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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Now, we just need decent opponents .... and our Jouney to SF2 WW2 will be complete... wrench kevin stein
  2. DIE ERROR!!!!! DIE!!! wrench kevin stein
  3. you dog, you!!! the mechanic in me loves those kind of books!!! thanks, GC! wrench kevin stein
  4. Or the "1 Jet Cockpit" from my Venom Update Pak (ie: mod of Kess's Spit Pit). Has the right windshield framing wrench kevin stein
  5. If you look at the mustang's data ini, you'll find an extra space in 3 of AimAngles= statements, remove the space, and see what happens. Having added it enough times on my ww2 mods ... Actually, you're looking for convergergence at 200-250 yards. You can even change them in pairs (iirc some Jug aces used to do that --350, 300, 200, 250 for each pair) the problem with the Spits, would be the 20mm and 303s have completly different ballistic trajectories (and sometimes, the 303s had been replaced by Browning 50s) edit: ammo count is off, too methinks ... my IDF Spit 9 (based off DATs Mk.VIII), used 350 for the MGs, and 120 for Hispano (TK cannon rounds are correct). I KNOW that data is accurate from somwhere...just can't remember where.. Modelers Datafile on Merllin Spits? Mushromm Yellow??? ???? wrench kevin stein
  6. Even in 1stGens, I always use the desert airfields; they've been in all the terrain cats since 06, and DEFINATELY since the 08 patch. wrench kevin stein
  7. Only by the Terrain Editor. Or... one can wait for the Korean Air War (KAW) mod to be finished and released ... new, 4 season terrain, with histoically accurate target placments and names. It'll come with at least 4 new aircraft, too. wrench kevin stein
  8. There IS a 3rd alternative, that I'm using in Korea (for the PRC Antung Airfields) and on the IsrealME that Dave is building the new Suez campaign off of. But I can't elaborate on it now; it's supposed to be a surprise But, it too, requires massive editing of both the targets AND types inis. wrench kevin stein
  9. I'd reccomend the Desert Runway4, as that's the LARGE runway (like for BUFFs), and all the terrain cats HAVE the desert airfield inis built in. So if someone don't have SF2 (desert), it'll be usable for ALL versions, merged or not. Now, let's see some SmokeySAMs!!! wrench kevin stein
  10. yup, all the new lods are in Unicode, which 1stGens can't read, to say nothing of the bump mapping for the skins wrench kevin stein
  11. No, unfortunately. It's more a a "global no-fly" statement. Meaning, ONLY the nations listed can be used on that terrain. On the flip side, that could (and DOES!) mean you'll have EAF or SyAF birds flying from each other airbases. The only way to turn off, say Jordan, for 56, is to make EVERY target area neutral. That's rebuilding the targets.ini for a specific years; which isn't really all that hard, but you'd need multiple target ini for each 'set' of year grouping. The other alternative, again needing year-set specific targets.inis, would be changing the start dates for come to beyond the terrain's end year. ie: [TargetArea229] Name=Amman International Airport Position=544000,620000 Location=4 Alignment=ENEMY AirfieldDataFile=desert_airfield1.ini NumSquadrons=6 ActiveDate=12/31/2075 So, in essence, no, not without major editing wrench kevin stein
  12. I take it you're up and running again!!! WOOT!!! WOOT!!! The Iragistanian skin looks good!!! The Suez skins ... well, I'll be putting mine away shortly. Like I said before, your's outshine my poor effort! (you get the canopy working?) wrench kevin stein
  13. Tell me how!!! Please!!! still need it, occasionally, from my 'other installs' wrench kevin stein
  14. YAH! Somebody FINALLY took my motto to heart!!!! wrench kevin stein
  15. WoI is NOT reccomended; WoE at the 06 patch level IS, due to "issues" with 08, and SF2 in how they read these old FM. All the WW2 aircraft are far too old, dataini wise, for 'perfect use". Meaning: 300-odd aircraft (originals and varitant mods released thereof,) need complete rebuilds of their data ini. However, TK has promised us the Expansion Pak for Suez for WoI for 2 years; now that's its out for SF2:I, we can expect it's arrival for 1st Gen WoI "at any time". With the release of the SF2 Expansion, it's new prop birds, there has been renewed interest (albeit small) in WW2 mods. There is a WW2 Weapons Pak, in the downloads section, under "SF/Wo* Weapons Paks", WW2 Weapons Pak by me. Be advised: it's ALSO built at the 06 level, and will need to be run through the 08 weapons editor to 'refresh/renew/rebuild" the weaponsdata.ini and weaponsdata.dat files. A 2 minuite operation. http://forum.combatace.com/files/file/8495-weapons-pak-for-ww2-installs/ For SF2 .. MUCH more work is required. Lot's of Info in the "PropHeads" Forum below. wrench kevin stein
  16. File Name: 3rdW P-51 Decals and Ini Tweek Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 May 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Skins 3rd Wire SF2 P-51D, USAF Decal Fix, and Data ini Tweeks =For SF2, Full-4 Merged Installs and/or SF2:I, with Expansion Pak 1= This VERY small mod to the P-51D from SF2 Expansion makes a couple of changes to the stock USAFSilver1 skin, adding the tail tag to the vert fin, and NationName to the wings, as is Historically Correct ™ after October, 1947. The data ini tweeks add a landing light, the 3 formation lights under the starboard wing, and activate the canopy via a manual animation key (shift/0). A ww2 pilot figure is included, as I used this figure in the data ini. More appropriate figures would be either of Deigo's USAF50s figures, as by 1948, USAF pilots had done way with the soft leather helmets, and were using the new 'bone domes'. These ARE reccomended replacements. Full, easy to follow instructions are included. You =WILL= be adding a new pilot folder, and a new sub-folder to the game's main /Decals folder for the "U.S. AIR FORCE" tail tag decal. As always, it's reccomended you read this document through before installing. It's actually QUITE simple, for a change!! <grin> Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  17. 3rdW P-51 Decals and Ini Tweek Pak



    3rd Wire SF2 P-51D, USAF Decal Fix, and Data ini Tweeks =For SF2, Full-4 Merged Installs and/or SF2:I, with Expansion Pak 1= This VERY small mod to the P-51D from SF2 Expansion makes a couple of changes to the stock USAFSilver1 skin, adding the tail tag to the vert fin, and NationName to the wings, as is Historically Correct ™ after October, 1947. The data ini tweeks add a landing light, the 3 formation lights under the starboard wing, and activate the canopy via a manual animation key (shift/0). A ww2 pilot figure is included, as I used this figure in the data ini. More appropriate figures would be either of Deigo's USAF50s figures, as by 1948, USAF pilots had done way with the soft leather helmets, and were using the new 'bone domes'. These ARE reccomended replacements. Full, easy to follow instructions are included. You =WILL= be adding a new pilot folder, and a new sub-folder to the game's main /Decals folder for the "U.S. AIR FORCE" tail tag decal. As always, it's reccomended you read this document through before installing. It's actually QUITE simple, for a change!! <grin> Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  18. tk also forgot 2 important decals on post-war USAF 'stangs....expecially for those post-Oct, 1947 this fix, which includes the additon of the lower formation lights, will be up today; shortly! wrench kevin stein
  19. nice x2!!! I always prefered the weather look, probably has something to do with all those plane and tank models I built as a kid ... weathering them makes them look soooo much better; more realistic! wrench kevin stein
  20. making templates is a frakking nightmare, ain't it?? Done it more times than I care to think about, and something always turns up missing. wrench kevin stein
  21. Until we get templates, either from TK or home-grown, we're stuck with NM finishes, at least as far as WW2 RAF Mustang IVs are concerned (would LOVE to see my 112 Squadron decals on the new model -but we need to figure out the mapping for the Sharkmouth EDIT: 112's Mustang III -B/C- were camoed; their Mustang IV was in NM) Otherwise, for those countries that only used NM, it's just a simple matter of decals, eh? Meaning, adjusting the user's list and creating skin pointers (extracting the skins in a no brainer .. in SF2/SF2I they're in the ObjectData014.cat, along with the Spitfires, Vampires, Dakota and Meteor) wrench kevin stein
  22. It's all good, brother!!! I'm jsut lazy, and use the same names for the same types. Easier on my age-addled brain to keep track of what's what with whom! wrench kevin stein
  23. Beauty!!! Now, go kill some MiGs!!! wrench kevin stein
  24. is the gun called out as a SystemName]***[ in one of the components sections? (mind you, this is an 08 WoI install.. I haven't converted the Tiffy to SF2 yet) [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=fuselage ShowFromCockpit=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=TRUE ---big snip!!--- SystemName[001]=Engine1 SystemName[002]=Engine2 SystemName[003]=Airbrake SystemName[004]=NoseGear SystemName[005]=InternalGun SystemName[006]=TopRedLight SystemName[007]=BottomRedLight SystemName[008]=FuselageFuelCell1 SystemName[009]=CentrelineStation SystemName[010]=AMRAMStation1 SystemName[011]=AMRAMStation2 SystemName[012]=AMRAMStation3 SystemName[013]=AMRAMStation4 SystemName[014]=LeftIntakeFlap SystemName[015]=RightIntakeFlap SystemName[016]=Station9 SystemName[017]=Tailhook SystemName[018]=DragChute SystemName[019]=FuselageFuelCell2 SystemName[020]= are you putting the GunData.ini and GunData.dat in the main /Objects folder ??? That's where they go. NOT in an aircraft folder, NOT in the /Weapons folder, just in that one place wrench kevin stein
  25. How difficult would it be to do the Tu-95M Bear A from the MSM, etc we've already got? just curious as to how much work would be involved wrench kevin stein

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