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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. HELL YES FINISH IT!!! Do I see the IFF antennas on the wings, too?? If so, super detail! wrench kevin stein
  2. 120 smoothbore: [GunData0**] TypeName=120MM_L44 FullName=120MM Rheinmetall Maingun Caliber=120.000000 ROF=4.000000 MuzzleVel=920.000000 AmmoWt=30.250002 WarheadWt=0.000000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=95.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=2000.000000 FireColor=0.400000,0.360000,0.256000 GunFireEffect=TankGunFireEffect GunFireSound=TankGun EffectClassName=TankGunEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer3.tga TracerSize=0.200000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.018000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE bushmaster for bradley: [GunData***] TypeName=25MM_M242 FullName=25mm M242 Bushmaster Caliber=25.000000 ROF=200.000000 MuzzleVel=1100.000000 AmmoWt=0.180000 WarheadWt=0.010000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=50.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=1200.000000 FireColor=0.500000,0.450000,0.320000 GunFireEffect=23mmFireEffect GunFireSound=Cannon EffectClassName=23mmEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.150000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.015000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE don't forget you'll need the BGM-71 TOWs for the Bradley as well. for fun, do this to the Abrams engine section (as I used in ODS) [sound] EngineSoundName=MiGEngine MovementSoundName=TankTrack you'll need TMFs MiGEngine wav, of course. (BTW, the Abrams in ODS has the corrected armor values and type to simulate the Chobam)
  3. Actually, they're in the Indo-Pak terrain; something like 18 .... not shown, Scrub2Sand50B, and ScrubRiverEnd, Scrub2Sea25/25B/50/50B/75/75B, Sea-Scrub-Desert, Sea-Desert-Scrub (all have accompanying TODs) Unfortunately, they're not being released until the Indo-Pak terrain is finished. Original artist: Deuces (for the original 4-6, all other by me) Probably even MORE transitions would be needed for their use on the stock Desert terrain; scrub2farms, possibly Scrub2citys In the screenie, you can see what I mean about alignment of the items on those 3 river tiles It's all done with layers, baby!! wrench kevin stein
  4. But he's still gonna be missing the transitions ... I eleborated on that in the "Terrain Editor" thread in the KB. Without those, the blockiness will still be quite present. Nice tile ... it looks familiar, somehow... wrench kevin stein
  5. 65 years ago, the War in Europe ended. To all the Veterans, on any side. wrench kevinstein
  6. Yes; same way we did ANW before I converted it to 4 seasonss, how I created the "Empty Desert" (ie: desert2) and how Piecemeal created the Desert3.... 1) create new folder, call it "IsraelME2) 2) install all the new bits. 3) In this new folder, Rename IsrealME.INI to IsrealME2.INI 4) rename TFD and HFD (if supplied -if not, extract from IsrealMe.cat and place in new terrain folder) to IsrealME2.TFD and IsrealME2.HFD 5) create new cat pointer line in IsrealME2.INI, pointing the the IsealME.cat... CatFile=..\IsrealME\IsraelME.CAT If there's another step, I disrmember it. But why you'd want to go through all this trouble....well.... In SF2, since this would go into the /Terrains sub-folder of the Mods folder, removing it is a simple 'delete folder' click. In WoI, a simple copy/paste/rename of the stock IsraelME folder should do it. Or, as this looks like tile bmp/tga/and tods, simple removing them should do it to restore to 'stock'. (oh forgot -- and new inis, too) wrench kevin stein
  7. So... that HM trick actually works for non-sea tiles???? Excellent ... gonna have to make some adjustments on the Isreal2 retile (as I removed them...) How does this effect the IME targets enhancement pack I did a coupla years ago? (meaning: placement of target areas that might conflict with trees/buildings/cows/chickens/camels/etc) Still, I notice the airfields aren't in a cleared zone.... damnitall i want my new machine!!!! (do we have a crying smilie??) wrench kevin stein
  8. Animals!!!! That is WILD!!! Looks like something from the anime "Steamboy"!!! Is 3W moving into SteamPunk??? Coooooolll!! wrench kevin stein
  9. I have JUST the painting for use as a loading screen for that!!! Yes, SAFELY backed up!!! (as is/was all my av-art!) wrench kevin stein
  10. Nice one SB!!! BTW, the stars on the wing are too large, and need to be further out towards the wingtip. Czech out the S-199 "Stand In" I did; it should be here at CA and also my site (minus Wolf's 109G10 lod). Also, missing the "Dalet" serial numbers -also in my Mule stand in pack So, like where the hell they been hiding this????? Maybe waiting for decent FM ala the Suez expansion pak to base on?? wrench kevin stein
  11. I would think so, more for campaign building. I'm stil not totally clear on exactly how the LimitedNations=TRUE statement works for single missions (altough the IsrealME map is a real good guide...) I DO know, there must be at least one Friendly nations listed in the terrain's Nations ini (interesting to not, SF2 does NOT use that .. it uses the limited nations statement, and the games main nations ini, as I think WoV's VietnamSEA does as well) wrench kevin stein
  12. The Terrain Editor Thread

    Statos: Sorry, brother. I could show you via screenies, but I'm not sure this old standby machine will work the TE so good. I guess I'll test it after a while today.... (EDIT: I guess I do work!!) BUT.... I can tell you, that if you're just adding them to the Existing tiles, that's pretty easy. With the TE open, and the Desert terrain (HFD) loaded, load the Desert texture list. YOu should see the map, with all the tiles laid out. Then, on the tool bar at the top ... Texture List ... it'll open a drop down. "Edit Texture Map List". That'll open the full listing, with all the tiles listed as they appear in the texturelist ini. Scroll until you find the one you want, click on it, and it'll open a popuu window "Texture Map Dialog". Over in the lower right corner, you'll see "Terrain Objects". This is where you activate the buildings and trees that are in the TOD files. Then, in the screenie below, yo can see the arrow ponint to "Place Object", that'll take you to the next screen, when you physically place the trees and buildings. THAT screen is the one I showed in the other Thread. But, if you're ONLY just replacing the desert tiles with your new 'scrub' ones, you'll have to take those bmps, and drop them into the TE with the same names as the existing 2 desert tiles. Then, you can go to into the Texture Map Dialog, and add the trees where they'd fit on the new scrub tiles Better yet, would be to ADD them to the texturelist, keeping the Desert1 and Desert2 tiles -which I reccomend for the more harsh and arid regions), and them hand place the NEW scrub tiles in the border zones between the desert2farm. Unfortunately, this means you'll HAVE to create the 3 new transition tiles for Scrub2Farm25, Scrub2Farm50 and Scrub2Farm75. Then, you'll have to create even MORE tiles for the transition from scrub to desert ... Scrub2Desert25, Scrub2Desert50 and Scrub2Desert75. So, you can see it's just not as simple as you're thinking it is. Even if you replace the 2 desert tiles with you're new scrub, you must create new transitons for the various regions -- farm to desert, desert to city, desert to sea, desert to mountain, etc. Otherwise, you get the effect of 'tiling' as seen in your screenshot in the other Forum Thread. Again creating 1 tile means you have to create 4 tiles to match .. the main (center square), plus the edges or transition tiles that surround it. In essence, you're completly Rebuilding the Desert terrain, so in the end you'll have a new data ini (with the new tile listings), and 2 completly new TFD and HFD files. These will totally replace the existing units in the Desert.cat. wrench kevin stein
  13. Had a thought about this the other day (whilst down with nothing to do...) You are probably going to run into the same problems as the India terrain ... both Egypt and Lybia are classed as ENEMY nations in the game's Nations.ini. Now, I'm not exactly sure how this works, but you might be able to create Egypt as FRIENDLY in the terrain's nations ini, using the limited nations statement, and adding something like the following: FriendlyNation001=Egypt EnemyNation001=Lybia but I've not clue if that'll even work (08 or SF2) wrench kevin stein
  14. Those are real similiar to the 'scurb' tiles we're using on the Indo-Pak terrain. The 'splotchyness' has to be MUCH more random ... use the clone stamp tool, and run them RIGHT to the edges. You will still probably get the occasional square edges, but that can only be fixed in the TE by rotating the tile's facing (0,180,270,90). The real bitch of tileing, is getting the edges to match. Open the various Farm tile in you image progaram, and slide them next to/on top/bottom of each other, and you'll see how they line up. It's just a gigantic jigsaw puzzle. wrench kevin stein
  15. Look in the SF/Wo* Knowlege Base .... there's a WHOLE section on editing weapons loadouts that some kindhearted soul started (albeit for the ancient BunyPak), but the modifications to the data and loadout inis are usefull right across the board for 1st and 2nd Gen series. Just double check the names of the missiles/pods to be installated. In particular, I draw you attention to page 5, wherein the F-4C/D/E loadouts are desribed, with the necessary tweeks to place the jammer pod in it's correct location in the left front Sparrow bay. The link below should, hopefully, go to that page: Linky --> http://forum.combatace.com/topic/18346-how-to-edit-loadouts-for-weapons-packs-bunyappak/page__st__80 Mind you, for SF2 (or any version of the games actually), you'll STILL need to extract the data and loadout inis for the required aircraft. Unfortualy, I can't remember which ObjectData cat they're in.... wrench kevin stein
  16. don't forget, you can have SEPERATE environmentalsystem.ini in Terrain folders too. Tailored to each specific latatude (DBS is a good example). YOu just need the entry in the terrain's main ini (don't have one handy, otherwise...) wrench kevin stein
  17. AND... if I don't like it, I'm certainly jumping into the car, Driving ALL the frakking way to Ohio to your house, backing my butt up to you front door, and farting!!! Then, heading home. Yup, got the old standby 2.6 desktop that Pat (mrs wrench) had out at her house -actualy was her mom's house, but it's her's since MILs passing 3 years ago-, and got it up and running with a semi-decent connection (thanks to Fubars help and $15 dollar ethernet-to-usb adaptor, as the ethernet port is NFG) don't think I can game, or work on the game projects, but at least I'm back on the net and here (also for my "other activities") wrench kevin stein
  18. OH YES!!! Monty, you totally ROCK!!! The IDF/AF decals from my 'stand in' can be easily flipped over for use on this one!! Be a great addition to WoI/SF2I!!! wrench kevin stein (yes, back up and running on an old standby machine until the new XPS 9000 arrives)
  19. posting from my wife's office ... been here ALL frakking day, backing up the HD (yanked from the machine, running through one of their laptops to a NEW 1TB external) so, I don't think I'm going to loose much of anyhthing but lots and lots of time in rebuilding the games/mods/etc when the new machine arrives in about 7 -10 days. Nice new XPS 9000. I think I"ll call it 'HAL' so, i'm probably not gonna be around much, due to NOT having a machine to hookup to the net. Expect LOTS of Win7 qeustions when I'm up and runningj .... thank for all the support my brothers (and sisters, if any out there). Be back soon!! wrench kevin stein
  20. ...and I recall there are some manufacurers to stay away from (like internal HDs, too) I just can't remember if its Western Digital or Seagate or who ever!!! Some reccomendations, please!! I'm looking for something in the 250-1tb range, price around 100-150 dollars TIA! wrench kevin stein
  21. Well, the quick and dirty way would be just to change the existing runways/airfields. Unfortunately, retiling/retargeting isn't something I can get into for the forseeable (9-12 month) future. STill got Korea, and just started redoing Isreal 2 to make some fixes in tiling, and some targets clean up (for both WoI and SF2I), what with the Suez Expansion due out any week now....But it WOULD be nice to add Helwan, Al Manusra, etc. BTW, don't forget The Wall on that map is juuuuusssst east of Port Said, thereby eliminated the need for Isreali involvement. Then there's Indi-Pakistan, Panama, WW2 Euro (retarget and minimal retile)...and 4 or 5 others..... wrench kevin stein
  22. My apologies ... sometimes I forget about the english-as-a-second (or third!) language. You can EDIT the tiles in any image manuipulation program -- that's the easy part. If you want to only REPLACE the existing stock ones with repaints; just repaint and drop into the terrain folder. If you want to ADD anything NEW to a terrain (new TODS for buildings and trees) new tiles, dry river beds, etc, that can ONLY be done in the TE, as it has to compile a new TFD file, which stores the information as to what tile goes where. If fiddling with mountains, valleys, etc, then it needs to compile a new HFD, which stores all the height field data (get it -- HFD!!<grin>) the praire is called "grass field" .. for some reason I took a cheaters way out. to change pre-existing trees, all you need to do is create the tga for the bush/tree/forest/whatever, and edit the terrains' data in to point to that tga....like so [Texture025] Filename=mountain1.BMP HasWater=0 Color=0.718371,0.605424,0.451735 SolidObjectTexture= AlphaObjectTexture=ter_newtrees1.TGA BUT ... without a NEW TOD, placing the trees when wanted, you'll be stuck with the stock placements (which be sorta sparse) wrench kevin stein
  23. EDIT: hm.... looks like some retiling would be in order too, to add the 'historic' EAF airfields ala the Isreal 2 map (all them bases in the Nile Delta region). AGain, not a real big deal; just finding the proper coordinates would be the problem, and adding the various nearby cities and such. As the terrain uses the stock Desret textures, + the 'cityport2', that shouldn't pose any problems, either Just is case anyone is wondering .... when I do a WW2-ish terrain, I usually take into consideration WHAT would it take to bring it forward into more modern times. It kinda saves on brainwork....although sometimes the research is killer!! below are the entries for the TextureListDesert.ini for the cityport2 tile, for anyone who wants... first listing: Filename069=CityPort2.bmp later entry: [CityPort2.bmp] TextureType=1 DetailType=2 HeightMapScale=2.000000 TransitionType=2 TransitionTo=4 3WayTransitionTo=0 RiverType=0 RandomFactor=100 ExclusionRegion=0 ExcludeMaxX=0 ExcludeMinX=0 ExcludeMaxY=0 ExcludeMinY=0 LimitRotation=0 Allow0deg=0 Allow90deg=0 Allow180deg=0 Allow270deg=0 SolidObjectTexture=terobject_buildings1.bmp AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_trees1.bmp wrench kevin stein
  24. Cocas: I don't suppose we could talk you into a proper Avia S-199??? What with the imment release of the Suez Expansion for SF2:I and WoI (to follow SF2 later). As TK is giving us Sptifires..... the only REAL problem I forsee is a proper FM for it.... The Gladiator looks GREAT!!! Have to dig out my Cull book on Malta, as it has all the serial numbers for the Hurri and Glads used there wrench kevin stein
  25. Modernizing the NorthAfrica terrain would probably take about 1-2 days work; all you really need to do is remove my repainted runway skins, and swap out some of the Runway3s for either Runway2 or Runway1 (bigger for jets). Benghazi should have plenty of room for a Runway4 for their Badgers; same for Cario and Alex. Then, just do the rename thingy to more modern names (ie: remove "Landing Ground" and "Field") The docked ships/convoy stations, vehicles at the depots/army bases are just as easily swapped out for more modern stuff. Of course, SAM sites would need adding, but again, the only hard part is locating them (ie: copy/paste pre-existing target areas and populating with the necessary launchers, radars and whatnots). IIRC, I used the generic "AAA" for guns. If networked AAA guns are being used, you'll have to co-locate Firecans in the general vicinity of your AAA batteries. Swapping out the "3RFlag", "IT2Flg", etc for LYFlag and EGFlag would also be necessary. One could even get Greece into the action, what with the Athens INt'l existing; although the airfields on Crete would be problematic ... as they're the small Runway3 (and I don't think anything else would fit!!) One can change Crete's 'status' to NEUTRAL, and it'll be ignored. (no insult meant to Cretens, of course!) Nope, not hard to do at all. wrench kevin stein

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