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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Don't use those inis the rscsjsuso just posted ... those are for MontyCZs SPAD, and won't work for the stock 3W SF2V version. ------------------------------------------------------ did you also notice, that the elevators don't move?? check the AttachmentPosition= for the right side hardpoints (after extraction of the data ini, if not already done) There seems to be an extra 'space' in between the = sign and the numbers. Remove it, and see what happens Worth a try, anyway. Unless there's something wrong with the cluster dispensers??? The bombs/rocket pods also seem to be mounted a bit too high as well wrench kevin stein
  2. yarp, that seems to have done the trick. blame it on the volcano!! wrench kevin stein
  3. At first, I really didn't want to mess with creating/adding new tiles, but it turned into 'the only way to do it' kinda thing.... so, here's what we gots...( meaning: I added almost 8 new tiles!!) first shot, using the standard tiles, with some tweeking 2nd shot, more of a 'Blue Lagoon' (which is slightly closer to physical reality, and fixes some issues) While not fully 100% physicall correct, with the eastern inlet/outlet to the sea closed, it solves a problem while creating another, but smaller ecological one. Best I can do, guys. There's one tile I need to fix (the 75% corner on the left in the lagoon), so what'll happen, is this become a full terrain upload, that'll replace the pre-existing one. A few more final checks, some adjustments and in a couple of day, a revamped Midway. BTW, since CVs are invulnerable, what are you all's thoughts of turning them into _T object, like I did on the Marianas, Okinawa, NorthAfraica and Tunisia?? That way, you'll be tasked to 'strike the enemy carriers', and be able to sink them. Unfortunately, it removes them as operational carriers, but Gepard has given us the "invisible airfield" right there (Nagumo's Force, TF 16 & 17) for planes to fly from in single missions Thoughts?? Expecially from any campaign/mission builders... wrench kevin stein
  4. Thank YOU! N/P brother, it's what we do!! enjoy! wrench kevin stein
  5. Moved to a more approipate Forum. Please do NOT post questions in the Knowledge Base -- it's for Answers only -------------- Here's a link to the whole sub-forum in the KB on adding weapons. http://forum.combatace.com/forum/189-adding-weapons/ and the turorial on How To use the Wepons Editor (albeit a bit old, but quite usable) http://forum.combatace.com/topic/9323-adding-weapons-to-sfwovwoe-a-tutorial/ If you don't have a /Weapons folder (and you won't by default), you'll have to create one. Sub-folders for individual weapons ONLY works in post-08 patch SF/Wo*s, and in SF2. wrench kevin stein
  6. I noticed that too.... maybe reupload, as new file, and we'll see. (cause I WANT this one in my MTO install!!). Then, I can delete the other wrench kevin stein
  7. Actually, IIRC, the first Beagles went into service around 1948-ish. You're seeing the 1955 as that's when the EAF recieved their first ones, just before the Suez Crisis. If you're only using WoI, you're running into the 'self-limiting years' created by TK (as nothing obviously happened in and around Isreal from 1948 through 1967). Since it IS a 1st Gen game, you'll need to extract/edit a couple of files. This is posted in just about EVERY sub-forum in the SF/Wo* Knowledge Base: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/38609-adjusting-the-games-start-year/ that should fix the problem! EDIT: WoV and WoI are probably the worst of the series to base an 'all inclusive, all years' install around. They're designed to be exactly WHAT TK wanted ... focused on the action in SEA, when the US got heavily involved, and WoI for things from the 6 Day War and AFTER. Therefore, they should be more or less left as 'region specifci' installs, although WoI does need expanding to 1948 for the War of Inedpendence, Suez, 'Water Wars' (just before the 6DW), and then allowed to progress to Yom Kippur, 83, Lebannon, etc.. And even then, there's a lot of stuff missing, that fortunately, our 3rd Party Modders have filled in the blanks for the missing time frames. For an 'all inclusvie, all years install', WoE is the best bet. wrench kevin stein
  8. Not really ... look at the varying Sabre skins I've already done .... Actually, the hardest part would be the redraw the panel and rivet lines (if needed); everything else is EASY!! (also would reccomend upsizing each skin bmp/psd template to 1024x1024, as the original are only 512s. BTW, there should be a Paki AF skin around that don't have the yellow Korean War ID stripe ... FC didn't say a THING!! Nothing to see here ... move along wrench kevin stein
  9. Happy Birthday Charlielima

    from one prop=head to another! Have a very SPAD Birthday!!! wrench kevin stein
  10. Ahhh...it ain't all that. I'm just angry I couldn't add "The Foosa" to that cursed Island.... BUT... you will be amazed by the new water (thanks to Fubar) btw, there's 2 easter eggs.... wrench kevin stein
  11. Sinbad: ANY map made for SF/Wo* can be used in FE or FE2 ... you just need one of the Original 3 ™ Terrains in FE for the catpointer line reacharound. I had SPADs dueling Fokkers over Cairo at one time... (btw, one wonders how my WW2 Palestine map would convert over for FE; probably have to extract/place the FE airfields or just use the stockish ones from SF/Wo* -- that is if you all don't mind paved runways. And even that's easily fixed with a simple edit, swapping out the paved runways for the dirt version -and there's even dirt painted versions of the larger runways, too. I should know, I made them!!) wrench kevin stein
  12. Did you set the hat switch controls in the /Controls menu? btw, post -08 patch and SF2 for some reason will only give a 'snap to view' in those directions; before that, you could pan around (and still can with the mouse) Main Screen/Options/Controls/Customize is how you get to it (covered in the game's manual -the pdf in the folder called /Manual) wrench kevin stein
  13. Just had a thought ... now, all I need to do is talk Veltro2K into a parked static PBY ... a couple would look VERY nice bobbing about their mooring bouys in the lagoon and/or parked on the conviently provided seaplane ramp. (just above the tail) wrench kevin stein
  14. Not likely. Static require complet rebuilds of their LODs. Gears don't go up, cause there ain't no animations assigned to model. BTW, other than inis and skins, ONLY the DAT can modify their models (as per the Standing Policy ™ ). Perhaps you might want to ask Capun, over at the DAT forums?? wrench kevin stein
  15. Don't feel bad Piecemeal, I've done it too!!! wrench kevin stein
  16. Happy birthday Silverbolt.

    Well, then I guess I'll just jump in eary too!!! Happy Birthday Dude!! wrench kevin stein
  17. Or us WW2 guys ... here's from the Mustang [ManifoldPressure] Type=MANIFOLD_PRESSURE NodeName=MAP_Needle ItemNumber=1 MovementType=ROTATION_Z Set[01].Position=80.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=359.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 wrench kevin stein
  18. If you look at the stock skins, they're all standard base8 sizes ... 512, 1024, 2048. (unless you're Sundowner, and use the 4096s -like on some his SuperHizRez Rhino skins) I tend to work with the 2048, as that's a pretty good trade off between details, size (where some birds have 5 skin maps!) and etc. Of course, as long as the skin map is 'square', it really dosent' matter. Some of Gramps' older skins for DAT birds were 1500x1500 wrench kevin stein
  19. ObjectData007.cat has ALL the Cruds inis (data, cockpit, avionics, loadout) wrench kevin stein
  20. Yup, NEVER touch the Position statement, that's the pilot position, as was said above. YOu need to edit these: [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=F-8E_cpit Offset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Position=0.0,5.42,0.75 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxYaw=152 <--- MinYaw=-152 <--- MaxPitch=90 MinPitchFront=-48 <--- MinPitchRear=-35 <--- they are exactly what they say they are ... look left/right (yaw) the minus - number is right, positive is left MaxPitch is how far up or down total "head" movement MinPitchFront - look down at the cockpit MinPitchRear - not quite sure, but most likely trying to "look over your should and down your back, as in 'does this flight suit make my butt look big??' " Just like Lexx said! negative numbers are downwards, so if you want to look down more into the pit facing front, increase that number. --- To determince WHICH cat, we need to know WHICH game -- is it 1st Gen SF/Wo* or SF2 series ... since sf2 uses 10 objectdata cats..... wrench kevin stein
  21. Probably won't work on helos, though, but worth a try. Since I don't fly helo (I leave them AI).... Ask Capun about it, over on the DAT forums. He bound to know something!! (or maybe Charles will, or Kreelin?) wrench kevin stein
  22. Could be the dreaded ATI issue, rearing it's eel-like head again??? wrench kevin stein
  23. Actually, the Game Engine ™ dosen't seem to care about "nationalized" weapons .... look in WoI and the entire SF2 series ... if the aircraft is 'western', you can still use 'western' weapons (examples: Jordanian & Indian Hunters, mounting UK bombs and RPs). There still may be the 'odd thing' once in a while, like Paki J-6s mounting 9Bs, but as Pakistan is "firendly", that's ok. Never tried mounting Atolls, though... Basic Rule seems to bem, if it's a Western built aircraf, you can use Western weapons, regardless of Enemy/Friendly status. Same goes for Eastern built ... can use SOVIET WP attachments (and each data in SHOULD be checked to make sure it DO say Soviet,WP) This is for post-08 and SF2s wrench kevin stein
  24. Important Information on File Upload Policies and the Minimum Requirements Thereof: (a small edit, as the post that was originally linked here has mysteriously vanishing into the ether...) At the very minimum, the following is required for an upload here at CombatAce 1) A screenshot of the mod; not a photgraph of the RealLife ™ item, but an in-game shot, so people can see what it looks like. For terrains/terrain mods, a shot of your favorite aircaft flying over the terrain, hightlighting terrain features is a good one. 2) A quick, simple description, this is what shows in the Announcement Threads below, describing for WHICH 3W Game series; meaning if for ONLY SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI, or Only SF2 Series, OR is usable in both; what the purpose of the mod (is it a "What If..", or a mod of an original aircraft or mod of another mod, etc) Generally, explain the purpose and intent of the Upload. 3) Inside the uploaded zip, a COMPLETE readme with full instructions on How To Install, if other parts are needed and where to get them; etc. There are several dozens of REALLY good, clear conscise readmes around that one can base theirs off of (I should know - I wrote most of them!) Also, list sources and if using someone else's as a base PLEASE make sure you have permission (as in for TMF Products). If the mod is of someone that has signed the Freeware Accords, PLEASE make sure you list their name, and Thank Them for their origianl work. It's the civilized way, doncha know! Thank you all for you kind attention to details; working together we can only create better mods, and a better 3rd Wire Community Wrench kevin stein
  25. You can put decals ANYWHERE! You just need the mesh name. Remember, SF2 lods are in Unicode, so you'll need a Unicode-capabale Hex Editor. Extrat the A-10.lod, open it up , "search" or "Find" the word nacelle, and that should get you close. Determining the x/z positions will be the fun part, BUT if it IS it's own mesh, you can start with 0.0,0.0 and move fore/aft up/down from there (as the decal position are not global, but per each mesh) wrench kevin stein

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