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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. or, on the flip side, one could spend the less than 3 minutes needed to convert DBS (meaning the enchanced upgrade by your's truely) to SF2 by changing the terrain effects lines in the data ini wrench kevin stein
  2. It should also be mentioned, that 99.9% of the inis AND the lods in NextGen Series games (SF2 & FE2) are in Unicode. Now, in SF2 series, ANSI inis don't seem to have much of a problem, other than increasing game/mission/terrain loading time (sometimes to 5-7 minute range!) You can decrease this time, and probably increas the general smoothness of the sim, by converting ini to Unicode. It's pretty simple ... open the ini (notepad will do, as always), and "SAVE AS..." and select Unicode as the format. Just plane unicode, NOT Unicode BigEndian. Going the other way, from FE2 to FE is NOT (usually) possible, as the 1stGen series game engine cannot read the unicode inis and lods. Inis can be converted down, but LODs cannot (well, not with MAX) A lot of this has been covered in the 'other 3W forums above', and in the SF2 Knowledge Base. wrench kevin stein
  3. That shouldn't be a probelm ... just add the cockpit folder, and adjust the main ini to add the statements for the CockpitDataFile= , avionics ini (avionics60.dll), and avionics ini statments. don't need to touch anything else (unless you're added ECM or CMs did it to all the Fishbeds in SF2, just added 3 lines (didn't do hangar screens or loadout bmps) wrench kevin stein
  4. Screenshot, please. Must be part of any upload thanks! wrench kevin stein
  5. betcha the callout in the main ini is for AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll that don't exist in 06 level games that supports the HUD/GM radar. Gotta use 08+ to get it right you can switch to AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll but you'll need to edit the avionice ini or just not have a hud. or, patch to 08 wrench kevin stein
  6. for XP, you'll find what's been called 'the mods folder', which is actually the main folders for objects/terrains/etc, in "MyDocuments/ThirdWire/name-of-user-/SF2E in Vista/Winge7, iirc, it's in the SavedGames/ThirdWire or words to that effect the folders you see in 'ProgramFiles/ThirdWire' are known as the "core install", these be the cats,dlls,exe, etc. The other stuff resides OUTSIDE the ProgramFiles, due to (as I've been given to understand, as I'm an XP user) Vista/7 security stuff. When you find it, you'll see it's pretty much the same set up as 1stGens, with the exception of some 'missing' folders. So, if you have a skymod that would go into the /Flight folder, you just create a new /Flight folder within 'the mods' folder, and dump the files in there. Think of it has having a multi-CD changer in your car, the control panel (operational system files) on the dash and the CDs (mods/addons/whathaveyou) in the trunk. You can select your music (missions/aircraft) from the normal panel, but when you want to change the CD magazine (add planes/vehicles/terrains), you'll have to open the trunk to swap them out. (that's actually a pretty good analogy, ya know!!) Should be covered in the SF2 Knowledge Base, somewheres in there. wrench kevin stein
  7. actually, since the targets ini I'm using is based off my never finished version (1950-2020), pretty much all the targets, most particularly the myriad of SAM sites are easily added back in. And I know where they all are and go.... mind you, one of the Antung/Sinujiu bridges will have to have half it's spans removed, and a couple other bridges over the Yalu removed...but I know which ones of THEM too.... ROK Nike batteries are a simple re-add, too. wrench kevin stein PS: sorry for the thread hijack. we now return you to the discussion of the Bone pit
  8. yah, but the DS mod only had one season -desert dusty! KAW has all 4 seasons. and salt, pepper, sugar and spice! And some new airplanes coming, too. Sorry, no nekked wemens. Unless we can talk a 3d modler into ..well, modleing some models! (and if I thought the targetization for DS & the WW2 mods were a ball-busters .... shee-double-it!!! KAW is a mindblowing, eyecrossing, fingercramping road straight to a straighjacket. but at least I got accurate maps to work from!!!) wrench kevin stein
  9. just out of curiosity, what the DATE of the data ini for the RAF J? Methinks it might be pre-08 level, thereby missing out of some FM enhancements wrench kevin stein
  10. There's 2, actually. One for ONLY SF, as it's desert based (and dates from 04), and the later WoV/WoE/WoI and also usable for FE both are here in the downloads section, most likely under 'Utilities and Editors', and also at 3rd Wire. Now, mind you, these were created LONG before the SF2 series was thought of, but with some small ini edits, terrains generated from them port over with no real issues. For the most part. (this is because the terrain engine is pretty much the same for both series, and also needs MAJOR revamping) like i said above, they're pretty much mutually exclusive, althogh you can import tiles from one to the other. The Desert terrains have some differences from the Wo*/FE versions (more advanced) The TE is probably one of the least user-friendly pieces of software for this series, and has many functions that have NEVER been enabled. However, there's some folks here that can almost get it to sit up and sing the national anthem (albeit, slightly off key...but...) We can only hope that when/if TK finially gets the "SF3" series off the ground, a FULLY functional editor for the newer Terrain Engine will be released Now, if we can just get TK to give us the promised 'single-file NextGen cat extractor....' wrench kevin stein
  11. So far, the few I've tested work fine. wrench kevin stein
  12. B-47E

    Faults in the LOD; pasko's F-82 Twin Mustang exhibits something similar near the tail (small white box). A LOT of early (pre-08) aircraft show this, too. only way to fix it, is have the orignal modeler check the various meshes for 'leaks'. Unfortunaely, it's not likely to happen wrench kevin stein
  13. I had no problems bringing the N over to SF2; ther's an 08 level version (iirc) in the D/L section I did a couple of years back. (although I think the chaff/flare eject positions are wrong) HOWEVER.... it requires the use of the 1stGen F-4B lods (all of them) to make use of the skins. Mapping changes, doncha know. The S Early and S Late would probably require the same 'fix'; using 1stGen lods wrench kevin stein edit: had to go find the link: http://forum.combatace.com/files/file/8097-f-4n-phantom-ii-update-pak/
  14. the "new" old style water looks much better, if I say so meself!! wrench kevin stein
  15. as to 'targetization made easy', are you familiar with this tutorial: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/44621-adding-objects-to-your-target-areas/ it's a quick and diry way to get to each target area fast. -- I take you got the packages, what you have is about 8-10 hours work recreating the AE_texturelistini, which matches completly the AE_Data.ini for tile listings, importation and editing of the TFD/HFD, etc and so forth. That 8-10 also included rebulding all the sea sea/land transition tiles as well. From the looks of the maps at the link I PM'd you, it DOES look like some new matching river tiles will be needed. As well as the sea/city/farm, sea/farm/city, sea river mouths (including right, left and center) and other odd transitions. Let me know when you need the help ... I'm not that far away (well, actually on the other side of the Virtual World in Korea, but what the hell, right??) wrench kevin stein
  16. other than Lexx Luthor's "6 Million Meter Map"....for fun, when it's released, maybe try the Canary Islands, as it's probably the SMALLEST map (in terms of area) that I know of! That'll be the next contest ... can you turn the Blackbird within that map, without hitting The Wall??? Winner gets an all expense paid vacation to (somewhere noone wants to really go) or bragging rights, which ever is cheaper. It IS looking real good guys, seriously! What pit will be used, or does it get it's own? wrench kevin stein
  17. I'll delete your other post, if that's what you want. Just let me know! As to the other model, hell yes, POST IT!!! The RAF/USAAF could always use another target!!! wrench kevin stein
  18. do we have a map big enough for these to make a turn on/in without running into The Wall??? -- looking DAMN good guys!! wrench kevin stein
  19. it was never included. Just use the Do-335.wav, attached below. Edit the data ini as shown: EngineSoundName=Do-335 wrench kevin stein
  20. damn, I was hoping for realy flying saucer!!! nice one Ed!! Wrench kevin stein
  21. Something else I forgot to mention ... there's NOT an AE_Texturelist.ini, so that too will need creation. Meaning: there's several unique tiles to AE, and the DesertTexturelist.ini won't have them, so when you open the HFD in the TE, and go to "View Texture Tiles", there'll be blank spots or other oddities. Reimporting them really isn't a big deal (well, if you've done it before ... ), but it may mean regenerating the AE_Data.ini, as that lists the tiles in the order they appear in the texturelist ini, and how they're 'sorted' in the TFD. Best/easiest way to do it ... open the deserttexturelist ini, "save as..." AE_TextureList.ini. Then, when opening the AE HFD, while still having the blank spots, you can then add the unique tiles, "save texturelist", "SAVE ALL", exit, and repoen don't forget to convert any tga's to bmp (save as..in PS or Gimp or whatever), to remove the alpha channels, and place all the tile bmps in the MAIN TE folder. I"d reccomend creating an AE only TE (like in my screenie), so it remains unique to only Madagasscar. ---- Definations: TFD: holds the tile placement information HFD: Height Field Display (i thnk!), hold the up/down heights above MSL for mountains, valleys, generic ground, etc. If using the TE, View: Height field, it's the green/varying browns/blue that shows the types of terrestrial surfaces. The darker brown to orange, is how far UP, orange being VERY high mountains. Transition Tiles: those that join 2 differing types of terrain, or the transition between them (example: Sea2Desert50.tga, it's half ocean, half land, Desert2Farm75.bmp, etc.) Alpha channel: acts like a 'hold out matte', to allow portions of tile to show or not show, or to have terrain effects in the case of water/ocean/river tiles good advice: build in 1st Gen sims first, THEN convert the AE_Data.ini to SF2 type (with the ter***Effect.fx statement) much easier. I"ll put something together over the next few days, btw, there IS an easter egg on Madagasscar wrench kevin stein
  22. not really, but Gepard's tutorials on map creation are a big help. Unfortunately, it's kinda hit or miss. Meaning, lots of "hair pulling and jumping about" (to quote Merlin from "Excaliber" You don't own any firearms, right?) Fortunatley, Mad is pretty much set, other than your 'sea hills' issue; that'll be taken care of by the "Adjust Sea Level" function Remember, too, ALL the sea sea/land transition (and if you add rivers, them too) will need new alpha channels to activate the water effects. I have 'newer' ones around here somewheres...if you want them to experiment with or whatever. Also, =and MOST important=, after adjusting whatever, retiling,flattening,etc, and moving the newly created TFD & HFD into the AE terrain folder MAKE BACKUP COPIES OF THE ORIGINALS!!!! Easiest way I found, was rename them with numbers; 1-AE.TFD, 2-AE.TFD, etc-same for the HFD. Then, move them into a /storage folder withing the AE terrain folder. Allows for easy reversion, if you mess something up. BTW, keep the first copy (original) backed up as well, just rename a copy of those ori-AE.TFD and ori-AE-HFD, so you ALWAYS have your zero starting point (albeit with any changes you'd have made on later versions) DOn't forget you'll have to recreate the AEcitylist.ini, as there isn't one. I usually include mine with my terrain uploads, or use a stock one as a guide. VERY IMPORTANT to have that. Another thing, a lot of those odd inis floating around in the AE terrain folder, that have names matching tiles? THOSE are generated by the TE when createing new TODs, and usually aren't included in a terrain up/download (they stay in the TE). With luck (of which I've had none with!), you can import them, and see where the trees, buildings and etc are. Again, KEEP COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL TODs!!! (expecially the M15 base TOD, as that one is VERY cool) wrench kevin stein edit: soon, you'll discover why those of us that work on Terrains, are quite mad!!
  23. more groundobjects/vehicles are ALWAYS welcomed!!! wrench kevin stein
  24. greenback??? that's the nickname for U$ dollars! So, are you a 1,5,10 or 20??? I put mine in C/ProgramFiles/Terrain Editors. You can actually put them anywhere, and can have as many installs as you want (I've got 8 for the various terrains I'm working on) BTW, the madacascar terrain used Desert tile naming conventions, so you shouldn't use the WoV/WoE/WoI editor, as that'll screw things up. You can, however, import the other tiles INTO the desert editor; just be advised the 'place objects' function for adding trees and building may not work properly. Max size for the tiles in the desert editor is 256x, and even then sometimes the entire tile won't load that section of the editor. wrench kevin stein
  25. There sure is: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/32706-using-skypats-cat-extraction-tool/ in "Beginning Modding", iirc aircraft data inis are stored in the various object cats; check the SF2 KB for a partial listing of 'what might be where, in which cat' Wrench kevin stein

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