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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Ed, what operating system are you running? XP? Vista? Winge7??? If you're using the small upgrade I did for EAW WW2, the shaders are activated (for XP). If you're still running on the 06 patch level, in Vista/7 you'll have to deactive them in the EuroWW2_data.ini Just comment them out... [NormalTextureMaterial] UseEffectShader=TRUE //EffectShaderName=TerrainEffect.fx [WaterTextureMaterial] UseEffectShader=TRUE //EffectShaderName=WaterEffect.fx Hopefully, that'll fix the issue (it's the old problem from 'wwwaaay back) wrench kevin stein
  2. IceMan: it might help to know 1) which terrain map are we speaking of? 2) which game? 3) which generation of game (SF1 or SF2 series) 4) is it a user created mission, for that terrain, or a in-game generated single mission? More data is required for a differential diagnosis...... r5: has nothing to do with the terrain editor. Please be sure of your facts and data before posting a response. wrench kevin stein
  3. dave; you check out the F4U-4B d/l in the KAW mods forum? There's some tweeks in there that imporve it somewhat. Not perfect, but better another question: safe to assume the Canberra will be incuded in the pak? Which one of Ajundars? just out of curiosity did youget the harvard? wrench kevin stein
  4. Canadair: Gepard's Isreal2. They've alwyas been there, but this is the "new and improved" version, based off info from a recently obtained book on Isreali Fortification of the Bar Lev line. This is closer to what was, but still not perfect, as most stuff was underground coming whenever; map is being redone wrench kevin stein
  5. CAP and Escort, probably with some Armed Recce and CAS. Strike (at the time) was mostly handled by the Valiants, Canberras and such, iirc from the 'Warpaint: DH Venom wrench kevin stein
  6. da MAN is in da house!!! wrench kevin stein
  7. it's planned, based off whatever DAve adds for 48/56, then I can add the various and sundry stuff. (dont forget I stull have to finish Korea!!) It sould be there; I'll go look for it. If not...I don't know which external I archived it on!!! (one 3 to look through!) wrench kevin stein
  8. have to dail in the decals a bit; new IDF 48 skin, Harvard. Also have to edit the cockpit ini to remove the gun breeches and repaint the manufacturers tag expect pm late today or tommorrow. Do you want the 56 skin fiddled with as well??? allen be the MAN for the OrBats and stuff!! wrench kevin stein
  9. Venom depart RAF Paphos for another boring CAP wrench kevin stein
  10. Most have been done over the last 5 years or since WoI made it's appearence. There's a very old thread, in the archives someplace, with a complete lisiting of aircraft for the 1947-56 time frames Dave: don't forget, I removed almost all my DAT mods from here, and they're only at my site (with a few exceptions). At my site: IDF Beaufighter, but most likely missing the LOD, as per DAT rules. Mc-205, again DAT, but complete aircraft (unfortunately needs MAJOR dataini work for 08/SF2) S-199 (stand in) -wolf's 109G10 others: Meteor F.4 EAF (correct, 10 historical serials in arabic) Meteor F.8 IDF and EAF Meteor NF14 (incomplete) -all DAT birds IDF mossie (pasko) here at CA RJAF vampire (pasko) here at CA (both skins by allenjb, iirc) Syran and EAF Texans by LloydNB Fiat G-55 is being reworked by Veltro2k; I have to dial in the cockpit for him. Would need a new skin, and correct EAF arabic serials (probly only a few dozen) But historically, they arrived AFTER the WfI, and left service ~1952ish all the others, excepting the Harvard, are basd off DAT aircraft. Like Dave said, their wishes/ruling MUST be respected. My IDF Harvard skin needs major reworking, but nothing that should take too long. I can reuse the FM off the AT-6G 'Mosquito FAC' for Korea; works in the SF2 KAW mod, don't see why it won't work here! Monty will be getting my 100% historcal "dalet -num-* serial decals for the Mule today. Yes, they ARE sequential, as should be any arab S/N too -- they were assigned as the aircrft arrived, in numberical sequence. Research has been done by your's truely ... lets get started wrench kevin stein
  11. yes, you can. However, it requres adding the 'new' engine with a 0 fuel consumption. Safe to say, I have such a data ini, from fubar for expertimental purposes only, that you can 'hear' it switch to high blower at full throttle wrench kevin stein
  12. I TOLD you they weren't going to fit, but nnnnooooo, don't listen to me!!! Now, who's gonna pay to fix them? Not ME!!!! wrench kevin stein
  13. 100% historicaly accurate serial number decals are also available ... I'd just need to zip them up and send to whomever wrench kevin stein
  14. isn't that the old skin on the Venom??? I thought Paulo was doing a new one? Also, check your rolling radius for the nose/main gear ... it'll need some adjusting down. As about 99.9999999999% of 1stGen birds seem to need... Have you activated the canopy? if not ... add to ]nose[ (or check to see if it's already there, and also check for a tailhook entry down near the gear statements; remove it if it's there SystemName[009]=Canopy here's some updated other bits, for pilot, upgrade armor, and the manual canopy (shift/0)
  15. silver lacquer, maybe??? Like the Meteor F.4 and F.8s the EAF used wrench kevin stein
  16. ok, now with the new machine I can run SF2 very happy very nice. After isntallifacation, I ran each of the exes (SF2/2V/2E), which creates mod folders for all 3 games. My question is.... when I start to add my terrains and GOs and aircraft and whatnot, WHERE do they go, to make them appear in all the different 'subsections' (desert/SEA/Europe)??? Is it safe to assume, that in single missions, everything is available from each exe? Or do the addons have to go into each mods /Objects folder? Or just any given one I also installed SF2I as a seperate stand alone; it's an old habit, so I can tailor specific aircrat/GOs to fit the time frame (ala the KAW mod - read 'nationalized' items). another question is, after extracting the F-84F bits, there only seem to be 2 lods in any/all the cats (SF2) and none in SF2I. Easy enough to transfter the stuff over -been doing that for years!. Oddly, TK's main F-84F.ini calls for 5 lods. Anybody know where they might be hiding? I've extracted every cat (hate them decals cats!), and only found the 2 TIA! wrench kevin stein
  17. oh, man that's looking GOOOD!!! With that, all we need are improved FMs for the EAF Mc-205, and a few others, and we've got the entire plane set from The War for Independence to Present DAy!! excellent work, Monty!! wrench kevin stein
  18. So, in the case of 'made flyable AIs' -Migs, CF104, Hunters, etc, I only have to work in one mods folder, and it'll 'see' it in all others, regardless of which exe I run it from? maybe I should have merged SF2I, what with the userslists and alll....?????? found the lods ... dopey me forgot to apply the Feb2010 patch to SF2/V/E!! They magically appeared! (and magicly delicious!) note to self ... take own adivce, and obre los ojos!! (sorry, my spanish spelling ain't perfect!) wrench kevin stein
  19. Duh.... dopey me. It should be noted, in the screenie above, the MG bunkers have had the camonet repainted to brown, to match the terrain Dave, can you post a screenie over Akrotiri/Paphos with stary's new tiles? btw, here's single mission flying over the area copy/paste into a blank notepad, and "save as..." IsME_Test.msn saves time in hunting around, trying to get to the area wrench kevin stein
  20. dont suppose anyone would be interested in updated Bar Lev fortifications for 73??? Of course, on the Egyptian side, the pontoon bridges would need adding too.... (screenie taken on Israel 2 upgrade/fixit in the works, hence the desert tiles) wrench kevin stein
  21. don't forget there's 2 different LODs for Wolf's Mustang ... v2 and v3. V3, the newer/better one has slightly different mapping, so some skin issues may present themselves (mostly around the prop blade and landing gear, and the exhaust stack not being mapped to anything -which was fixed by your's truely via a decal) There's also another, even olde version still avialable here, thats completly different again (mapping is more like CFS/IL2), and most assuredly NOT compatable wrench kevin stein
  22. File Name: WW2 Tunisia/Western Med Update Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 18 January 2010 File Category: Terrains Tunisia Terrain & Targets Upgrade For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 MTO mods This started out as a simple targets upgrade, and turned into a major rework of Edward's Tunisia Terrain for WW2. As you can expect, the targets have been greatly 'enhanced', with many additions, and most areas have been retiled for ease of targetization. The visuals (ie: the eye candy) has been enhanced by these revamped target areas. This will allow single mission and campaign builders more latitude in their creation of missions and campaigns. It also has the side effect of enhancing in-game generated single mission play, too! This is a COMPLETE terrain, designed to REPLACE the original verison in it's entirety. It is also NOT compatable with any other terrain retiling or TOD mods to the original terrain that are presently available. All necessary parts are included; tiles, inis, LOTS of new terrain items, with the excpetion for some 'permission-only' GroundObject items. All new planning maps are also included. Also, there are at LEAST 3 Easter Eggs on the map. There are also several brand new tiles, and their associated TODs (new city ports and some other interestering items). There ARE some historical flaws (and probably physical geographic ones as well!!); they are fully detailed in the "Notes & Explinations" section below. You may also experience extended or longer than usual loading times; this is normal due to the shear number of terrain objects on this map. The data ini has been upgraded to the semi-latest standards (ie: 2006 patch level). Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". NOTE: this is NOT designed for the post-08 patch or SF2 "NextGen" series. The terrain's data ini does NOT have the new Height Data included!!! (however, that is easily added if you're familiar with the varous terrain data inis, and how to 'update' them). = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE WW2 WEAPONS PAK !! = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST, WW2 NATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WW2 FORMATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE GEO'S WW2 GROUND OBJECTS PAKS!! MOST IMPORTANT!!! = It has been tested in 06 Patch Level WoE (my WW2 install of choice), using the cat pointer line to all the Origianl 3 ™ Terrain Cats (Desert, GermanyCE and VietnamSEA). As most of the new terrain objects and tiles are residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post-08 SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI or any of the SF2 'NextGen' series; it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. Although, it should work pretty well in most case. Some data ini adjustments will probably be required for the additional effects. Consult the SF2 Knowledge Base at CombatAce for more information on "how to.." As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings... Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's =HIGHLY= reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  23. Dave, check your PMs. I think you'll be pleasently surprised wrench kevin stein
  24. just tried starting one of the 1st Gens on this here new machine, and I got the error message about missing the dx9 dll. Now, this is DX10 card and all, and runs the NextGens fine; but I still need to work in some of the TOS versions for various and sundry projects So, the question is: can I safely reinstall the DX9 bits for 1stGEns and have no worries???? wrench kevin stein
  25. sweeeeeeett!!! thanks FC! wrench kevin stein

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