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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. try not to use all caps, that read as shouting and is considered VERY rude wrench kevin stein
  2. Over is Dunn.......

    Turely, a very nice gentleman. He used to bring his cars to me for their Inspcetions, when I was running the Smog Test-ONly center. Great sense of humor, just a 'real person'. When he first came in, I had just played 'Airplane' the day before (I had a DVD/TV/Sound system in the waiting room). My next-door shop neighbor, Joe, kept repeating quotes from the movie. Mr. Graves just laughed and said "I'm NEVER gonna live that movie down. But I'm glad you all enjoyed it" wrench kevin stein
  3. Actually, it's SeatModelName= otherwise nothing shows wrench kevin stein
  4. maybe it's because it's an 06 FM being used in an 08 level game? That'll cause "issues" right off the bat wrench kevin stein
  5. Love the skins!!! This'll give Gojira and Rodan something to think about!!! my only comment is, perhaps changing the misison statement to DAY_AND_NIGHT, giving it all-weather capability wrench kevin stein
  6. Methinks it more a compatibility issue of the HFD. Don't forget, that terrain is soooo old (how old is it???), it didn't even have water effects for the sea tiles (btw, have you fixed that too? From the screenies, they don't look active) Have you done a "adjust sea level" in the TE??? If I had the texturelist.ini, and the tiles converted, I could fix it fairly easily, if I wasn't up to my ass in NorthKoreans and CCF troops.... PM Baltika, he was doing some work on late last year (as I'd sent him some new target areas and objects -I mean, sheez, LemurLand HAS to be there!!) wrench kevin stein
  7. Actually, DS is made for WoE.... you can bring the terrain into SF2 with about 30 seconds of editing, and that mostly for the shader effects wrench kevin stein
  8. Yup, Zur started one 3-4 years ago. And that's a far as it got. wrench kevin stein
  9. as stated above, the maps are square, and the 80km Wall that surround the n/e/s/w borders ALSO extend 80km upwards. of course, you could probably fly a FOBS profile, but why??? Plenty of good space sims around wrench kevin stein
  10. For those confused on the subject, here's a new tutorial on "How To Convert From Auto Speed to Animation Key Controled" http://forum.combatace.com/topic/53913-canopy-operations/page__pid__394722__st__0entry394722 wrench kevin stein
  11. For 1st Gen SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and 2nd Gen SF2 series -- As this subject seem to come up almost on a daily basis, and noone seems to be getting it quite right, here's a little guideline for converting opening canopies from the "automatic speed" to using the wonderful animation keys TK's provided for us.... First off, it MUST be mentioned that not EVERY aircraft will have operabale canopies. Secondly, finding the correct Animation ID number is a real hit or miss proposition. For that that are known (as listed in the auto-speed sections of their data inis), it's fairly simple. For many of the stock aircraft, you'll have to plug in the number, and try it in-game, as many times as necessary to find the right one. Lets look at the original version, automatic speed control. What this did, was allow the canopy to open or close based on aircraft speed on the ground. This was used mostly in pre-05 patch levels of SF/Wo*. With the 06 patch, TK gave use the ability to assign keystrokes for animations; things like wingfolder or canopies and other stuff. Unfortunately, with the advent of the 08 Patch for 1st Gens, and in ALL the 2nd Gen SF2s, the auto-speed control either works backwards or "oddly". So, the easiest was it to simply convert it to an animation key. So, here's a standard 'auto-speed' canopy statement looks like: The Deploy and RetractValue numbers equate to KMPH on the ground Now, the good thing is, that converting to manual animation, is you don't need to add the SystemName= entry into the Nose or Fuselage sections of the data ini, as it already exists. However, it should be mentioned, that if you're doing one that dosen't, you WILL need to add it. It would look like this, from one of the stock Phantoms: It should also be noted, that on multi-place aircraft like the Phantom, only one SystemName= entry is required. You will, however, have to call out the front and rear frames lower down in the //Pilot section. More on that later. Ok, so here's what the maunal animation statement looks like: You can see, there's a whole lot less to it. You can also see, that the AnimationID= line uses the same number. This ID number is set in 3dMAX when the model (or LOD) is being built, and cannot be changed after the LOD is exported for our use. You can, however assign a different keystroke for it; more on that later. One can also adjust the AnimationTime= if you want a faster or slow movement. Now, lets looke at the pilot section, where the 3d mesh name for the canopy is defined. Again, this is from one of the stock Phantoms (F-4E to be exact):
  12. animation keys

  13. yes, it's called Notepad, and it comes stock with all computers. WHICH Libya terrain, as there's 3 versions -- v.3Final being the latest The Sidra mission pak may use a different version, as v3 was drastically reworked wrench kevin stein edit: opps... you said Planning Maps. Welll..... you can change the name in the targets ini with notepad, but for planning maps you have to generate complete new ones, and then use photoshop to add the names. That's what I did. Unfortunately, I no longer have the PSDs I used to create them off the SFMap generated 'base' maps. w
  14. sounds like the stock WoV targets's location is a bit off, AND... the region will probably need re-flattening via the TE. (after expaning the target area in the WoVCities.ini) What Gunny means about the psitions being reversed, is if you place a truck at offset 234,567, regardless of the what the debug says, it'll wind up (presumably) at -234,-567. Not to familiar with AD's Korat, but all the stock airfields are based of a pure North/South orientation, with the offsets calculated from that wrench kevin stein
  15. we've seen that 'white spot' on several of the older models, when used in SF2. It's probably a defect in the LOD itself. It can only be fixed in MAX, by the original modeler wrench kevin stein
  16. Canary Islands



    Canary Islands Terrain -for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2 & FE? This is a small map mod that was sent to me, partly started, by Crusader (IIRC) . I went ahead and targetized it, did some minor retiling (including creating a new "DesertAB1" tile for use under the runways), and generally did what I could to finish it off. This is a VERY small map, I'd guess in the 250x250 km range, so there is a distinct possiblity of running into The Wall. Hopefully, I've gotten all the movement routes well within. If there is, or anyone knows of a way to expand it.....do let me know and I'll targetize the other islands.... The data ini makes use of all the latest 'goodies' added by the 9/08 & 10/08 patches as to effects rendering. Included are new targets, types, movements inis and tiles. Everything is included to make install as easy as possible. Even the GroundObjects used are ALL stock types, so nothing new has been added. One thing, however, there are NO SAM sites on either side. Given the small size of the map, one could find himself under fire from wheels up to whereever you're going! Several new flags have been added; the Spanish flag and for the 'enemy' side, I just reused the "Global Sedition" banner. However, 2 new ones have been added for the Bad Guys ... consider them the 'Easter Eggs' for this terrain. This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) As it was originally built for SF, there should be no problems . WoV should also be no problem. It -should- work in WoI and First Eagles, but you'll still need one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ for the terrain cat reachback. This, however, has =NOT= been tested. You use it in these games (WoI & FE) at your own risk. For SF2 users ... don't know what you to tell ya...you're on your own! Vista users should also have no problem with terrain effects, as the latest round of patching has apparently cleared up that problem. If, however, you've not patched your game install, I've left the "Notes for Vista Users" section intact, with instructions on commenting or editing the shaders sections. Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein (this is one time I think the readme is bigger than the upload itself....) PLEASE read this entire ReadMe all the way through before installing; there are some issues I've encountered that need some explaining, and this will give you a better understanding of what I've trying to accomplish.
  17. wouldn't you edit the Formations.ini???? For the WW2 mods, we have VERY large formations for bombers. I can't remember exactly where it is (meaning: which catageory in the D/L sections), but some of the data off the WW2 formations mod could be adapted for use, possibly. wrench kevin stein
  18. I forsee an RAF or desert camo once Spinners gets his hand on it!! and it'll look COOL, too! wrench kevin stein
  19. For the N, just use the stock B cockpit of your chocie (irrc, there's 2), and the S use the Js. Much quicker and easier. wrench kevin stein
  20. Yes, you NEED to have the original LODs extracted from 1st Gen sims placed in the F-4Ns main folder. IIRC, this is true for the 2 F-4S (s and s-late) as well wrench kevin stein
  21. You are aware that this planet has different times zones, right??? That folks on the east coast of the US are 3 hours different (ahead) of, oh...say like me in California??? so, maybe he's gone to bed. Here's some free advice ... get the attitude adjusted. It don't fly here anymore wrench kevin stein
  22. Kill Markings

    DecalLevel=3 is for killmarks. You just need to figure out location. Look through various decals inis and you'll see how its done. Also, grab TKs decals tutorial from the download section -can't remember exactly where- it explains things very well wrench kevin stein
  23. afaik, there aren't any 3rd party skins for the stock A-7. could you clarify that statement a bit?? It makes no sense; skins for aircraft X are in the "Skins for Aircraft X" download section. meaning; skins for an A-4B are for an A-4B (at least in 1st Gen versions. SF2 uses different mapping, and therefore some skins will NOT work properly when moved from SF/Wo* to SF2) wrench kevin stein
  24. what Forestall?? don't think we have one... what carrier skin pak are you asking about?? wrench kevin stein
  25. Yup, as shown in our ever ingored Knowledge Base, albeit this thread was designed with the old Bunyap Pak in mind, the loadout (with name changes for the missiles to their proper designations), is STILL valid http://forum.combatace.com/topic/18346-how-to-edit-loadouts-for-weapons-packs-bunyappak/ 9th post down, first page. The Mig-23s start there wrench kevin stein

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