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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Hmmm....I"m noticing the radiator shutter never seems to close on the 'stangs.... Nice shot of the EAF Spit, too!!! wrench kevin stein
  2. Addendum to above, courtesy to Jomni: He reminded me, that any skins you may have added will not be be saved on the patched ini'. So you can do one of two things: 1) copy/paste the textureset listing into the 'x***.ini' (mind you, if you've already ADDED skins, they'll still be there) or 2) just let the game engine re-add them via the skin's textureset.ini the next time you start the game. the only dis-advantage of #2 is, if you have changed their ordering (meaning: you've moved your favorite to the Texture001 postion), you'll have to re-edit it to move it back up. wrench kevin stein
  3. My thoughts exactly ... perfect for Operation Vittles and Korea!! Like Dave said, a merged install will give you everything all in one. Or, extracting all bit from a Seperate SF2I install, and putting them in their respective folders in SF2E. It's not a jproblem, just an hours worth of work Just like when WoV first came out, withOUT the F-104; had to extract all the bits (inis, lods, cockpit bmps/tgas, skins) and dropped into WoV. No sweat! wrench kevin stein
  4. As far as I've ever seen, all the bits for a cockpit MUST be in the /cockpit sub-folder of the aircraft's main folder. However, there is ONE AI aircraft that dosen't need this in stock merged SF2 series installs -- all the Hunters. For the Iraqi, Jordanian, Lebonanese, can all point back to the RAF FGA.9. All the MiGs, OTH, do require individual cockpit folder and inis placed with the aircraft folder. Again, like FC said, you can try a Objects/Cockpits subfolder, with corrected paths (including ALL lod references in the cockpit.ini -which MUST remain in the aircraft folder), and see what happens. wrench kevin stein
  5. Akrotiri or Phaphos??? Wonder if a Runway4 can fit in there .... that'll at lease give the RAF Hunters and Canberra's someplace to call home....as you can base 6 squadrons on a Runway4 airbase. have to extract the tiles, convert and see. Damn, I need my new machine NOW!!!!! wrench kevin stein
  6. Happy Birthday Amokflo!

    WOOT!! WOOT!!! Happy Birthday Florian!!! wrench kevin stein
  7. Well, we have Spitfires and Mustangs now, so our FM Gurus have a basis to work with. It's just a matter of Real Life ™ time spent, once the new parameters are sussed out basic 'area rule of thumb' seems to be if it flys good in 08, it'll work good in SF2 wrench kevin stein
  8. Don't forget SkippyBing's Wyvren (sp?) ... somewhere around here I've got a painting of them attacking some bridge near Port Said... ...iirc, the targets ini will need some serious updating (if still based off the originly pre-ExpPak IsrealME one) I have a full lising of Seahawk serial numbers, but can't say if they're specific squadrons during Muskateer. btw, Israel2 is back in the shop for an upgrade (well, its' one of the few things that I can work on, until the new machine arrives -which shipped today; expected delivery between the 15th - 20th). Then back to Korea... wrench kevin stein EDIT: if the map IS the same, it'll still be missing Cyprus, thereby ruling out the use of RAF fighers (Hunters, Vixen NFs) medium and heavy bombers (Canberra, Valiant) for the strikes into Egypt from their historical bases. French T-Streaks can still fly from Isreal, as was done in Real Life ™. been there, done that!
  9. A Shahak, scooting east away from the Canal, passes over one of the Bar Lev Line fortified bases... wrench kevin stein
  10. I think Kess's is a pretty basic MK.1 pit ... but used for all the Spits.(although I DID add the Mk.III 'Ace Maker' gunsight to the IDF Spit mod that's on my site). Maybe the Tiffy or Tempest pit be closer?? I know the 5/9/and later was slightly different, but I'd have to check my Modeler's Datafile books (Merlin and Griffon versions) man, can't wait to try this!! wrench kevin stein
  11. I've got some books on the early IDF ... I"ll look it up and see. right off the top of my head, I think only the centerline station, but I"ll definately czech. wrench kevin stein
  12. There's a WW2 version of Gepard's Suez map (renamed to "Palestine" for WW2 usage) that could be fairly easily adapted for WW1 use. It's in the SF1 series downloads in the Terrains section wrench kevin stein
  13. http://forum.combatace.com/files/file/3891-what-if-vampire-f-mkiii/ my 'what if' ww2 vampire has a modded Spit pit for 1-jet usage. Ordway's Mig-15 pit works just fine in SF2, so that's taken care of to making it flyable. man...what a time to be without my gaming rig!!! Roll on time, Dell ... ship my new machine!!!! PLEASE!!!!! wrench kevin stein
  14. Decal Folders "D" for FE2

    Easiest and simplest way to get decals to work, when either createing new or transfering over a 1stGen skin/aircraft to SF2/FE2, is to COPY the entire skin folder INTO the /Decals folder. This way, all the pathways in the decals ini remain the same, and need no editing. (although there still might be some issues with the TGAs themselves; sometimes they show a white border.) Then, just delete the skin bmps, textureset.ini and anything else in this Secondary or cloned folder, leaving the /D subfolder intact. SO....somethihng like this.....as shown above for Vista/Winge7 User//Documents/Saved Games/TW/FE2/Objects/Decals/PfalzD3a/D . The screenie below is an example only, from the KAW mod for SF2 (please note, the pathway in the address bar is not correct, as this is the backup copy on my external HD) So, in this instance, the path for the fuselage insignia/nationname/squadron tag for this Corsair would read with no adjustment needed to the path (ie: FileFormat=), as it'll still be looking for the VMF214 skin folder, now 'cloned' into the /Decals folder Works for ALL NextGen series SF2/V/E/I and FE wrench kevin stein
  15. There's also a "What IF..." for BLW too, albeit for 1stGens. wrench kevin stein
  16. Sean Connery charged with money laundering

    Nah, it's the thigh-high boots and the Webley!! wrench kevin stein
  17. This should be the link to follow ... it'll take you to the "start" page, where you'll see the "Boards and Files Policies" http://cplengineeringllc_bb.cplengineeringllc.com/Forum/index.php?sid=d13c8446379546f32d69516a4ece53ec Follow the instructions therein, and be paitent ... it may take a few days (or more, depending on Real Life ™ commitments for Capun to respond wrench kevin stein
  18. f**king-A Bubba. If it don't work, just empty out the folder of the new stuff (one can even extract the STOCK IsrealME.ini from the IsrealME.cat, as EVERYTHING is ALWAYS stored in the terrain's cat) wrench kevin stein
  19. Could you at least try and spell my name right? Also, I know diddly squat about FM (except for very basic data), so asking me about that is an echo in an empty room wrench kevin stein
  20. Who me???? (look around the room, not seeing anyone else but one of the cats...) Let me see what I can assemble off the external ... (since I didn't keep any of the SF2 gunpaks) wrench kevin stein
  21. HELL YES FINISH IT!!! Do I see the IFF antennas on the wings, too?? If so, super detail! wrench kevin stein
  22. 120 smoothbore: [GunData0**] TypeName=120MM_L44 FullName=120MM Rheinmetall Maingun Caliber=120.000000 ROF=4.000000 MuzzleVel=920.000000 AmmoWt=30.250002 WarheadWt=0.000000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=95.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=2000.000000 FireColor=0.400000,0.360000,0.256000 GunFireEffect=TankGunFireEffect GunFireSound=TankGun EffectClassName=TankGunEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer3.tga TracerSize=0.200000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.018000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE bushmaster for bradley: [GunData***] TypeName=25MM_M242 FullName=25mm M242 Bushmaster Caliber=25.000000 ROF=200.000000 MuzzleVel=1100.000000 AmmoWt=0.180000 WarheadWt=0.010000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=50.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=1200.000000 FireColor=0.500000,0.450000,0.320000 GunFireEffect=23mmFireEffect GunFireSound=Cannon EffectClassName=23mmEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.150000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.015000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE don't forget you'll need the BGM-71 TOWs for the Bradley as well. for fun, do this to the Abrams engine section (as I used in ODS) [sound] EngineSoundName=MiGEngine MovementSoundName=TankTrack you'll need TMFs MiGEngine wav, of course. (BTW, the Abrams in ODS has the corrected armor values and type to simulate the Chobam)
  23. Actually, they're in the Indo-Pak terrain; something like 18 .... not shown, Scrub2Sand50B, and ScrubRiverEnd, Scrub2Sea25/25B/50/50B/75/75B, Sea-Scrub-Desert, Sea-Desert-Scrub (all have accompanying TODs) Unfortunately, they're not being released until the Indo-Pak terrain is finished. Original artist: Deuces (for the original 4-6, all other by me) Probably even MORE transitions would be needed for their use on the stock Desert terrain; scrub2farms, possibly Scrub2citys In the screenie, you can see what I mean about alignment of the items on those 3 river tiles It's all done with layers, baby!! wrench kevin stein
  24. But he's still gonna be missing the transitions ... I eleborated on that in the "Terrain Editor" thread in the KB. Without those, the blockiness will still be quite present. Nice tile ... it looks familiar, somehow... wrench kevin stein
  25. 65 years ago, the War in Europe ended. To all the Veterans, on any side. wrench kevinstein

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