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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. what's the FULL path of you mods folder??? example (mine, with XP; vist/7 will be slight different, /SavedGames/whateveritis) C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin J. Stein\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 cause, what you seem to be describing, is placing stuff in the Objects folder of the CORE install, not the mods C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin J. Stein\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Aircraft path wrench kevin stein EDIT: did you start and RUN a mission from the new, renamed Exe?? That's what creates the mods folder
  2. Aircraft are built in 3dMAX ONLY; Gimp CAN be used for skinning, but only once the UVmap has been created. Never heard of inkscape wrench kevin stein
  3. The Question: I see on the Terrain Editor that there is a way to import a .BMP as a height map. What I'd like to do is crop out a certain portion of that .bmp file and use it as a map instead of what the DEM files give me. Is there something special I need to do to it to get it to work? Because I can't seem to get it to. The Answer: You have to set up a new map in TE which matches the size of your cropped heightfield .bmp. So, open TE, File\New from the dropdown will give you "New Terrain Dialog" Box. Leave Texture Tile and Height Field resolution as stock, unless you are confident playing with those settings. Adjust the Terrain Map Size setting to suit the size of your cropped .bmp. Your new .bmp has to be square. Also, in paintshop or whatever, ensure the colour mode for the .bmp is set to Indexed, NOT RGB, or TE won't be able to read it. I think 1 pixel on the .bmp equals 2km in TE, so for 500x500 bmp image you would set terrain size to 1000km. Also, when exporting/importing heightfield bmp to/from TE, look in the TerrainEditor.INI file (in TE folder) and check these settings are correct for the maximum peak height on your terrain:- [bitmapExport] HeightScale=17 [bitmapImport] HeightScale=17 MinLandHeight=1 "HeightScale" is very important. TE has a pallette of 256 colours to cover the whole heightscale, with each colour representing a different height in the .HFD file. So, divide your max peak height (in meters) by 256 to get the correct heightscale setting for your particular terrain. Otherwise, when you import/export the bmp data to/from TE, you will get the peaks of your mountains chopped off. In the above example, the maximum peak height read by TE when exporting/importing heightfield as bmp is 17 x 256 = 4352 meters. Anything above that is chopped off and you will get tabletop mountains. Equally, if your max peak height is lower, you should adjust the heightscale setting for finer detail in terrain at lower altitude. EG, max peak height 1250meters. 1250/256=4.88 Set HeightScale=5, for both import and export. That way, you will see more detailed terrain contours for that map, without losing the tops of your mountains. The process is this:- In TE, select as big a map size to cover the terrain you want. Import the DEM data as normal. This will give you "raw" heightfield data in TE. In TE, float the cursor over the heightscale map over your highest peak to find the max peak height of the highest peak on your map. Divide that height in meters to get the correct figure to put in HeightScale= flag in TE (same number for both import and export, as above). Round up to nearest integer (whole number). Edit terrainEditor.ini file with new heightscale setting. Export bmp from TE. Edit bmp in photoshop, gimp, whatever. You can expand the whole map to get full-scale terrain, or cut a piece out, flatten awkward bits of shoreline by hand, paint new mountains, whatever. Save edited .bmp (make sure coloursetting is indexed, not RGB) Create new terrain in TE with correct size for your edited bmp. (1 pixel = 2km) Import edited .bmp to your new terrain. You will know it has worked when TE shows new heightfield view. (Wrench Note: this next paragraph is VERY Important!! It's also how I work Terrains, too!) I have separate TE folders for each WIP terrain, to keep heightfield import/export settings correct for each terrain, and also because TE remembers a save file path and this avoids the danger of over-writing one map with another. One more thing, I use a topographical colour pallette (in gimp) as that makes it much easier to see the different heights. The stock TE pallette shows very little variation between neighbouring height steps, which makes it difficult to do much else than edit coastlines using that pallette. I see in TerrainEditor.ini there is a section for [HeightMapColor], maybe those settings can be adjusted to help with this? Good luck, Baltika ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ With thanks to Pfunk, who asked the question, and Baltika, to who answered it!! wrench kevin stein
  4. Because there isn't one. Yet wrench kevin stein
  5. THANKS! I cannot believe I didn't check the LOD internally, and totally missed that!! wrench kevin stein
  6. File Name: WW2 Midway Terrain Upgrade/Enhancement Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 Apr 2010 File Category: Terrains Midway Terrain Enhancement/Rebuild Pak, For WW2 PTO Installs = For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE = for 06 Patch Levels ONLY! = This originally started out as a 'quick fix' for some small issues, that for some reason, grew into a Major Overhaul ™!! So, this became an ENTIRE terrain mod, fully equiped with (almost) all items necessary. You'll still need some of the ships supplied with Gepard's Original Terrain ™. Hopefully, you have it around somewheres .... The data ini has been upgraded to the semi-latest standards (ie: 2006 patch level at minimum, also usable in 08). Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". While not designed for use in 08 or SF2 level games, it is quite easily adaptable with minor changes to the data ini. Consult the CombatAce Knowledge Base or the several hundred threads on the matter.... But, as always, due to the WW2 aircraft "flight model issue", is NOT reccomended. The targets ini has gone through a semi-major overhaul as well, combining an eariler version, with Gepards Release Version. Essentlly what I did was scrap several target areas on Sand and Eastern, and then 'filled' in the blanks. This was done to try and control "target area overlap" that made it difficult to move or place objects in semi-historical positions (and it's still not quite right, but closer!) A new planning map has been generated (1 level only), and the tiles have been cleaned up a bit. Also several new and edited versions of existing tiles have been created to try and smooth thing out a bit. All new tile-specific _HM.bmps have also been created, to create a 'hard surface' ground. A new 'waternormal.bmp' is also included, as are all the newly added Terrain Objects. And there are now trees...lots and lots of trees on the islands... Included are the WW2 Formations ini, and the WW2 Nations ini, as it seems that some folks can't find them = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST, WW2 NATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WW2 FORMATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE WW2 WEAPONS PAK FOR THE WW2 WEAPONS!! = It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, (mostly my WW2 WoE PTO install - the best version to use, IMHO) using each of their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT been tested in 08 1st Gen SF/Wo* -expecially WoI- or any of the SF2 series. Most likely, it would be unusable due to the airfield size being 'small', and runnning out of runway for jets. Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's HIGHLY reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  7. Version


    Midway Terrain Enhancement/Rebuild Pak, For WW2 PTO Installs = For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE = for 06 Patch Levels ONLY! = This originally started out as a 'quick fix' for some small issues, that for some reason, grew into a Major Overhaul ™!! So, this became an ENTIRE terrain mod, fully equiped with (almost) all items necessary. You'll still need some of the ships supplied with Gepard's Original Terrain ™. Hopefully, you have it around somewheres .... The data ini has been upgraded to the semi-latest standards (ie: 2006 patch level at minimum, also usable in 08). Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". While not designed for use in 08 or SF2 level games, it is quite easily adaptable with minor changes to the data ini. Consult the CombatAce Knowledge Base or the several hundred threads on the matter.... But, as always, due to the WW2 aircraft "flight model issue", is NOT reccomended. The targets ini has gone through a semi-major overhaul as well, combining an eariler version, with Gepards Release Version. Essentlly what I did was scrap several target areas on Sand and Eastern, and then 'filled' in the blanks. This was done to try and control "target area overlap" that made it difficult to move or place objects in semi-historical positions (and it's still not quite right, but closer!) A new planning map has been generated (1 level only), and the tiles have been cleaned up a bit. Also several new and edited versions of existing tiles have been created to try and smooth thing out a bit. All new tile-specific _HM.bmps have also been created, to create a 'hard surface' ground. A new 'waternormal.bmp' is also included, as are all the newly added Terrain Objects. And there are now trees...lots and lots of trees on the islands... Included are the WW2 Formations ini, and the WW2 Nations ini, as it seems that some folks can't find them = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST, WW2 NATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WW2 FORMATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE WW2 WEAPONS PAK FOR THE WW2 WEAPONS!! = It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, (mostly my WW2 WoE PTO install - the best version to use, IMHO) using each of their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT been tested in 08 1st Gen SF/Wo* -expecially WoI- or any of the SF2 series. Most likely, it would be unusable due to the airfield size being 'small', and runnning out of runway for jets. Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's HIGHLY reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. NICE!!! wrench kevin stein
  9. The one with the "Killer Bees" VMA-331 skin?? Ok, I think I know what that is ... it's a model issue. ON the outer wing plyons does it say this? (attention to highlighted sections) might be something to do with the wingfold mechanism Also, which game are you using this in ... SF2 has some mounting issues (that have been fixed for the KAW release) Personally, I'd switch back those stations to rocket pods or MK81s ... until the new model is released wrench kevin stein
  10. Extract gunsight tga of choice from objects cat, place in relevant cockpit folder... Using Photoshop or Gimp ... open the TGA, activate the R/G/B layers in the Channels tab, use paint bucket tool, flood R/G/B layers with color of choice. Save and close wrench kevin stein
  11. Final Warning!!! Absolutely unnecessary!! 4 Thread today, plus the others.... you know, bandwith for THIS site cost money. Stop wasting it!!! Start another thread like this, and I'll close it, and up your Warning Level. Be advised.... I'm done with this... wrench kevin stein
  12. Cocas made the original model. Originally, for the Indo-Pak mod (as yet STILL unfinished). I been using them all over the place, in various terrains. Like the wood texture! Much nicer than the yellow/red wrench kevin stein
  13. June 4, 1942... An F2A of VMF-221 departs for the defense of Midway... wrench kevin stein
  14. that must be that really old I sent you agggeeees ago!! Looks pretty damn good. Reworked from that old one, obviously (doh!!) the new lod has recut meshes (like that one I uploaded last year) for more decals, opening canopy, folding wings, some new stuff. Dose that one have the recut meshes, for more skin bmps/decals? Can't remember!! Don't think the Guppies had guns, but I can check the Detail & Scale book easily enough. wrench kevin stein ps: there's also something very special in the works for the Skyraiders, too....
  15. Not that I know of .... however I DO have the MAX files file for MontyCZ Skyraider, if someone want to take on the AEW. Easy enough to adapt my existing RN Skyraider skin for it's use. The major problem with ASW/recon/picket planes, is there isn't really anything for them to do. the "Anti-Submarine" mission statement has never been activated, and unlike the old ATF/FA, having a AWAC airborne, dosn't link to your radar for an expanded view. And the mission provfile for RECON, always puts your bird down on the deck, unlike U-2s flying at 80k feet (where they belong!) One can edit the mission statement as to min/max alt (but I foget WHICH ini it is...missioncontrol.ini??) wrench kevin stein
  16. Not exactly sure WHICH Skyraider YAP is using (monty's or a new build just for YAP)... but if it's a different model, there IS the possibility of mis-matching from using other inis. Best thing to do: save a backup copy of the ORIGINAL data and loadout inis, THEN start fiddling with AttachmentPositions and such (the AttachmentAngle will most likely remain at 0,0,0 -- keeps it flat) BTW, there's yet ANOTHER version of Monty's availabe in the D/L section (by me) and an even NEWER, better and More Improved version coming for the KAW mod -- which will easily be adaptable to the H & J versions wrench kevin stein
  17. Bumping this up, so folks can see that the NEW Improved version is now available!! Thanks Veltro2K!! wrench kevin stein
  18. This thread will be stickied with those little tweeks and tricks (how original!! ) that help improve gameplay. They can be Flight Model adjustments, weapons configurations, cockpit/gunsight tweeks. What I'd like to see are not just things for the 08 TOS and NextGen series, but for 06 level installs as well. Of course, the poster need to make sure that this is stated in their post, if you please! Also, state if you flew in easy, normal or hard. This can make a HUGE difference, as most people fly on Normal, due to most of the aircraft being optimized for that state. Feel free to post the Fixes, but ONLY fixes; any discussion should be in a new thread, or in the main thread. Go for it Gentlemen (and Ladies!) wrench kevin stein
  19. Fix for Non-Borsighted Guns on Pasko's F4F-4 Wildcat (this came to me while working on the Midway Terrain Upgrade, as I found I couldn't hit much of anything, as the gun tracer streams weren't pointing AT the enemy! Guess I'd forgotten to update my PTO Wildcats, like I'd done for the MTO USN and FAA Martlets!) Also, for the F4F-3 mod I did some time ago..... What this 'tweek' will do is get all the gun pointed in the same direction Ok, open up the aircraft's data ini... our first example is for my -3 variant, and REPLACE the 4 MG statements with that shown below. Easiest way, is to simply copy/paste the new data DIRECTLY over the existing gun statements. Ammo counts are also corrected. F4F-3 -- F4F-4: And...if you haven't converted the canopy opening/closing from auto-speed to an animation key, replace the Canopy statement with this: [Canopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_10 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=4.0 AnimationID=8 It uses Shift/0 to open and close it now. Wrench kevin stein
  20. Since everyone around here KNOWS of my love for sneaking "easter eggs" into things, DanW, I'd say DON"T correct the spelling, and maybe change the text to "For a Break, Press Here" wrench kevin stein
  21. Well, after almost 2 solid days fiddling with the tiles....gads!! This is the best I can do with the tgas...there's still some 'glitchs' with some corners not quite matching, but you all will just have to live with it. Repainted the lagoon/reefs a solid color, made some adjustments in the Alpha channels to 'harden' the land portions. Not the least bit fully happy with the tiles ... but it's a very slight improvement. (original set, with hardened alpha's ONLY will also be included). It's no real wonder WHY noone has done Pacific Atolls ... they're a f***ing nightmare!!! Here, we have one of Maj Parks' Wildcats taking a turn over the lagoon, with Sand Island in the background. (if you look carefully, you can see the desalinazation plant, now working, in the background below the wing) wrench kevin stein
  22. heres the newer 'corner tiles' for the lagoon (there's also still a small glicth on the atoll/sea50 right next to it at about 11 o'clock wrench kevin stein
  23. Thank, Michael!! I can REALLY feel for you on those atoll tiles ....they are an absolute NIGHTMARE to work with!! I also cheated, and created 'copies' -like Atoll4a kinda thing, and then repainted what I needed to TRY and get things to match up (getting corners to line up REALLY sucks!!!) The other thing is, to make the Islands as seperate LODs, an actual piece dropped down on top of the water, like I did with Pearl Harbor's Ford Island -- I had Geezer create the object, skin it and then placed it. As the upload will be the FULL terrain, the P40 skin will be included -- the one from Hawaii has the pre-war markings. wrench kevin stein
  24. the MBZ truck looks nice!! Some British lorries would be nice, too!! What suicidal is asking about, are 'general specs' of the vheicle; length, width, height, engine performance (HP/KWH), and 3-view drawing -- most can be found via Google searchs and etc (although, sometimes, GOOD 3-views are hard to come by) with those in hand, the 3d guys can start to build wrench kevin stein
  25. Wrench has left the building ... at the sound of the tone, please leave a message ...... BEEEEP

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