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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Until we get templates, either from TK or home-grown, we're stuck with NM finishes, at least as far as WW2 RAF Mustang IVs are concerned (would LOVE to see my 112 Squadron decals on the new model -but we need to figure out the mapping for the Sharkmouth EDIT: 112's Mustang III -B/C- were camoed; their Mustang IV was in NM) Otherwise, for those countries that only used NM, it's just a simple matter of decals, eh? Meaning, adjusting the user's list and creating skin pointers (extracting the skins in a no brainer .. in SF2/SF2I they're in the ObjectData014.cat, along with the Spitfires, Vampires, Dakota and Meteor) wrench kevin stein
  2. It's all good, brother!!! I'm jsut lazy, and use the same names for the same types. Easier on my age-addled brain to keep track of what's what with whom! wrench kevin stein
  3. Beauty!!! Now, go kill some MiGs!!! wrench kevin stein
  4. is the gun called out as a SystemName]***[ in one of the components sections? (mind you, this is an 08 WoI install.. I haven't converted the Tiffy to SF2 yet) [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=fuselage ShowFromCockpit=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=TRUE ---big snip!!--- SystemName[001]=Engine1 SystemName[002]=Engine2 SystemName[003]=Airbrake SystemName[004]=NoseGear SystemName[005]=InternalGun SystemName[006]=TopRedLight SystemName[007]=BottomRedLight SystemName[008]=FuselageFuelCell1 SystemName[009]=CentrelineStation SystemName[010]=AMRAMStation1 SystemName[011]=AMRAMStation2 SystemName[012]=AMRAMStation3 SystemName[013]=AMRAMStation4 SystemName[014]=LeftIntakeFlap SystemName[015]=RightIntakeFlap SystemName[016]=Station9 SystemName[017]=Tailhook SystemName[018]=DragChute SystemName[019]=FuselageFuelCell2 SystemName[020]= are you putting the GunData.ini and GunData.dat in the main /Objects folder ??? That's where they go. NOT in an aircraft folder, NOT in the /Weapons folder, just in that one place wrench kevin stein
  5. How difficult would it be to do the Tu-95M Bear A from the MSM, etc we've already got? just curious as to how much work would be involved wrench kevin stein
  6. just use this one .. it's got everything from WW2 to present day, iirc (except maybe the F-35 weapons). wrench kevin stein
  7. I find this method for decals works best, and you don't have to screw around with editing the decals ini. the path is /Objects/Decals/*aircraft-folder*/*skin-folder*/D sub folder. Create aircraft named folder in /Decals folder Move entire skin folder INTO /Decals folder Delete everything in the skin folder EXCPET the /D sub-folder Keeps things all nice and neat, and if you have multiple aircraft with the same decal naming conventions (BuNum, SNum, FLet, etc), eliminates conflicts/confusion and general tomfoolery Simple, fast and easy wrench kevin stein
  8. JimB: when you make decals, what's the opacity you use on the alpha?? Or, when crerating like serial numbers, do you change the opacity when moving the numbered layer to the center? Conversly, you can 'fix' the opacity of the alpha by using a massivly large brush (for the suez stripes, which had a fully clear alpha around the the stipes, I created a 400 pixel brush, to cover the whole image), then changed the brush pressure down to 10%, and 'painted' the whole thing. I actually could have gone 15 or 20, but wanted the stripes to look 'fresher' than the camo under it. Here's the actual decal tga, so you can see how I did it. You'll note that not all the lines 'survived' wrench kevin stein
  9. Yes, indeed. SF2, full 4-merged, with SF2I expansion. On the -5NL above, just under the tail, is Ashiya (you can see the city just under the fuselage), the river just beyond that seperates Ashiya from Kokura. And it has a bridge too, like in real life ™. IIRC, the Corsair was departing Itazuke AFB. Now, all we need is a HU-16, and Richard Widmark!! (and George Chikaris, and Yul Brenner, too!) Japan is 'fairly' well coverd, at least parts of southern Honshu, Kyushu, and even norhtern Shokaku (but not populated). Major cities (Kure, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Ashiya, Sasebo -which was/is the main USN base). However, we're missing the Convention Center/Peace Building in Hiroshima. Not worth have a 3d guy build me a destroyed domed building, even though I know EXACTLY where on the map to place it. wrench kevin stein
  10. that's the realllllyyy old WoVSqmd, with a renamed folder and exe, so it works in various installs. It's a mission builder (that I've never quite learned how to use). It comes in real handy for locating target areas for placement when I'm doing terrains. It's somewhere's in the downloads section, probably in Utilities/Tools. You can have multiple 'installs' of it, in you have mulitple game installs. You just rename the folder and exe to match the instll name. Say, like a WW2 MTO, you'd call it WoEMTOSqmd, etc for other. Once the folder/exe is renamed, you open a planning map for whichever terrain you want, and it remains 'pointed' to that game install. Ver slick! wrench kevin stein
  11. because radio wavs travel at 300000 k/s??? wrench kevin stein
  12. Wow, how the hell did I miss that??? Guess that's what happens when you miss staff meetings!! thanks Ed!!! they'll look nice sitting on the DBS runways! wrench kevin stein
  13. TMF's WoI can't be beat wrench kevin stein
  14. nope, works fine in WoE, and in SF2 (expecially the KAW mod, and with the new F9F-2 that coming) check your data ini, you forgot a critical line in the top section, too. wrench kevin stein
  15. not to bust a bubble, but that was all taken care of June 28, 2008 http://forum.combatace.com/files/file/6897-f9f-5-panther-skin-and-ini-update-pak/ wrench kevin stein
  16. ok, I see what you're asking. create a new layer on the wing bmp, under the panel and rivet lines for the stripes. Flatten, outline with rectangular marque tool, copy into a new image, and create the decal off that. Unfortunately, you can't get the lines to properly matchup with those on the skin, as the decal has to be sized up or down to fit properly on the wing meshes. Even at 1:1 size, it'll be too small All in all, easier to NOT use panel lines, even if it looks a bit wrong (like WW2 D-Day stripes -- done a few of those, and HATE THEM!!, but they were painted on the skin map but, due to mapping issues, and probably my inability to quite figure them out, decals was the easier way to do. Still drove me bat-s**t crazy trying to make sure the top/bottoms lined up wrench kevin stein
  17. Scooter's had nuke capabilites from the B model on, circa late 50s (as did AD-4B Skyraiders, circa 1952). Phantoms, probably from their inception as the Navy's B, although the Vigilante would have been the choice for the USN's nuclear delivery mission; iirc, the 'store train' was specificly designed for a nuclear lay-down. What size weapon? In KT yeild, anybodys guess, but at least in the 5-20 kt range, which I understand are fairly "easy" to construct. As to thermo-nuclear weapons, only the weapons designers can say. Casing size and/or weight of the free-fall muniton, I would guess about the size of a Mk.84. Our B-61 is approx that size; actually smaller, and it's a 'dial-a-yeild', having a couple of preset functions. I KNOW for a fact we have ex-SAC/ACC guys here that were trained for the nuke strike mission, so maybe they'll comment. Or not. I do recal conjectures at during the YK war (in 1973 I was 16 years old), that if things really started going south for the Isrealis, I'm sure Damascus and Cairo would have probably evaporated in radioactive clouds. Which would have really 'popped the ballon', expecially with the Soviets, what what Egypt and Syria being their clients... And on one-way missions, IDF Phantoms could possibly reach Moscow; although the SAM and AAA rings would have posed rather formidable obstacles (ask any USAF SAC vet) Being a "Cold War Child", it's really NOT something I like to dwell/think upon too much. I do remember the fear; almost a panic, in my parents during that fall of '62 cause some nut-jobs parked a bunch of medium-range missiles 90 miles south of Florida...such things leave lasting impression on a 5/6 year old boy To answer the main question of "what would carry the nuke", is simple ... anything and everything. wrench kevin stein
  18. A forgotten thread, that has either resurfaced, or somebody re-stickied (but it weren't me), on Historic Mods for WoI http://forum.combatace.com/topic/25990-woi-historic-mods-thread/ good discussion in there, folks! wrench kevin stein
  19. Arctic Hunter, on the prowl... wrench kevin stein
  20. no, the cats are stored in the "core" install, not the Mods folder. Look in your /ProgramFiles/ThirdWire/Objects, and you'll find about 11 or 12 of them. What particular file are looking for; might save you trouble of extracting 4 or 5 gigs worth of crap?? Gerwin's extractor is the ONLY one that works on SF2 series; it also unpaks sf/Wo* as well. Under Win7, the old single-file extractor by Skypat no longer works (yes, I've tried EVERYTHING). also, moving this thread to the proper Forums, the SF2 Series one (as it dosn't pertain to 1st Gen SF/Wo*) EDIT: this is probably the one yo want, Claudio: http://forum.combatace.com/files/file/7933-catpack-archiving-utility/ iirc, its the most recent versions wrench kevin stein
  21. my pleasure! btw, the screenies above are FROM the new Korea terrain (uses stary's 4-season tileset) The Corsair in question above, is departing Pohang (K-3) airbase i must also correct myslef -- I've done 8 skins for the Corsairs, all navy and all pretty damn accurate! (excepting I cheated and reused the same BuNums --laziness that comes with age <grin> on the one below, you can see the ordanance follow the wing fold, too and yet ANOTHER Corsair variant will finally be making it's appearence... wrench kevin stein
  22. are we gonna see nose art that says "Take a Chance On Me" ??? (which really gives me an idea...) wrench kevin stein
  23. origiallly, yes, but on these they're kinda there, but not really. Doing these was a LOT harder than the simple fix to the Ouragon aileron mapping problem, and the decal I created for that. finished the stripes, and passed skin on to Dave. Booms are painted, wings are all decals. You can see that they still aren't perfect, but MUCH better! I'd like to include the basic "clean" tail bmp, so other non-suez skins can be created. wrench kevin stein
  24. the Corsairs are all getting updated for the KAW mod, plus some new work based off the for the French AU-1 and -7 for Dave's Suez upgrade. So, I'd hold off on releasing anything. As far as textures go, I haven't noticed any missing from Korea, on the 6-six gun -4 and cannon -4B (the 6 50 version is a mod of the 4B with some 'removed' items, but probably wont make it to the final KAW release. There are 6 six skins already done for various squadrons Meaning, I've not seen anyting missing in the cockpits or externally. The white spinner and tail cone look correctly painted (although the tail cone would be incorrct for USN), as they ARE mapped on the skins (see below). However, white would be the wrong color for the modex indicated. I think those metal bars in the cockpit ARE supposed to be there; switch guards for the armament panels wrench kevin stein edit: just looked at the VMA-332 skin, and yes, it IS painted correctly, as it a Marine bird ... lookin in the upper right corner of the f4u-7_enginetail.bmp, you'll see a white square, tht's the end of the tail cone
  25. yup, i'd go with the mid-stone/dark earth/azure blue. seems to look a bit more 'faded' that way wrench kevin stein

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