Lybian airfields!!!) I think the major problem with the C-47 is that everyone and their brother-in-law has used them at one time or another! Not to insult Donald Douglas (as I'm sitting a mile east of where the first one was built), but they're like airborne cockroachs!! They're everywhere!!! Worse than eels!!! just look at the users list!! It also needs a Natural Metal ™ skin BADLY!!!! wrench kevin stein
  5. Prolly needs the 3d guy to rework the animations in MAX for the control surfaces, and then rebuild the data ini to match (or so says my best guess!! <grin>) Dosen't the Hornet also used droopy ailerons for flaps? wrench kevin stein
  6. can be adjusted in both the GO's data ini and in any/all terrain's _Types.ini where said object is listed. Extraction of all objects data ini from the Objects.cat is a must, of course, as is the _Types.ini for stock terrains (which don't list tanks, but DO list fueltruck, SovietBRDM, and several others) example, from T-55's data ini: [DetectSystem] TargetType=GROUND DataLink=FALSE OpticalSight=TRUE NightSight=TRUE VisualRange=2000.0 ViewportPosition=0.0,0.0,2.30 MaxVisibleDistance=7000.0 <--- RadarCrossSection=10 7 km IS about correct for tank-sized vehicle from Lybia_Types.ini: [TargetType078] Name=T-55 FullName=T-55 MBT TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=50 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=T-55 RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=8000.0 <--- DestroyedEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion SecondaryEffect=VehicleFireEffect DestroyedModel=TANK_DESTROYED.LOD SecondaryChance=100 no real differences there, eh?? So, in essence, the numbers are about correct. Ajust to personal taste, if you wish! wrench kevin stein
  7. one of the targets missing, for El Dorado Canyon, would be Kadffi's tent and camel. Sorry, we don't have a camel object.....but there's PLENTY of other targets to zap! (btw, a suggestion is in Bengahzi; the Military District HQ ... check it out in Free Camera view...) wrench kevin stein
  8. just in time with the Tomcat's release. Now, let's see El Dorado Canyon, and the Fitter shoot-downs!! wrench kevin stein
  9. The positions (and routes) are pre-plotted definations in the terrain's _Movements.ini, which also covers truck routes for Armed_Recon, shipping routes for anti-ship missions, and the front line -that red line you see in the planning map screen. If you're seeing AAA, it probably means someone routed them near some target area that HAS air defenses. Unless someone has changed the GroundObjectRole= for as Zeus to "tank", and added AIR_AND_GROUND for the weapons system (yes, it's been done) GroundObjects have an 'average' spawning distange of approx 50 km from the player aircraft (example: vehicles parked on airfields, ships in port) when they "pop" in or out of reality.. CAS missions are probably much smaller, 10-15km radius, as you start hearing messages from the (nonfunctional) FAC or ground units as they're "moving out". That's about the time they spawn wrench kevin stein
  10. There's always after the Turkey's release.....of course. Me, I'll be busy in Korea wrench kevin stein
  11. this is a screenie of the Sigonella AD battery on Sicily, in the Libya revamp. Since there seems to be some major issues with Blue SAMs (and their associated radars), I chose to use a 'generic' label (EWR, SAMRadar, SAMLauncher), instead of the directly pointed HAWK radars and launchers. You'll note 2 NIKE radars, a HAWK CWAR (HIPAR?), and a unwanted visitor to Sunny Sicily ™. Unless my eyes decieve me, that sure as hell looks like an empty Guideline launcher!!! This is what we used to call in the trade "horses**t". We've been fighting with mix-matched Red SAMs for quite a while.. but THIS is ridiculous!!! Funny, in a way, but stiil nuts!! back to replacing them with the 'right stuff' Pity, because we have Rapiers and their radars, that have never shown up either... wrench kevin stein
  12. as per our phone conversation whilst flight testing, the new HAWKs are showing and kicking Commie butt!! Haven't seen Rapier/Blindfires yet (probably flying too early....), but at least SOMETHING's working! Now, if we can just get TK to figure out/fix what's up with the Stealth NIKE ™.... wrench kevin stein
  13. that could very well be it...along with unmerged installs. when I made mine, just extracted and editatated the inis, left everything alone. You can call it whatever you want in AircaraftDisplayedName section; it's all cool baby!! So, like, when you releasiing the ini/skin pack??? Inquiring minds are waiting (got lots of HD space to fill... ) wrench kevin stein
  14. got some seriously missing files, there my friend. You have the netz cockit lod in the /cockpit folder?? and, it looks like you've got a mix-match of lods ... as the stock ones are called ***Netz.lod. There's no need to rename them, as that'll foul up things. If I were you, I'd start fresh; dump everything. Re-extract, don't rename, just move things. Gonna be several hundred files. If you haven't done this before, you might want to start with something easier and simpler. Wasn't there a tutorial in the 1stGen KB about a similiar subject? (iirc, it related to importing the F-104G into WoV?) wrench kevin stein
  15. with the limited nations statements in the terrains, and the userlists for vehciles (mostly) and aircraft, merged is THE way go. Those 2 items prevent 'unwanted visitors' in whichever theatre you're flying in OTH, I totally agree with a 'non-messy' install. Which is why I like the 'folderized' way SF2 does things. now...if we could just get all the WW2 birds (and terrains!) working properly...<sigh> I'd ditch 1st Gens completly, except for stealing bits from them wrench kevin stein
  16. WoV does NOT have the C-130A.lods necessary for external visuals. Don't forget, it was built FOR SF - mostly for the Desert.cat and the Herc lods wrench kevin stein
  17. To create a USAF/NATO version, is a simple edit of the userlist and data ini. You don't even need to the lods, as the 'new main ini' will point back to the relevant ObjectData***.cat. Here's my ini for a usaf F-16A, using museli' skins: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=F-16A Falcon AircraftShortName=F-16A AircraftDataFile=F-16A_data.ini LoadoutFile=F-16A_loadout.ini UserList=F-16A_UserList.ini CockpitDataFile=F-16A_Netz_cockpit.ini LoadoutImage=F-16A_Netz_loadout.TGA HangarScreen= LoadingScreen= AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-16A_Netz_avionics.ini [LOD001] Filename=F-16A_Netz.LOD Distance=100 [LOD002] Filename=F-16A_Netz_LOD2.LOD Distance=250 [LOD003] Filename=F-16A_Netz_LOD3.LOD Distance=500 [LOD004] Filename=F-16A_Netz_LOD4.LOD Distance=1000 [LOD005] Filename=F-16A_Netz_LOD5.LOD Distance=10000 [DamageTexture] DamagedPostFix=_holes.DDS [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=10000 MaxVisibleDistance=800 [TextureSet001] Directory=USAFGrey1 Name=USAF Grey 1 Nation=USAF Specular=0.400000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.000000 [TextureSet002] Directory=USAFGrey2 Name=USAF Grey 2 Nation=USAF Specular=0.400000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.000000 literlally, it's only a 5 minute job (minus downlading the skin sets) Adding other nations is snap via the users list Mind you, this only works with a full-4 merged set (since the netz lods are in SF2I) EDIT: the nezt inis are in objectdata012.cat from SF2I EDITx2: Thre's stock french skins for the MirIII is sf2e wrench kevin stein
  18. I wouldn't get rid of them ... it's looks MUCH nicer with the rough terrain. Let me browse the Range region, and see what I can fit in there (btw, the ship adds with no problem in it's 'original' location) Yes, the BombingRAnge target area had "SAMLauncher" still called out; the radars show with no issues (since I have them all installed). Standard fixed at the 'star' location. Scared the daylights outta me with 9 trails coming up after me!!! my 'dummy' missile-less launchers are based off the stock SA2, but I think I'll recreate them with the SA-3 dual, as to not cause issue with uploading 3W items, even editited. Since they're terrain objects, they go right into the terrain folder. wrench kevin stein
  19. the drones work great, but I'm getting "live" SAMs showing up and shooting at me!! I have a dummy launcher I'll get set up for upload, probably tommorrow EDIT: since there's no other enemy nations, the Friendly mission statements should look like this: [AllowedMissionTypes] FriendlyMissionTypes=SWEEP,CAP,ESCORT,STRIKE,SEAD,RECON EnemyMissionTypes=RECON with the removal of CAS and ARMED_RECON, as there's no routes for them, and no vehicles to run them. Of course, adding the RANGE nation to the Zil Truck and maybe a T-55's UserList would be easy enough to 'reinatalize' those statements (I've got routes alreay plotted) If you try a CAS or AR, the game will freeze. Also, I'd reccomend NOT merging my Range Update targets, as it was predicated on the 'flat' areas around the central bombing range. The Height Field here has been tweeked to a be very rough, with canyons and mountains that would make adding them impossible without re-flattening those target zones. wrench kevin stein
  20. TMF's WoE pack??? Buny's pak CAN be made to work in 08, you just have to use the WoI/08 weapons editor, open the weapons data ini with it, and it'll rebuild the weaponsdata.dat to the 08 standard. Be advised, however, lots of parameter will need major updating, but it will work. as to the lack of parked aircraft, is this on all the stock terrains, 3rd party terrains, or both? If 3rd part, check to see if _airfield.ini are in the terrain folders. If they predate 08, you won't get game generated parked statics, and will need to extract the latest inis for those airfields. otherwise, I'm just guessing too!!! wrench kevinstein
  21. Isn't that just done in the engine section (below from Au-1) SlowPropRPM=1000 FastPropRPM=2700 MaxPropRPM=3060 IdlePropRPM=700 I always thought a 1000 rpm at idle 'looked about right', even though in Real Life ™, is probably too high wrench kevin stein
  22. don't forget to create new ***_RWR.tgas for the additional radars. I'e got a couple to upload, eventualy wrench kevin stein
  23. So, generally speaking, ONE basic LOD can cover a multitude of variants, with only a True Experten ™ knowing the differences? Sounds like a plan, to me!! Now, we just need a good WW2 Euro map..... wrench kevin stein
  24. wow, just wow!!! THAT is some improvement!!! wrench kevin stein
  25. i'm still looking for whichever version the Tunisian Air Force used ... along with skins for it! (will look good on the Libya revamp) So, FC, which F-5 that's out now is the best for SF2?? wrench kevin stein

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