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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. also, if useing LESS that 18 tags, don't use a numbers.lst. Keep it in the folder, just rename it to 'xnumbers.lst'. That'll force the Game Engine ™ to recyle back when it hits the end. Had that same issue with some other skins (WW2 historical, that there were only 6 aircraft in the unit) wrench kevin stein
  2. !!! HERE HERE!!! For without the playground, what good is having all the other toys?? I used to be able to get the FA mission builder to stand up and sing the National Anthem - ANY National Anthem! I'll second the TE, and add 'with substantialy incresed zoom levels' .. like 4-10 time more than we have, down to the level of tile grouping of 4-12 individual units. wrench kevin stein
  3. My bad for forgetting the link to Capuns site ... apologies to all! wrench kevin stein
  4. outstanding, Gepard! That's just what the guys were looking for! thank you very much!! wrench kevin stein
  5. that humber would be a nice addition, too!!! Just to have running around, for beer runs! iirc, the Syrians had a few Panzer III or IVs they used in the 48 war. wrench kevin stein
  6. in the data ini, in the /Engine section: SlowPropRPM=1000 FastPropRPM=2700 MaxPropRPM=3060 IdlePropRPM=1000 that's what bpao used; and knowing his work, I'd say they right on the money. Redline on the engine was around 3000-3200 rpm or thereabouts Mabye change FastPropRPM= to 3000??? worth a shot! still keeps it below the redline. wrench kevin stein
  7. View File SF2 Series Menu Screen Templates Menu Screen Templates for SF2 series 5/20/10 This is a pack of Photoshop PSDs for the following menu screens: Debrief Loadout MedelList Options PilotRecords PlanningMap Roster SingleMission The Hangar Screen will be released seperatly, as that needs a more intensive readme, with full instructions for 'how to..', in particular on editing screenshots for use. They are multi-layered, with redrawn seperator lines, 'blackboards' for the displayed text, and new backgrounds. The background included herein a more of a 'generic' type, of various sky scenes. All the 'hot spots' for the mouse remain in the stock positions. They are the standard size of 1024x768, as used by 3rd Wire. Although in PSD format for Photoshop, they should be usable in any other program that can open and work PSDs. As always, read the readme for full instruction, and details for use. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 05/20/2010 Category Other  
  8. ooops... in the readme, I forgot to mention 'save as' a jpg, as that's what SF2 uses sorry! wrench kevin stein
  9. yep. all done, in the capable hands of our resident campaign dude, Dave wrench kevin stein
  10. well, shooot.... I got 06s to NOT crash by changing this line: UseEffectShader=TRUE to this: UseEffectShader=FALSE of course, you loose the moving water and other land effects, but the missions/game wont' plop to the desktop. Makes the ocean look like flat blue s**t, but it don't crash no more wrench kevin stein
  11. Dave: did I ever send you my new SF2 menu pak psds??? SOme day soon, I must write the readme and upload them. They have all the 'stock hot spots', but multiple layers so you can change the background pics to whatever you want (screenies, photos, generic sky, etc). I chose to use the Large Runway4 for Akrotiri, as you can 'base' 6 squadrons there; it's large enough for the BIGGEST bombers, and looks cool besides. Paphos is a standard or garden variety runway 6, that 'bases' 3 squadrons. It's not just adding objects to terrains, but HOW said objects effect campaings and all the rest. The nearby cities, even though tiled and named, do not have any 'value added targets'. Too close to The Wall, and well out of range of anything but Egyptian Badgers (and maybe Beagles on 1-way missions), so the 'nothing to bomb here, move along' rule applies. wrench kevin stein
  12. I just went with RLM 64 (iirc) overall for the 'stand in version I did some years back. Like another modder posted the other day "the more research you do, the more contradictions you find". No matter what color it comes out in, it'll ALLL be good!! wrench kevin stein
  13. I feel the pain, brother!!! wrench kevin stein
  14. In theroy, with DX9 installd, the 06 patch levels games should still work!!! But they obviously don't (i'm on Win7 Ultimate) Please post your findings Ed, otherwise ... it's moving to 08 level, which we all know what happens next... wrench kevin stein
  15. All done, and in Dave's hands. Akrotiri is a runway 4, Paphos is a runway 6. The good thing is, neither 1stGen or NextGen games make any distinction in TFD and HFD files, so it'll be usable in WoI as well. (some editing of the targets ini, of course, will be required) Below, a Venmon departs RAF Paphos for a CAP mission wrench kevin stein
  16. I am typing this....

    message from my new computer. Arrived 5 days eariler than expected, thank you FedEx!!! (wonder if FastCargo had anything to do with that...???? hate ths dinky keyboard .... and definatley will need to learn the bits in Win 7.... but it's NIIIIICCCEEEE Now, to spend gthe weekend rebuilding all my game installs....Oi!!!! wrench kevin stein
  17. natural metal skin for the SF2I C-47. Just thought I'd put that out there, ya know. Too busy to make my own right now... have a nice decal set that could be used on it....<evil grin> wrench kevin stein
  18. many zuuls were roasted in the depths of the sloor that day wrench kevin stein
  19. plese tell me that after I do patch with this, I WON'T have to rebuild all the mods folders again, expecially the KAW (which runs off a copy of hte SF2 exe) I just got it working again, after 3 reinstalls!!! wrench kevin stein
  20. Oh, yah!!! Looks good, Monty!! wrench kevin stein
  21. it's the canopy.tga, it has a green section at the top. Maybe replace with another, or repaint the r/g/b layer to match the rest, and adjust the alpha channel as well as ther seems to be 2 smaller 'holdout' areas on the center right. That'll remove it completly wrench kevin stein
  22. Fall, 1951: Skyraiders over Sinujiu wrench kevin stein
  23. for the brits, the stock in-game UK500 and UK1000 should be just fine. The Expansion Pak also added the 60 lb rockets, so that's taken care of. Other than the WW2 era 100, 250, 500 and 1000 pounders ..... those would be needed for the Mossi and Corsair. The Bad Guys ™ just get their usual Soviet stuff (excepting the Sea Fury -- brit bombs and rockets) I just can't wait to see what Paulo has done with the Seahawks!!! wrench kevin stein
  24. that's from the Warpaint book!! Crusader: actually, I fixed that too!! AND they still work as designed! I did, however, cheat a little. When you see the data ini, you'll see how. IIRC, it was Oliver's original idea, but used off something else that I just copied. wrench kevin stein
  25. ....and, yes it does. ESC, BLAMMMMMO!!!! straight to the desktop with no error messages at all. Even with the shaders commented out, DX9 installed. Tested ALL the terrains, in ALL my WW2 installs (ETO/MTO/PTO) This being a family site, I cannot type the words going through my mind. In short, it looks like the 06 patch level is the problem; of course, everyone knows that patching to 08 f***s the FMs six ways from sunday... I'll have to get into this a bit further down the road, as I'm 7 weeks behind on the KAW terrain. what about running compatability mode for XP on the WoE.exe??? Anyone tried that?? wrench kevin stein

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