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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. also, try using NORMAL or HARD game modes; you won't have the labels as you would in EASY wrench kevin stein
  2. welcome back Daniel!!! Good to see you again! wrench kevin stein
  3. Zur, The Great and Powerful, has spoken!! Let's hope someone picks it up!! Be a great place for all those Wildcards decals I've done... wrench kevin stein
  4. or, you could take the REALLLLLLYY old fashioned way (circa 2004), and just rename the desert.cat to desert3.cat, and do away with the cat pointer line completely. one may also have to rename the TFD and HFD to match ... meaning desert3.TFD, desert3.HFD (they really shold be done that way, in any case -all files pertaining to the base terrain construction MUST match) Basically, this is a FULL terrain, with the TFD, HFD and complete tile set. You should be able to use ANY of base 3 terrains in you cat pointer line. It really don't get any simpler than that. wrench kevin stein
  5. well, we can 'disapprove' and hide them until they're redone. btw, I'm TRYING to rework the mossie pit for use on the 189, as that seems to be the biggest "issue" at present. But I can't get it to be "full and proper", given the fact the Uhu has essentially an "eyebrow insturment panel" Trying to move the floor, IP, gauges, etc is not quite working ... but I'll keep at it for bit. At worst, I'll reskin the gauges with the german sets, and the player just won't be able to look through the 'floor' of the glass nose. btw Ed, I added the 2 wing 7.9s, so when I have "something worth something", I'll pass evrything on to you. wrench kevin stein
  6. up in the top right corner of the page, you should see your name. If you mouse over/click on it, it should open a drop down with link, including a "Pruchase Paid Subscription" what the panel finder does, is become a new layer on the skin template. When saved as *whicheverskin.bmp, it'll show up in game AS the skin. The letter/number grid will show you what's where on map, and where it is on the LOD. (see screenie below) the second shot, is the actual item, as a jpg. Just drop it (resize as needed)into the psd, and have at it wrench kevin stein
  7. Float planes

    float/seaplanes CAN be used, but you have to use Gepard's "Invisible Airfield" (patpending) as he used in his WW2 Midway terrain, and I shamelessly borrowed for my WW2 "Central Pacific" terrain (and a few others). The major side-effect is, the game engine "sees" (or maybe seas?) it as a normal airfield, so in single missions, you can expect land-planes to operate off it as well. However, campaign builders can force their use ONLY to seaplanes/amphibs, in their squadron basing statement. wrench kevin stein
  8. yes, but what of Flora's sister, Fauna???? (sorry, I sooooo couldn't resist that ... it's an old 3 Stooges joke -I think from their trip to Venus) wrench kevin stein
  9. Robert M White Dies

    he did a story in this months "Air & Space Magazine", that I just got the other day, about one of his X-15 flights, that I just read yesturday. RIP. http://www.airspacemag.com/military-aviation/An-Extra-Two-Seconds.html wrench kevin stein
  10. Somebody wanna tell me just WHAT the hell is going on???? via PM, if necessary. wrench kevin stein
  11. Beauty, Greg!!! wrench kevin stein
  12. yes, there is. so, one would need the squadronlist.ini from WoV, and EDIT the SF squadronlist.ini, adding the necessary navy/marine Crud squadrons at the bottom of the list (changing the number sequence goes without saying) btw, merging the cats, imho, is NOT a real good idea. just extract/use the necessary files for the particular aircraft. wrench kevin stein
  13. In theory, if you have the original SFP1 desert terrain, it should be a matter of a VERY few minutes to move it over into SF2. 1) extract Desert_Data.ini (as you'll be making some small edits to use the new terrain effects) 2) create /Desert subfolder in you /***/**/ThirdWire/-nameofgame/Terrains 3) copy/paste the contents of the Desert terrain folder out of SFP1 into the above named /Terrains folder -make sure the desert.cat is there!!!!! (or just copy/paste the whole damn thing into the /Terrains folder 4) open Desert_Data.ini, and where the terrain effect callouts are, change to: [NormalTextureMaterial] EffectShaderName=terTerrainEffect.fx [WaterTextureMaterial] EffectShaderName=terWaterEffect.fx [backgroundMaterial] EffectShaderName=terFarTerrainEffect.fx [solidObjectTextureMaterial] EffectShaderName=terSolidObject.fx [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial] EffectShaderName=terAlphaObject.fx save and close. that should it bring it, at least partway, up to SF2 spec. BTW, it'll work even without the new shader lines, just won't look as nice for you lucky people with DX10. 5) download, unzip, install the Desert3 mod. 6) go fly at worst, since the tileset is already included, you can edit the catpointer line (as I always show in my terrain mods), in the Desert3.ini to read something like this: CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat //CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat //CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat now, you can select any other terrain cats. NOT advised to try and use the IsrealME cat, as it's different. wrench kevin stein
  14. They find them in WOV, cause that's what it's built for...it's looking into the object cat, that has them all. SFP1 don't have them so, you've extracted ALL the relevant decals for the various 'sader skins? well, it' looks like it's the same issue we had in way back when, when importing the 104G into WoV from SFP1. you'll have to place ALL the relevant decals IN a /D sub-folder for each skin (unless its something like the USNFighterNum, which should be SF object cat. if not ....) so, after extraction/moving,etc, you're new path would be something like this: [Decal001] MeshName=winglet_left DecalLevel=1 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=F-8E/USNGray1/D/F8Fin Position=-4.57,-0.65 Rotation=0.0 Scale=3.95 DecalMaxLOD=3 and so on for all the others. The only way to be sure, and get it right wrench kevin stein EDIT: an alternative, would be to create a /D subfolder of the MAIN F-8E folder, dump all the decals in there, and change the path to F-8E/D/decalname excepting for level 0, like the insigina or nationname. all you level 1 and level 2 (excpting the UNSFighterNum) would also be there.
  15. did you edit the decal ini for each skin with the new, proper path??? wrench kevin stein
  16. Holy s**t....

    this is what happen when we have a power outage in LA ... I miss Dave's Birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE!!!!! wrench kevin stein
  17. like (nearly) all the other skins from 1st to 2nd Gens, the mapping has been slightly changed; you'll probably have to extract the skin bmps and compare them side-by-side to get a feel for what got moved to where also, the "panel finder" bmp ... should be in templates d/l section somewhere ... is a HUGE help wrench kevin stein
  18. moving this to the "PropHeads" Forum, where all us WW2 types hang out.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- screenshot, please?? It's been working fine for lo, these least 5 years.... wrench kevin stein
  19. Happy Birthday Paulopanz

    happy birthday paulo!!! and many, many, many more!!! wrench kevin stein
  20. isn't there a check box someplace on the Options Screen (MainMenuScreen -> Options ->) that allows you to turn off all message text? I seem to remember seeing that someplace!! wrench kevin stein
  21. I assume you mean the pdf? Attached... wrench kevin stein
  22. notepad. it's just a simple text file. It lists the mesh 'tree', if you will, naming all the components. It's the same advice I gave Fox1313, and it worked well for him. "Think like an aircraft engineer" http://forum.combatace.com/topic/42553-fox1313/page__st__20 check out the last 3 or 4 posts .... wrench kevin stein
  23. mesh names can be found the OUT file in the aircraft's main folder. wrench kevin stein
  24. If you want a specific nation's insignia to appear on the skin, the ONLY thing that controls that IS the textureset ini's nation callout. Changing the NationName= in the data ini nationalizes that aircraft to ONLY that one specific nations (hence, the reason I've always reccomended creating nation-specific aircraft). But, if you wanted an American F-4F, you can still leave the NationName= to WGermany. You'll have to change the Exported= to TRUE, add the export start/end dates, and create a copy skin folder (call it USAF), with edited textureses and decal inis. You may not need the bmps, as the game engine ™ will still be looking for the BLW skin. It should be noted, however, that my recent experience with SF2, is showing that IF you create a nations specific aircraft; say ferinstance, a PLAAF IL-28, you'll STILL need to have the skin bmps extracted and placed in their own skin-subfolder of you new aircraft, otherwise you get the bare lod. (even with the userslist showing China, the skins didn't show with just the textureset and decals inis. It goes without saying, that a new userlist will need generating, and the data ini extracted and edited for PLAAF only useage. (note: what I didn't do was keep the same names, ie: SovietSilver with China as the nation. That might have worked without skin bmp extraction/moving to the new aircraft) So, no you can't have more than one nation listed in the data ini. You can reuse the existing skins, if you create new skin subfolders, with nationailzed texturesets. As long as the end user nations are 'allied' (meaning, you can't have RAF Fishbed that's "Friendly", without recreating the entire aircraft/folder and it's associated ini edits) and if THAT hasn't confused you, I haven't done my job right!!! wrench kevin stein

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