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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. it's also missing the 300ltr slipper tanks; and for some reason, I can' get the old ones from Pasko's Mig-15 to line up at all. Almost like the x/y/z positoning is "off" somehow (which DO happen on old parts in SF2 sometimes) Using the old stand-by Mig17 400s, gives the same result. Positiing is WAAYYY to far forward, and way to far 'in' to the cockpit still fiddling with it,however, as I'm stubborn. BTW, anyone figue out the animation number for the canopy? (not the keystrok, the actualy animation for the LOD)???? wrench kevin stein
  2. Misaligned hit boxes, perhaps??? wrench kevin stein
  3. The universe itself is expanding..... .....and Leon is getting larger. sorry, couldn't resist!! wrench kevin stein
  4. Safe to assume you're speaking abou the Suez Expansion Pak for SF2I??? therefore, I'm going to move this thread to the proper set of forum; the new and improved SF2 Series Forumsf hang on a bit, and away weeeeee goooooo!!!! wrench kevin stein
  5. Use my mod of Kess's pit ... you'll find in in SF 1stGen download, look for "Venom Upgrade Pak". That's what I got right now in SF2I (stand alone). Also works for the Vampire (canopy framing is like 95% match), that one's also available in my "What If..." ww2 Vamp F.3 bonus points to ID the person in the picture in the pit Venoms be looking gooooooodddd!!!!! wrench kevin stein edit: if not mine, maybe even the Hunter pit for the Venom; but iirc, you have to have all the cockpit bits IN a /cockpit folder. I'll test that tonight; extract Hunter pit ini, adjust position, and see if it shows up to play. If not, extraction of all Hunter pit bits or use the modded Kesselbrut pit.
  6. THAT takes all of 2 seconds .... but as with all AI-only designed aircraft, it needs FM work to be more 'usable'. But it IS cool to have, even it it ain't perfect It's missing the centerline droptank, however. Probaly could adapt the 75 gallon 'stang tank (conviently provided by TK), but it might be missing the attachment arms. Haven't check as of yet Now, if I could just figure out the animaiton numbers for the canopies... and convert them to manual keystrokes.... wrench kevin stein
  7. Now THAT is good news!!! The Venom needed some TLC for some time!!! (also means I can scrap the templates I was making .. save me some work!!) good thing abou the Seahawks, is you might be able to point them to the Hunter's pit (unless the pit needs extracting, as was the case in 1stGens ... have to check that) wrench kevin stein
  8. only because I want (well, NEED) to flatten Akrotiri for use, and see if I can sneak in RAF Phaphos as well. Tiles have already been placed for most of the larger cities on Cyprus. That bit is EASY!!! wrench kevin stein
  9. Was there an error message with the CTD (that M$ popup that says "clik here for more details", or words to that effect? btw, now that I got the new machine, I can hopefully get to fixing the G55's pit placement ... but gimme a few days to learn this new box wrench kevin stein
  10. I coulda sworn!!! I'd put the new statement in!!! Sorry!! thank, krfrge for the quick fix! wrench kevin stein
  11. looks like TK hasen't responeded with the Isrealme_Citylist.ini, so it looks like I have to recreate from scratch. adds a few days time to the terrain. BTW, Dave, do you want me to 'trick' the AI with my airfield tweek ala KAW?? That means a new _types.ini, too for the 'new' items wrench kevin stein
  12. Don't remember if we've even discussed a dedicated, new build -15bis pit for KAW. I guess it would all depend on the cockpit builder's other commitments/workload wrench kevin stein
  13. Happy Birthday Zur

    Happy Birthday to The Great and Powerful !!!! wrench kevin stein
  14. We lose another air warrior

    . wrench
  15. Yep, completely different mapping. HOWEVER.... any and all decals from any other F-51Ds will work just fine. You just need to dail in their placements. Wonder how my nose arts will look on this one, what with the bump mapping and all.....???? wrench kevin stein
  16. Thanks Stary!! I used my "cheaters" method to get them alinged, by painting a stripe along the outer edge. Interesting to note, when properly placed, they from a + at the center. Don't know if it'ss be visible in the screenie, but with the lines, it form a square swastika. Gotta tell ya, that's one of my MUCH better idea for TE tiling; have done that for several other tiles that are difficult to see the corner/edges, too. I put the city in for Phaphos, and the AB tiles just in case, also Larkana and Nicosia Just for show. Interesting to note, that Google shows a salt lake where I have Akrotiri!! wrench kevin stein
  17. WHICH terrain?? It sorta helps to know that...cause there's a few 3rd party ones that DON'T have them A-S missions are defined in the terrains's movement.ini. I know that the GermanyCE only has 5 shipping routes defined, so ???? wrench kevin stein
  18. since i don't have stary's new terrain installed (or more accuratly, anywhere to install it too), can you open the terrain folder, and open the ISGREENAB.bmp, and post a screenie of it? That way, I can see what it lookes like. It should also be used under Meggido AB and Ramat David, according their placements in the TE Also, are any new tiles added? Meaning, is the last tile listing in the data ini #165, isCity2Mountain50 (as per the texturelist.ini) that'll be a BIG help!! wrench kevin stein
  19. Well, I hear it's pretty that of year.... Posted the request, let's see if TK posts it. In the meantime, if you don't want to delete Akrotiri, change the Alignment to NEUTRAL, and it'll be ignored. of course, thinking futher along, past Muskateer/Kadesh....I CAN pull a trick as used on the Korea terrain and leave the airport fully operational for ALL years. It just won't be 'targetable' for strike missions, but still usable for Friendly Ops. (although, the occasioinal EAF recon mission may appear) wrench kevin stein
  20. Waiting on the arrival of my new rig to get back to work on the terrian. It's gonna be greater than great, it'll be amazing! In fact, it'll be amazingly amazing!!! (to misquote Zaphod Bebblebrox) wrench kevin stein
  21. It needs to be shifted North approx 1/2 tiles width, but that's pretty easy. I used 4 GreenAB tiles, to remove the trees and buildings. Here's a screenie with the GreenAB tiles, and the new city in the background. (btw, these are taken in WoI with the stock tiles, but it shouldn't make any difference in the TFD/HFD files) I guess I"ll post a request over at 3rdW for the WoI city list ini....other wise, .... don't feel like spending an entire day building one from scratch, and then rebuilding it in the TE, as things are fully matching with terrain/tile types. maybe even look at revamping the IsraelME targets upgrade pak, in the near future, too. wrench kevin stein
  22. They've already been done, as individual aircraft. allenjb has already done the EAF and RJAF Vamp FB.50, I've done the EAF/IDF Spitfires (Vs and IXs), EAF/IDF Meteors, EAS/SyAF Spit22, RJAF F-104A (?) etc, etc, etc. However, you'll not be able to assemble/complete or release said package, as most of the aircraft are Dev A-Team, and you won't be able to obtain permission for releasing 'complete' aircraft, with their LODs. Sorry, but don't waste your time. It's an incompletable project. To answer the Vampire question, 5/9/52 designates which mark ... the Mk.52 is a overhauled (or sometime newbuilds) unit for export. To answer this question: not difficult to find out with a few minutes research on the web. Spit9/Meteor 8 and NF14 IDF; all other Arab Air Forces. Unfortunately, the 2 main sites I had used in the past no longer seem to be existant. You can always try the main IDF/AF site... http://www.iaf.org.il/Templates/Homepage/Homepage.aspx there's a button for English, as even I've forgotten how to read Hebrew. Suffice it to say, all the brain, leg, ini, skin and decal work has already been done. BTW, in the Knowledge Base HAS a listing of "What's Available"; all these birds are probably listed. Since I maintained that list....j You'll find a boatload of them on my site, and anything NOT DAT here at CA with a little looking (probably in Cold War Aircraft and/or Cold War Aircraft Skins) wrench kevin stein
  23. Yes, just like in 1stGens. another sign of age, my brother!! Huh?? forgot what i was gonna say... wrench kevin stein
  24. I'm right here..... that's the AI issue we've been dealing with in the KAW mod. There's a post in there on how to fix the AI, by adding/adjusting the AI data statements. I was bitching about that for DAYS!!! Use the data below, that'll fix most of the problems (don't forget the other tweeks off the -4/-4B). Check rolling radius on the gears, and OnGroundPitchAngle as well. That goes for ALL 1stGen prop jobs imported to SF2 ==that all needs checking and adjusting. here's the AI data for the Corsair: That's what happens when you miss Modders Meeting (YOU were supposed to bring punch and pie!!) Got Akrotiri placed ... see screenie below (the yellow outline designates the IsGreenAB tiles. Even put the city in, too. Unfortunatly, I can't flatten it without recreating the WoICities.ini from scratch... with over 300 target areas, that's a frakking nightmare!!! I don't suppose anyone happens to have the WoI cities ini handy???? The IsrealMENations.ini also needs a new one added: Location-12=Cyprus and probably 4 new friendly nations .. but they need to ONLY be active for 1956 (RAF/RN/AdA/AeroNaval) Here's the approximate coordinates for Akrotiri Airbase (it'll probably need some moveing around to fit). In fact, here's the whole targets.ini statement... note the active/inactive dates. I haven't flown over it yet in my test mission, so .... But it most assuredly needs flattening wrench kevin stein
  25. I've set up one of my 'targets placment' missions, to check the location on cyprus; I'll hopefuly post a coordinate later. Unfortunatly, my CatExtractors -neither one!- don't want to work when sitting on the F drive (the 1tb external, although the game runs; well, WoI at least!!), so I can't pull the IME tiles, TFD/HFD to flatten the region even if I got a runway 4 to fit there. Might have to wait until after SAL arrives (the NEW, IMPROVED!!! XPS 9000) Of course, once the corrdinates are discoverd, the airfield dropped on them, somebody else can alwyas do the flattening. Tiling will need to be checked as well --don't want trees/houses/chickens/donkeys/etc in the middle of the runway! You all know Gepard's Isreal2 HAS the 3 Cyrpiot airbases, right? Carrier stations will need moving to better positions. Dave: should be the same set up as I used for the KAW F4U-4B, in regards to canopy/wingfold and weapons placements. Meaning: copy/paste the doubled entries from that data ini to the -7 (systemname and weapons stations). Use the -4Bs loadout ini, just renamed. wrench kevin stein

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